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Abandoned Military Base Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned Military Base Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. As a soldier, you are obliged to defend your country, in any conditions and circumstances, including if you are detained at a military base that has been uninhabited. The problem of the base holds many mysteries and you're forced to crack the code in order to get out of there. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. got rough 6 digit code but I seem to need 2 of em..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Leroy, the 6 numbers might be for the safe in the scene with the guard tower.

  4. Or maybe not. Safe doesn't move when I click on it so must not have correct clue yet. Did pick up some sticks of dynamite in safe scene.

  5. bottom scene is grey ball for 6 digit codes..
    it seemde to me number position on all bslld id important..

  6. how i break the steel box? how I get the screw-driver?

  7. Hint: in 1st scene (with 4 blue objects), there is a hint paper in middle of scene. Other hint paper to the left can't be zoomed on yet.

  8. blue balls look like a clue as well
    where this dynamite?

  9. OK tab works gonna look all scenes now LOL

  10. text encode in lined up trucks scene

  11. The dynamite was in the safe scene, it didn't come unstuck for me until I zoomed on the safe and then I clicked on the safe and dynamite appeared in my inventory.

  12. You never know with GB.....

  13. bet ya meant open safe first but ya hit right pixel LOL

  14. I use more dumb luck than skill with these games. It's been some time since I've been so stuck like this, although I have seen these clues/puzzles before on a previous game so I am checking some old w/t for hints.

  15. yeah and tab didnt work for everything..

  16. Dynamite goes on door in final scene so at least we know how to get out if we ever get past the 1st puzzle. Where are all the other players? We need hints! Looked through some old w/t and came up empty. This is more like a CG8 game so I will take a look at some of those.

  17. balls + hint in last scene give new clue for a letter puzzle

  18. Hi Steve! thanks for hint but I'm a little dense tonight. I have 7 numbers from the balls: 2 6 3 9 4 8 1, the clue No Number = 0, but I can't get a 6 letter word that works...could you spoil the 1st letter and maybe I can figure out the order from that? Thanks!

  19. @Maximom, look at where the number is on each of the gray balls. Match that position on the puzzle in the bottom-most scene. Use a zero in the spots where numbers did not appear. That should give you a sword and then a paper clue regarding a letter clue.

    I've been all through the level trying to stab anything and everything with the sword. I thought it was for the skull in the one scene, but no luck.

  20. Thanks Seraku, glad you're here to help!

  21. use sword on end of gas cylinder for bok

  22. Seraku, I got that puzzle solved, thanks for the hint about the sword or else I would not have seen it.

  23. Thanks for hint, Steve, I never would have figured that out!

  24. There's another blue marble on the front of a truck in the color puzzle scene, but I can't get it loose.

  25. AH, new paper clue appeared in scene with gas cylinder and orange building.

  26. Oh wow.. The sword appears to work on nearly all of the gray balls in each scene. So many new objects to play with! (:

  27. Coin scratches gray panel in the scene with the safe. This gives 6-letter word which gives you part of the "encode" puzzle.

  28. Six colors are very faint but can just be made out...

    SPOILER: @#$W@#$P@#$Y@#$R@#$B@#$G@#$

  29. Hint: items in inventory can be combined (key)

  30. Looks like the blue marble on the front of the left truck is a red herring, have 4 blue balls, don't need 5.

  31. @Maximom... I've been trying to combine items, but no luck getting a key. I assume the key is for the steel box?

  32. Seraku, yes, key for steel box, also use the hammer on something breakable in inventory, think you get a blue marble.

    Have XXX and YYY, need ZZZ

  33. POPO... I just picked up the key. *sigh*

  34. Matching the blue marbles from the one scene doesn't work, tried left-to-right and right-to-left.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Brute-forced the blue marbles. Unfortunately, they disappeared faster than I could remember the combination. But it gets you the "zzz" clue.

  37. Seraku, the marble clue worked for me, I think, because I got the ZZZ clue. I think the 1st 3 followed the clue but I am not sure about the last one because I didn't set that one intentionally, just clicked.

  38. Ka-boom! I'm out, too! Thanks for the help Steve and Seraku. This was a challenging game.

  39. back from something to eat, and everyone out !, cant find zzz clue, balls wont go in holes

  40. Hi again Steve, balls don't actually get placed in holes, just click on the black holes and the balls appear, zzz clue comes from that puzzle.

  41. thanks for that maximom, and out !

  42. Oooooh can't find the fourth blue marble. can anyone help? I do have the yyy and xxx clue though.

  43. the same game:

  44. Where is key? And where did you see color clue?

  45. The key is in the second scene (bottom to top)
    In the tree, there is a ball, click on it with the sword (without zooming)
    And the key comes out, very small, look when the cursor changes

  46. The colors in the next scene, on a wooden board, under the poster (GEYASO)
    very small

  47. Got it! thanks for the key hint!

  48. cuando consigues las tres palabras, X,Z,Y
    abracadabra, halloween, magic, con la otra pista quitas todas las vocales, y demas letras que dice y te queda lo siguiente; CDHWMC da codigo para la caja 567429, dice las 6 primeras letras del ABC...


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