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Who Lives Here 47

Abroy - Who Lives Here 47 is another point and click type puzzle game developed by Brain Busters for Abroy. 7 people have lost their memory due to amnesia. Your job to help them find their homes! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Hmm... Again with the smoking. *cough, hack, wheeze* /:

    @Abroy, there are so many better categories that could be used. Please consider this for the future.

  2. Thanks Abroy. So much fun as always.

  3. I was thinking that very same thing while playing the game myself, Seraku. Why not use the person's favorite sports drink, or favorite energy food that they eat before a game (apples, bananas, pasta, etc.)?

  4. Fun game, thanks

  5. totally agree Seraku and Bear! they already use food and drink, so maybe a new category? favorite movie: horror, comedy... or favorite hobby: reading, swimming...

  6. I love these puzzles. Now my wife, who is a school teacher for gifted elementary students, would like to use them for her students, but decided not to when she saw that one of the categories had to do with smoking choices. So I agree with those who advise to drop this category from these otherwise excellent puzzles.

  7. Seriously ? No hints ? Just people complaining about the most unimportant thing they could possible come up with? Its a game. Bunch of whining unsatisfied asrses. How empty are your lives? And FYI your wife can go out and actually buy a logic problems magazine for $5.95 if cigarettes are such a problem for her.

  8. From clues you can infer this order left to right: euclyuptus, geranium, house, Rugby.
    Euclyuptus=smokes Dunhills.
    Easy fill ins for smoking: 2 bluemaster, 3 blend, 4 cools.
    So Dunhills have to be house 1 as there needs to be 3 houses after(right) of it.

  9. 1 house btwn volleyball and person smoking Prince is your next clue to use. Prince could be either house 5 or 6 from other clues.

  10. Smokes Spoiler:


  11. NYOkie, there's a difference between complaining and criticism. We gave the developers criticism because forums are just as much about user feedback than it is to post hints. The complaining party is yourself, especially since you also left no hints for others and instead called us all "arses" lol! Hypocrite aren't ya?

  12. @Tiny Apple Slices, thanks for the hints! hope you didn't feel pressured to leave them by a certain someone. as most people don't leave extravagant hints for games like these, your tips are very, very appreciated but NEVER necessary in case all you want to say is "good game, thanks developer!"

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  15. Oh no, i didn't feel pressured in the slightest. I was just able to figure out one of these for a change. Usually I get stuck, then i get distracted (i have 3 kids so it happens a lot) then i can't remember where i was and forget a lot so never finish. This was a happy change for me :)

  16. Oh no, i didn't feel pressured in the slightest. I was just able to figure out one of these for a change. Usually I get stuck, then i get distracted (i have 3 kids so it happens a lot) then i can't remember where i was and forget a lot so never finish. This was a happy change for me :)


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