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Abandoned Dark City Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned Dark City Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. You had the opportunity to visit the old city seubah nan dark, the city was left without occupants decades, because a strange incident that comes from time immemorial, and you're curious about these events want to seek to know. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. The formula used in the codes is as follows:

    SPOILER a - b - c = (abc, a+b+c, a+b, c-b) SPOILER

  2. (Odd, my previous comment appears to have gained a number of new lines that I did not remember typing.)

    All in all, this one is pretty quick once you suss out the formula to be able to reveal the item placement slots. None of the items to pick up are invisible, though a few are suitably camouflaged that you could easily miss them on a first pass through.

    I liked that the number clues only involved numerals rather than mixing letters and symbols. This saves the step of translating to numerals which has always felt like uninteresting busy work. The formula was simple enough to pick apart, though it does help to know the techniques used in previous games (e.g. taking the product of all numbers). So, a thumbs up from me on this one. Thanks, Games Bold.

  3. Hi Seraku, Could you explain again how the formula works? I still do
    not get it.... I'm staring and staring at the numbers and nothing pops up :-)

  4. Got it! I Just used the last puzzle, that is 756. So:
    7x5x6 =
    7+5+6 =
    7+5 =
    6-5 =
    Put al the numbers you get from the above maths one after each other on the spots behind x =
    And there you go!!


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