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Miro Clue Escape

TomaTea - Miro Clue Escape is another free online point and click room escape game developed by Toma Tea. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Look closely at pots shelves for number clue

  2. Good morning!

    Got 5 Puzzlepieces, opened the 4#drawer (look closer at CB with red, blue, yellow cups).

    Got flexible doll but can´t put it on #4 podest.

    Got Marker eraser. Don´t know, where to use it.

    So far - now stuck!

  3. Chair is clue for yellow closet

  4. For sliderpuzzle look at chair!

  5. Follow rainbow colors on rooster? to get a knife?

  6. Openend the pic etween red/yellow figures. use buttons to set the head of doll exactly on shape.

    Set arms of flexible doll as shown and now you can put it on #4. Grab head --> key!

  7. Key opens right picture. Click Moon heart fish in this oreder (shown in CB by the purple birds)

  8. For the hearts/clubs/etc puzzle, click grids and draw lines to same symbols.

  9. Wow! What a perfect birthday present! Thank you Tomatea! Too bad I don`t have time to play it right now >_<

  10. The L/R puzzle is hard :(

  11. Follow color order indicated in mannequins for shape order in red drawer

  12. Connect forms in frame to get another tile

  13. Acmer, I don't understand L/R clue too

  14. Ah, follow the guys on shelf in the shape of R.

  15. Follow red/black pattern in yellow drawer for another tile

  16. Mannequins are semaphores spelling Joan (first name of Miro), but can't solve it without having seen the clue, probably a semaphore table.

  17. Acmer, could you be more specific? Ithink i'va tried it before

  18. sHapes puzzle

    Check colours under dolls + coloured jars in "number" closet

  19. Start from bottom left and go up. Then right, one down, one left and then straight to bottom right.

  20. For the coloring picture you need 4 markers. Check colors from various locations and see the clue paper behind flower pot.

  21. Ty Acmer. Like writing an "R"

  22. Acmer where is the picture, I'm stuck with the 4 markers, don't know where to use them.

  23. All drawers and frames opened. Need one more tile. I have also tile in sunblind. What I am missing?

  24. Use the 8 pieces you should have on the board that's missing them. Then just color the black parts.

  25. qalle,
    You use the markers on the picture you make with the jigsaw pieces.

  26. Excellent game, as you would expect from a TomaTea. Full 5 stars from me!

  27. I have 7 puzzle pieces and solved (?) all the puzzles.
    Can't find last one :(

  28. Jon Did you see that at bottom of lamp?

  29. What is the colour of the sail and the stars?

  30. I'm missing 2 puzzle pieces

  31. @ST

    On the lamp. Push the round thing on top of it

  32. found one beside left picture...

  33. Like you, Jon D. Also have bottom of lamp. Only 7 tiles.

  34. I´ve colored Birds and fishes in purple, hearts red, moon and stars yellow, ship orange, sail in green. Nothing happens :(

  35. Fish tails are not blue.

  36. Thanks Cool :)

    Great game :)
    Way better than all those click, click games.

  37. Fish is blue Dabbeljuh and tails green.

  38. I guess I have the one on lamp...

  39. I am also missing one tile, been all over the place, solved all puzzles. Only things left are tiles puzzle and right picture that needs a key.

  40. That's odd.
    When you solved all puzzles you should have the key for the right picture.
    Wasn't it the head of one of the dolls?

  41. Cool

    Head of right dummy come out

  42. Yep that's the key ST, thanks :)

  43. Solved everything, opened all pics but still missing 1 tile.

  44. Grrr Can't finish that because I'm unable to find last tile. Will restart later.

  45. I love a Tea in the morning.

    A TomaTea... just as much.

  46. I got one key from doll head?

  47. Last tile: mine was in the picture where you have to move the doll. you have to move the head exactly on the blue dot, then you get the tile

  48. Maybe a glitch in Tomatea? No more place to search my last tile!

  49. Lol, is @Bio the mirror twin of @Escapism ?

  50. ~qalle

    THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  51. @John D

    For a brief moment there ... I thought you were calling me a "dummy" .... :)

    Out now, thanks.

  52. fIsh tales are green...

    that's debatable

    (great game, as always)

  53. I can't figure out the shape order....There are 3 red shapes, how will I know which one is the first?....

  54. First column red, Second columnn yellow etc. (according to the dolls order/numbers).

  55. @Dana

    Look at the colors in the clue on the left.
    Doll one stands on red, doll two on yellow etc.
    So choose the shape from pot with the correct color

  56. @Cool
    Thanks, I can see that the order is Red Yellow Blue Red. But which of the red shapes? the trapeze, the circle and the hexagon are all red. Which one of them is the first one?

  57. @Dana

    First column top row=red, bottom row=yellow. Doll one indicates red, so you need the red pot shape.
    Second column top=blue, bottom=yellow. Doll indicates yellow, so pick shape from yellow pot in column 2.

  58. Aaaaaaahhhhhh I'm soooooooo stupid!!! Thanks a lot @Cool

  59. OK, it was pretty straightforward.

  60. @Dana

    We all have our short comings Dana :)
    I for one am totally blind for things like a number hidden in the shape of a cupboard. I can look at it ten times and still not see it.

  61. Yeah, sometimes it's just right there in front of me, and I can't see it....

  62. Thank you, qalle. My last one was the same.

  63. For last tile. On picture with the doll you need to ajust the image until the head of the doll stands on blue circle: the same size. Than the puzzle piece comes out

  64. Was there a hint for the boat? I had to brute-force it.

    The hint for the fish tails was the 3 triangles with the 3 suns on the lamp.

  65. The hint for the boat was on the colorhint paper near the flowerpot I believe.
    Right under the instructions on how to make green, orange and purple.

  66. I read the posts above and still can't get the R/L i went to a youtube walkthrough and it showed
    RLRLRLL..... which worked but why?

  67. Tessa, love ya!

    THAT was it. Read what Tessa wrote:
    until the head of the doll stands on blue circle: the same size

    THAT is it. You have to SHRINK the doll with the 'zoom out' button until it is so small that it fits on the dot!
    (I'd probably never have figured that out)
    Beware, it's fractions of inches, and when you think you got it, your doll might still be a tad too big and needs zoomed smaller.
    Keep trying :)

    SUPERB game!!!
    That's just what I needed after all this lump of pointless click-here, click-there crap!

    Thanks Tomatea!

  68. brin3m, I read the hints here to solve that....and what i did was make an R shape. So, i went up from bottom left side x 3...then over to the top of the right column, down one, back over to the middle left column and finally the bottom one of the right column. I solved it, so i hope that gels with the walkthrough you saw.

  69. Took me ages arby, despite reading qalle and Tessa's comment. I was so stubbon-headed i was swearing at my monitor. My bad...i was wrong and Tomatea was correct. hahha

  70. Swearing at your monitor? LOL...*snicker*

  71. For those having a problem with colors, I did a mistake, that i colored the bird fully in purple, until i realized, that on bird is one heart

  72. Clio-Rose! thank you! R shape! never would have understood that from the hints..... thanks so much.... that one really stumped me.....

  73. brin3m, the hint was in one of the drawers......not that I understood it, but the brainiacs here did. Yayy for EG24 smarty-pants. haha

    arby...welll...i had to swear at something didnt i? hehe

  74. I too read all the above posts and they are not that helpful
    I opened a painting between the figures? How?
    I am stuck, have only 5 pic. pieces and need keys for 2 more pictures. No idea what you are talking about to do with the 4th doll before I place it either.
    Please leave better hints?

  75. What is the knife for? where is the hint for the letters puzzle?

  76. What are the 3 yellow and 3 green shapes on the lamp for?

  77. Knife is for key by purple birds.

    And Bio is a mirror twin of Escapism. ;-)

  78. Jenny: you need those near the end when it comes to draw colors in a picture.

  79. Thanks escapism. I am missing the 8th tile now.

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  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. LOL Clio rose. I finally got out. Sadly I started before any of you and finished last as usual. :(

  83. I realized today that I have been missing games on the Esc. 24 site because they are not all posted. I had to check the tomatea and Self Defiant games slot on the left to find some of the new games. What is up ESC24?

  84. Jenny, do you go to the homepage? Top left. Hope that helps.

  85. Excellent game as always! Thank you!

  86. TomaTea games are always fantastic. Perfectly logical but make you think

  87. I've been expecting tomatea's game with joy, but I can't find the 8th piece. I m pretty sure I've done everything, but as I see here, many others are dealing with the same issue. So I guess it must be a bug or something...

  88. Doris - did you get the tile from doing the puzzle where you need to shrink/sharpen and superimpose the figure?

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Tiles:

    1 By chair bottom
    2 Bottom of standing lamp
    3 Red plant on table
    4 Open shade on window
    5 Shrinking/Sharpening Man (In Pic on wall)
    6 Heart, Diamond, Club, Spade puzzle
    7 Red/Black Square puzzle
    8 Moon/Heart/Fish puzzle

  91. Yes Janet, I did, I really can't say what have I missed...

  92. and Janet, thank you, I 've solved all these, but still have 7 tiles.

  93. No Doris there is no bug. My last piece was in the zoom - in - out - picture.

  94. Ok, I feel silly. I forgot to take it from heart / shapes puzzle. It was there, but I just forgot it!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. I had to brute-force the boat colour.


  97. Boat color was on bottom of Orange, Green, Purple paper

  98. This-Game-Deserves-A-Walkthrough

    For all the tiles, see the list Janet made.

    Zoom in on the open cabinet with jars. The shelves reveal 4 numbers.
    Open a drawer with this number = anatomical doll.

    Zoom in on the chair to see the heights of the red horizontal bars.
    Open a drawer with this clue = marker eraser and R-clue.
    Zoom in on the wall with statues, draw an R, starting down left and open the left/right drawer = a blue marker and a paper clue with stickmen/letters.

    Zoom in on the rainbow-statue, click the colours as the letters show = a sharp tool, open it.
    Go to the shelf with doves, cut loose the key. This key opens the painting between the statues.

    Oh, this is new! Use the circles to set the picture sharp. The head of the anatomical doll should get the same size as the blue spot behind it. Move it to that position. If done correctly there’s another tile.
    About item the an.doll in inventory and move the arms as the example shows.
    Place the doll next to the other three, click its head.
    LOL, it’s a key.
    This key opens the painting above the open cabinet with jars.

    Zoom in on the doves and see the order of moon-heart-fish.
    Use this clue to click the ones behind that painting from start to finish.
    First go left. At the bottom go right … another tile.

    Zoom in on the 4 dolls. Translate their positions to letters.
    Open a drawer with this word = a yellow marker.
    Zoom in on the 4 dolls. Note the roman numerals and their colour.
    Zoom in on the shelves with jars and choose the correct shape, for instance red-I = circle, yellow-II = square = red marker and a key.
    This key opens the painting above the four an.dolls.
    Connect two the same shapes by clicking the lines on the grey tiles = a tile and the example for the red/black grid on a drawer.
    Using this clue on that drawer = the last tile.

    Zoom in on the foot of the lamp, put the electric plug in the socket.
    Click the top of the lamp to see a colour-clue.

    Place the tiles. Solve the picture it.
    Look around the room for the correct colour-examples.
    On the lamp = yellow stars and green shapes for fish-tails and sail.
    On the mixing-colours-paper behind the plant next to the lamp = the orange boat
    Remember the yellow moon/red heart/blue fish-body puzzle …
    The doves are purple

    And there’s the doorkey.

  99. Beautiful and challenging game. My last tile was to make mannequin in picture small enough to perfectly fit over blue "head" on top. 5 stars!

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Interesting you found it, doris.
    Becausit would almost have been my wager that you were missing the one in the window. Yeah, though appearing sooo obvious to most, this place too is prone to get overlooked.

  102. Thank you Urban, there is a heart on the bird which is nearly impossible to see on my TV. Would never ever ever gotten the R without the hint here. My missing tile was sticking out from the edge of one of the locked pictures. Hard game, but love the logic puzzles.

  103. 'Scuse me, there's nothing ON the bird.
    If I remember correctly, there was a tiny clue thing hanging from the left bird with three symbols, moon, heart, and leaf. Well, it looked like a leaf, but it is an animal body.
    Oops, now I've given away too much...

  104. Lovely game, I just got a bit stuck at the end with colouring the picture - it's not enough to get the colours right, you have to mix them in the right order. I did the boat red+yellow=orange - didn't get the key until I erased that and did yellow+red=orange as shown on the clue paper.


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