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Yonashi Escape 24: Dream

Yonashi Escape 024 - Dream Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Yonashi. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I'm in the 3rd room, and i need some help.

  2. just joined, willis...will play catch up.

  3. Good game,
    the No. on windows are used for the 3 black hole puzzle.

  4. open 3 buttons safe from #s in windows -
    letter box + paper on desk gets into safe on bookshelf -
    kaleidoscope opens wall safe

  5. Rarely do I catch a live one. But wanted to say.
    It is so good to have you back AO, hope all is good.

  6. Rarely do I catch a live one. But wanted to say.
    It is so good to have you back AO, hope all is good.

  7. okay willis, where are you stuck?

  8. cate: 14 on milk, 77 on eggs, 4114 on honey lid, and 5 on the stack of animals after solving fridge code.

  9. wearing a fishhead? LOL

  10. seahorse=1, starfish=2, shell=3, fish=4

  11. does this mean you're not stuck anymore?


  12. photograph the shy crabs

  13. @cate: actually, I have to figure out the 3 numbers for the coffee part of the room, and yet i can't see the answer.

  14. make each jar equal to fish jar

  15. What a mess! I should have eaten that cookie

  16. okay just got to 3rd room!

  17. LOL how to use shapes clue?

  18. tricky code! They left the 'h' out of cherry btw

    @Leroy if you mean on the pancakes, use yr letterbox, find the place on it where each pattern fits, then follow the numbers

  19. Use the shapes clue with the letter box in your inventory. There is a mistake on the top left one - it should have 6 letters not 5.

  20. Stuck on the coffee code in the 3rd room. Can't get relationship between the numbers.

  21. where to use it? I think I figured number sequence..

  22. Spell the words and use them along with the hint outside the fridge on the box inside fridge.

  23. w/ binoculars I get this:


    but I don't see what the pattern is yet.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. just1,work out missing number (???)hint,7+7=14,1+4=5,will spoil if needed

  26. i got out with normal morning not sure if there is another ending

  27. kevaus: spoil might be needed. I tried 10, 118 and 415 and none is working

  28. spoil, please! I figured out pattern but solution is ?

  29. code is...


    got it by partial bf'ing, I figured it had to be a palindrome number, and 5 somehow leads to 14 on the bottom of the stack - but I really don't understand, why that number

  30. because 4+1 = 5, 1+1 =2, 1+4=5

  31. clever game...enjoyed it. thank you.

  32. that was a normal day? LOL

  33. I wonder if you get a different ending by clipping a different wire? I got normal too.

  34. Clip the red wire - when you look at the letter box in inventory you can see the letters RED are greyed out.

  35. ah, I get it now- thank you

  36. if you clip the red wire, you get a lovely japanese breakfast!

  37. I experienced a bug in the first room that prevented me from advancing. As you solve the room's puzzles the open-close lights next to the door fill up until completion and you can open the door, but for some reason after attaining the fish head and choosing "no" to put it on the first time all the lit up lights disappeared and I was stuck in the room with wearing a fish head. Loading from before I put the fish head on does not fix the bug and I had to start from new.

  38. best game seems easy at first

  39. thx Handy :-)

    fab game - thx Yonashi!

    also thx all for the hints above :-)

  40. Good game and thanks guys for code coffee

  41. Thanks also for the coffee - was so close last night but got totally stuck there! Just couldn't see the pattern. Excellent game

  42. I've hit the bug in the first room, too. Door didn't open. Restarting.

  43. Didn't touch the fish head and door opened in first room. Bug avoided.

  44. Lovely puzzles! And if anyone is interested in some trivia, the two tiger/fish/people who chase each other over the food and run around and around until they turn into butter is borrowed from the story of "Little Black Sambo". Love it :)

  45. They've corrected the spelling on the pancakes and they've fixed the bug in the first room. Now, if you say "no" to putting on the fish head but still open the door, you drown... Since it's a dream, you just wake up and start over :D

  46. Brilliant game! I loved the refrigerator puzzle.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Good game - with the exception of the coffee puzzle which was, IMHO, simply not logical enough. Even realizing that we're supposed to add up the previous number's digits it required to somehow jump at least one step in the logical process, as the provided number-sample was simply too small to draw a logical conclusion. That puzzle was a mistake IMHO.

  49. WALKTHROUGH, 1st room:

    Take the box with letters on top.

    Turn L, look at door. There are 5 things you have to do here. The yellow light indicates that you just did one of them. Also notice the safe with buttons in a triangle.

    Turn L, study the windows. The red circles indicate the positions of the triangle buttons. The shapes on the windows are mirrored numbers; look at the right side. This gives you the sequence to open the wall safe.

    Turn R, open it, find another safe!

    Turn L or R twice. Get paper from desk. This indicates 3 of the orange letters on your box. Look at the safe on the bookshelf; press those letters to open it. Get a KALEIDOSCOPE. Study the pattern of stars and triangles in it.

    Turn L and open star-triangle safe with the sequence. Take LIGHT BULB.

    Return to desk, put BULB in lamp, pick up the shadow which is a KEY. (Remember, this is a dream.)

    Turn R, use key on lockbox, get FISHHEAD. Wear it. Otherwise you'll drown when you open the door, and wake up missing most of the game.

    Stay tuned for Room 2...

  50. WALKTHROUGH, 2nd room.

    As the room fills with water, you'll see letters appear on the wall. There's a red crab under the couch, she's very shy. The teddy has a SHELL in its pocket.

    Turn L; there's a shy white crab in the vase. Grab the SEAHORSE floating nearby. The white box has an M in the middle, just like your letter box. The buttons in the corners correspond to A, E, U, and Y. Enter the sequence of letters from the wall, get a CAMERA. Might as well try it out on the crab in the vase. Note that a number appears on your picture.

    Turn L, see the fishmen playing Othello. Click on the table and steal a GAME PIECE.

    Turn L, see shy yellow crab, get a photo of him too. Study the equations on the wall; deduce numbers from them. (I spoiled it in a post above, 10:19 pm, 6/1.) Notice lock with yellow, red, white numbers.

    Turn L, get photo of red crab.

    Turn R, open lock with the #s on your camera. Get a STARFISH, and note that starfish = game piece. Now look at the jars, note the equals signs between them. Going by the value for fish, make the other jars equal that number by placing your items in them. The wall below opens; get COOKIE.

    Turn R, find the fishmen looking everywhere for their missing piece. Place the COOKIE on the board and watch the fun. After they turn to BUTTER, collect some. (Yes, this is just like the tigers in the Sambo story. I wonder if the Japanese have a similar story?) Turn R and enter Room 3.

    Last part coming soon...

  51. WALKTHROUGH, Room 3:

    In the fridge there's a box with fruit buttons. See '77' on the eggs.

    Turn R to see '14' on the milk.

    Turn R; the lid to the honey jar has '4114'. Put BUTTER on the pancakes; the shapes you see can all be found in one place only on your letter box. Following the sequence of numbers, each one spells a fruit.
    Turn R, note the sequence of shapes on the fridge, open it, enter the sequence as fruits, get BINOCULARS.
    Look out the window, use BINOCULARS; see '5' on the stand, a cow above that (cow=milk=14),, then a chicken (=eggs=77), then a coffe bean (???), then a bee with hive (=honey=4114). So you have:

    ??? (3 numbers on locked coffee box)

    Now this was tough, but I note that a few smart folks did figure it out. You have to work from the top down, not the bottom up (that's why I didn't get it). You need to add the digits of the number above to make the number below, but IN PAIRS, so we need the number that fits perfectly between 4114 and 77. Already spoiled above, it's 525 (4+1, 1=1, 1=4, then 5+2, 2+5 makes 77).

    Return to table, enter number, get KEY to open your letter box, get SCISSORS. Before you open the door, look at your letter box again and note 3 letters are now gray; they spell RED.

    Save now to see both endings. Go to door, press unlit button which falls off. For 'normal day' end, cut the blue wire. For the good end, cut the red one and have a very nice Japanese breakfast.

  52. I screwed up the math signs a bit but I think it's still clear. Enjoy the game!


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