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Ancient Old Temple Escape

GamesBold - Ancient Old Temple Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. Ancient temple holds many mysteries since thousands of years ago, you wanted to solve the mystery, but trapped in a lost world that is embedded inside the temple. Now is the time to flee from there, or you will be stuck forever and can not return. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Definitely gonna need help on these clues. My math brain shut down about 20 minutes ago.

  2. Are they ratios? It doesn't make sense to me. :(

  3. The usual formula isn't working.

  4. Lizzie, here is what I have so far, may or may not be accurate:

    (?? (A+B+C) C-B (A+C) B+C (C) AxBxC

    Still working on it, will post as soon as I get something to work....

  5. I can't find any consistency between the different clues yet........

  6. Same here. I tried subtracting then multiplying. Then adding. It's really confusing.

  7. For the 9:4:7 = 55203 16 11 28 63 clue, so far I have ????? 9+7 4+7 4x7 9x7

    Trying a few more clues to see if I can test these...

  8. And after all, it is GB, so there could be errors in the clues as well, sigh.

  9. Sigh. True. It's hit & miss with GB. I always have faith in the beginning, though.

  10. For the 4:2:5 = 33 11 3 9 7 10 20 clue, I have ?? 4+2+5 5-2 4+5 2+5 2x5 4x5. so I am baffled between this and the other clue.

  11. I feel like I am taking my SAT again....maybe we should wait for Nafanja. She manages to crack these usually! Maybe if these were posted earlier in the day they would be easier!

  12. Seriously! It's been 20 years since I took AP calculus. I don't want to revisit those days.

  13. My last resort is the BF...input parts of the code I feel fairly sure about and guess the rest...

  14. I'll be waiting patiently. :)

  15. Well, that didn't work. I used XX925684 as the solution and I input 00 through 99 as possibles for the 1st 2 numbers. I am sure someone will come along with an obvious solution, hope it is soon!

  16. Hmm, there are 2 votes for 4 stars for this, did someone solve this and not post a solution for others to use? Although on yesterday's CG8 game that was unsolvable there were also a lot of high ratings.

  17. Maybe it's just people who vote it up for ad money.

  18. As a last resort, I will now attempt to place all the inventory items blindly in the scenes. Wish me luck, ha, ha, ha!

  19. Yes, I suspect they vote for their own games. They also re-post the games, I think, to place them nearer the top.

  20. So far I have placed 2 gold masques in scene 1, 2 shew stones in scene 2. At this rate I will still be doing this tomorrow.

  21. Kinda scared to go in, because I know if there is math involve I will be stuck.

  22. hahaa. Don't lose any sleep. There are a select few of us devoted to these games. We have very good intentions but don't let it ruin your personal life!

  23. Hi Gika! Good luck with this one, I am about ready to throw in the towel.

  24. Lizzie, I think we are almost a cult! Always the same few diehards with these games.

  25. ACK! solved it! Would help if I could read my own writing. Should have been XX 725684 (I tried a 9 instead of a 7) I then tried all the numbers again and I think I was in the 20's when it worked! I can open another game really quick to come up with the correct solution and maybe work out the formula.

  26. SPOILER: First 2 numbers are 32, rest of numbers as already clued above.

  27. Ok what I see is, you have to look at the numbers from right to left. So for the 7:8:9=97241 16 17 72 63

    7x9= 63 7x8=72 8+9=17 7+9=16
    that's is what I got so far

  28. why Cant I see the paper where you put the numbers in??
    I've see one clue in every scene and the paper to enter numbers is usually in the last scene.

  29. Now the real fun begins, finding all the objects and placing them! Sneaky item in room 4 under inventory bar partially covered by golden mask. I hope we don't need the earrings in 3 because they are stuck!

  30. Gika, after looking at every clue in every scene, I had to go back and forth to the beginning a couple of times to get the puzzle to appear.

  31. Hi Maximom and Lizzie :)

    Thanks Maximom, now I juts have to find where is the paper to put the numbers

  32. Gika, puzzle in room 7 near bottom on left.

  33. Finally got it after a couple tries back and forth in the scenes. And I got the Robot thing annoying

  34. Have 44/45 objects. All objects have outlines or hotspots for placement. Am checking for last object which I hope is not the pair of earrings in room 3.

  35. Earrings is Room 3 are tricky to get. You have to click in the inventory and not on the earrings themselves because that brings up the clue paper. Also I notice that the cursor changes to a hand when you hover over a spot without an outline. That's helpful.

  36. Ah ha! Thanks Puffin, got it!

  37. Gika, did you check under the inventory bar in room 4 by the gold mask on the right? I found something there, don't remember what.

  38. Gika - is it a gold or silver one? Some masks are half under the inventory and there is a small gold mask in the trees in Room 3.

  39. ok/ i bf the second no, but i cant remember what it was. so spoiler:

  40. Can't find spot for stupid flowered vase, have placed 5 in room 3, 3 on left side, 2 on right side, can't find elusive hot spot. Help appreciated! Thanks.

  41. POP, found the spot, floating on the right side. Got red escape arrow. Ha Ha, GamesBold, I beat you!

  42. Lizzie, are you still with us?

  43. Out ! Thank you for your help with the code !

  44. Yep- thanks Maximom that was it. under the inventory in room 4. And it look like a vase, I said masque because it was the name of it in the inventory.

    thanks Puffin I got it now

  45. Oh dear, I need only one spot for a silver mask, clicking clicking clicking in room 2. Can anybody help?

  46. Thanks for the help everyone! Looking forward to putting all the things in place. :)

  47. One mask stage 2, I put a gold disc. (Between about 2 and 3 of the disc and below) General solution algorithm for the first couple of numbers I have not found.

  48. Thank you! that was the place, under the second gold disc!

  49. My last item was a flowered vase hidden in Room 7, nearly covered by the inventory bar above the gold mask on the right. Whew! That one was hard to find!

  50. This game is not my cup of tea. No clue to the placement of the pieces. Total clickfest.

  51. The code is A:B:C=(B+1)(C-2)(A+B+C)(C-B)(A+C)(B+C)(BxC)(AxC), so for example 1:2:4=3 2 7 2 5 6 8 4

  52. Maximom 10/10/16, 9:07 PM, my last masque


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