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Run Joey Journey 3

Run Joey Journey 3 is another free online riddle game, sequel of Run Joey Journey and Another Run Joey. Mr. Run Joey decided to embrace another journey around the world. Mr. Run Joey loves riddles! You will help him on solving the riddles and finish his journey! 35 levels to go. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

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  1. RM, thank you, I didn't have this tool.
    It's solved now. I'm glad you answered.

  2. Back to lvl 28.
    I applied a=24, so u-m = 18-10, that's rj. This is not good, cause it gives me 2 q's and a z as well.
    Do I need to do something else?

  3. Arrie, pic letters from the names of cities all you have to then is a rotten job :P

  4. @arrie lvl 28: UM = SK after you apply A=24

  5. In the rotten language, yes, um=sk, but not when counting through the alphabet as I often do.
    There A=X, B=Y etc.
    I needed that aweful rotten hint of yours dutchie, thanks.

  6. lvl 30 - I read all clues but I can't see anything, well, I found one word, five letters, but I guess it's wrong, help please!

  7. Mako, it's a (well known) sentence, it has to do with the letters of the alphabet. Maybe googling will help you to find the sentence.

  8. My mehod for 35 seems to work on most, but not all. Can you clarify a bit? Is answer 9 letters? What to do with 10th key?

  9. Am I right by using key one in door with one letter, key 2 in door with two letter word etc. And is key 10 important or not? Are there eggs to find? Tried all possible combo's, nothing worked. Help!

  10. @donas level 35: there are only 9 key slots. So one key is out ;)

    For some keys to work you have to do something before they can enter the slot.

  11. For level 31, I've already picked the colors but can't seem to do anything with them. I fail to see the difference between the colors being placed vertically and horizontally. Haha, is there some kind of cipher for the colors?

  12. @dutchie level 35: 10th key is not used on the door (no available slot)

    Remember that all keys enter from the right side. So some of them need a little work before entering

  13. @nelson as i said to one of our fellow riddlers earlier don't wave the white FLAG so soon ;)

  14. yeah I'm Finished!!! Thank you for a most enjoyable riddle, Riddle Master. That last bit was indeed very tricky!!! My brain hurts now. LOLOL

  15. Ooh, thanks, @RM! Got it! Must have missed that clue from you. :D

  16. @LinR congrats on beeing the first to reach the end.
    Hope you enjoyed our riddle

  17. still lvl 30, I found the sentence, now the grid looks like b****** but it's not or some letters are mirrored

  18. Congrats Lin, well done :)

  19. I certainly did Riddle Master! Thank you again for making it. And Thank you Donas!

  20. Congrats, Lin! :)

    I'm sorry to say I can't solve 29.
    I cut out the pieces with letters, turning and twisting them around, can't make them fit.

  21. finished thanks for the riddle RM

  22. Congrats Mtatt, well done :)

  23. Congrats Mtatt and Lin, great job :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I dont know what to do with level 29, i have 21 question marks and 28 letters, 25 if i dont count three from the L piece. There is not enough space for all.

  26. Lucia some letters you will not use ie) they will be outside the grid
    Just try to make them fit so as to give a phrase when read across

  27. Arrie, you can do it, just treat them as tetris pieces and try to fit in starting with the orange one, you need to complete the missing parts, you may use more than one of a type, you may not use all letters, just try to fit in

  28. Thanks mtatt100. I'll try it.

  29. ok, onto 31, it was something different than I thought

  30. I think all the hours spent playing tetris were a waste of time. I can not solve 29.

  31. I have stopped playing at 29, wanted to do that at 24 already, but got a spoiler there.
    Now that I read that not all letters need to fit in I know I made the right decision.
    thanks for all the work you put in this riddle, RM. I enjoyed (most of) it, lol.

  32. Thanks for a great riddle, RM. I look forward to the next :)

  33. Hey arrie!! me too stuck on 29
    You do not leave,sure someone helps us
    Please help here on tetris!(we are trapped here a few)

  34. Finally finished :) Loved the riddle, thanks Riddle Master, can't wait for Joey 4 :)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. well done Donas and Dutchie

  37. Level 29th and very confused: Is it compulsory to use all the pieces? Can we use more than one of a type? Those which are drawn in the picture, are they in the correct position or can they twist? Has the text exactly 21 letters?

  38. Kris: no, yes, yes, no, yes

  39. Thanks mako. I'll try again.

  40. of course those that you add can be twisted

  41. Right ... thank you Mako :))).
    So, the light-blue and the yellow were not used at all.
    A red and green letter were used twice.

    Orange is in L-shape on the left.

    On the short part of the L the pink is put, it's three blocks vertically, the middle part to the right.

    Against the short part of the L and below the pink sticking out, RED is put. The letter T on the bottom.

    Is this a good start? If more is needed let me know.

  42. @arrie, sad to read that, because we believe that the time you invested into the riddle was positive and inspiring! What you mention about the pieces not beeing used is acceptable and the level is clearly (now) not delivering to the expectations, something we did not consider important on the testing, but understood it to late.

    If you start by completing the given blocks, not using the yellow and blue anymore, you will find the answer. If you decide to leave, its fine, we loved to have you here playing and helping you on the journey, maybe on the next series we can match the expectations!

  43. RM, I learned a lot, like with every riddle I play. Thank you for that.
    So, really, I don't mean to be negative in anyway, I just want to stop here.

  44. lvl 31 - to sum up, pick up colors using numbers for rows/columns
    no idea how though lol

  45. Mako & arrie NL: Thanks a lot! I'm going to the 30th !

  46. 31 use the numbers from the columns rows on the colours

  47. 3 numbers for a row/column? so just counting the letters? how to use them on colours?

  48. use the 3 numbers to pick colours don't forget the orientation

  49. so I need 21 colours? I still have no idea what to do

  50. mako, number of blocks tels you what colour to pick, and Riddle Master gave a hint earlier what the three colours stand for.

  51. Can't figure out lvl 23. I understand I have to use k****d to pick letters, but how? Number 1 has no letters...

  52. Milena, numbers together form a letter.

  53. For level 32, I admit I did launch a brute-force attack on the towers. Lol, now I'm stuck on the egg. Is there some kind of cipher for the towers or is it just picking numbers/letters?

  54. Nelson level 3 lol, brave to admit :) just picking, the guards defend from the Top of each tower, because they can peak the enemies aproaching! Think row column (or column row!)

  55. Oh, thanks @RM! I was way overthinking again. xD

    Anyway, for level 35, do I have to match the key number with the number of letters in the slot? So, does key #1 go into the slot with the one-letter word, key #2 into the slot with the two-letter word, etc.? And if so, I don't see what to do after inserting the key. Do I just have to push the key in a certain number of spaces based on the number on the left side?

  56. Level 35, the way you are choosing the key is correct, number 10 just ignore since there is no locker. Remember that all keys enter at right, and some keys need to be flipped! The words on the locker dont need to be considered during that insert, so dont move them. Then, after inserting completely the keys, just do what keys do to open a lock :) as much as a number tells you to!

  57. Can't believe I'm asking this. Lol. xD

    I'm at (NOT) the end level and have already selected the previous answers based on the order of ticks, but I just can't seem to find a way to pick letters from them. Tried different ways of picking and even tried using different answers and level titles instead, but all I keep getting was gibberish. Am I missing something here, or have I just made some kind of careless mistake with selecting answers or picking letters?

  58. Just a little push in the right direction will do. I'm sure I'll be able to figure out the rest by myself. ;)

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Thanks, @LinR! Didn't think those were important. Haha.

    Anyway, finished at last! Really loved the riddle! Thanks to RM for creating such a fantastic and mind-blowing riddle and to all who helped me finish it in the process. Looking forward to Joey 4! ;)

  61. yeah! Well done Nelson! Congratulations!

  62. Enjoying these riddles very much. I'm thankful to all that have helped me with hints.
    Again, I'm stuck at a level that the others find easy. Could I have another hint for lvl 27, please? Is the word on the right someone mentioned O*****E? And if it is, how it can be related to time?

  63. Hello Milena.
    If you look at the last number of the time and try to write it in a digital way you might recognize that word in it.

  64. It helps, as Dutchie pointed out, if you copy the grid to Paint and draw the time. You'll read a phrase and probably will in on level 28 ... in no time.

  65. I knew it was something simple like that. I usually have problems with those. Thank you, Arrie

  66. still stuck on 19 if anyone is around, I don't think I am getting the branch count correct, looking for 5# or letters right? I got the step down f***, but my branch count gets me nowhere

  67. rsd, yes, you are right, just count and convert numbers into 5 letters. You'll get a word starting with I. Hope that helps...

  68. can you give me the count of the first branch, from there I can see if I am counting correctly

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. thank you milena, finally past it, I was over counting

  71. Is there anyone still around? I'm stuck on lvl 14. I found 2 eggs; found the e*** words, googled, got an artist, a cover, a single, nada works. Any other hints? one word in the e*** is a bit off. Is that a clue?

  72. The answer is the name of the artist (first and last)

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Can someone give me a hint for number 28. If I pick letters I do not get a word. I must be doing the wrong thing. I have a V N for the first one. Is that correct?

  76. hi PixieRose.
    lvl 28.
    the kilometers tell what letters you need to pick out of the cityname.
    Then ROT and remember A24.

  77. Woohoo, I’ve finally conquered the riddle! Hurray! I decided to take things up a notch this time and set myself a challenge to complete the riddle while resisting the urge to ask for hints or for any sort of help, and it really paid off in the end! Well, it did take a bit longer than expected, but I certainly had this sense of satisfaction and accomplishment upon managing to complete it without asking for help this time around. So, thank you, Riddle Master, for such an awesome, first-rate riddle! I really had enjoyed it to the fullest extent, and as it was said on THE END page, see you all on the next adventure! :)

  78. Great KenKoh9801. Congratulations! :)))

  79. @KenKoh9801, wow that's very good, the riddle was not full of hints and some levels could be really tricky, depending the way you look to them. A big bow to all!

  80. Thank you for the hint Arrie NL. I picked the letters. I did not think to use that. Very nice that KenKoh9801 finished without asking for a hint. I would have liked to as well but this level frustrated me too much. :)

  81. I guess last levels are too hard for me. Can't figure out the four methods for lvl 32. Found b***** letters, picked white numbers using the grey ones and that's about it. Nothing else I try works.

  82. @Milena, for the first floor, if you can't see the method, what do you use?
    For the top level, think on what castles can have waving in the top of the towers...

    The other methods you used seem correct.

  83. Thank you, RM. So I need 21 letters in all?

  84. @Milena, 18 letters.
    From the top to the bottom, you need 3+3+4+8.

  85. Thank you, finally got it. Was using the wrong site for anagrams

  86. Level 35. I put the keys, and I push them(to the left), but then I don't undestand which letters I have to pick: the ones that appear at left?, the ones remaining on the right?.

  87. I also stuck on 35
    Push them to the left or to right? Both choices made and does not work

  88. Level 35: first select which key goes into each lock.
    Then insert the keys in the lock. All the letters on the keys will be inserted, do what keys do as many times as the number tells you to. Not sure what you mean by pushing, but the letters on the locks are only for the key selection and for the letter match. When you do what keys do, you will see that only one letter for each key matches the one on the locker.

  89. Hello after a break. I'm still on 31. Is the first row BYG? I picked colors but still can't see anything to do with them. Please help.

  90. Thanks Riddle Master. Finally I've understood, but that's not the end. I'll try to finish.

  91. mako: You're wrong. Words are very important in order to choose colors. And then, as RM said, don't wave the white FLAG so soon ;)

  92. so I've run out of all ideas here, how to pick those colors

  93. mako: the length of the words.

  94. so I did, you said I was wrong...

  95. I did it! I managed to get to the end! I enjoyed the riddle very much and I wouldn't have been able to do it without help from all the good people here. Thank you.
    Looking forward to another riddle! :-)

  96. mako: The first row is BWR

  97. so to start counting from the beginning, not continuing...

  98. ok, 32 thanks Kris!

  99. I need a clue to the 2nd part of 35. I thought it was solved with the previous answers but that doesn't work. It is maddening to be so close to the end and not be able to finish.

  100. Finish! thank you all for the help, in particular:Dutchie and also Riddle Master, I hope the next...

  101. lucia: no previous answer, but...another thing like so: V green there

  102. Lucia, try something else. There were special things in between some levels. Hope you made notes.

  103. Thanks Pichi and Dutchie. I'll review my notes.

  104. Finished! Thanks for the riddle RM.
    Thanks for all the hints.

  105. Congrats Milena, Pichi and Kris :)

  106. RM: I've enjoyed a lot all the riddle, but I missed part of the level 32. I have 4 words whith 3,3,4,8 letters. I didn't find what to do whith them, but the second one led me to the next level (??). If that's possible, I would like to know what I missed, please.

  107. I finally finished. Thans to everyone who helped me.
    Thanks RM. Great riddle, i liked it a lot.

  108. Kris, LOL. You accidentally found the egg after lvl 32! What you missed took hours of my life. I even had to ask for additional hints!

  109. Milena: I don't understand why one of the four words can be the answer of the level.(Is the word that I obtained from the towers).

  110. Kris, yes, but you can pick numbers from the towers in another way, which can be used with other letters to make a very long word and that's the solution of lvl 32. Your way of solving the towers is meant for the second part of the same level.

  111. Ok. I'll try again. Thanks.

  112. I'll be around if you need any help

  113. Really enjoying this riddle and congrats to all who finished, also thanks for leaving hints :)) I'm currently stuck on level 24 though. I did see the hint, but even after trying for 3 days now, the penny still won't drop... Can someone please give me an extra hint ?

  114. @Truus, there are not many hints we can give, you have to watch the penalty goals and take note of their position when their cross the line. The 6 goals, in order, will give a word, no anagram needed.

    It can be tricky in one or two, but since there is no Anna The Gramma, you should be fine.

  115. Well, that was the hint I needed Riddle Master, finally on 25 now ! Thank you :)

  116. I finished the riddle. My mind needs a rest now. Thank You Riddle Master. You made torture fun.

  117. Milena: it has been hard, but finally I've found the missing part of level 32th. Now I can say that I've really finished the riddle. Thanks

  118. Milena, I am sorry to bother you again, but I have tried first and last name of artist for lvl 14, several in fact. Nothing is working for me. Is the artist J***L*****?

  119. Occasional gamer: It isn't this artist. Do you have the sentence?

  120. Kris, I have 2 eggs, and have picked e*** which gave me a phrase from the grid.

  121. Then Google with all these words.

  122. Kris, congratulations!
    Occasional gamer, did you make it?

  123. Milena and Kris, Sob. Nope. I've googled the phrase, the phrase with the "e' at the end and without, the phrase with the egg word, the phrase with the hard egg word. I'm lost - but not in paradise.

  124. Hold on a second, I'll see...

  125. The phrase starts with Q and ends with an S, it has 5 words

  126. It's not e... that you have to pick, but o..

  127. Milena, thank you - you have saved what's left of the hair on my head. Realized I jumped one block too many. On to lvl 15

  128. lvl 32, I don't get how to pick numbers using grey numbers lvl 3
    I found the egg but just using the anagram solver

  129. mako, One way columns rows, other way rows columns to pick (3) numbers (= alphanumeric letters).

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Thank you Dutchie!

  132. And finally I'm finished! Thank you for great fun, I really enjoyed it, especially the last "seals", they were really creative and fun. I'll be waiting for RJJ 4!
    And thanks to all players for help and assistance.

  133. Congrats Mako, see you in the next riddle :)

  134. After some great night sleeps and being taken by the hand, pushed, dragged, pulled and spoiled ... I also finished this riddle.
    Phew, not easy in some parts, but a good and interesting challenge :)).

  135. Almost missed this. Level 4 egg, I combine the two words of 3 and 4 but it didn't work. Anymore trick for this g...........t... answer?

  136. Oh, it's not putting L3 and L4 to form a word. So the colorful shapes lead to another word beside the 12 letter word...Hmmm

  137. You may have some letters wrong, Uno Hoo. it looks like you have the right method but there is no T in that G word.

  138. T... is the answer of L3, which I thought it should be the word after the 12-letters-G word. )"

  139. Hi Uno hoo, following your progress here ...
    Level 4 has 2 eggs, together they form the answer to get to level 5.
    Did you read the hints on the first page for the other word? Do they help?

  140. hi arrie. I am on Lv 5 now, figuring the words order to find the answer, but nope...

  141. @uno hoo, order the words to get a phrase / hint on what to do. When you have your hint, just use the shape (row) + word in each shape to pick... Read the hint carefully, hopefully it will trigger what to do ;) You are looking for a 8 letter word.

  142. I tried couple of ways, but I got gibberish, eg. some h, or q. Is the first letter b?

  143. There are no "B" on the answer. Requires Anagram.

    You already know that SHAPE = row.
    Then, with each word, "count letters inside shape line/row". How many on each? Pick.

  144. I thought I tried this. Eg, 3rd row, and then five letters of the word, so it's the 5th letter, answer is B. Am I on the wrong track?

  145. Kinda. "COUNT" has 5 letters, yes... But that's not what you need to count. You need to count letters that form the word "count". C,O,U... How many can you see on 3rd?

  146. Thank you Riddle Master, it was one more trick that I had omitted. Now going unto Lv 6. Great riddles!

  147. Finally made it to the congratulations also, yay!
    Thank you Riddle Master, there were some real tough levels to beat, but it was fun solving them :))

  148. On L8 now. The bars are not easy to be seen :(

  149. Still stuck in separating the bars in Lv 8. Read the previous clues and discussions, but not helping a lot.

  150. @uno hoo: Maybe like this, helps?

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. Thanks Riddle Master! Made it to Lv 12. The top words left 2 or three letters after flowing through the funnels, but gibberish is all I can find out.

  153. Uno hoo, you need the letter that is common to the word and the colours. One letter each funnel. Gray is spelled GRAY.

  154. I'm really having problems with level 35. I've inserted all keys in their locks, turning those that needed turning and asked my locksmith Luth to assist in unlocking the locks. He has no luck with lock 1 and too much luck with 4, 7, & 9. Any suggestions? I'd really, really like to finish this.

  155. Oh my, Luth was using the wrong set of lock picks. I'd like to say success, but seems like this is not the end of the road...sigh

  156. Thank you LinR for stopping by and help. Now I am on Lv 13 with the colored windows. I can form some words from the color but don't quite sure about the numbers following the color names.

  157. Occasional gamer, just one more level...... then you are free!!!!!!

    Uno hoo, you should be able to make a word from all the colours then use the numbers to pick a .... , well you know. LOL

  158. Got it, thanks for the clue, LinR. :)

  159. Thank you LinR. I've read the comments on how to find the final path and gather that I have had to collect all items along the way to exit. I've gone back to the beginning and worked my way through but I don't think I have enough eggs in my basket, nor do they jive with the check marks so I'm a bit stumped here unless there's another way to look at this that isn't coming to my fried brain at this stage. Any nudges?

  160. Occasional gamer, remember those pages in between with some wise words............

  161. LinR ... Thank you! I'm free at last! Could not have made it without your help and all of the gamers who provided clues along the way.

    RiddleMaster - quite a game! Thanks for providing us with hours of enjoyment.

  162. yeah! Occasional gamer!! Congratulations!

  163. What is the "spot" to start for Lv 14?

  164. Uno hoo, if I remember correctly, it is "marked". How do you mark a spot on the map?

  165. Thank so much, Milena, I solved this and the eggs. Moving on to Lv 15 tomorrow ;)

  166. If possible for someone to check, Aleatha needs help at the "neighbor's" site.

  167. Thanks Lin - figured you'd be the one to help :-)

  168. For Lv 15, I can figure some of the numbers, but if 111 is C, what about 101 and 110, they can be the same value to me.

  169. Uno hoo, you need Romans so 111 translates to 3 = C and in this case 101 is written as a 10 1 or XI so 11 = K and 110 is written as 1 10 or IX which is 9 = I. I hope that helps clear it up.

  170. Got it, thanks, LinR! For the landmarks in Lv 16. Just not sure about the top second left. Thought it is in England, but the 7 letters plus the ? didn't give an answer.

  171. You are correct. It is England. A very famous circle. YOu may have one wrong if they don't anagram. You can contact me by email if you like by clicking my avatar and I will check what you have.

  172. Found the eggs of Lv 19, f... and i.... I had tried to put them together both ways but that's not the solution. I even tried to cap and google the picture...

  173. uno hoo, you just need to go visit Granny now.

  174. Made it to 22 egg2. Can't understand the sugar b.. meaning about what to pick. Any help?

  175. Uno hoo, you need to enter the maze again and take the position numbers when spelling out those words. The first is S and it is in the 1st position so 1. The U is the 3rd letter so 3. The G is in the..........
    And so on. Then convert.

  176. Thank you, LinR.
    For L 23, I can't recognise the letters formed by some of those numbers on the k..... E.g. 32147 seems not a complete letter.

  177. uno hoo, 32147 forms a letter, maybe make it 74123:)

  178. And be sure to use the n..... on pc!

  179. Thank you and hello, dutchie!
    Now I am repeating the same positioning of the penalty shootings. I read the hints for the dutch goals(bottom, 2nd, top, top) but still cannot solve it.

  180. Uno hoo. I hated this level. I found it next to impossible to determine the position of these goals from online videos and did not find anything else with details so it involved a lot of guessing. I sent you an email with more details.

  181. I love football and yet could not decide the exact positions. That's why goal-line technology is invented. If Lv 24 is targeting on the scorers, it would be more precise.

  182. after reading the above hints, still could not find the sentence in the gibberish of Lv 30. Am I looking at a 12 blocks of letters to pick and form the sentence?

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. uno search a phrase containing all 26 letters

  185. Thank you Sofia. I had worked that phrase out and "feel" using b...... Yet no good answer. :(

  186. Uno hoo, if you have the right phrase, look at wiki for more information. It has a special name.

  187. uno, if you google the phrase itself wiki will tell you what that type of sentence is called

  188. 34.2 do i have to choose one key or compine all,cant find a ten letters world to be anagramized

  189. Thanks for the clue, I spent so much time in braille for those letters :"
    On 31 now, I guess it's about f... colors, but not any of the consecutive tri-colors can form one. Need a push, please.

  190. it is about rows and collumns,you choose colors from the amount of letters inside!

  191. Sofia Nt, about 34 Seal 2.
    First of all apologies to the makers. 'In a way' there was no mistake. But in another way there was a mistake or at least: a bit farfetched.
    With the method I used (the logical way, imo) I looked at the letters on the 3rd or 4th row (from the top). That's the special part in the pic. But it turned out you have to look at the 2nd row (why? was there a hint for that? Or should all the pins be one less?)

    To answer your question Sofia Nt:
    Look at the height of the pins and push the letters up. For example: the first pin is 3 units heigh. So the first column is pushed up 3 letters. The T (almost at the bottom in that first column) will be on the second row then. The same for the second column (also a pin of 3 units heigh), so the second column also 3 up and then the O is at the second row. Keep doing that method and anagram the result second row.


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