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Dutchie's Riddle

Dutchie's Riddle is another free online riddle game created by Dutchie for Escape Games 24. In this riddle there are 10 (very easy) teaching levels, followed by 30 (not too hard) real levels. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can give big hints, but please don't spoil with exact answers!

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  1. Jo ann, in level 5 just search for the name of this creature...

  2. @Hotz
    2 - no idea! (did it without it)
    4 - Don't read the notes like C D E.... (u'll get a song not an artist!)
    6 - BTW! (pretty famous rock song)

  3. @Hotz, on level 5 is lot of creatures.

  4. what the alphabet looks like in Braille for level 4

  5. oh sorry, there is a level 5 egg, so a second level of level 5...
    find the name of odd figures.

  6. Nini, level 6
    "4 - Don't read the notes like C D E.." but how should I read it?

  7. @Hotz, Do Re Mi..

    Stuck on 7. Got the egg and I'm thinking flags but still nothing.

  8. Thank you Hotz. Got it now. Was reading pokemon stuff rather then just googling the question!

    Stuck on songs 2.4. and 6 as well now

  9. @Zoran, did u find the odd ones? Search the names of the characters out of their shows. Then google the pic on the Egg and find it's hidden ability.

  10. thank you Nini,
    I got the letters for song 3-6, and added the first 2 letters...

    song 6: don't use abbreviation

  11. I don't watch cartoons and no idea who are they.

  12. Zoran, googling the pics will help

  13. level 6 I have 3 songs. I saw Nini's hint for the 4th song but I don't read music....

    no idea for song 2 either.

  14. Jo-ann, just search 'Do Re Mi' and you will get song 4 in 10 seconds...

  15. Jo-Ann, name the color with the level, then apply the X, for the last, it's 'sounds like'

  16. @hotz I had to google where the notes were on the music sheet first, then got the aha!

    Still missing 2 and 5.

  17. my head is hurting, I will give up on this birds.
    good luck guys and thank you all for help!

    Thank you Dutchie for this challenging riddles!!!

  18. @Hotz in case u still want a hint on the birds:

    Feel it :P

  19. Level 5 kill me. Good night for everybody. See you.

  20. Don't give up Hotzenplotz !!!
    Maybe for today, ok.
    But unlike escape games, riddle games will take days and days (sometimes weeks/months) to reach the end.
    Just keep your bookmarks and come back another day, there will be loads and loads of hints by then :)

  21. I saw the background and the birds color and was thinking to netherlands... :)
    I need a break and will come back later, hoping for many hints.

  22. Level 8: Got the "colorful" hint. I'm thinking of 32-bit.. Still working on it!

  23. Oh! Color alphabet for 8 :)

  24. for level 6 is song 2 with the E with the X through it referring to leaving?

  25. Jo-Ann, try a crossword solver with the letter u already have. I really didn't get no 2.

  26. Nini! Thank you! Never thought of a crossword solver and I had a word in my head that didn't work but was making any other word impossible to see!

    On to birds now

  27. How do I find a hint on what to do for level 9. There are strange words and Dutch words. I see no hints as to what I am to do.

  28. CherryTart,
    Maybe 'first' try a very basic riddel trick to get more info.

  29. @Cherry I'm stuck on 9 as well. Got to the egg and dunno what to do now.

  30. Got an Egg on level 7. Now staring with no inspiration

  31. or rather I did get some inspiration but can only find 2 options for it, neither give me any hope and are both seriously out of date

  32. geez...becoming an egghead! level 7 time after time!

  33. anyone out there to give me a push on level 7 birds- I did the touchy feely stuff which gave me a word, but that hasn't given me the answer as I can't find a suitable candidate

  34. @enzed, from the egg u get to a country. But if u look at the colors, they are not quite in the right order.. Fix that!

  35. Has anyone noticed that one of the possible Grannys for level 7 is pornsite?

  36. Hey Austen- can I suggest you don't google it!

    Onto Level 8 now- Thanks Nini

    love the Egg:-) (even though I really am a dog person)

  37. Ok going to call it a night...I'm all riddled out! Thanks Dutchie! Very clever! (ST is a great tool!)

  38. the egg on level 10 gives me a hint as to what to do. Do I convert numerals or words? What I have tried so far is not working.

  39. Is there a way to know just what to do with the numbers for the second part. The egg gives a hint but there are a couple of different ways to do it.

  40. For level 10, the egg tells you what to do, use it on the text as it is.

  41. Stuck on the egg for level 10, too

  42. Have been trying to do that, still not getting anywhere on 10 egg

  43. Stuck, stuck, stuck on Level 5. I know the names of the odd characters and what shows. I'm picking letters but not getting a word.

  44. level 5.
    1st pic = 1st letter .... etc.

  45. Did anybody check the 'title' on the level 10 egg?

  46. Is it firsts for character name or show and if show which one?

  47. level 7.
    I happen to know this country. And also the order of the colours, but that's not the answer? What am I missing?

  48. level 5.
    Puffin, 1st the odd one out - character name.

  49. Thanks arrie - I had that all along but I didn't think to try it since it wasn't a word that I recognized.

  50. will someone please go back to the surreal eye?

    I see the arrow - moving down - changing colors does nothing. Do I change tools? The only point I can click is off the image

  51. true, we spell it differently, but not in the game it belongs to.

  52. surreal eye ..yes, go down, see where the pointer turns into a hand and bingo.

  53. But Marilyn, not in Paint, but on the level itself.

  54. Thanks, arrie - but I see no change to hand tried holding the mouse button down, too

  55. level 7 ... wait, an idea pops up ...

  56. To say I jump through the ceiling of joy is a bit too much, but ... the feeling is the same.

    Level 7, egg 1.
    Put the flag colours in the correct order, and feel again!

  57. Marilyn, you saw in paint the arrow pointing down.
    Now go back to the surreal eye.
    Scroll down slowly, just scroll down.

  58. for level 10 it seems that a different font is used for the level number. Interesting trick.

  59. Ahhh -many thanks - my screen was too big - I feel like a fool

  60. Still stuck on D2. Got two numbers in each sentence, can someone give me a hint to what word I am missing?

  61. Anyone still here? Stuck on D2. Missing 1 number, have 2 from each sentence, what am I missing?

  62. Welcome Degamer - There are three numbers in the first sentence - read them. For the second sentence there are two numbers that you have to sound out. A=1, B=2. You'll get a five letter word

  63. Got the last 2 in the second sentence, but can only find 2 in the first, the dog and his toy. What am I missing there?

  64. 10 easy teaching levels - not so easy for me - stuck on Level F - see the hidden text but stuck.

  65. Degamer, look at who gave the dog his toy

  66. AmyElvis the first line of text tells you how to use the numbers - notice there are 3 numbers in each group and 3 things mentioned in the text.

  67. Not seeing or hearing a number there. Tried to BF, used 0-9 in front of the other 4, still did not find it. I am quickly turning gray here. LOL. Is it a number over 10?

  68. Thank you Cee Bee! Made it to H

  69. Degamer: Look at the middle of that word for the one you are missing. It's less than ten. When you have the numbers, convert to get to the answer.

  70. Convert to letters, @Ceebee? or reverse order?

  71. Congratulations Dutchie. Made it through the teaching levels and stumbled past J to find lvl 1. I will be studying the comments above closely, to help me chea..umm solve levels from now on. Thanks for making.

  72. Found the number, finally! Thanks, so much Ceebee.reverse order did not work so going to letters.

  73. Got it Ceebee, where we all want to go during winter, at least here. LOL. Thanks so much!!!

  74. I'm stuck on level 9 - I've found an egg, but so far it's not helping.

  75. CeeBee, the egg tells you what you need, google will help

  76. Trying the ROT Caesor cypher on H with the jibberish and getting no where fast - really stuck on level H

  77. AmyElvis: are you sure you checked ALL the options?

    Thanks Donas, made it to level 10 :)

  78. AmyElvis, the Red Luth caesar ROT should do the trick, put in the gibberish, enter and look at the results for a word

  79. Trying to figure out Level 8, I saw the eggs and am looking at the color alphabet but nothing is coming to mind. I can make some words but not getting anything.

  80. Puffin, use the color alphabet to make a sentence in the same way you did with the eggs, a long word may be unfamiliar, but google will help

  81. Is anyone past level 11? I am on the second part. While the path seemed easy to find the way to get a word seem well obscured. Any hints would be most helpful.

  82. Wish I could help CherryTart, I've found an egg on part 1 of level 11, but haven't got to part 2 yet.

  83. Still on level 5. Pls help

  84. Zoran: Find the names of the characters that don't fit in each of the images. The text on the level tells you what to do with them - try the word you get.

  85. OK, I have S....y, B....r, S....e and ?????. Last pic, I don't know.

  86. Zoran, last pic is a character from Cleveland Show R...o

  87. Level 6, no way to find any song. How?

  88. Still stuck on level 4 - getting a weird combination of letters, numbers, and punctuation in braille - tried braille from several different angles - could someone spoil first letter perhaps so when I see it I'll know I'm on the right track???

  89. @AMYELVIS--first letter is a

  90. Many thanks Tara Builodeau!

  91. Zoran do you still need help for level 6?

    I just finished it, though I wasn't able to find the second song, I thought it might be plan (plane without e)or explain but I haven't found any appropriate songs and artist, so I just guessed that letter.

    To get the rebuses you transform pictures in the words and combine them and then when you have the answer you search for that song and look for an artist.

    A bit of a spoiler here:
    for the down arrow you just write down and than continue with other words in similar way.

    If you need more help say it and I will write down more clues.

  92. I worked on level 8 till deep into the night. What a beauty!
    Very clever with binary and right/left and when I start again later today, I'll first watch the tour.
    I have to close the book about Sherlock Holmes for awhile I'm afraid.
    :-) Thanks Dutchie.

  93. level 6.
    The second song, I never heard of it either, but you want to know those details, don't you? Let me try to describe it :
    sounds like : "Not that coloured letter" (two words) + "yet".

  94. This is a second request for some clarity for level 11, Maze II. There seems no way to pass the level without a hint as to what is needed.

  95. i am still having trouble with level 8. what do you mean binary?

  96. Level 11: pic is more important than the text.

  97. For level 11 second maze: You have to pick letters from the map, (but it's not from the Porta's)

  98. Thanks Arrie! I sure wanted to know, thanks to you I won't have to say that I not yet have the answer :)

    And by the way, I don't get the low rating on this game, it's awesome, I don't know why the people that find these kind of games to hard for them, have give them so low rating, they could just skip the rating.

  99. level 8.
    Tara, a binary code always has 8 numbers. Did you check the three doors? One gives a funny vid, the other two give you clues.
    BUT, remember how you walk through the streets, not always from left to right, left to right ..

    Fill in under binary what you found (you can fill in all the numbers together) and click 'decode'.

  100. thank you arrie. i was able to get to an egg using the binary and left/right combo...and i used the color alphabet to decode all the houses, but none of them make any sense to me.

  101. level 8.
    The words you find again lead to eggs.
    Nini already hinted what to use next:
    red luth - color alphabet.

  102. level 8.
    Yes, I know what you mean !!
    You start on the first line up left to right, don't you? You get two words.
    Walk the next street, the same way as you walked with binary. Some colours are a bit tricky. You'll get an address.
    (I'm typing here with my coat on, lol, need to go out, but first this).

  103. I really have to go now .... sorry.

  104. Still working on level 6 - is the first song by Justin Bieber or Peter Gabrial or neither?

  105. thank you arrie, i will try again paying attention to the close colors. and amy, not bieber lol

  106. Amy, second name is correct.

  107. Just finished Level 8 and took the tour! Moving on now

  108. level 9.
    After the "firsts" and on the egg, there's a site to find the 7 needed words. "Sounds like".

  109. On Level 9 see the 7 needed words...but still a bit stuck!

  110. level 9.
    Sharon, if you ask Google what it is and scroll down through the options, you'll find a site that can help you.

  111. Hey guys! I`m back and I`m still on 9. Got the egg and that's about it. No idea what "7 words" you are referring to.

  112. On 9: Is it related to the sh***?

  113. level9.
    Hi Nini xD! You found the egg, so you have word. Ask Google what this word is and scroll down to an online dictionary.

  114. level 9.
    Ah, wait, the words you need are the ones that sound like a language I know, but you don't. Does that help?

  115. missing one last word...ugh!

  116. Well.. nvm @arrie.. I know what that word means.. but ok.. let's do some searching! :P

  117. On 9.. I guess I had that website u were talking about @arrie for quite some time now.. I just don't know what to search lol

  118. Level 9 ...Thanks Arrie and Nini

  119. What? Thanks Nini? Did I help with anything? haha Well np then! ;)

  120. level 9.
    There are several words in the text that sound like Dutch. I suggest you try words out. I did some wrong ones, like 'circus'. But others were more clear. Write the Dutch translations down.

  121. Can someone help me with level 6?
    I have no idea what the second and the fifth song are!

  122. level 6.
    number two: please scroll up? I explained to jas at 2.23 am.

  123. level 6.
    number five: the direction is d.... twice, so d.... d.... by St........

  124. ok Moving on to 10 now....thanks Arrie!

  125. level 10.
    I need some help there. I won the game, lol, got the egg. I read the hint up here, but don't know how to apply it on the text.

  126. level 10.
    ...... eh .... what text?

  127. I am mighty dense - what do you do on level 6 when you get all the answers - use 1st letters of title and artist? Is the answer one long word?

  128. god! So much work on lvl 9! I'm almost giving up

  129. level 6.
    You searched for the artist.
    So yes, 1st letter of artist, but not the 1st of all of them, there are 6 in total.

  130. level 9.
    Nini xD, don't try ALL the words! Lol, you can leave out 'the' 'it' etc etc.
    Go for nouns.

  131. level 9.
    There's one in the first sentence, three in the second sentence ...

  132. LOL @arrie I know hahah!
    Guess I'm missing a word. Gonna try to guess xD

  133. Finally on 10. Ty @arrie for your patience haha

  134. Arrie, for level 10, I highlighted the egg and looked at the level number closely, that made me see what I needed to look for in the text of the main level to get what the egg said

  135. ahaa, thank you Donas, I know where to look.

  136. Level 7 has to do with the flag colours?
    I have no idea what it wants with the birds.

  137. level 7.
    Sofia, write down the position of the blue eyes and "read". We've done that before.

  138. level 11 ?
    First door. I can make some words, two names that have to do with the first two words, but some letters don't fit in and I don't see a question to answer. Someone else there already?

  139. @arrie, I'm taking every color and making words with the letters. For example: red letters read "main"..
    Still working on it.

  140. Still on level 6. I have P,?, A, I, U, T. Correct or not, because for me this letters have not any sense.

  141. Thanks a lot Arrie. (NL means Netherlands?)

  142. Level 6 From Arrie earlier:

    level 6.
    The second song, I never heard of it either, but you want to know those details, don't you? Let me try to describe it :
    sounds like : "Not that coloured letter" (two words) + "yet".

  143. level 6.
    Zoran, the I is wrong. For the second song please see my post at 2.23 am.

  144. Level 6 - the I is wrong - I found a last name of another singer who also sang that song

  145. level 11 ?
    I think I have the fluffy thingy that children love, but I can't make a phrase.

  146. Zoran, your 4th letter is incorrect.

  147. @arrie, some words reminded me of a book. Try that color!

  148. level 11, door !.
    AArrghhh ... anagram solver to the rescue !!

  149. level 11 ?
    The grey ones lead to a sequence, now what to do with that ...?

  150. @arrie, the grey ones make a 4-letter word.

  151. arrie the egg tells what to do with the grey.

  152. oooh, on level 11, if you take the pink letters, you get an egg-option! wow.
    and the white ones lead to the sequence, not the grey ones, also cool!

    But, where are the 4 grey letters?

  153. @ arrie Try Paint e.g. like we did in the tutorial

  154. I already did, doesn't work for me.

  155. That's why I thought I had to look for something else.

  156. arrie, look in the corners.

  157. level 11.
    Tried another way of copying and pasting and now it worked.

  158. tip : don't use the snipping tool on this one.

  159. Thanks ike, but it was a different problem. The bucket didn't work with the picture. So, no letters.

  160. Level 8, stuck. Who lives ,where?

  161. Zoran, for level 8, did you read my hints up here? Do they help you or do you need more?

  162. Zoran, if you got that much, keep going, it's a long word and a number

  163. @arrie any progress on the "Portas"? I probably have the 6 the text is referring to, but couldn't do anything after that.

  164. And about the door 1 maze pic, bucket tool probably didn't work because u saved the pic to your computer. I just pressed Print Screen and pasted it on Paint, then it worked :)

  165. level 11.
    Portas, no ... What's the name of the map?

  166. I have the key on 12, now looking for the door, lol.

  167. That too is an idea, Nini! I now downloaded the pic and put it in paint, but I'll keep this one in mind as well.

  168. Hi, I'm stuck on level 9, got the egg, read all your hints multiple times, found some words and used the dictionary, I just don't know what to do with them after

  169. level 9.
    Hi Aridza! first first again, spelling is a bit different, but if you look closely, you can see me waving at ya!

  170. Hm.. On 11: I tried picking letters, translating back to english... no results! Those names in la*** mean nothing..

  171. For level 12, can I find the door on red luth?
    Think I tried all of them there, so, just asking.

  172. lol Nini, I still don't know what sh*** means, and I don't know what la*** means either.

    But again, what's the name of the map?
    You're on the Quo Vadis egg, right?

  173. Level 9
    I looked through the comments, but I'm still stuck. Finding the egg was easy, but then I don't know what to do next: I found some words, but I'm not sure if I got the correct ones and taking first letters (first letters of words that I got are wetbamd) to granny doesn't give me anything useful, could someone please give me an extra hint?

  174. Haha! @arrie yes I am.. and my ****'s meant ship and latin LOL!
    Well.. I'm going to try ROT.. somehow.

  175. Jas, no T or D, look for others

  176. Got it finally! moving on to lvl 10

  177. almost 400 comments so new comments on the new page!!

  178. Nini, no, you're thinking leads to strange places, no Rot!
    Below the maze you see the name of the map. You have collected numbers from the maze, use them on the Plan .....

  179. Ty @arrie and @Donas.. onto 12.
    Those names were extremely misleading!

  180. Level 7
    got first egg then 2nd egg - now what?

  181. @arrie I noticed something when highlighting the egg :P

  182. AmyElvis, take those 2 eggs to granny to scramble them

  183. Level 7
    I am soooooo slow. I see the word Granny and saw the word flag - i've tried eggsgranny, grannyeae, grannyeggs, where did I derail the train?

  184. I need some more help on level 10 please, saw the hints you guys gave but doesn't make sense to me, got the egg, I see the different font for the title but no idea what to make of that and where/how to use it

  185. Amy, Donas meant u need to anagram :)

    on 13: Don't know if I have the correct names. Missing 1 too (have the Titanic, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Psycho, A Fistful Of Dollars and King Kong).

  186. @aridza, in the egg u can see that "10" is not acually a "10", but "IO". Combine this info with go "bin...".

  187. @arrie, just back in, after dinner. Hopefully no after-dinner-dip, lol. I am where Nini is, Quo Vadis and looking for 6 letters I guess.


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