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Dutchie's Riddle

Dutchie's Riddle is another free online riddle game created by Dutchie for Escape Games 24. In this riddle there are 10 (very easy) teaching levels, followed by 30 (not too hard) real levels. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can give big hints, but please don't spoil with exact answers!

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  1. O, I see Nini got level 11 in the meantime.

  2. Still not getting it Nini

  3. @aridza, go back to the main text and look for O's and I's.

    @ike, forget about the names of the Portas. Just pick letters from the map name.

  4. Level 9 egg. I don't speak Dutch.Any hint.

  5. FINALLY got it, Thanks Nini, I think my brain is fried!

  6. Level 9 egg, found 6 words. What to do with them?

  7. ...ok.. Maybe I have the 6th movie on level 13.
    Tried lots and lots of combos with characters/actors first names. Tried picking letters as well. Nothing works.

  8. Level 13. Nini, you are on the right track with character names. Try first things first.

  9. 13: But .. but! Almost every first name begins with J LOL!

  10. Ok.. I need the girls not the guys right? Hah.. should have noticed earlier.

  11. taking a break...stuck on Level 11 2nd door...have a route, I think! be back soon! Thanks for all the hints!!

  12. Level 9, Pls help, I found (webcam), but nope.

  13. @Zoran, you are missing a letter.. but your answer is almost perfect.

  14. Arrie says hi to you all. She is having a problem with posting comments at the moment, but she still is following and reading the comments. She reported it and hopes to be back soon.

  15. ok, thx Dutchie. BTW went to Grandma with my 6 letter from level 13 but she won't accept them.

  16. Hi Ike, did you take the character names? It should work if you have the right ones.

  17. Coming again for some help, I'm on level 12 egg and can't figure it out, I highlighted it but still stuck

  18. Stuck on level 8 - i feel like the slow kid - got open and door but the colors are not coming up with anything useful - I see no street or address

  19. aridza, the two words in italics will tell you the cipher you need, you have the key, and highlighting gives you the letter

  20. Amy, did you go from left to right and right to left?

  21. AmyElvis, look on Red Luth for a special alphabet to use

  22. keeping my fingers crossed, it's working again .. donas, if it's the large letter in the phrase, it's not working for me.

  23. WB Arrie and good luck !

  24. Arrie, when you do control A, you should see a hint, just convert to a letter

  25. Level 11, stuck with L..... and N..., pls help

  26. How to convert the word highlighted to a letter??

  27. yes! The light went on. Thanks Donas.

  28. aridza, not the word, comvert the number beside it

  29. Zoran, not sure what you have, if you have the two words to open, take them both to granny

  30. Donas, I open both doors and combine two words in anagram, nothing happen.

  31. Zoran, if you have completed both mazes and have 2 words, E and L, those should anagram for the answer

  32. ok got the letter but still can't wrap my head around, tried different decipher tools but none of them make any sense

  33. I'm stuck with/in Magritte (level j). My paint is old. I found the arrow but I can't click. Help? I don't understand why there is not a way to skip a riddle.

  34. Donas, you mean N..., not "E"

  35. Well, that's an interesting story on level 13 !
    It never happens to me ....

  36. level J.
    Magda, You see the direction of the arrow.
    Go back to the level itself and slowly scroll down. At one point your cursor changes ... click.

  37. Zoran, no I mean E

    Aridza, on the egg page there are two special words, put those together and look for a chipher with that name

  38. Magda, you have to click on the riddle, not in paint, just find the spot below the arrow

  39. Now I am totally confused. I have two words, L....R and N..E. Granny does not help.

  40. Level 8
    Yes went from left to right and right to left, color names are so subjective-what should I use on red luth for colors?

  41. Zoran, the E word unlocked door II, use it and the last L word, that should work to anagram

  42. Zoran, it looks like you are only using part of the answer from first maze. the L seems ok.

  43. AmyElvis, on Red Luth's site, there is a link to 'more alphabets' click that link and look for a colorful one. You may need a color picker, do you know what that is?

  44. Can I get a hint on Level 12? I have the names of the books and authors and that's it so far.

  45. @Puffin, surnames give you something.

    I'm back after a break and working on level 14

  46. Thanks Nini - I was mistakenly including the first name.

  47. wow! Level 14 was very easy! Just picking letters.
    Onto 15. ;)

  48. Hi! Nice riddle dutchie!
    Stuck on 17 egg page
    I do not understand what you mean by those inclined words, any hint please!! Thanks

  49. Hi Pichi, good to see you :) Mark the those special signs and feel your way through to get the answer.

  50. @Nini, on level 14, what letters do we need to pick? according to color alphabet?

  51. so frustrating but impossible to walk away from - for level 8 i used color alphabet and got "who lived at xodenbreejtraavnofour?"

  52. Well done Dutchie - this is awesome - hard - but awesome

  53. @aridza: Red is 2 so you pick letter "E". Do the same for the rest.

    Level 16 now.. For level 15: Solve the crossword and anagram.

  54. @Amy, there's no X J and V

  55. That's what I thought Nini, just having a hard time with the 2 blue colors' names

  56. >_< Level 17 now.
    For 16 > The pic gives you 2 hints:
    What cypher you need and also the key.

  57. Level 8 - You're really close Amy, X is wrong. Your J is wrong and the last V is wrong. Make those changes and google but separate _oden and bree_traa_ from the no four

  58. Amy, think duthy in your address

  59. I meant dutchy.

    I stuck on Lv 9 with webcam and a drummer...
    pls help me

  60. level 14.
    aridza, so did I.
    It helped me to google the question :
    ** colours.

  61. Marian, you almost have the word and forget the drummer.

  62. Yeah!! Finally made it to level 9 - thank you all for the many many hints!!!!!

  63. thanks, I thought drum were dutch

  64. Yes still trying, even went on photoshop to analyse the colors

  65. @aridza, Indigo and Violet.

  66. Dutchie,on 17, I mark these signs, but what remains is nothing.I don't quite understand your help

  67. LOL the "feel" hint again. xD
    I just need to get to that point. Still working with the numbers... can't seem to do anything with them.

  68. Nvm got to the egg on 17

  69. I have a slight hint for anyone stuck on the egg of level 12: when using the cipher don't enter the gibberish in the plain text window, but enter it in the Ciphered text that's underneath the line.
    I feel so stupid for doing that, I was stuck for a while trying many different words and thought I would have to ask for a hint to get the keyword :S

  70. Oh no! Level 18.. I knew this day would come.. NOO!

  71. Going to sleep now, thanks for all the hints, and playing together here.

  72. Still stuck in egg page 17
    Nini for you it was easy lol please you help me?!!!

  73. @pichi, remember what Dutchie said: u need to feel. (When you can't see, how do you read?).
    Divide the grid accordingly and then use the words in italic from the egg as a guide.

  74. Nini I knew it, the problem is that I can not which is the sign of:even. Or maybe I need to mark those numbers?

  75. I'm on 17, done the math but don't know what to do with the result... it's 1 am here been playing for hours and can't think straight anymore I think

  76. Aridza, for level 17 convert numbers to letters, if it's right you will get an egg.

  77. Can't even add numbers correclty I guess, found a result (4 diggit number) convert to letters but they don't form a word, tried anagramming but no luck

  78. got it, made a mistake in the sqare root

  79. On level 9
    There is one in the first sentence, three in the second sentence, one in the third sentence and one in the sixth sentence - i have webcam - which sentence did I miss a word in? or is one of the letters wrong?

  80. On level 9
    also still life

  81. You're missing a letter, what helped me to find the word was to type in google "dutch word in english" and you have a full list of all the dutch words

  82. Not sure about the egg in 17, I get the "fell" but not sure about the "even" sign

  83. aridza, for Level 17 use the words in italics to "feel" for the answer. Even as opposed to odd.

  84. @Puffin, nope.. tried previous answers + anagram and got nothing.

  85. for level 18, previous answers is right, just find the right way to pick, I wish I could click on those arrows and fastforward, lol

  86. @Donas, the problem is: answer for 7th "slide" has only 6 letters. >_<

  87. On 18 Nini stuck like your

  88. I get what you're saying for the egg 17, I just don't get how to use it, if I divide the grid in 2*3 squares, I get 6 squares if I use the words to "fell" I basically only have 3 signs and the even (still not sure about that one). what am I missing?

  89. Nini, not the way to pick, it's very sneaky, did you try to fastforward?

  90. Use the 3 signs and any even numbers including the ones you calculated and block them out on your squares.

  91. aridza, there are 4 words in italics, use all four

  92. Hm.. I can see some tiny arrows below each pic. Is this what you are referring to @Donas?
    I'll try something with that. :P

  93. Really not getting it, I better go to bed because it's driving my nut and I feel pretty dumb. If you guys find some other ways to explain to me what to do, I'll really appreciate it.
    Good night

  94. Yes Nini, it is with those little arrows.

  95. For Level 18, I'm going forward and reverse? I'm trying to pick letters but not getting anything when I anagram.

  96. Puffin, it was opposite than I thought it was

  97. Level 10
    I'm too dense to reach 1st egg! Help please, have 7 sets of winning numbers I need to convert somehow

  98. @Puffin, me too. Tried lots and lots of different ways, like taking the urls of the previous/next levels, taking the answer of the previous/next levels, combining both methods. Also tried different ways on how to pick letters: firts, lasts, following the order, following the arrows.. Nothing!

  99. AmyElvis, copy and paste into Paint and fill out your bingo cards accordingly, you will get to the egg.

  100. Puffin - I don't have paint - will it work in power point?

  101. AmyElvis - As long as you can mark the correct spaces on the cards it doesn't matter what program you use. You can even print it out and mark by hand. Don't forget to mark the center square.

  102. Puffin - I printed it out and marked by hand - but no egg

  103. Nini, the answers and arrows are the right way to go

  104. Level 13
    Could someone give me a hint of which movies I need - Ninis comment was very useful, but I can't find the last one (I just don't watch or know many movies) I tried googling it, but didn't found anything useful. Does the last movie has to do with Halloween or did I miss something in the text?

  105. @jas Bond.. James Bond.

    ok.. got 18. It is indeed the opposite of what our intuition says

  106. Level 10
    I have eight Bingos - so 8 sets of numbers - how do I get to the egg?

  107. No need to get a Bingo on Level 10. Just fill out all the spots with all the numbers. It will form 4 letters.

  108. Thanks Nini!
    Amy - if you coloured out the numbers - take a look at how they look

  109. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh palm to forehead - I have egg!

  110. @NiNi - you are smarter than me. I still don't get 18. So forward and reverse are opposite? I still don't get how to pick letters.

  111. Dinner time for me. Hopefully food will make my brain work.

  112. Puffin, u need the answers for the levels shown. Then use the arrows to find the letters (but apply them the opposite way)

  113. Just saw this and excited to start...too busy with school these days but I had to take a break and VOILA! I see this.

  114. Yea! Thanks Nini!! On to 19.

  115. got the egg on level what??

  116. @Tara - did you notice the change in font of the level number in the egg? That will tell you how to get the answer. Look at the numbers as written.

  117. Got through the tutorial and stuck on Level 1. I got to the Egg "google the title" but I don't know what tile? Help please!

  118. tangled, the title of the poem

  119. The arrows in lvl 18 is not really forward and reverse, but more "left/right", or "beginning/end".

  120. Since yesterday watching the level 19. No ideas. Any hints??

  121. Lucia, you have to find 3 eggs in 3 different ways.

  122. Ok Dutchie. I'll try it. Thanks.

  123. I'm back and with some rest I managed to understand level 17 egg. Thx

  124. Dutchie I find only eggs in my fridge. I can't find them at the level.

  125. Lucia, three colours means three different methods. You already used two of them several times in earlier levels.

  126. Thanks Dutchie, I'll try it.... again

  127. Blue found. Only two more...

  128. Level 15 Thanks Dutchie...deathly afraid of spiders here! LOL

  129. Glad I'm out of that! I love crosswords! CREEPY Spider!!

  130. pleaseee help!! Level F stuck

  131. Manua - reread the first two sentences. After you do what the second sentence says look closely the first sentence and do what it says.

  132. And a little hint if you're not aware of that yet - by pressing Ctrl and the letter F at the same time - you can search for letters, numbers, words etc. on web pages and you can go back to page one (Oldest) and two (Older/Newer) of the comment section of this riddle and search for hints without reading all the comments and just reading the ones that are regarding the level you're on.

  133. only in the fith sentences? the answer is a word?

  134. I know Jas, but the level f had a few comments

  135. Manua - after doing what second sentence does - you do get the fifth one - and on that one you apply the numbers that are written bellow the title of the level by doing what the first sentence says.
    For searching - I just said it, because I thought it might help if you weren't aware yet, I actually learned about the option of searching websites for words from a hint in one of the older riddles :)

  136. Hello,
    I am stuck at teaching level E. The only number that works leads to Level 11 Maze 1.
    Is that correct?

  137. Zoran,
    Are you using the first names (not the surnames)

    Count words in every sentence and make the amount a letter. For example if a sentence would be only 2 words, then it would be 2=B

  138. Zoran, you must have something wrong, do you have 2 with the same letter?

  139. I can't seem to find the right direction to take for level 26. There are several possibilities but nothing that seems to work out. That music is not my taste and is giving me a migraine. LOL

  140. Zoran, that should do it :) You may want to remove your last 2 posts, they may give too much away

  141. Yep Zoran, 12 should be 13.
    Btw, better delete that previous comment, it's a very big spoiler.

  142. Zoran, the 12 is wrong but you are close. Can you delete your comment with the numbers, would be a spoiler to other players :)

  143. Level 26, It's a 'musical' level isn't it? Pity you don't like the music, luckily you can turn the sound off :)

  144. Thank you Zoran.
    How do I know that I have to make a word from the numbers?

  145. For Level 19, I got the blue egg but not sure about red and green. Am I "feeling" one of them? If so, I cannot make anything useful. Are the shaded areas ever filled with color?

  146. Hi! On lvl 19 I can not find eggs,I have reviewed the methods of previous levels, but I can not get anything. A push, please?

  147. @pichi, for the blue egg on 19 use a mathematical method to translate the squares to letters. All white squares are blue and grey squares are left alone. Notice the chart is 8 squares wide, that should tell you which method.

  148. Level 20 looks intimidating. I see the methods I think. For the red some seem backwards. Is that correct? Do I have the right idea?

  149. I guess what we need for the Red egg in level 19 is pretty obvious, but I can't seem to make it work.. Dunno how to apply Red/deR.

  150. Thanks Puffin found blue
    Now red and green, no idea...

  151. Nvm.. got the red egg too.
    Now green... but I have no idea what I need.

  152. Level 27 has some things indicating what to use but no idea on what to use them on. Is there another hint somewhere?

  153. Nvm! lol.. got green as well... M****

  154. I posted the incorrect level number. I should have been 19. I did not get an egg for red or green. I did get the answer, however.

  155. @Nini, you should send an SOS when you need help.

  156. @Nini Too late I see LOL !

  157. Thank you Nini - got green egg on 19. Now for red.

  158. Hi guys, it's me again, on level 18, I got all the answers from the pictures and the >< but tried a bunch of things and none gave me a word, I read the hints above but not sure which letters to pick

  159. @aridza, pick first and last letters but arrows are opposite of what you would think.

  160. Ok I should get it soon, made a mistake for the answer of the crossword, problem I didn't write it down so now I'll have to do it again...

  161. Stuck in lvl 22. Saw the text but two cipher-tools related to that didn't work.

  162. Ike. Yes they do. If you are using the correct "grid"

  163. Lost in level 16. I deciphered ok but don't know what to "enter" now. Help plz? (and thanks Dutchie for this fun riddle).

  164. Puzzled, if you deciphered correctly, the last should say 'the answer is ________

  165. 600 comments so new comments on the new page!!

  166. level 16, stuck with cypher

  167. Stuck at 21. Found egg but I don't know what to count.

  168. Err just noticed that I was missing input of the last part of the text in the deciphering tool .... Palmface! Ouch! Thanks for opening my eyes Donas727 No wonder I was lost hehe

  169. Zoran, what are those things crawling around? I bet Red Luth could tell you

  170. lucia, there are two words in italics, use one of those to know what to do and the other to know where to stop

  171. Hello everybody!
    Thanks Dutchie for your outstanding riddles!
    I'm stuck at 21 with Lucia, found the egg, should know what to .... but...

  172. thx Cherry Tart will try some more. Don't see it right now.

  173. For level 27: All I can say is look very carefully at everything. There is a hint where to pick and from what.

  174. level 16, I got lot of words using 33,but no any sense.

  175. Thanks Donas 27. At 22 now.

  176. Zoran, spell out your key. You may want to refresh that page, that particular cipher can be a bit fussy. It did'n work right for me at first

  177. Zoran, look what colour are they? Call them bugs.

  178. mirai, I am using proper cipher, with proper key, but result is strange

  179. Zoran, try closing out of the page, then opening it again, it didn't work right for me at first even with the right information

  180. Back and still stuck on .....Lvl 1: I read comments but everything I've googled (including copy/pasting) poem....and nothing. More help please...I can't give up!!!

  181. In level 19, got the green egg, trying to "feel" the red with no luck and absolutly no clue for the blue. Saw the hint about the grey and white squares but didn't make any sense to me after using paint on it

  182. @Tangled, did you google what's in bold? That should give you the answer.

  183. Tangled, which one is level 1, been playing since yesterday so I don't remember

  184. just google the clue in bold and you'll get it

  185. Can someone please give me a hint about the last movie on level 13?

  186. on level 17. Thanks donas

  187. @aridza, for 19 and the blue egg think of the grid as 0s and 1s, read across and translate. Red egg was really hard for me. I kind of guessed. You are trying to feel but some of the blocks are mirrored - there are 5 2x3 blocks you need to feel and some overlap. Sorry it's difficult to explain.

  188. @Sofia The last movie has a big beast as the star of the movie


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