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Run Joey Journey 3

Run Joey Journey 3 is another free online riddle game, sequel of Run Joey Journey and Another Run Joey. Mr. Run Joey decided to embrace another journey around the world. Mr. Run Joey loves riddles! You will help him on solving the riddles and finish his journey! 35 levels to go. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

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  1. lvl 17, rds, read the text out loud, sounds like ... and do what the line on which it is says.

  2. must be too tired, not getting it at all, thank you anyways arrie, my kids and dogs are all staring at me for reading it out loud and trying to make it sound

  3. hahhaa, The first word on the first line, say it a couple of times, then narrow it down to one L.

  4. ok, now I sound like a pirate...hahaha, still not getting the whole concept, got the first letter but not sure how to keep moving,

  5. LOL, yes, I hear you! Doing it now too, funny.
    second line, go on, there are two .....?

  6. @rds, for example, if you would make a "C" you could say:
    "You (U) are falling down to the right"
    (tilt the letter U to make it look like a C)

  7. @arrie, no drawing on lvl 21. Find out what game you are playing. Go to wiki to look at the names of what you have. Pick one or two letters for each pair.

  8. Can anyone give a hint for level 28?

  9. I too am stuck at the highway, lvl 28. Keeping my eyes on it, but I don't see how to apply the numbers.

  10. omg finally , thank you arrie and ellie

  11. I guess I am in good company, Ellie. :) I have run out of things to try. It looks like the number and letter at the top maybe a hint but it has gone over my head.

  12. I have to leave, thank you Ellie for the hint.
    See you on 18 soon rds! Don't forget to feed kids/dogs in the meantime, lol.

  13. thanks arrie, haha they are all fed and I am just staring at 18, got the two numbers, but trying to figure out what to do with them

  14. For 28, you need to use the mileage to pick letters, and find a way to convert. I think one of the letters is wrong, but it can be guessed easily

  15. Lol @Donas, I've spent a few hours trying to use those numbers to pick letters. Last attempt gave me "nemtr". I thought maybe A=24 would hint at rot... or it means "apply 24 to vilnius and get an A"... or it means nothing.

  16. Thank you Donas. That is not telling me anything I don't already know, however. Can you be more specific.

  17. Pop, got an egg on lvl 28

  18. For 28, the mileage for each city will give two letters, so you need 10, I like your idea too, Ellie ;)

  19. For the egg I picked 2 letters from each city. Then apply A24.

  20. Btw, I had those letters hours ago, but only gave them to granny :( Now, I should probably stare at the egg lol.

  21. gotta go for now, could someone leave some hints for 18 please have the numbers from the highlighted dates, know the months and obviously the year, but not finding anything in google about those specific dates

  22. @rds use the two numbers and the year to get to one egg.
    For the other egg, combine your two numbers, look for the new number twice in the pic, then look around to see which 6 (3+3) letters you can find.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Finally lvl 29 (google helped). Thanks @Donas!
    I should go to bed since it's 1:35 am. See you!

  25. Nevermind. I was WAY overthinking that one. LOL

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @Level 28 lost drivers: Yes, there was an error (corrected already! Thanks Donas!) on one of the milleage, we are deeply sorry, but it just comes to show how great riddlers / drivers you are, still going through even with the obstacles! We had to change the image on the last minute and, of course, bad testing lead to bad roads ;)

    Level 28, for those who will get there, remember, you are driving on A highway, and it's not the number one highway, A=1, it's another highway (now paved and renewed!). May the destination on the middle will hint you something!

  28. Thanks Ellie for lvl 21 clue, wiki page helps here, I used earlier another site and it was impossible to do.

  29. Good morning. Stuck at level 19. Any hints ??

  30. @lucia level 19: you need something from the picture and something from the text, and the combine and anagram.

    For the text, you have to think on going down the stairways and 1,2,3,4...
    For the image, those branches...

  31. Finally at 20. Thans Riddle Master.

  32. I take it on 30 the one with the arrow underneath is the starter and the rest go on top or is it a case of filling in an empty grid with them

  33. edit not 30 but level 29

  34. @mtatt, fill in the questionmarks.

  35. Love the riddle so far but can't get lvl 24. Know what to do but it's difficult to determine the exact place in goal. (don't like to watch the vid over and over again, lol)

  36. the 2 dutch goals easy to place the other there are one bottom 1 2nd row and 2 top row

    29 is the one above the arrow a hint or just a visual representation of the game tetris

  37. @mtatt100: level 29, the one with an arrow goes on the marked spot, it may (or may not) be part of the solution. It can help on placing and deciding the top pieces that fill all the "?" spots. Beware, pieces may rotate and some may rotate CW or CCW, be sure to try all the possibilities.

  38. Thanks Mtatt, on 25 now :)

  39. For level 30 I have found a phrase and a word that go nowhere. Not even to an egg. I have tried to "feel" something but what is there is topsy turvy. I am running out of ideas. Can you give me a push?

  40. Need help for lvl 18. Found one egg (p***), found the combined number twice in the picture and now have no idea where to look for 6 (3+3) numbers. What am I missing? Does it have something to do with the title? I am not English, so maybe it's a culture thing?

  41. @Milena level 18: for the second egg, you need the two digits you already found, together (forming a number). You can find that number twice in the calendar, check their weekday.

  42. @LinR for level 30: i don't know what fhrase you've got. If you got the right one then google might help you get the correct answer word.

  43. I guess that means that there is more than one phrase. The one I found is very familiar. It also gave the word I found by using a different method but using the phrase. It all seems to be gibberish.

  44. Thank you, RM, it finally dawned on me. I was overthinking again

  45. @LinR you only need one phrase (yes, it's familiar).
    If you know what the phrase is then you can name it.

  46. Thank you Riddle Master. Very sneaky. It was way to familiar to think of googling it. LOL. I was way overthinking that one.........again.

  47. seems for 29 the square should be TEVA

  48. Not sure what is wanted on 31 do I need to complete the crossword

  49. @mtatt100 level 29, all the blocks with "?" are already filled when you start to play, maybe that will help you.

  50. I have the answer maybe I did it wrong then.

  51. I think the ???? in level 29 must be misleading then. It certainly looks as though the bottom ones with the ?? are the ones to be filled. Why else are they even there. It was solvable. Maybe not the way intended.

  52. Level 29: All the blocks with "?" form a phrase. It can be brute-forced, yes, but there is a valid possibility.

  53. Not getting what is required for level 31. Is it supposed to be assembled somehow? How does that relate to the colours? Can I get a hint as to what to do.

  54. so the blocks with ? aren't filled already They must be filled so I did it correctly but the square block should be TEVA

    31 Crossword doesn't look like it can be assembled

  55. For 29 okay! Whew! I wasn't doing it wrong after all. I misunderstood your statement about being already filled in.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Can we get a hint for level 31 please?

  58. I can post a pic if you want

  59. @mtatt yes please! i'm curious :)

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. @LinR Lvl 31: no assembling is required.

    Think on the terms of rows/columns (separately). Then you can pick some colors.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. @mtatt100: lol, no no no, you should start by completing the blocks that were alread in position, for instance, as you did with the pink one.

  64. still clueless on 31 managed to pick 12 letters but not sure the 3 comes into it

  65. I don't see how to pick any other colours other than what is given by the columns and rows. Only the 5 colours. I have tried picking the letters with the same colours and several other methods but I am still not getting anything to use. I really think we need another hint please.

  66. @mtatt: No letter picking is required until later.

    Hint 1: First concentrate on rows/columns and do some basic stuff to pick colors.

    Hint 2: the text hints you to how many colors

    Hope this puts you on track :)

  67. Stuck at Level 22. I got the first egg and took the word 'visit' to mean 'visit previous answers'. However, I just couldn't seem to pick letters from them and form a word, and I already used everything from the maze to pick letters: the order of words, the order of letters, etc. A little help, please.

  68. 22 Listen is keyword go back to maze and look to those numbers

  69. @Nelson No traveling required.

    Focusing on the maze main path might lead you somewhere :)

  70. I must be missing something obvious because I can't see anything "basic" to use for picking colours. Can you please please give something more specific.

  71. Hmm, do I have to pick four words based on those numbers and pick a letter from each of them, or do I have to pick four letters based on those numbers instead?

  72. 31 I have what I think is 3 colours using those colours to pick letters isn't being fruitful

  73. @Nelson level 22, those numbers will give you 4 LETTERS = 1 word. If you still don't have the EGG 1a, we recommend you to pick (count) those numbers on the main path and anagram.

    @All riddlers stuck level 31: You have 4 filled rows (horizontal) and 3 filled columns (vertical), each one will give you 3 colors. Beware, if you pick colors from one horizontal line, you should place the colors horizontally. Beautiful colors. Adorable colors. Good luck.

  74. Hi! stuck on lvl 17
    I don't understand hints here,someone can explain to me what I do? Thanks

  75. @pichi Level 17: you have to work on the italic text line by line.

    Try to see 1 letter in first line and transform it has the text in that line tells you (say "are" out loud).

    Do the same for the second and third lines (line 2 gives you two letters and one letter on line 3)

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Thanks R.M a little help I had taken with pronunciation

  78. @pichi, from the first row you need "are" (R), but remove part of it "the leg" to make another letter.

    From the second row you need two "queues" (two Q), but remove a part "the tails" to make other letters.

    From the third row, "I" need an extra leg to stand better. Use I and another line to build a new letter.

    Answer is 4 letters.

  79. I don't see what to do on lvl 30. More than 3 hours of sleep last night might have helped lol. I just don't see how to use the text. I tried something but it gave me only a short word, an animal and some crap. I need a better method. Could be b*****, but how? And where is the place to go? Who are the locals?

  80. Look closely at the letters, Ellie, something should jump out at you quickly.

  81. Riddle Master, I'm still not seeing a method to pick colours. I tried first letters. That didn't work or if it did I can't interpret what it gave me. Please show some mercy and give a hint that can get me off this hellish level.

  82. For level 22, upon taking all the syllables based on those numbers, I got the phrase "W*** I* M*** M***". The first two words made sense to me, but I just couldn't make sense of the last two, M*** M***, or what they are supposed to sound the same as. Am I on the right track?

  83. @LinR first column vertically should give you 3 numbers (one per word)
    That should help you pick 3 colors.

    Display the colors in the same position as text (vertically) and don't raise your white flag so soon ;)

  84. @nelson, the four numbers can be row picking? But dont use the letters, use them blocks and think about bip bip bip alphabet!

  85. Lol @Lin, it probably should. I wonder how close I should look. Right now my nose is about 10 cm away from the screen. What should I I see a few positioned in a special way, but only 5 of them...

  86. LOLOL Ellie, the phrase is in sequence. You may have to jump over a few letters to see it. It should be familiar though.

  87. Finally solved lvl 31. Working for a long time on that, but the numbers did it, thanks :)

  88. Got it! Thanks, @RM! I was seriously overthinking that level! Haha, had a really different interpretation of the word "listen". :D

  89. Thanks @Lin! Solved now. It's not that familiar to me, but I remember having heard it. I still don't understand if the text should have helped me. I would never have seen this sentence without help (unless there is a logic way to eliminate letters).

  90. 31 is don finally. Thank you Riddle Master. 32 looks uhm ...... worse. LOL

    You are welcome Ellie. I guess it is more common here to those of us who took a certain subject in school. I didn't see how the text fit in either but it did lead me to try b***** as well which gave me gibberish. Literally.

  91. lvl 23, basicly looks simple, but I don't get any existing word, is the c*** script correct here?

  92. mako, the flags will tell you where to use the numbers to get letters, anagram

  93. Mako, not sure what you are asking, but if you found the things you need, firsts should make it clear

  94. but no anagram seems right

  95. oh, one letter was wrong... thanks!

  96. On 21
    I know the game and names represent,I count letters according to their numbers but nothing works

  97. Pichi, if you have all the right names, firsts should do it, 10 letters, no anagram

  98. I need a push for level 32. I just can't seem to get started. I assuming I should start at the bottom but I really can't see how. It the fist group is not what it looks like it seems.

  99. @linR, level 32, you need four different ciphers / methods, they will give letters that, isolated are gibberish, but all united are answer!

    The fact that you cant see the method is.. Ironic! ;)

  100. I think I have all 4 methods for quite a while, it makes sort of sentence, but not the answer. All letters together won't anagram. Is Google required?

  101. @Dutchie, any hint for the second method from top?

  102. @Ellie I used picking numbers/letters from white using the dark grey above. But not sure if it's right, lol.

  103. hi all. lvl 22, I got the eggs, I read about taking the letters from the numbered rows, did that, they are 'garbage', lol, and can't be anagrammed. What do I do with those?

  104. Lvl 22
    I can not have any eggs,more I read the instructions I do not get anything,a push please!

  105. arrie, don't take letters, use m****

  106. lol pichi. lvl 22, read the sentence, it tells you to take the letters from the entr ... and ex ... that's one.

  107. lvl 25, just using a cipher would be way too easy I guess...

  108. Made a mistake, it does anagram, lol. 32 egg now :)

  109. no arrie (*'▽') more like a rythm thing, like "beep beep beeeeeeeeep"

  110. Got the egg too @dutchie. What mislead me was I didn't really get a good word from that part, but it wasn't necessary after all. Will have a look at the egg. Thanks!

  111. ...and 33 :) (Which looks like it will take the whole night)

  112. Lol Ellie, easy egg now. On 33 Yay :)

  113. lol mako, sing it to me !
    I play piano, but I see no connection between rythm, the numbers and the maze.

  114. arrie, a well known code, with short beeps and long beeps

  115. lvl 22, thank you, mako.
    It's not the gray areas in the rows, cause the first one would be shortlong shortlong, which is not a letter ....?

  116. could be two letters, but that would be a lot of guessing on the others as well.

  117. @arrie, i think you should get one letter per row.

  118. @arrie, and if it's not gray, it should be...? :)

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. 22 I'm like arrie
    no idea how to m**** with blocks

  121. pichi, if it's not gray, it should be .... the white parts in the rows, thank you Ellie, another egg.

  122. arrie, gray? sorry, now I do not understand this you say

  123. oh, sorry Pichi, I thought you were thinking like me.

  124. use the number you have to count rows, and look at the number of letters that are alone or together, translate that into mo..

  125. I definitely do not understand how to do this

  126. Pichi, the 8th row gives the letters a w u, they are all single, so 3 short morse-beeps = s.

  127. Phew! Getting nowhere good this far on lvl 33. I so wish I had inc for my printer. Unfortunately it's bedtime, and most likely two very busy days ahead, so might be a while before I come back for the last levels. Good luck!

  128. enjoy your weekend Ellie :)

  129. Bye Ellie, see you soon :)

  130. Thanks arrie!! and other egg lol

  131. yes pichi, but this one is simply going through the sentence using the word and counting. Hurry on please ..

  132. Nope arrie, count the sentence of maze using the keyword and nonsense letters

  133. well been turning from outside in and inside out per instructions still nothing I take it it is a 6 letter word needed or is there a special interpretation of the clues

  134. Standing on my head is not helping me see the upside down directions for 33. Is there a clearer way to see them?

  135. lvl 22.
    Pichi, you have that sweet sounding word.
    The first letter of that word is on the first position of the sentence in the maze = A.
    The second letter is on the third position in the maze = etc.

  136. LOL Maybe someday, Arrie. LOL

  137. arrie you are my savior!! Thanks!!!

  138. @LinR directions can be found in text (but that is not the only thing it will give you). Upside down(side) is what you need in the end.

  139. It looks like I found my Waterloo on lvl 24. The third I think is an O, the 7th I think an S but all the others are too much of a pixelhunt for me.

  140. Arrie, did you see mtatts comment: the 2 dutch goals easy to place the other there are one bottom 1 2nd row and 2 top row.

  141. yes I did see his comment, ctr f, remember, lol.

  142. I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels on 33. Still clueless

  143. For 33, I thought I had directions and steps for each wheel, but still only gibberish, help please

  144. A career change is out of the question, I would be a terrible safecracker.

    Are we looking for a six letter word?

  145. There just doesn't seem to be enough to go on here. Adding up the number values of the letters doesn't work. Trying to find numbers in the words doesn't work unless. And yes I have already noticed the first letters of each of the text words. Please give. Just not getting anywhere at all.

  146. Please need help for lvl 20. Found the egg based on colours (T******) and now don't know what to do with triangles

  147. Milena, google what you found with cipher

  148. For level 25, where will I be able to find the Roman key?

  149. I know what ciphers should be used for level 25, but I just couldn't seem to find the Roman key.

  150. Nelson you could try a cryptogram solver. It`s not the right way but it works.

  151. Oh, cool! Thanks, @LinR! Didn't know about that!

  152. Now stuck on Level 26 egg. A little help here, please?

  153. Fnally solved lvl 33. Turn the rings according the text: Lunatics Repositioning L2. Number of letters tells how many places. Start with smallest ring. Anagram (vertical) letters.

  154. Nelson, combine what brought you to the egg with something first from the text (5 letters).

  155. Oh, of course. Haha, thanks, @dutchie!

    I'm currently staring at level 27 with no idea what to do with the letters or the time. I don't know whether what I did was right, but I even drew a clock and placed all the letters inside it! That's how I "got rid of the grid". Lol.

  156. Nelson, if you look at the right side, you may notice a word in a special shape, maybe that rings a bell what to do with the time.

  157. Lin thank you for pointing to the crypto solver, but how weird that is.

    Why doesn't a Caesar cipher work I wonder?

  158. Thank you again, @dutchie! Can't believe I missed that.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. lvl 26.
    Nelson, what did you do to get the egg?
    I have the country-names.

  161. @Arrie, the value of the coins tells what letter to pick.

  162. Stuck for quite a while on lvl 35. Tried several things, found the sentence and know what to do but the numbers on door confuses me (13?). Can you please give a hint?

  163. Ah, dutchie, thank you. I tried the letters of countries + text that were in common etc. nice.

  164. Level 25.
    It should be solved with a Keyed Caesar cipher, and the "hardest" part of the level was to guess the key to decipher it. And it was a hard one to guess!

    It could have been a hellish level to solve without that key, but the authors probably never imagined that keyed caesar is just another letter substitution puzzle, and easily solvable with a cryptogram solver (especially one this long).

    Actually, I could find the key working it backwards, after "solving" it the way others did, lol.

  165. Lvl 25.
    Thank you Edgar, just out of curiousity again, since it is solved, what keyed Caesar is it?
    It's not one of the three on Luthorien. The normal one did show some signs of a sentence, but not enough to work with.

  166. @dutchie lvl 35: just do what keys do ;)

  167. @arrie lvl 25: MIX hints you for roman numerals. The key was all of them in a certain order.

  168. seems to be a mistake with the pin that pushes the S up on level 34 need to be 1 letter longer

  169. lvl 27.
    I found 4 words, using the time (nice trick). I don't know yet what to do with them.

    But thanks for the explanation for lvl 25 RM, first I'll go back there to see if I can solve it the correct way.

  170. lvl 25.
    VLIV in his name are Roman Numerals.
    If I put the sentence in ROT, how do I know what to copy and use further?
    If I start with the Columnar Transposition, do I put in 25 as the number of characters?

  171. @arrie some numerals aren't hinted but all of them are needed (no repetitions). Order then from smaller to larger an thats the key

  172. I II III IV etc ... I don't understand what you mean.

  173. so, some numerals are hinted : V L I V, which ones are not?
    If you have them, do they show the name of a key?

  174. 35 I take it the keys are orientated in that way so they go in from different sides ? Still matching letters give far to many possibles

  175. If you get to level 34, notice Mtatt's comment about it. There is a small mistake. The one block pin should be a two block pin!

    And could use a hint for lvl 35 also, out of options, bit braindead now and probably way overthinking.

  176. @mtatt level 34, rechecked, does not seem to have any problem. Do you already have the answer?

  177. yes have answer there is definitely only one P in the answer ........ and waiting for hint on 35

  178. Level 35: keys orientation is important, since the keys are inserted on the right side always. To open a door how do you use the key? Insert and ... numbers will help on that. Then, match!

  179. Level 34: still dont think there is an error. The S pin will not give a P. How are you getting the letter? The picking row is on the key, and anagram!

  180. If you push the S pin one block, like the picture suggest then it gives a P, if you move it two blocks it gives the necessary E.

  181. The key is inserted on the bottom, the pin is pushed up 1 point, the letteronthe 5th line is an E, not P.

  182. Are we guessing which key matches to which lock or is there a logical order ie 1-9

  183. Hi, could I get a hint on lvl 27 please?
    I found 4 words, tried taking the letters that are left on the outside, 1st/last letters of the words ... , but got nothing so far.

    Plus I really would like an answer on my questions for lvl 25 as well, thanks :).

  184. Arrie, look what's left

  185. lvl 28 egg... I'm lost

  186. 22 letters are left, lol, can't granny.

  187. Arrie, if you look at the right side, you may notice a word in a special shape, maybe that rings a bell what to do with the time. It maybe helps if you colour the shape(s)

  188. I see there has to come a sentence, but how do you read?

  189. dutchie, I already have that, see my comment above, it's what I do next.

  190. Mako, maybe bring a visit to Vilnius and look for something very high.

  191. Got it ! I took too many letters! Thanks dutchie. Sooo simple, lol.

  192. lvl 28.
    A=24, does it mean U=18=R? That gives me a Z and 2 Q's.

  193. @arrie lvl 25 explanation title has I V L and C as roman numerals.

    Missing ones are D X and M.

    Order them in ascending order and you have the key "IVX****"

  194. lvl 25.
    yes, thank you RM, but how are they a key. How and where do you apply this.
    I'm sorry if I sound dumb, but I don't know what to look for on Luthorien to use this.

  195. @arrie lvl 25 this might help


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