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Dutchie's Riddle

Dutchie's Riddle is another free online riddle game created by Dutchie for Escape Games 24. In this riddle there are 10 (very easy) teaching levels, followed by 30 (not too hard) real levels. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can give big hints, but please don't spoil with exact answers!

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  1. Yay, finished!! For the last level I had the same thing as you had Nini, I had the key but my eyes just skipped it, so I kept doing other things. Great puzzle Dutchie!

  2. great Rory a true legend,i was in his concert here in athens back in 1981!level 26 how many of the n...s do i have to use?

  3. Hi Sofia, not exactly sure what you mean by n...s, but the good tip says it all

  4. Really stuck on level 14. I think I know what I have to do... but maybe not getting the right colour names. Especially the blue one. Can anyone help?

  5. Can you describe level 14 for me? Don't remember which one it is

  6. Ah, well think rainbow and then ask granny

  7. already trying. But it seems like I'm not having the right colour names.

  8. well what names are you using?

  9. lol I was overthinking this. had dodgerblue, purple and limegreen as colours. thanks for the rainbow JW91

  10. Congrats Puzzled and JW91, well done :)

  11. Oh dear, did not know anyone could overthink colours that much, haha. Well good job FuZzEL

  12. Thanks Dutchie. The funny thing is I'm still confused about some of the hints, even though I finished all levels. Like the ftf ftf one, haha

  13. Thank you, Donas. I did try to use the bucket, but the whole grey pic just turned to black, couldn't see anything special.

  14. Level 11 - Uno hoo, try using red paint.

  15. uhm did anyone else noticed that there is mistake in lvl 20? I think the second to last is wrong. think it should be
    instead of

  16. yeah I guess you're right

  17. For level 20, it's best to use the one from the wiki site.

  18. I used red paint in Gimp, on the letters' maze but still found nothing.

  19. Fuzzel,
    There's no mistake in level 20.
    What you posted would be a K instead of the correct letter.

  20. you are right small-tool. I used Red Luth to decipher. I and K is the same there but different hands. better use google for level 20

  21. Help in level 5: Have all characters - and now ? Taking the letters no. 1/2/3/4 doesnt work

  22. Completely stuck on Level 4. I have removed the eaten chocolate and know what tool I need to use... but a lot of the combinations are not yielding any letters.

  23. POP! I got it. Onto Level 5 now.

  24. Help in 5, completely stuck

  25. For Level 5, find the names of the characters that don't belong and pick letters. The last character was toughest for me - he's from The Cleveland Show. That should get you to the egg.

  26. Hi uno hoo :) just empty a bucket of white in the maze and check the corners. Paint should work.

  27. They are: s....y, h.....r (?), s....e, r....o but when i take the first/second /third/fourth letter - it doesnt work

  28. Jutta, second is wrong, starts with B. The rest looks fine.

  29. Totally stuck on Level 9. I found the egg, but the D**** words are all names, so I'm not getting any results for them in the relevant dictionary.

  30. I found a comment that allowed me to pass Level 9... I still don't understand the 7 words thing, though, to be honest. What is special about those words? How was I supposed to know they were special without running every single word through the dictionary?

  31. @BlackFiresong - those 7 words came from D**** There was a wiki that listed them.

  32. I read many comments saying that the bucket didn't work, it needed another way. I might have the same problem, after crop and save or copy and paste to open in Gimp. Anyone please light me the way :(

  33. Sometimes you just have to leave a level alone and come back the next day. 23 is solved, moving on to 24!

  34. uno hoo, maybe you should try Paint instead of Gimp.

  35. level 11.
    To me uno hoo it worked to right click the picture, copy it, paste it in paint.
    use white, and click bucket to fill it.

  36. arrie - still on six. Have the artists, contemplating what to do with them....

  37. And thanks Dutchie - I came on late, and I'm rather slow, but I truly love the riddle games, and I appreciate the help from everyone.

  38. First egg on seven. And I thought I was so smart!

  39. level 24.
    Thank you Dutchie, for not making this an anagram! When I read that in the comments it made me very happy! On 25 now.

  40. So, I have to wiki level 25 ?
    The images all have a name now.
    How do I wiki them?

  41. Check the Manga wiki site how to read.

  42. Thank you. Is it an anagram?

  43. that's good. Can I show the letters I have? They are wrong.

  44. Oh, I see, the pics in Japanese order, not the names. Moving on.

  45. Uno hoo - if you are still stuck on Level 11, click on Dutchie's name and you may be able to get help. I used Paint on Level 11 and 28 and I had to click everywhere to get the answers (using FireFox). Still trying to figure out why it didn't work for me.

  46. level 29,i have found eggs from m....i,d.....e,e.....r,s....e.what else should i do?

  47. Not really important, but you could get another egg from the bottom right part.
    Focus on the s....e egg, that's the important one.

  48. I didn't find the s egg but got the answer from looking at something else that didn't belong. Any hint on the s....e egg just so I know, please?

  49. Janet, to get the s....e egg, highlight the page and look at top. Lol, wondering what that something else was what gave you the answer.

  50. Thanks Dutchie for a great riddle.
    It was challenging and fun! Thinking many others may now become "riddle addicts" Thanks again Dutchie and to all who advised, tested and contributed.

    And thanks also to all my fellow players who helped me along the way.

  51. Another day, another crack at riddling! Currently stuck on Level 13 - I have 5 ladies (I think!), but I need the one from the New York Halloween Party (the 5th one, I think). I believe that's the one I'm missing. Can't call on Granny with only 5 letters...

  52. Oh, wait. I think it was the "white bikini, two shells" one I was missing. Even so, Granny's not yielding anything pertinent from my letters. These are the films I have: T******, D* N*, P****** of the C********, P*****, T** G*** T** B** & T** U***, K*** K***. Could someone tell me which one is wrong, if any?

  53. BlackFiresong. TGTB&TU is not right. What is the cowboy carrying and where does he have it

  54. Level 13 - also you can go to granny with just 5 letters, enter your letters and put a ? for the sixth letter. Granny will tell you all possibilities

  55. @Janet - If I change TGTB&TU to AFOD, the heroine's name still starts with the same letter. None of the Granny options seem to stand out or work.

    I hate levels about films as I barely watch any. :(

  56. I have *ose, *oney, *****beth, *eigh, *arisol, *nn.

  57. Check the character's name for P..... again

  58. I think *eigh is incorrect

  59. african ants rock!thanks for all the help,dutchie how long does it takes you to create a riddle like that?

  60. Oh, whoops!!! I am a giddy goat! xD Onto Level 14 now. Woo hoo!

  61. Congrats Janet and Sofia Nt, well done :)

    Sofia, I think I started last spring with trying to create a level out of an idea and probably discarded it because it was bad, lol like many ideas.

  62. Level 29 - lol Dutchie - yes I saw that but was overthinking - counting letters for O/E from what was there, what wasn't there and both together. It was staring me right in the face

  63. Stuck on Level 17. I got the egg and noted all the words in italics. But now I don't know what to do, lol.

  64. Level 17 - you can divide that big grid into smaller ones and "feel" your way along

  65. Thanks, Janet! I realised I'd missed the "feel" hint. Onto 18 now... making short work of this! Aim is to finish it by tonight. :D

  66. OK, I get the idea of Level 18, but one of the levels is one I solved by fluke, so I don't have the letter. The other letters I have (hopefully correctly). Do we need the URLs of each level or the solutions to them? I have gone with solutions.

  67. I never understood the egg on 10 - that is the level I am missing. I noted the differently-fonted title and the instructions, but I never understood what the instructions actually wanted me to do and how the title related to that. I actually guessed an answer that turned out to be an egg from Level 11, which is how I originally progressed! Now I'm mystified because I need the actual answer. :(

  68. Level 10 firstly play the game cross numbers of your bingo card it will give you an egg. Then do what it says to the text under the bingo card

  69. Is that the bingo one? I'll give you the hint that I was given that really helped me.

    small-tool 2/23/16, 5:16 AM
    f0ur s1xteen etc.

  70. Aha! Thank you, JW91 - that was the spark I needed :D Now at least I have all the solutions and can hopefully be slightly less confused about Level 18 (I will probably still be confused, though, let's be real xD).

  71. Cannot figure out the red egg for Level 19. How do I know which ones to mirror and which ones not to? :/

  72. Nvm - I actually managed! This POP thing works wonders. Now to put the 3 eggs together.

  73. What is this POP thing then?

  74. POP is a magical thing you have to cherish because it's often very helpful.
    It's the abbreviation of: Power Of Posting.
    Meaning: once you posted a help question you suddenly (often directly after) find the answer yourself.

  75. OK, I got the egg on Level 21 from the names of the films, but it's informed me that it's looking for something completely different. I have no idea what to count - so I'm stuck. :/

  76. phew, got to second door of 11 egg. I picked up 2,10.... six numbers but the 16 porta names nor the 14 region names on the map could lead to a word.

  77. uno hoo, try to find something else on the MAP to pick letters from.

  78. Ah yes I understand. I have experienced this POP phenomenon many many times :D

  79. @uno hoo - Don't bother with the Porta names or the region names. What you need is on the left side of the image.

  80. Sadly, I am not experiencing any POP moments on Level 21. I think my brain may be a bit fried after having gone through 11 levels today.

  81. Blackfiresong,
    Take the last sentence very literally.

  82. Back on 8 - I am getting nothing out of the color alphabet. I got through the eggs and binaries, but I cannot match the colors to the color alphabet... :-(

  83. Lol BlackFiresong, maybe you need a break. For level 21: YOU have some to counting to do.

  84. @s-t, I get the first of the italicised words - it's the second one that baffles me!

  85. @smartasawhippet - You'll get a long word in the middle that seems like it should be wrong, but just roll with it and it should work! Did you get the first two words as w** l**** ? If so, you're probably on the right track re: matching the colours to the colour alphabet. Remember to walk down the streets as you would IRL - L to R, R to L, L to R...

  86. @Dutchie: Ahh, I see, the sentences describing the films all have that word in them. So I start counting the letters after that word in each sentence based on title lengths?

  87. BlackFiresong, it's more the position where you are.

  88. Don't overthink and don't make up your own hints, BlackFiresong.
    No anagram.

  89. Got it! Thanks, small-tool! I realised it was about the position, but I was making the mistake of only considering the four movie description sentences rather than the whole lot. Level 22 now. Beastin' this riddle, oh yeah.

  90. Thanks BlackFiresong - I had to force a few of the letters in the long word because I couldn't match them to the alphabet, but I finally got through it.

  91. Someone went through 11 levels today .... I'm speechless.

  92. @arrie NL - I would never manage anything without you guys and your lovely hints!

  93. Thank you dutchie and BlackFiresong. Moving on to eggs of 12.

  94. I've got all the character names for Level 25. I just don't really know what to wiki to get the order. I've tried the title of the level, but I don't really know where to go from there.

  95. Never mind! I was on the right article! Found the bit I needed. :D 26, woo hoo!

  96. BlackFiresong, does this Dutchie-hint help?
    2/25/16, 3:05 PM

    Check the Manga wiki site how to read.

  97. Thanks, Arrie!

    I now can't figure out how to apply Dutchie's "ftf" hint to the "good tip". Counting the numbers of letters in the first three words of the tip and attributing those counts to letters yields something promising, but the remaining four words yield gibberish.

  98. Sorry, that was not a very good hint. Focus on the "good tip". Its not only ftf. (Lol, not sure that makes it more clear)

  99. lol, ctr f through the hints trying to find ftf. No idea what that means.

  100. ftf - the 'first" and most basic riddle hint

  101. level 26.
    BlackFiresong. Perhaps you should learn how to sing.

  102. Lol, Dutchie - that mystifies me further!

    Also, this person is silly to drink on a Sunday and try and do their laundry on a Monday morning. Haha :D

  103. @Janet - I understand what the "ftf" hint means - just not how/on what to apply it. :(

    @arrie - Does that mean the answer is directly related to the song? I kinda thought the song was just background music. That might have been naive of me.

  104. Level 26 - notice Dutchie repeated ftf, perhaps she should have hinted ftf sts. Arrie gave a realy good hint - how do you sing? Using what?

  105. Ahhhh, I understood the singing thing. But what do I do with what I get from that?

  106. Level 26 - "Every good boy does fine"

  107. I played it on a virtual keyboard and it doesn't ring any bells tune-wise.

  108. Noooo clue what alphabet to use for Level 28 egg. I've scoured Red Luth to no avail.

  109. LOL, I'm an idiot. Was staring me in the face!

  110. The answer that brought you that egg.

  111. Mentioned the wrong level.
    on 29 now too, BlackFiresong! We're doing great.

  112. I've found two eggs for 29 - m****i and d******. I've also noted O/E and noticed that some game categories are missing on the top bar, but I have no idea how to use that information.

  113. Two more (funny, but also with a tiny bit info) eggs to find onn the right side.

    For the top you have all the info (or maybe a bit more info when looking at - comparing with the real site - the logo. Just think about it.

  114. I found the egg "s****e". It's very cryptic. Not sure how to interpret it. Search where? EG24? I tried typing the words in inverted commas into the EG24 search bar, but didn't come up with anything.

  115. It's not Google, so don't use those inverted commas.

  116. Enjoying while solving up till Level 16, the treasure hunt. Coming back tomorrow. Dutchie, you r great!

  117. See you tomorrow uno hoo, you are doing great :)

  118. Level 29.
    I don't know how to apply o/e on what?
    I only have the two obvious eggs, the es.. and the mi..

  119. Level 29 - odd even - I had thought it was counting letters but it was all about "position"

  120. Arrie, apply it on text in top part.

  121. Level 29 - also look at what's under the Odd Even

  122. btw, who's the first character? I couldn't google-image him. Looks familiar though.

  123. Level 29 - lol think wascally wabbit

  124. thanks Janet. Found the character, no idea about the evens and odds I found in the text.

  125. Level 29 - look at the headers. Number them. Then think of one thing (besides typo's) that I always have trouble with

  126. Also, under the words Odd/Even, there's something there that's not on the original EG24 page

  127. lol, left/right. But you're to cryptic, Janet.

  128. @arrie - apply 'ftf' on the weekly most popular games (though that doesn't really yield anything you don't already know)

  129. @small-tool - I didn't search for them in inverted commas. I did find a game called H**** S***** - is this significant? Lol.

  130. Level 29 - The headers are the categories - there are six of them. Then look under the Odd/Even - what do you see - who is on one side and who is on the other side?

  131. Level 29 - Weekly popular games tells you what you are looking for. Now put it together with the S clue and you'll be on Level 30

  132. BlackFiresong,
    The egg tells you to don't go (read as don't use) hyper.
    Just the S will do.
    You're looking for a ?

  133. Lol, ok, now I see.
    You were (with inverted commas) refering to your own post :P
    Anyway very odd it doesn't come up with anything. BUt you know what you are looking for so you can try with Google as well.

  134. I'm on level 30, simply by trial and error on the developers on the right.
    I would like to find the other 3 eggs, I think somehow they explain why it's the correct answer.
    Is that correct?

  135. btw, lol, dutchie, I found a very special egg as well, so two more to find on level 29.

  136. and no, I didn't find it myself, had a huge hint on yours! :)

  137. Only the s....e egg is really important, the other eggs all tell to what to look for.

  138. level 29. apply O/E = L/R = first/last on the categories, then anagram. got it ! thanks all for the hints.

  139. @small-tool - I wasn't searching for the word I needed to on its own. I was combining it with the very things I was supposed to NOT combine it with. xD Now I understand the hint and got the answer! Onto Level 30 now. Can't believe I'm almost at the end!

  140. So I found the hidden text and did the "first" thing for each of the sentences. Is that "first" thing the key? 'Cause I tried to use that key on the hidden text and got gibberish. I also tried to do the same with a transposed version of the key (via rotten), but that yielded gibberish too. Help?

  141. Oh, wait! I did get the keyword via rotten. But I still get gibberish when I try to use it.

  142. Ooh, never mind! I was using the wrong tool on Red Luth. Made it out!!! I was expecting an egg before the end, but Dutchie was kind and merciful. :D

    Well done to Dutchie for making such a fun and awesome riddle! And thanks so much to everyone who helped me - Janet, arrie TL, small-tool, JW91, and those who left hints earlier, like Nini and Puffin. Sorry if I missed out any names. Thank you too all of you. Yayyy, I'm out!!! :D

  143. Congrats BlackFiresong, well done :)

  144. Great BlackFiresong!
    This was it. :(

    It was great Dutchie. Creative levels, very diverse, all sorts of tools, ideas, puzzles.
    Thanks for making it for us (^^)

  145. And congrats to you too Arrie, great job :)

  146. Thanks to all for leaving hints and answering question. I really appreciate it.

  147. questionsssss of course, more than one :-)

  148. And Arrie, I learned from the maSTer and still learning :)

  149. If anyone is still on - I'm back on 13 - not getting one of the movies, the fifth, I think.

  150. No I think it must be the white dress Halloween NYC one. I thought I knew it but not working...

  151. Smart if you Google gorilla, Empire State Building and movie you wull find it.

  152. Ah, number 6. It's about a big "big gorilla in New York City".

  153. Okay. That one I have. It must be the one before it that I missed?

  154. the money one. "A fist full of it"

  155. Or the one before that? google for instance "shower scene british director".

  156. Nope, got that one. Got ship, pearl, shower, dollars and big gorilla in nyc....

  157. Level 13 Girl coming out of the ocean with two shells, think Bond, James Bond

  158. That was it - thank you Janet!

  159. level 13.
    Google something like "Bond girl out of the ocean".
    When the ladies have been found don't take the real live ones, take their first characters. Probably need some anagramming as well.

  160. Level 15, I've been trying to anagram letters after solving the crossword but didn't get anything...some help please?

  161. Hi Yuki - that had me stumped for a bit too. That spider is there for a reason...

  162. Yuki, you need eight letters, the legs from spider tells you which letters. Maybe try a ? in anagram solver if you are not sure about a letter.

  163. Level 18 facepalm. I think someone said earlier "I knew this day would come..." :-)

  164. Level 18 - lol, you did write down your answers to all the previous levels, yes?

  165. No, but I'm going to start! I did figure it out though. Starting on 19.

  166. Liked each level. Thanks Dutchie!

  167. Congrats flower bird, well done :)

  168. Thank you Smartasawhippet and Dutchie! Finally got it :)

  169. Still plodding along here. Got the blue egg on 19 and tackling the other two. Doing hint review. Thanks Dutchie for hanging in with us!

  170. stuck on 17. Still couldn't get a word after reading the above comments. Do I need all ? or only the green ?

  171. Hi Uno- you need them all. Did you get the egg?

  172. level 17.
    do the math uno, add to get the outcome in green and a=1.

  173. Level 17 - you need to fill in all the green answers and the ?'s.

  174. Level 17 - but yes, for the egg, you just need to find the total of all the green numbers

  175. Lol, you gotta love EG24, right?
    A game more than a week old and people are still answering questions.
    Way to go guys :)

  176. Gotcha. Thank you all. For the egg, + and - .....? I need to work on the equations again?

  177. Level 17, there are four italicized words, mark them off on the first grid and 'feel" your way to the next level

  178. I'm lost in "feeling" my way in 17 egg. The numbers on the grid are the dots?

  179. The italicized words in the egg describe what on the grid are the dots. Everything else you leave alone. Hopefully, Janet is still here - her hints are better than mine!

  180. Level 17 - mark off (or put dots) on any numbers OR signs in the grid that fit the four italicized words.

  181. Level 17. For example on the 1st line across, you would mark the 36 (even), the + (positive), the 8 (even), and the = (equals)

  182. Yeeha! Great tips. Thanks Janet

  183. Lol - Uno hoo - knew you would get it :-)

  184. Yay, uno hoo :) Keep going, you are doing well.
    Great hints Janet :)

  185. Lol, meaning: Arrie is replaying and now on level 18!!??

  186. I did not think I was EVER getting Lvl 29. I read every single hint at least twice. on 30. I think this is the first major multi-level riddle I've made it (well, almost) through. I think you get better the more you do, and not having the answers spoiled makes you better at solving the next one.

  187. Go go go go, smart, nearly there :)

  188. Lol, be careful what you wish for Smartaswhippet, the next riddle posted here on EG24 might be a nightmare :P


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