Truly Kryptic is another brain teaser challenging online riddle game. Truly Kryptic is an extreme game in the "online riddle" genre where the goal is to find the secret word in order to proceed to the next level. The game requires thinking and creativity to get through the levels which get harder as you progress. Only a few people will be able to complete this adventure and have their name featured in the Hall of Fame. This game saves your progress using cookies, the start game button will take you to the furthest level reached. Good luck and have fun!
Note: Please don't post exact answers, just post hints for levels!
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Thank you all. I did download that,maybe the default setup in my computer opened in other format. Anyway I managed to hear it and knew what it was. But not the title/author/movie?
ReplyDeletePlease I need help on 29 :(
ReplyDeleteI found words p*c*l*****y, co***ge, op****n,with vertical letters, but I don't have idea if I'm on the right way ...
Lua Nova, you are looking for a specific shape.
ReplyDeleteLevel 39 - I've used the source code clue, worked out I'm missing 3 letters, but what now?
ReplyDeleteTruus, yes. played the one with the 1. actually, i played the one with the I and the one with the L, just to be on safe side... (;
ReplyDeletewas i supposed to get another sentence?
Reut, not the one with the 1. You need to google a group of words from the page to find an old game to get you out of the woods.
ReplyDeleteXaq, you need to use those eggs on the original transcripts.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't supposed to play that weird chess game with the black king????? ?#@&?@#
ReplyDeleteIn the last three levels i'm just going in all the wrond directions..
so. i need to google some words from the level page, or from the chess page?
TY truus
ReplyDeleteReut, I am very sorry if I got you into the wrong direction. Didn't mean to ! But ~~ weird as it may seem ~~ that is the one that helped me find the answer. But now, knowing the answer, I see that Lin is right. And that chess page makes way more sense... lol. You should look for some words there.
ReplyDeleteTruus, no, YOU didn't got me in the the wrong direction, i got their all by myself! Don't worry about it.. ;>
ReplyDeleteOohhh, i'll try the googling words again.. but i did tried googling the words from the end of the weird chess game and got to another old game.. but i can't make that work..
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ReplyDeleteLevel 39 - I think I am on completely the wrong track. looking through previous comments I thought I had to enter the source code into Y-- T--- but that returns no results?
ReplyDeleteYou got to keep the basic url. Paste it behind ?v=
ReplyDeleteOK, still stuck at 41. what do i need to google??? i tried every word on every page, but i'm not getting anything. I think i have the right old game - but everything that related to that is no go...
ReplyDeleteLevel 42 - I identified the text from the image and that gave me a quote from a famous book. How do I apply the numbers to that? I tried book number:paragraph:line:word but got nothing am I on the right track?
ReplyDeleteI got Lv 21 finally, thank so much!
ReplyDeleteIf you used an I (i) instead of an 1 you should get the correct match. Then Google some comments on the right (like the word blunder) to find that match in 1852) In your answer don't use The or Party.
You are on the right track, it should work.
For the missing numbers in Lv 22, I only found one company product after googling. Do I need to google all the numbers?
ReplyDeleteOnly numbers you found.
ReplyDeleteI think is better to use google images, is more easy to see
uno hoo,
ReplyDeleteYou only need the missing numbers. I got stuck on this level looking at the company product I think you have. Look for something else the numbers are used for you might get LUCKY
For Lv 23. I found the link, solved that riddle too,but what to put as the answer?
ReplyDeleteUno hoo,
ReplyDeleteIt's level 23, so about that movie.
But the level is a bit vague.
It's a riddle wrapped in an...?
Made it to 43 thanks small-tool.
ReplyDeleteThank you, small-tool!
ReplyDeleteI am now on 24egg, the heaven bid picture. checked the source and used gimp already, still got nothing.
There are more eggs to come on level 24.
ReplyDeleteThey are all rebus things.
Speak out loud in this one (how many bids?)
Yeah, got some of them.How about the hijklmno?
ReplyDeleteIt's from H to O (speak out loud! think chemical, to get a very normal word/fluid).
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ReplyDeleteIn 39 I already find the name of 4 peoples(so hard to find it XD).
ReplyDeleteI think I found the 5º people, but the name not work, I need a name of people or what this people did ?
Sorry for bad english again ...
Lua Nova, google them together to find out what they have in common and then find another person. It may take a couple of tries to get the correct one.
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteI got it :D
For Lv 26, using gimp but not sure what to implement.
ReplyDeleteUno hoo. You need more pics. Find them using synonyms in the pic url. Then layer to find a word. You may be able to read the word without finding all it's parts.
ReplyDeleteThank you LinR. Glad to have a chance to learn this gimp method after trying. Yay!
ReplyDeleteStuck on 43 egg look up his....
ReplyDeleteI was surprised to find he has got one but I can't find anything there.
Not sure where to go now.
You have to log in there and then look for numbers.
ReplyDeleteGot it thank you small-tool.
ReplyDeleteI never use that site so had to make an account.
Level 44 can wait until tomorrow my poor old brain needs a rest lol.
lvl 41 I need make some alteration on Q* **de?
ReplyDeleteI try make what the title say with image, but not work.
Make it black and white.
ReplyDeleteStuck again on level 45.
ReplyDeleteI have 8 sets of 4 letters from eggs but can't line them up to make anything. Am I missing anything?
You should have 9 sets.
ReplyDeleteOn 45B there are 6 eggs.
Completely stuck at level 38. Read the clues but can't figure out which numbers to add to which. Do I first add all RGB numbers or add them individulally to each letter? Even knowing how long the answer is would help...
ReplyDeleteThe answer is the same length as the gibberish (so 6 letters).
ReplyDeleteAll the gibberish is in the same html colour code.
Thank you S-T!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks small-tool I found the missing egg from 45b that was sneaky.
ReplyDeleteStuck on lv 29. Too hard for us non-english speaking people to figure out the words. :(
ReplyDeleteUno hoo, this is a very difficult level even for English speakers. There are 6 words , 13, 11,7, 7, 7, 7 letters. They form a symbol that is generally thought of as offensive in the Western world.
ReplyDeleteI found most of them, just couldn't find the 13 letter word. Anyway those are enough for the answer. Thank you LinR :)
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck on 43 for 3 days ..
The only thing I found was a number in the image(m***c s****e) I found a people with it.
But I don't find any egg..
The answer is not only the name of the guy you found, but also what the number is.
ReplyDeleteSo K? C?
Am I looking at a shape of c.... in lv 30? Seas include o....?
ReplyDeleteConnect the 'seas' and use the inner part.
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteNow i got it, but I already tried it before and because of a letter I got stuck in this part of level for 3 days ...
Ok to the next ...
Stuck on level 48. I found some names (not all) of characters from another version of the story but they give me nothing. No idea what to do now.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the prince is a very important hint.
ReplyDeleteIf you found the 5, then it's no Google level.
BarmaidsApron. You need to connect what you found.
ReplyDeleteThank you, small-tool. But I did connect and found it look like a p........ , or some shape up in the sky. None of these is correct :(
ReplyDeleteuno hoo,
ReplyDeleteUse all the letters that are inside the shape you made with connecting.
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ReplyDeleteoh, now I feel the clue in source code :P
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your patient help,small-tool!
On 31b now. The punctuation "," looks like "dun comma" in chinese language. Is this relevant or just an ordinary comma?
ReplyDeleteIt's very relevant and very tricky and at the same time very easy.
ReplyDeleteTreat it like a picture, try to put/add that 'comma' on the left. One letter will change with that to make it another word.
Oops, I meant that 'comma' is very relevant. Didn't mean it's relevant that it looks like a Chinese (part of a) character. Forget about that.
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on 48. I did try arranging the names into the shape of what the prince's name translates as but no joy. I can't see any other relationship between his name and the ones I found.
ReplyDeleteBarmaidsApron, you don't have to rearrange them. Just connect them and see what they indicate.
ReplyDeleteStuck on 49
ReplyDeleteI found 2 alphabets with letters of sign (some letters) but values don't make any sense for me.
I already try look in different perspectives, but don't help me in nothing
Don't make 49 harder than it is !!!
ReplyDeleteLook at the exif and only focus on the middle line of the sign board. It's English (no code/cypher/alphabet).
TY small-tool
ReplyDeleteI had never seen this before
Level 48 Nope lol.
ReplyDeleteI just don't get it connect them how?
Well you could draw a line to make a point........
ReplyDeleteGot it thanks LinR.
ReplyDeleteI'll be over here in the corner kicking myself lol.
ReplyDeleteMassive thank you to LinR and small-tool for sticking around to help the stragglers.
Merry Christmas everyone. And best wishes to you and yours for the new year.
For Lv 33, is it something to do with a sport? I couldn't find a relevant chart though.
ReplyDeleteNot a sport, but a 'code' (Cody looks a bit like code).
ReplyDeleteAnd Morris looks a bit like ?
I am trying to put a <3 or the other methods for lv 34, am I on the right track?
ReplyDeleteFirst try the English word to get an egg and then how the character sounds like in Kanji.
ReplyDeleteI found that the d........ of the game in Lv 36 is b......., but this is not the final answer?
ReplyDeleteI guess you found the text/story.
ReplyDeleteBut no idea what d........ and b......., is.
You're looking for a Q.... (think Alice).
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ReplyDeleteuno hoo, you can find the right info on the startpage of this riddle.
ReplyDeleteAnd, as small-tool said, think Alice.
ReplyDelete*facepalm* The game! Now I know what the game is referred to. Thank you dutchie! And small-tool too. Lucky to have you all still staying here for helping us.
ReplyDeleteLol, we want to see you in the HOF uno :)
ReplyDeleteI read the previous comments on Lv 38 about adding the sum of the gibberish to the color code. I tried to add to the hex,or each to the RGB values but couldn't make a word.
ReplyDeleteDon't add the sum. Add the first digit to the first letter, second to second etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's no anagram.
I really don't know what to start with Lv 39. The gas law? My chemistry grades were real bad :P
ReplyDeleteuno hoo, look at the shape of the TUBE, say it out loud. Apply what is in source to this special TUBE.
ReplyDeleteGot it, finally, thank you dutchie.
ReplyDeleteFor 40, the answer isn't the shape of a letter or the brand or the product? Not that direct?
ReplyDeleteYes, the shape you get is a very, worldwide, famous brand.
ReplyDeleteWhat tool do I need for Lv 40a to uncover the yellow letter?
ReplyDeleteUno hoo, I'm not quite sure what you mean but you need the numbers that fall within it. Remember that numbers are words as well and begin with letters.
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ReplyDeleteMade it to Lv 42 :) I found the 5 letters from the sacred book, but all words from granny are not correct :(
ReplyDeleteuno hoo, you need six letters to anagram.
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ReplyDeleteLooks like you are on the right track. Book-line-word-letter is correct. Using the numbers from source should give the 6 letters. E is right.
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ReplyDeleteAll correct. Use this solver:
Very first hit should work.
Thank you small-tool. I used the same solver, just didn't know that word and so omitted it.
ReplyDeleteNow going to 43, I thought it was something to do with 3X3 m---- s-----. No luck. Still got many levels and eggs to go...omg it's getting to 2016!
Uno hoo, add them and then google.
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on 43egg. What to look for in the FB of Dr. K?
ReplyDeleteThere are numbers hidden in pics and text.
ReplyDeleteI think I saw Dr.K's age, 2 numbers on sweaters, a number on wall, and a greeting. But should not be that simple *wondering*
ReplyDeleteThe problem with this level was that there seemed to be two different pages for this person. Use this link--https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010724985946&fref=nf&pnref=story
ReplyDeleteWouldn't be solving it if not getting your link,LinR. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteFor 44,I found or knew the faces except that I couldn't snip n google the lady in hat. She looks like Amy W--------.
She is part of The Dresden Dolls.
ReplyDeleteUno hoo sometimes you have to alter the pics a bit before googling. They have been distorted and need to be reset to the correct proportions.
ReplyDeleteStuck on 14. Cant google the equation.
ReplyDeleteMehroon, it should google. It gives a shape.
ReplyDeleteOkay,found the words in 44 eggs and read the comments. I had tried the number of letters of these words, picking up letters from those names, use num-to-let trick...etc. Need a boost up.
ReplyDelete12 eggs in total.
ReplyDeleteJust Google the titles of the last 6 eggs.
Uno hoo, put their words in URL to get 6 eggs, Google those eggs together.
ReplyDeleteThanks LinR.
ReplyDeleteA quick feed, what is the logo of 3 red "pedals" that looks like Mitsubishi? Can't recognize it.
ReplyDeleteIt's sport shoes.
ReplyDeleteThanks, small-tool. Got it. Now figuring what to put as answer for the impossible equation. Found the math info, the mathematicians, the functions...
ReplyDeletez... f.......
ReplyDeleteOn 47C, seemed quite some people couldn't get the right answer even we found the d** sequencing.
ReplyDeleteUse this converter:
Are there eggs in Lv 48? I tried to find the name of prince in that tale of s***w****. How many levels are there in total, 50? Seems I am solving forever :(
ReplyDeleteNo eggs, find 5 names (of seven) and connect them to find a word. There are 50 levels so almost there :)
ReplyDeletelevel 34. so difficult. how to find the missing symbol? wiki gives a very confusing chart
ReplyDeletemehroon, the Chinese words on 34 are Faith, Hope, ? Quite easy to find out but it's not a 4 letter word
ReplyDeleteStill can't combine the 5 n***s into a word on 48. The prince name means a****? Couldn't think of how to relate it.
ReplyDeleteDraw !
ReplyDeleteMake it the Prince his name (yep, a....).
Thanks uno hoo for 34
ReplyDelete39 - Cant figure out how to add basic url to site. After watch?v= should I add the entire url of http://trulykryptic.mistofshadows.com/alpha/town/answer38 followed by source code letters? Not getting anything. Please help me
ReplyDeleteGo outside the riddle, open a random page of that (very famous) site the pic is hinting at and replace the end part of that url there with the source part.
s-t I did that before but no video is opening up. Please help
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ReplyDeletes-t. Thanks got the video
ReplyDeletehow to make color qr code b&w for level 41?
ReplyDeleteYou could for example download the pic and open it in Paint and then save it as a monochrome, or as a 16 colour bitmap, PNG file. And then you can use the fill tool (the paint bucket).
ReplyDeleteno site able to read level 41 qr code. please help
ReplyDeleteTry this one http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx
ReplyDeletethat site also unable to decode. This is all so difficult. Will someone please give what the decoded qr code says on level 41?
ReplyDeletewell after lot of hard work reached 41b. now what? please help
ReplyDeleteGoogle image should give a flag as one of the hits.
ReplyDeleteIf not, then Google flag with a certain keyword.
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ReplyDeleteFelt so dumb on 48 *blush* ...what to draw? Is the order of the names important?
ReplyDeleteMake the name (a....) of the prince, by connecting the names with lines.
ReplyDeleteLEVEL 42 - Cant open FB page unless I log in. I dont use FB and dont want to start now. Please help
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ReplyDeleteThanks s-t.
ReplyDeletelevel 44 - cant find the bottom left man
David Blaine.
ReplyDeleteHi all, I've read all the clues but still can't pass lvl 28. I found the song title, but I'm stuck. Please help.
ReplyDeleteHi Mirai, Try something with your keyboard. Push the button. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks LinR!
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ReplyDeleteThanks s-t for 44
ReplyDeleteA hint on second "what's this" on level 45
Mehroon, it needs to be flipped and the colours inverted. It is a company recently purchased by Apple.
ReplyDeleteThanks LinR
ReplyDelete45b - Cant find the logo of 3 wavering lines below that of the fast food chain.
It's an energy drink.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much s-t
ReplyDeleteCompleted a very enjoyable riddle
Could someone help me please with 41, I tried many different on line qr readers, but nothing works. I tried to make it black and white, turn around, mirror, but nothing. Could someone post a link to the page it leads to please?
ReplyDeletehere you go Mirai -- http://en.lichess.org/VSUDQSl9#0
ReplyDeletethank you so much LinR, you can delete now, I got it!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Mehroon :)
ReplyDeleteI think I will leave that post for the QR code. Too many people have had trouble finding a site to read it.
ReplyDeleteAnd Congratulations Mehroon!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Mehroon.
ReplyDeleteI do not know these symbols on 35. Help please.
ReplyDeleteI finished all the levels, but I can't find the first person at lvl 50.
ReplyDeleteNice riddles, well done! Thanks a lot to the authors!
oh, found him too!
ReplyDeleteCongrats mirai!
ReplyDeleteI am still hanging in 48. Drawing lines of the 5 n***s to form an a****? The 5 n***s are d****, d**, s*****, etc, right?
ReplyDeleteYes, look at what word the a.... is pointing at.
ReplyDeleteA line from D.. to D.... And a line from S..... to D....
ReplyDeleteAnd from D.... to the other two.
Can someone give me hint for 39. I do not understand what is needed from the picture.
ReplyDeleteThe TUBE in pic is in the shape of a certain letter Use the text in source on that special website.
ReplyDeleteOh of course. Silly me. I will watch now. LOL
ReplyDeleteMade it to 50,phew! I found the three persons. Need to decode the lines?
ReplyDeleteYou can decode all three, but only the third one is important.
ReplyDeleteCompleted! Many thanks to all who had helped me out with patience while I was feeling dumb :P
ReplyDeleteYay, congrats uno hoo :)
ReplyDeleteYou made it uno hoo well done :)
ReplyDeleteThis riddle lark is addictive. so many things to learn and so satisfying when you finally get the answer.
If you fancy a challenge come and join me on Rovena one I'm stuck big time lol.
BarmaidsApron, I can help you if you want to email me. Just click on my avatar.
ReplyDeletethanks, dutchie, BarmaidsApron. I did play Rovena One. Got stuck in somewhere and I forgot :P
ReplyDeleteHey everybody, is anyone still playing? I am stuck on Level 13 despite the previous clues. The names from the sentences are with me but I don't know how to combine them. I don't have the "Kxxx" clue (?) from level 11 either...
ReplyDeleteBilge, each of their names will give a letter. You get 6 letters and then anagram.
ReplyDeleteSo...Cheeky lvl 28. I found the "mixed thing" by trying and I really stuck here now. tried to pick letters, to mix clues blabla but ..nothing =( maybe overthinking?! little hint please :3
ReplyDeletenvm , overthinking.....29 now
ReplyDelete@dutchie Thanks. I'm normally not this thick, I swear :) But I still can't figure it out because the first and last names start and end with consonants; all anagrams fail. This makes me think that I am doing something wrong!
ReplyDeleteI even accidentally guessed the wrong word and jumped from level 13 to 19 lol... I have to keep my dignity and go back to solve it. Even middle names don't work!
ReplyDeleteBilge, what letters do you have?
ReplyDeleteYou don't use the names to pick letters from, you use the names as answers to get eggs and those eggs will give you the letters you need.
Hello Dutchie and small-tool; I finally reached a common ground between the people (nomination or winning) but I am still stuck with consonants trying out the category names. I feel like I am closer but not even close still!
ReplyDeleteOh my god, I have to do some eye-rolling to my approach. Now I get what you mean by using them as answers... I have been googling like a madwoman! Thank you for your help guys!
ReplyDeleteLol, glad you found the answer Bilge. If stuck, just post a comment here. There will be people to check here regularly.
ReplyDeleteGood evening, I am now stuck at level 19 and looks like I'm the only one in the internet who couldn't figure it out. I have been trying to associate the components of the picture for hours. Is it wordplay? Cultural reference? Analogy?
ReplyDeleteThere aRe foUr logOs
ReplyDeleteHello again from the lonesome player :) At level 27, I am confused about the symbol in the source, and I also have troubles with the number 32 and 121 giving me 0 as an egg. According to the previous clue by LinR it should be alphabetically convertible. Any hints?
ReplyDeleteBilge, take a piece of pie and start counting after the dot.
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ReplyDeleteHey dutchie, I have been doing exactly that. And one of the source numbers (32) gives zero. If I think of & as a plus sign (89+32), the sum also gives me a zero. I got a 2 word, 7 letter answer that made sense, but it didn't work... When I summed the numbers before "&" I got a 3 letter answer, which also didn't work.
ReplyDeleteHi Bilge. 89 & 32 are two numbers but you have to combine them, not add. 89 is 2, 32 is 0 makes 20.
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