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Dutchie's Riddle

Dutchie's Riddle is another free online riddle game created by Dutchie for Escape Games 24. In this riddle there are 10 (very easy) teaching levels, followed by 30 (not too hard) real levels. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can give big hints, but please don't spoil with exact answers!

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  1. Got the egg on 21 but have tried counting backwards and forwards, in steps etc. Thought I had it cause I got an idea but no, it was wrong. Could use some aide, please.

  2. Good night ike, looking at the actual page I can not yet get

  3. @Janet "you" got the egg so go back and count each line then make a word. No granny needed.

  4. Finally! I found the most popular, thanks ike you are my savior! At 30

  5. Thanks Puffin - I was working with the movie titles - not the text (red face here)

  6. Thinking you = u and stop at any letter above that

  7. Someone help me in 30? I have seen the hidden, but don't really understand what the text means

  8. Two very important words in the title, Pichi !

  9. I'm where you are Pichi - still looking for what else is needed.

  10. Yes small-tool It is the first thing I saw, but try with hidden letters and nothing

  11. Found it and finally finished!! Thank you so much Dutchie for making this riddle, and thanks to all those that helped and advised you along the way - very nicely done!!

    @Pichi - do what you have been doing all along. Do the first thing that you think of to find what you need.

  12. Finish!! Thanks Cee bee and thanks to all who helped.

    Congratulations to dutchie is a good job,I loved playing this enigma, OLE for you dutchie!
    I hope next
    Thank you all for your help

  13. YAY!! Well done Pichi, Congratulations!!

  14. For level 11 2nd maze, don't use roman numerals use the purple numbers. Make your way through the maze and note which purple numbers you pass then use that on the map name.

  15. PS - ignore the red line, you won't use all the numbers.

  16. @Amy - no need to anagram, just use as is. Also you pass gate 10 before 9. Double check your path.

  17. @Puffin - you rock - and thanks for your patience - yes I transposed those two.

  18. Anyone around who can give me a push on level 30? I did the first thing that came to mind with the hidden text and I thought I found the rotten keyword but when I plug it into another cipher, I get nothing usable.

  19. Waaa @Puffin I'm where you are. Tired to combine the 2 "obvious" ciphers but got nothing >_<
    Almost at the end omg! haha

  20. @Nini - I know! I so wanted to finish today but it's almost by bedtime. May have to wait til tomorrow for me. Leave me good hints if you get it.

  21. Level 25, have everything, except order. HEEEELP.

  22. @Zoran, do u read manga? It's not read the same way as western comics. :)

  23. Congrats Ceebee and Pichi, well done :)

  24. Finished ! Great riddle Dutchie, i liked it a lot and had fun clearing the levels. Thanks for not making it difficult for spanish players.
    Thans to everyone who helped me.

  25. Gratz lucia :)

    Do u mind sharing a bit of info on lvl 30? I guess I know what I need but nothing seems to be working.. I gave up on trying already lol.

  26. Nini do you have the key??

  27. I guess I don't lucia. Every key I tried didn't work >_<

  28. Read the text. It is most obvious that you think.

  29. Help on level 7?? I haven't got the faintest idea how to begin. You say read the position of the eyes.. but I don't know how... and what if both eyes are blue or none??

  30. JW91, think something you've already done in another level.

  31. @JW91 is that the birds level? If so, Divive the birds in a what that u can relate to a certain alphabet.. Just feel it ;)

    @lucia, if it's so obvious maybe I'm using the wrong tool.. Some keys I've tried: Ro****, Ci****, Ri****, Ju**** Ca****.. Tried firsts too and some other words from the text. Nothing works >_<

  32. Nini, read the first sentence again. There are 3 words that really count. It took me a while too, but I'm happy to finish now.

  33. Dutchie, thank you for so much fun here, your riddles are outstanding!

  34. You need two ciphers. One for the key and another for the answer. To the key when you have all the letters focus in the title.

  35. @mirai, If u mean "t*** r***** k******" I've tried them aready. Maybe my method is not correct idk..

  36. I feel silly now, it was so easy. Thanks guys!

  37. Nini,
    It's the F word that's important :P

  38. Nini You Need To Find Letters In The Text.

  39. Level 27, I am lost. What to search?

  40. OK.. My brain is malfunctioning. Tried every F word LOL and also Tried What You Suggested @lucia. Still stuck.
    I feel I may be overthinking this. >_<

  41. Nini, What I Suggested To R ** To Find The Key.

  42. @mirai! I tried that word already! lol
    Even changed my methods when using that word.. >_<
    Tried first letters too.

  43. Need Help in J ! use paint i can see the arrow.....I move the mouse down as indicated but it doesn ´t change to a point I can click.....

  44. F (sentences, not lines) and then R

  45. Level 27, found 5 differences between original and riddle pages. Now what?

  46. ..............................
    ok.. I need to learn to read better. I had the key all along .. my eyes just skipped it.
    so.. I'm finally done! yeyyy
    Thx guys for allll the patience and help and thx dutchie for the amazing riddle.

  47. Zoran,
    Look at the top (difference there as well) to know what to pick.

    It's not clicking in paint, but on the level.
    Btw. you could also try tab to find it.

  48. S/T, on top of the pages i don't see any difference.

  49. Except background color (red,grey)

  50. @Zoran what about the 2 pics ? Are they the same?

  51. No,each pic have one different letter.

  52. @Zoran, Red Luth... RL.. + the 5 differences will give you the answer.

  53. Hi, I'm back and finally past level 27 (I've had the right letters for a xhile but didn't try that anagram!)

  54. hi all, used my lunchbreak to solve lvl 30. Dutchie: thx for keeping me busy for some time. Thx to the rest of the players for leaving hints.

  55. Hi, what to do in level 28?

  56. Level 27, RLABTCR, no any sense for me, or I pick up wrong letters.

  57. Yay!! Congrats to Lucia, Mirai, Nini and Ike :) great job!!

  58. @Zoran, it's a 10 letter word as said before multiple times

  59. Level 27, Still I don't know which letters to pick.

  60. Zoran, RL is short for Red Luth, but what else can it mean? Use it on the five different ones.

  61. Level 28 egg, do I need paint?

  62. Strange dots and lines??!!?

  63. Yes you do but rest to figure out what for

  64. I think I will Give Up. Can't think any more. I am happy for finishing 27 1/2 levels.

  65. @ Lucia, can you give me another hint about 28 egg? I've done the bucket and see things but don't know what to make of it

  66. 28 Egg
    The answer you used to get the egg is what you use here.

  67. Can anyone give me some more help on level 10? I've seen the egg, I know what go bin and the new font of the title means (I think), but I don't know how to use it.

  68. Aah, got it. Never would have guessed that

  69. @ Small-Tool, but what are the dots and lines for?

  70. Arnold Schwarzenegger- "I AM BACK" on Level 29.

  71. Aridza,
    Google your answer with 'cipher' (or alphabet) or go Red luth.

  72. Level 28 - Zoran, you are almost there, don't give up! Check Red Luth for the right alphabet to use.

  73. Lol, should refresh more. Yay, Zoran, just 2 more levels :)

  74. Found 2 eggs. Where is rest?

  75. Gah, no I'm stuck on level 11. I have found two words for maze 1 that led to eggs 1 and 2. but I can't combine them into something that makes sense or opens door 2

  76. Level 29, so far 2 hidden words and 2 eggs. Looking on real page, but nothing

  77. Hmm nevermind, the granmaa I used just did not give me the correct option

  78. Finally finished the game! Took me 3 days, fried a lot of brains on it. Thanks everyone for helping me and thank you Dutchie for a great game!

  79. Nooooo. I finally have the answer to level 30 and the server is not found? Anyway,thanks Dutchie for a great riddle and thanks to everyone for the help along the way!! Amazing group effort.

  80. Congrats Aridza and Puffin, well done :)

    Server works for me.

  81. I am still on 29 with 3 eggs and 2 hidden words. I am frustrating. Any hint, pls.

  82. @Zoran, did you use the 2 hidden words with the header? That was what gave me a big break. I only got 4 of the 5 eggs.

  83. For me it was Ike's hint at 1:16 (followed by sais that did it for level 29 pichi's comment

  84. Still Need Help in J ! paint i can see the arrow..then I move the mouse down as indicated , i read :use buckettool.... there is no change from arrow to hand....heeeelllppp

  85. Puffin, tell me how. I am stuck.

  86. @ jutta, don't click in paint but on your browser!

  87. Zoran, think of what you did in level 27 with the differences in the header - the different colored letters, what did they mean. Use the same method with the different looking header in 29. You should get 6 letters, then visit granny.

  88. Puffin, I got another egg (4 totally). Still on level 29

  89. Zoran, did you get the egg from s*****?

  90. I'v got 4 eggs from E...... M..... D...... and S.....

  91. The egg from S..... tells you that you need to search and which results are not the correct ones. Don't use google but search using another site (one you are very familiar with) and find the M.... of the one that is correct.

  92. Thanks Puffin. Last step, level 30, found key and I need second cipher. No idea which one.

  93. Are you sure you found the key on 30? Did you do the "first" thing that came to mind? Make sure you are using the correct key. If you found the correct key then use it on the thing that X marks.

  94. Also, Zoran the order of words in the title is important. It tells which cipher to use first and which to use second.

  95. I hope I found correct key, k..w...i.e......

  96. Yes that is correct. So use what it says to use with the hidden text.

  97. I used k.. w... cipher, but nothing

  98. Finally solved Lv 9. The 7 words are not difficult to find but drummer can be one too :(

  99. I am exhausted looking at the bingo numbers on Lv 10. Saw some hints above but I don't get it how to form a 4 letters word.

  100. Still on last step to finish. No idea for second cipher on level 30.

  101. Don't just look at the hints above, don't forget to look at all the pages (946 comments)

  102. aridza, I check all comments, and still no idea. Maybe I am to tired.

  103. @Zoran, read the title.. it says u need a key. Now go to Red Luth.. hm.. maybe there's a cipher with a similar name... But FIRST you need to use another cipher. The text and the title mention the one you need.

  104. Ok, I have key k..w...i.e...... and hidden text t.................j. Which cipher I have to use? K.....d C....r, X..A d.....t not working.

  105. @Zoran.. If you have the key, there's only one cipher left to use! The name says it all! Check Red Luth.

  106. FINISH. Thanks all for your big help and patience. Thanks dutchie for great game.

  107. Congrats Zoran! Great job :)

  108. level 21.
    Yess, I was already afraid of that ... the hint for level 21 was deleted.
    Such a pity I didn't see it.
    I'm not sure about the second. Can I get a hint for the fourth?

  109. level 21.
    The second, is that our Funkyland-theme?

  110. I love the Funkyland-games here.

  111. So the second is correct, but I have no idea about number 4.

  112. Arrie: For last one, her name is Fiona.

  113. Thank you, googling Fiona Character and tadaa. egg.

  114. level 22.
    I've read all the hints about the pad, I know the cypher with and without dot.
    I still get a q on either 9 or 3 depending on how I look.
    Using the wrong pad? If so, where else do I look?

  115. Arrie, look down. You have to combine two ciphers. Q would be .2

  116. There are two cipher-possibilities.
    The one you need is the abc-one, not the ace-one. You'll go complete wrong, lol.
    You're q=2 lead me the way, thanks.

  117. Dutchie
    Would you please post all the answers @ some point somewhere for the idiots among us (like me ) who really are not very good @ these riddle games
    The trouble is that once one gets stuck then cannot advance
    that means we can never get the answer and so learn the tricks?

  118. Sorry, I come here for point-and-click games. Not this.

  119. I'm glad it's moved up again, I haven't finished yet !

  120. Good idea Joe. A walktrough will be posted soon :)

  121. I did read all comments aboutLv10, but still couldn't find a clue *sweating* :P

  122. Hello Uno hoo, good to see you again.
    level 10.
    Did you play the game? Copy/paste to paint, take out the numbers shown and read 5 letters.
    They lead to an egg.

  123. The egg tells you what kind of 8-numbered tool you need.
    Apply it to the text.
    hmm, I have to go to work now :)

  124. Uno Hoo - Hi figured you'd find this riddle. Level 10 - copy into Paint and put BIG, Round filled-in Circles on all the numbers that are listed for each BINGO card. Remember to color in the middle star too. I had marked each with a small "X" and got nothing until I made big dots

  125. p.s. Dutchie - pls don't post the walkthrough too soon - have company and not able to play much. Thanks

  126. Janet, when I said walkthrough will be posted soon, I meant after all riddlers have finished it :) So we shall at least wait for you and uno hoo :) but don't hesitate to ask for hints in the meantime.

  127. Or maybe post the walkthrough in stages. Teaching Levels, the 1st 10 Levels, next 10 Levels, last 10 Levels

  128. Dutchie, Please do not post a walkthrough with answers. Good hints should be enough. Answers will only spoil it for people who come along much later and wish to play. All the work you put into the riddle will be for naught. Riddles involve thinking and sometimes that takes time. Giving away the answers would cater to those impatient few who want instant answers without the work. Please don't do it. If they need extra help, let them contact you directly through you contact info.

  129. Im still on lvl 6. Slow and steady? No. Slow and stoopid. I cant get the second one, but reading hints, seems i should be able to solve without it. Thing is, I have no idea what to do with the artists and songs.
    Thanks for any shoves, help, and straightout cheats. Will check back tmrw, and hopefully move on to lvl 7.
    btw, doesnt ever worry me if i solve or not. It's the fun of the thing which i like. I cheat, mostly never finish, have always enjoyed what i play and stop when i know ive reached my limit. Laziness is a talent much under-rated, in my lazy opinion.

  130. Thanks,arrie and Janet, and hi again! I got the egg. Now proceeding to the code.

  131. The text in Lv10 has 4 lines but not all having 8 numbers. I tried to put one-digit number as "0"and two-digit as "1". Am I on the right track?

  132. uno hoo,
    See my 2/23/16, 5:16 AM post.

  133. help! I need a spoiler for level 1 (drummer)

  134. Carolarchick,
    Check the title of the level and then look here:

  135. Do I need to use colour tool to reduce the colour of 11 Egg? But nothing changed...

  136. uno hoo, if you are on the first egg of level 11, try the paint bucket and look in the corners

  137. level 23.
    I don't have 4 percentages correct I think, they are not round numbers.
    The triangle + the circle (only the clock not the ball) give one number each, which gives two letters, the rest all numbers behind the comma.

  138. I understand Level 4 and have plotted the coordinates and tried to translate into "feeling", but it looks like no feeling letters I can identify.

  139. lol, that was a dumb mistake. This is better:

    level 4.
    smart** It helps to divide the grid into 2 by 3 parts and you use the ones you didn't eat.

  140. 2 by 3 parts....hmmm. I'll have to think on that for a bit. Thanks arrie!

  141. So 2 by 3 parts was logical. My problem was that I was putting the coordinates in vertically instead of horizontally. Silly. Onward!

  142. Well done, smart* !! So cool if you find out something like that.

  143. arrie for me only the circle and the parralelogram gives clear numbers,pls help

  144. Sofia, for me the triangle, the rectangle now and the circle.
    Not the star and the square.

  145. Careful, soon comments will follow on a new page

  146. level 23.
    Is square the same as a parallellogram? If so, how many items did you use?

  147. Level 23 - I had 11 items to discount - and yes some were not exact numbers but rounded up

  148. Level 23 - think rectangle - there were two items

  149. so i have to add the cubes,the shoes and the restanglesses too?i cant get it!

  150. triangle 2
    circle 2
    square 3
    rectangle 2
    star 2

  151. Level 23 - Do not add. Look at the discount for each shaped item and apply it - you'll get a new number.

  152. how do you round up?
    just an example: 6.354 becomes?

  153. Level 23 - yes the count of each item is correct.

  154. Level 23 Figure out what each item costs after you apply the sales off percentage. For example, the 1st triangle costs 5.25. If it's on sale 5% off, the sale price is .95 times 5.26 or 4.997 which rounds up to ?

  155. Level 23 - Then do the same thing for all the items separately, relate it to something else and go show granny what you bought

  156. Arrie, there are no things like .354
    The ones you need will all be very close.
    Things like .98 or .02 etc.

  157. * 1st triangle costs 5.26

  158. Hey arrie - any words of wisdom on six? I understand the concept, and have been googling the rhebuses (sp) and getting artist names, but no joy in making them into something...

  159. Level 6 - sometimes it not just "firsts", but 1st from the first, 2nd from the second etc. No anagram needed if that helps fill in a blank spot

  160. Thanks Janet - I'm still stumped. Must not have the right artists.

  161. I stopped playing for now, but smart** about which one(s) do you thing you're wrong?

  162. Did you check the hints already given here?

  163. for 2 there's a good hint here.

    4 : start singing do-re-mi and find the ones that are shown there, add the x.
    The band's first name goes to the movies.

    6 : you know what b.t.w. stands for?
    The band's name in your mouth is very very spicy.

  164. Hmmm. Got 6. I keep trying to read the music on 4. 2 I obviously need to think on.

  165. Smart**
    for number 4, google something like do-re-mi music notation and you'll find an example.

  166. Arrie NL 2/20/16, 2:23 AM

    level 6.
    The second song, I never heard of it either, but you want to know those details, don't you? Let me try to describe it :
    sounds like : "Not that coloured letter" (two words) + "yet".

    I know, there are a lot of hints to scroll through, but this one should work.

  167. Level 26 - found five "musical aspects" and tried to translate them into their letters but that didn't work. Saw the hints but my brain is just not getting it.

  168. Janet,
    Doe, a female deer is usually a C.

  169. Janet, you need 7 "musical aspects"/

  170. Yes got that, next two of the same vowel then another consonant then another vowel. Granny wasn't impressed

  171. Not "next two" !!! (and not vowels).
    There is another one in between. And I think granny wasn't used.

  172. Ah - yes discounted those two because they didn't fit. On 27 now. Thank you

  173. Understand now - in some languages that one equals another.

  174. Yep, sorry Janet.
    Everybody (no native speakers) missed that part (si/ti).

  175. But isn't that part of the fun of riddles - learning new things? Lol, like the word Geek is from the Dutch word gek meaning mad or silly..

  176. Lol, yep like 'Iceberg'.
    You guys stole that from us as well :P
    (mountain = berg in Dutch).

  177. Hey Dutchie
    I saw your response
    I understand taht there are people who dont want a walkthrough with answers but what I said still stands
    maybe you can post them on a separate page so peopl who dont want to see them have the option not too.
    I appreciate the fact that u at least understand what I am getting at

  178. On 28, brain is definitely shutting down but as Zoran said "I'll be back"

    And p.s. Zoran - Great job on finishing. See I told you - just have to believe in yourself (and have lots of friends who will help when you need it, which is always true here) :-)

  179. Fantastic riddle dutchie I really enjoyed playing. Thanks for making it I hope there's more to come.

    Go easy on the eggs next time I don't think I could stomach another omelette LOL

  180. Congrats BarmaidsApron :)

  181. So of course I had to come back and try again - now on 29.

  182. But would appreciate it if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong with Paint. I right click to copy and then paste into Paint. But when I try to throw a bucket on the image, it doesn't work. I have to click on each square separately the get the bucket to color the square. Any advice?

  183. p.s. This happened in Level 11 and level 28 for me

  184. Just finished! Thanks Dutchie for this great riddle. Thanks everyone for so many good tips and advice. Simon’s cat made me laugh loud :P

  185. Janet, I am not sure what you are trying to do with Paint on level 29. It is not needed for that level. For level 28 the correct method was to do each one separately. In Chrome, right click on the image and and click copy image and then paste in Paint. For Explorer, right click on the image and click copy and then paste into Paint. You can sometimes use a screenshot but screenshots do not always work.

  186. Just a quick check early this morning,
    smart** did you get level 6? :)


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