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Dutchie's Riddle

Dutchie's Riddle is another free online riddle game created by Dutchie for Escape Games 24. In this riddle there are 10 (very easy) teaching levels, followed by 30 (not too hard) real levels. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can give big hints, but please don't spoil with exact answers!

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  1. LOL - "might" be a nightmare - an understatement at best!!!

  2. LOL s-t - that would be fine. I'll just learn more! This is the first riddle where I've been able to work through the basics on my own, and my questions are more like the ones the good riddlers are asking. :-) OTOH, I think I fried my brain on 29....

  3. You're kidding me smart**??
    Awesome job then!

  4. And no ... I'm not replaying, lol, I'm in a Sherlock Holmes riddle right now. Was merely encouraging Uno Hoo!

  5. How do you get notified when a new one gets published - I'm usually late to the party...

  6. Smart - you just have to keep checking EG24. You can click on the link Riddles and sort by date to see the latest one

  7. Thanks Janet and Arrie. And s-t, I assume that means we might see something from you soon? I'm going to go back and work on some of your old ones I couldn't finish now that I'm getting better at them....

  8. I don't understand teaching level B. I have read through all the comments, but no matter how hard I try, I don't get it... so please help me

  9. Hi Lonely. Don't look at the picture, look at the text!

  10. That's what i've been doing, but still don't get it...

  11. The first letters of each word in the text sentence spell a word. Replace firstthingsfirst in the url with that word.

  12. Yey I finally got it! Thanks alot ^-^

  13. A little help for making the omelet after I had got three eggs in 19. Those words are too long to take to granny.

  14. Use this solver:

  15. Okay got another egg. Thank you s-t!

  16. Off the subject or riddle actually but if someone would kindly take a look at Truly Kryptic. I'm having - no surprise - technical (operator) troubles. Thanks!

  17. Stuck in second part of level 7. "Another egg" HELP ! I saw the word granny, but no idea what to do.....HEEELP

  18. Granny is a term riddlers use when they talk about anagramming.
    There are two eggs on 7. Anagram both (4 letter) answers into an 8 letter word.

    Mailed you.

  19. Thanks for the help BUT : I dont know the two answers...maybe the first word is the solution from part one ( p...n) ? But the second word ????? Stuck...

  20. For the other egg, the eyes of the birds are a code/alphabet as well.

  21. level 7.
    The second eggs tells you something is wrong with the flag colours.
    I personally was shocked when I saw Dutchie made this mistake ..... eyes again ... anagram again.

  22. The second egg, yes, lol, but only if you found the other one first!
    So for that other one, don't correct the flag, take the eyes as they are.

    Then, combine the two egg-words you found.

  23. To quote - Gotta love EG24 - even when a riddle is 3 months old, you can find help here. Thank you.

  24. Thanks Jutta. I got the second egg of lvl 7 by using the birds eyes, still dont know how you got the first egg, but i used the two letters you gave, added them to my four, put them in scrabble word finder, chucked two question marks in and now on lvl 8. woohoo. Gotta love EG25 and all the help you get here.

  25. umm..and EG24 too. whoops.

  26. Clio - for the other egg, you needed to re-arrange the birds based on the "country" you were in.

  27. Thanks a lot !!!!! I m so happy to see level 8 :-)

  28. MY Country, clio !!
    And cool, Jutta!

  29. Stuck on 22, the p-p cipher. I don't understand how the cipher works. Been watching the red luth samples but still don't get it.

  30. Uno hoo - anagram the word that you see on the image. It will tell you which P..P.. cipher to use - there are more than one.

  31. Level 22 - then look down at your keyboard - Dutchie gave a good hint earlier that the letter Q would be .2

  32. For black friday sales, some items cannot be rounded up to a figure, e.g. 36.006, what have I done wrong? Shapes and discounts have been worked out already.

  33. Level 23 - no number should be above 26. make sure you are applying the discount on only the shaped items - there are 11 total

  34. Also do not add the like shaped items. Figure each one of the 11 items separately

  35. Also are you taking the original price in the shape and discounting down based on the sales percentage?

  36. Level 23 - From Arrie earlier:

    triangle 2
    circle 2
    square 3
    rectangle 2
    star 2

  37. uno hoo, as small tool said as well, for example 14.003 becomes 14, and 18.9975 becomes 19.

  38. Thx Janet! I added up the items to get the discount price,no wonder.

  39. I pick up some mirrored words on 24,but not so sure about some phrases or single word mirroring itself. How many words do i need?

  40. Getting excited, on 28 now :)
    But what to pick up on the grid? First to put back into 1 to 8 in order?

  41. Hi Uno - you might want to paint that level...

  42. Level 28 - The letters at the bottom can be shown to Granny for an egg.

  43. Level 28 - they will also tell you what code you need (use the Red Luth site)

  44. Ha! I never got the egg on that level. Not sure how I managed that.

  45. On 29, I saw the 12 categories and also the O/E words on top left. Just don't know what O or E to pick up.

  46. Level 29 - this will be tough for you because you only play the riddles.

  47. Level 29 - Concentrate on the page in the riddle and the six header categories. Look at the hints 2/26/26 11:18 am through 12:57 pm

  48. Level 29 - Also take a look to the right under Weekly Most Popular games and remember the "first" riddle rule.

  49. Level 29 - Arrie gave reallllly great hint at 2/26/26 12:57 pm

  50. Almost there Uno Hoo! Following your progress.
    And Congrats Smartasawhippit. :)

  51. make that .. whippet of course.

  52. Thanks for cooking all these eggs on 29 for me! Really full after eating 3 or 4 eggs. Haha :P
    Going to finish the last level tomorrow. Goodnight!

  53. Finished! Took days and days and following all those who are smarter than I am. But I finished. Woohoo

  54. Hi all, I need help with level 19, I've solved the 3 eggs and made the omelette, however, every shortened form of that w****h place gives me a cat on a keyboard. Have I missed a trick?

  55. Level 19 - lol I did the same thing! Shortened yes but you still need 20 letters!

  56. Congrats Occasional Gamer! Doesn't matter how long it takes - you saw it through and finished :-)

  57. And Yay Uno Hoo - won't be here tomorrow to see you finish but it's been nice "talking" to you again.

  58. Thanks Janet, on to 20 now

    To Dutchie, I've loved all the levels so far, but that last bit of level 19 was not logical, just saying like...

  59. Congrats Occasional gamer :)

  60. Hello - I am stuck on level 19's green egg. I'm trying M**** with the 5 green cells, varying between which is a d** and which is a d*** but I cannot come up with any sensical letter strings. I've also tried doing all cells _except_ the green ones, and tried using a M**** from the year 1911. But no luck. Any hints?

  61. @Jennifer, there are are light and dark cells within each line, light could be a dot - give it a go.....

  62. Jennifer Zwick,
    Correct method: White is d.. and black/grey is d...

  63. Yay :) Rambler is back, from playing "posh golf" :P

  64. Hey s-t, how's it going. I'm on a short leash so make it quick...

  65. @Jennifer, you have the right letters, just put them into a anagram solver and put the result into the URL - starts with P

  66. All correct letters Jennifer (so maybe delete that post). Just go Granny.

  67. Level 19 - green egg. But what if you show granny what you got?

  68. Oh, and keeping the Golf analogy going (thanks s-t), it rhymes with 1 over par on a golf hole

  69. Lol, I see what you mean, Rambler. But that was a lucky coincidence, the main part of my comment was the 'posh' part :P
    Nah , just kidding. Very glad, although on a short leash, to see you back here :)

  70. I've tried granny - but I get no results. However, I just wrote down all possible combinations and through trial and error ended up with one. Thank you for your help, it's interesting to see your hints and conversations evolve over the pages of comments

  71. Jennifer - don't know what anagram solver you are using but someone here told me about this one and it's always worked.

  72. @ s-t Thanks for the gladness :)

    But the quality of the games is getting worse. It used to be that Tesshie-e, Neutral or Robamimi (to name a few) was the standard. Now it's robotical rubbish. Meh...

  73. Congrats Jennifer and yep on EG24 (the best site there is) the comments are great (lol, a bit of an interpretation of your 'interesting), but about the granny; Everything is important in this riddle, in the intro (or some levels later) a site was mentioned for Granny:

  74. Lol, ok, Fair enough Rambler. Won't go on about the 'posh' thing (since you seem to avoid it, but that's ok, was kidding anyway), but yep, you're right. It's now about picking the right game and hopefully being lucky it's a good one. A load of c..p posted nowadays, but sometimes you can find a gem.

  75. just finished!
    thank you dutchie for your riddle! and many thanks to the eg24 riddlers and their useful hints! really, thanks a lot to all of you!

  76. @ s-t Posh is nonsense. The lads I play with swear like troopers and are Platers, Welders, Pipe Fitters, Chippies, Sparkies and Scaffolders. Salt of the earth...

  77. Lol, it's ok Rambler. Like said; was just joking around.
    Wanted to post a superb reply (with things like what happened to the great Empire when even Welders, Chippies etc are playing golf nowadays), but way too late/wasted to word it right. Anyway, all in all not important at all, just making convo, but kind of lost my touch with being sarcastic/ironic/funny.
    Lol, this whole post is 'nonsense' :P

  78. I've tried granny - but I get no results. However, I just wrote down all possible combinations and through trial and error ended up with one. Thank you for your help, it's interesting to see your hints and conversations evolve over the pages of comments

  79. Jennifer - try You will get only one answer which is the correct one

  80. @small-tool, I did mean "interesting" in the best possible way! Seems like a fond collaborative community.

  81. Morning Jennifer - yes, you're right. Good friends and good times here. And always room for more to join us

  82. May I know what tool to use for the x text? I tried the ftf from the sentenses but got nothing.

  83. Oh pop! I got it! Finished! Woohooo! Thanks so much for all your hints and especially many thanks to dutchie's work! Love it! looking forward to play another one :P

  84. As I watched the ants' playing drums and dancing, I was trying to figure what those colors and gestures mean. :P

  85. Uno !!! Congratulations on finishing :)

  86. Congrats uno hoo, great job :)

  87. Hello again - I don't have MS Paint and haven't found an online tool that works the same. Dutchie, you helped me once via email - is there any other help for level 28's egg?

  88. Mailed you Jennifer. Hope it works :)

  89. Finally finished :)
    Great work @Dutchie, I look forward to the next one.

  90. Congrats Scotty, well done :)

  91. Congratulations Scotty!

  92. I am completely stuck on Level 11. I have seen all the hints and know that there is a number sequence in the text and it corresponds to something on the left side of the map of Rome. but I cannot figure out the nubmers or the map clues. Help!!!

  93. Fosterhewitt, Forget the left side hint, it's not right. Concentrate on 'Plan of ancient Rome'

  94. Help in level 16. I have deciphered with help from "Bug", but the answer is......."welshrarebi " ???? I can read the whole text - only this last a problem

  95. Jutta, the last word is the most important. You almost have the answer, only last letter is missing.

  96. I've gotten the egg on level 20 but am now grasping at "straws"? help?

  97. Fosterhewitt, just go visit granny

  98. @jw91 ... can't believe I overlooked the simplist solution. Thanks!

  99. Wow!! Just finished!! Thanks for the riddle Dutch!! And also thanks for all of the great hints, without which I would never have been able to solve this. Now anxiously awaiting the next Small-Tool masterpiece.

  100. Congrats Chael :) well done!

  101. lost on level 26 - I get the ftf hint and the sts hint but not sure how they apply. I think I get what to "Do" but not seeing it in "singing silly"

  102. Fosterhewitt, Si and Ti are the same.

  103. Level 19: i have the 3 eggs,( c....n, p...y, m.....y) asked granny, get two words: p....e e....y Iused the second word, then see level 9 (!) with an old map with ships. Have no idea what to do....HELP

  104. Use both words (without a space) as one long word as answer.

  105. Thank you so much - I m still alive.....but totally stuck on 22 ! I dont, understand anything.... Cipher p ...p ???? level 22.
    I've read all the hints , but no idea but mudpan and n.....d . That´s all....

  106. Level 22 Hi Jutta. When you anagram mudpan, you get N-MP-D. Now look at your keyboard to the numberpad on the right. See how it's oriented? Then look at the Red Luth site for the P--P-- code tables. Dutchie had given a hint saying the Q would be .2 So use the second P--P-- cipher to pick your letters.

  107. Level 22
    p.s. If your keyboard doesn't have a numberpad, the orientation is:

    7 8 9
    4 5 6
    1 2 3

  108. Pffffffff, got it, THANKS !!!!!! I did not realize where to look at red luth.......enough for today, thank you !

  109. Yay Jutta - keep on going - you're almost there

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Thanks Dutchie....I'm I can have my life back.


  112. Lol, congrats Fosterhewitt, well done :)

  113. Level 29, got 5 eggs, e..., m..., d...., m...., s...., read all comments, don´t know how to use s....e. Help please

  114. Search s....e on the EG24 site (this site). You're looking for the maker.

  115. Level 29 - Go to the real EG24 web page and in the Search Bar on the upper right type S----- Then read the description of the game S-----. You'll find the M---- name.

  116. Just one more level to go Jutta!

  117. Finished !!!! Thanks for your help ! Great fun - what should I do now ? :-))))

  118. Congratulations Jutta !!!!

  119. Jutta, if you want to play an older riddle, just click on the Riddle link at the top of this page. There are many great riddles to choose from. And most of them have a lot of comments and some even have walkthroughs at the end.

  120. thank you dutchie for a great riddle, its after taking me two weeks to do it but I really enjoyed it and thank you all who went before me, you all left great hints which helped me greatly, thanks again all

  121. thank you dutchie for a great riddle, its after taking me two weeks to do it but I really enjoyed it and thank you all who went before me, you all left great hints which helped me greatly, thanks again all

  122. Congrats Jutta and Ger, well done! :)

  123. Hi, level 5 egss, help please

  124. Only one egg on level 5.
    The egg you get by using the name of a character that don't belong to that a show on a pic.
    When on the egg already: It's Googling to the get the answer (starts with i)

  125. thanks small-toll got it!!

  126. 1 star awful, stuck on page Teaching level B, no idea what to do, clear as mud

  127. Just giving answers is no good dutchie, an explanation of how you arrive at an answer is required, clearly whatever is in your mind is not in mine, lost in translation.

  128. Thank you very much @Dutchie
    for that great riddle.
    I enjoyed a lot to play all the diverse levels with creative ideas.

  129. This game was from a year ago but I just played it, if you're still looking at comments. Figured it all out from the clues left here. Thank you so much!

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. okay, I really need help on 18, please. I've read alle the hints before, but I still don't get how to pick letters. I wrote down all the solutions from the levels which are shown on the slideshow (first would be para...... , etc.). Thought about arrow to the left = take first letter, arrow showing to the right = last letter, but that doesn't work. tried it the other way round..nothing...

  132. help on 21 please, I found the egg and I know that I need to count after a special word (y**), but I don't know, what to count. It doesn't work with words or letters. I know that I don't need to visit a granma. could someone just give me the first letter, please, maybe I can figure it out then? thanks

  133. Level 21 - Notice that word is in each sentence but only once so it's all about its position.

  134. thank you so much janet,onto 22.

  135. stuck again on 27. I thought ftf from the tools that are not underlined, but this is wrong. help, please?

  136. and it shows me a pic adress r**l***.png, but I can't open it

  137. Hi Abraxxass, nice to see you are playing my riddle. For level 27, you are right about the not underlined tools but you need more then just firsts. RL (Red Luth) is the hint you need.

  138. I just finished playing this again. Great riddle, Dutchie. Very odd to be mystified by a level and see comments from myself from 2 years ago where I had no problem with said level! These sorts of games truly are the gift that keeps on giving.

    @Abraxxass - for 27, the hint from Red Luth (RL) tells you how you need to pick letters from the non-underlined words. You need 10 letters in total. Hope that helps!

  139. Lol, congrats again BFS :)

  140. Having fun (again) I see :). How nice.
    Did you check the Rembrandt House? I recommend the tour.
    Because of this riddle I also did it in real life. That was awesome, but their site is great as well.

  141. still don' get 27..for the first non underlined word, do I need ABHO? but then I get more than 10 letters in total

  142. nvm, got it :)RL (or LR) is the hint :)

  143. @Abraxxass - Hope you managed to finish this! I just played through Dutchie's "An Eas(y)ter Riddle" - nice and short. A bit of (off-)seasonal fun! :) Give it a whirl if you feel like it!

  144. hi BFS, so stuck on 29..found the s***** egg and a game ccalled myst** sp**** escape. didn't find the other eggs. help, plese? I'l try an eas(y)ter riddle, thank you for the tip :)

  145. @Abraxxass - That's the most important egg! :) There is one more useful egg and another three eggs which are not directly relevant to solving the level. Do you see the games listed on the sidebar on the right? If you do FTF on them, you will get the second useful egg. That egg tells you what in particular you need from Myst*** Sp****.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. finished :) I liked this riddle, it was a good one :)thanks a lot for all your help :) Now I'm trying the Eas(y)ter Riddle :) and I'm playing purple logics glitchy riddle, too :)

  148. Congrats Abraxxass!! Well done, glad you liked it :) Keep on riddling :)

  149. What a great riddle! Thank you so much! After 4 years without riddling, it was perfect for getting my brain going again! (Although I had peek at the hints quite a bit) Thank you Dutchie!

  150. Congrats Em, well done! So good to see you back in Riddletown :) On to smalltool's Tool Torture Threesome now?

  151. anyone there? i'm stuck at lvl 26, the video had been deleted by some reason. Do i need the video? cuz i try to apply ftf on good tip but found nothing

  152. The video is not needed to solve the level. The last sentence of text is important (♫♪♫♫♪).

  153. OK, so nearly 3 years late to this riddle, but have managed to finish with the help of all the many hints and comments. Thanks Dutchie for this puzzle and everyone who has left help along the way. I will be looking for more of them now.

  154. Congrats Di999, well done :)

  155. Please give me hint,if you remember anyone.
    level 18
    I think the arrow below the pic is to choose a level before and after this problem.
    The first and last letter of the selected level are picked up in various ways. But I can't get it right.

  156. Add it to the Post first.
    For example, if the problem of level 4 .
    A)level 15 or level 10?(left and right slide)

    B)level 3 or level 5?(before and after level problem)

  157. Sorry, I got it right.

  158. Hi Jan, nice to see you play this riddle :) I will check so now and then to see if you need help.

  159. Hi! Dutchie,
    I have finished level 30.
    I’m very happy about the level 25 and 29 Japanese riddle problem.
    Thank you!
    (Maybe other Riddles will also try😊)

  160. Congrats Jan, well done. Glad you liked it :)

  161. This riddle was so much fun, so interesting, and so challenging. So challenging that I'd barely be past the training levels without the help posted here. Thank you, Dutchie for a great riddle. I see you have made others, and hope you continue to do so :)

  162. Congrats Tialuisa, great job! Glad you liked it :) Maybe you played it already but I can recommand a golden oldie from small-tool: Strife, there are also several prequels to it.

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

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