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Banished Escape is another point and click escape riddle game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. You have been banished to the deepest, darkest parts of nothing. Solve puzzles, many puzzles to work your way through each area and maybe you will escape! Escape with the fewest clicks to make your presence on the leader board! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Gail, same here. No need to enter anything in 8, just click the top of the stairs.

  2. Replaying, i actually liked the game

  3. Room 12: bookkeeper

  4. Dark room: move the cursor a bit to left, it will change

    Click and get outside, click left of window,see a key under it, click right and go inside

    Room 3: look at the right window and note the arrow
    Look at the left window and note the letters,follow the arrow: gfcbad

    Room 4: collect the orbs

    Room 5: read the sentence under the clock, midnight time :12, quarter: 15, so its 12:15

    Room 6: jigsaw

    Room 7: yellow skull:5
    Black skull :7
    White skull :3
    Red line under 7 in meter top right
    Green tile carries 9

    Room 8: read the book top to bottom and take the capital letters: NIWIFI

    Read them backwards: IFIWIN

    Room 9: see stains on tiles, 241354
    Arrange sliders seeing the most bottom stain should go at the most bottom line, and the next one is one step behind it
    So it goes: 241365

  5. Room 9: note stains on tiles :241354

  6. Room 10: matches under window
    Light fire and see the name on picture, pepe leon
    Anagram it: penelope

    Room 11: count white spaces between black squares on tile: 5835948

    Room 12: look at the books and think of a word with 3 double letters: bookkeeper

    Room 13: v=5, so w= 6, x= 7...
    From the word six, s=2,i=18
    Start from the left get the pointer at 2, then 18 to the right,then 7 back to left

    Room 14: note jars on the left for color arrangement then note each shape color: 57463

    Room 15: guess the word: candle

  7. I liked your game selfdefiant, you mustve changed the sliders even though i had no trouble with them, for me id give it 5 stars, thanks!

  8. I just posted the solution 1:29 am, ignore the previous one

  9. I repeat, i just posted the solution 1: 29 am, ignore the previous one

  10. SD - Had to play through one last time. Thanks for the fix on the sliders. I really enjoyed this type of game, and I hope you make more like it! Very similar to your Escape Plan games, but even better with the addition of riddles, anagrams, etc. And orbs!
    Keep up the great work! I seldom get in on a live game, but I love your games! Thanks!!

  11. Out with 613, first time on my own.
    SD, the game is potentially great, providing that the accuracy of the programming is higher.
    The sliders were confusing, the colors in level 14 not clear (confused blue with green), to do the safe you have to restart and it is tentative right or left. If more rigorous, a great game.

  12. Not working at all on a mac all I see once clicked start over is the word 'BANISHED'

  13. I got out but I'm sure I skipped a few rooms that didn't require me to do anything but click the door.

  14. 391 I had just did a puzzle that had the last riddle in it. Candle

  15. SD appreciated your effort and liked the concept, but there were some really annoying things in this game. Counting clicks is one, I hate that in a game, secondly some of it was quite hard to make out, I went round and round in the room looking for the slider box, had to watch a video to find out where it was. Otherwise a good game. If these points were ironed out it would be perferct. Thanks for your effort though.

  16. I can't get no. 12 right with inserting bookkeeper but the space runs out on the last 2 letters then when i click on enter, it says that wasn't right. Help please?

  17. don't click space,just type bookkeeper

  18. Excellent! Love a good brain teaser!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Sorry, I'm having the same problem as Mrs G; there are only 8 spaces to type in room 12 so I CAN'T type *bookkeeper*, I tried *bookkeep* but it says it isn't right and doesn't let me do anything else.

  22. Area 9 - Level is bugged for me... 1 star

  23. 'Brain teezers' - give me strength!

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