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Barn Cat Diaries 1: My Birthday

CoolDutchCat - Barn Cat Diaries Escape Episode 1: My Birthday is another HTML5 point and click room escape game developed by Cool Dutch Cat. In this game, you have to find items, use them and solve puzzles to help Barny escape from a critical situation. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. lots to find

  2. I thought the net was for switch in water,but?

  3. Ok use net on large bowl

  4. Hi all
    I have 2 long ladder parts, 11/12 short ladder parts, 16/22 picture pieces, a net, 1 switch, 2 heart cat candies, and 1/5 sad faces.
    Dazz do you mean put the net on the fish bowl where the switch is?

  5. Hey all! Net goes in front right corner. Can't find where to use switch. Ladder will go top middle when you collect all pieces.

  6. hi Shirl, put it on the wide bowl you started the game with on bottom left

    use ladder on your right

  7. I mean right!

  8. firefly, on the tv beside the brown cat

  9. I really like the cats, but game play is a little glitchy. My sad faces keep disappearing and reappearing. Still, nice game. Collect flowers to use on bottom right cat's collar.

  10. gave junior cat( the one I freed with boltcutter) to the black cat, not sure what I got

  11. No, I have another 'light switch'. Where was bolt cutter?

  12. crowbar: for panel beside white cat

  13. you will get the cutter after setting your ladder far right corner

  14. Firefly place ladder upper right and boltcutters and crowbar there

  15. stryboh for cat on ground

    light switch: top right but we need 4

  16. nvm! junior cat was for the grey cat

  17. am I supposed to give candy to hungry black cat? he doesn't accept them

  18. Got it Dazz. 3 light switches. Need 1 more and 1 flower for cat collar

  19. Thanks! Light switches will go up/r corner as well. Ladder used more than once. Enjoy! My eyes need a break and one sad face on stick stuck to my cursor.

  20. I'm with firefly, my faces disappeared by the white cat

  21. Hi,
    Feed the cat candies to the kitten

  22. Also, crowbar u/r corner (use ladder) but it took forever to pickup..wait for the gear symbol, then you can pickup.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Ah you can place ladder on left too!

  25. thank stryboh:)

  26. give the mouse to the cat on the trash can fpr the last flower

  27. My last flower won't go on cats collar ?

  28. gave all cats what they want but still missing 2 more pieces, and game is glitchy when you claick on the cat's face

  29. keep pulling bandyo:)

  30. Finally after a bunch of tries!

  31. This game is very picky on hot spots!!

  32. party hat for the left/right

  33. Nobody wants to wear the party hat

  34. Anyone know were switches go ?

  35. I have all the happy/sad cat face, I know they go on the cat cake but don't know the order, I'm also missing 2 puzzle pieces and the clue for the left/right cat (in the middle using the ladder)

  36. The switches go top right using the ladder and the clue is the paper you got from the kitten

  37. Dazz - what to do with party hat?

  38. @Stryboh, use the hat on the black cat on the left, then note which way the hat moves

  39. Dazz I know it is picky, I used transparents when making the game, and it wil only pick when it's on the actual picture.
    That's the reason why I made the cursor change when you can pick something up.
    Look like that's not enough to play comfortable, so I will change that in the next game.

    As for the face sticking to the cursor: I thought I solved that, but will look into it again.

    This is the first game I ever made, so I am still in a learning proces. Just keep complaining whenever something is not right, it will help me make the games better.

  40. Party hat goes on black cat, then cat's hat gives l/r directions for l/r puzzle (use ladder for that)

  41. Stryboh for black cat

  42. I actually really liked the game! Cute and the hat on the black cat was funny! I look forward to your next game! Thanks!

  43. Thanks the cat finally wore the hat!!

  44. I'm missing 1 puzzle piece, been going round and round but can't find it...

  45. I have no idea about the faces

  46. Cool It is a great game and congrats on first game I am sure you will get better.

  47. Ok Who wants this Kitty bed ?

  48. POP, it was were we used the crowbar, I guess when I used it I didn't see the piece falling out of the thing

  49. ahh for the cake

  50. Thanks Bandy.
    It really fun to see by the comments that players do and try what I intended when making it.

  51. me too missing 1 puzzle piece, can`t find it

  52. I do bandy:))

    for the cat on ground

  53. Cool. My paper disappeared right after I took it from Junior. Using Opera.

  54. I have used the hat for the L/R clue but does not work. I have tried both using the button positions and the way the cats are facing but nothing. I have also the paper from the little cat has disappeared.

  55. and I'm out! Thanks for the game, I enjoyed it

  56. JACKPOT! my last pieces was under the crowbar

  57. Stryboh, paper disappears after putting the 4 switches

  58. @see1click1, it's reversed so when it's left, click the right button

  59. pop. the hat clue worked. but still no paper

  60. ahh cool! I didn't see your comment:)
    I wasn't complaining, just commenting there s a little glitch, otherwise cool game

  61. Stryboh, that's probably not due to Opera. I had that bug before and thought I solved it.
    I will check again.

  62. Cool hi, well done you! you're first game :) I like it, thank you

  63. Dazz Cool game. That goes well!!! LOL

  64. Dazz, I am fine with complaints :)
    I am sure I am more critical about things than you are.
    Had the game running for 2 days and a lot of friend debugging for me, but obviously some slipped through anyway. Which is rather annoying :(

    But I'm glad you like the concept. :)

  65. The paper never showed up in my inventory and I can't do anything with the switches after I placed them. Have to quit. Nice game though Cool. Keep them coming.

  66. Hallo Cool !

    A Dutch Cat, how can I resist this ... well, why should I ...

    Ik ben benieuwd .. (I'm curious).

  67. Do I need to do something with the presents on the ground? Its got a cog but haven't anything in my inventory.

  68. See1Cick1 are you sure you don't have that paper?
    It's very hard to see in inventory. Will be the last item shown there probably.

  69. @see1 the paper is given by the kitten once you feed it the 3 cat candies, it's under its tail

  70. And thanks Escaper, it's always good to give a first game a chance !

  71. The many years I have been on here I have seen new developers and they very basic games and grown to good games. This one starts as good and I am sure will get better!

  72. Use scissors on the bottom right present

  73. I still can't give away this bed? LOL

  74. and finally out! thanks for the game cool, was having a little trouble dragging items to work but fun:)

  75. bandy give it to the brown cat

  76. Gosh Bandy .... you make me blush :)

    I must say that I am a professional programmer, so I do have some knowledge to start with.

  77. Stryboh thank you He took it just as you posted LOL

  78. Anytime Cool ! I have known you a long time. :)

  79. beleive me cool, this one game of yours was worth hundreds of most rubbish and boring time-wasting games posted here, like ena,ajaz,eight games,games4king sometimes ,mouse city and other ones that were no fun playing
    this one was excellent, hope you make more of these:)

  80. Scissors? ok I am heading in again.

  81. Bandy I can see you're a dog person like me!

  82. But I can not put the fourth face on the left (happy face)

  83. paper will not be given to you unless you feed the junior 3 times

  84. Stryboh really what was your clue? ROFL :P

  85. The navigation is interesting. I have never seen it pointed out where you have to do something and where you can pick something. I like that.

  86. Sisli, I must admit the game is very picky on hotspots.
    What might help is if you look at the cursor. When it changes to a wheel you should be able to drop the face.

    I know that particular hotspot and you are right it IS versy picky.

  87. I fed the cat three biscuits and paper disappeared but did not appear in inventory. Have checked every box.

  88. Arie .... I did that for several reasons.
    First, because I always get annoyed in games if you can't see where you can do or get something. Clicking all over the place (think Eight Games for example) is just no fun :)

    Another is the fact that items are small and picky. I intend to change that in the next episode.
    Games should be fun, not annoying.

  89. And out! Thanks Cool looking forward to more!


  90. I gave up, but I liked the game

  91. @Sisli, I passed to the next one without getting that spot

  92. @see1click1: I assure you I did not take it, did you check under his tail?

  93. I tried to put the cat on the presents but it disappeared. I found it back on the picknicktable, next to the other one.
    A little confusing, lol. But it's fun.

  94. I put him beside the one who wanted the hat and he vanished, which is why I got confused with him, then he appeared beside the grey one:)

  95. well .. I guess you have to be Dutch to put a cat on a present :)

    One of the things I did in the template for next versions is making sure that clicks on one level do not perform actions in another.
    It was really complex to put this all together, my brain was going around in circles.
    I really appreciate comments like this, they are very helpfull to make improvements.

  96. Aaah how funny! that goldfish!
    Sense of humour, great.

    And yes, you're right about the spots, this really is pleasant, you can move on.
    Just like the way the ladder is used. That surprised me as well. Very good.

  97. Cool, I made two games, I know exactly how complex it is. You did a great job, I'm not out yet, lol, going in circles now, trying to find three more puzzle pieces, but it's very enjoyable.

    Please make a next one :).

  98. I had to leave for a while, came back to game the screen was black, unable to load game now, had no trouble the 1st time

  99. Oops that's annoying Yvonne.
    Might be because Escaper linked to an external site.
    Seems that EG24 has a standard of 800x600 for games, mine is 900x600 and it came out very small because of that.
    Therefor he linked instead of placing it on the site.

    I will change the size of the next game, so it can be placed on EG24. That should solve the problem I think.

  100. 1 more pp, sad face and happy face, and the colours.
    It took me awhile to find out I had to give the cats items, I'm a bit rusty I think.

    YAY, done. Thanks Cool.

  101. Cool, thank you for responding :)

  102. arrie NL What games did you make? I would love to play them!

  103. Was there a pattern for the happy/sad faces? I got stuck there. I look forward to the next game, @Cool!

  104. FireFly, yes there is a pattern.
    The picture puzzle gives you that pattern when it's completed.

  105. Thanks! I just figured that out! Everything went smoothly after I restarted. Fun game!

  106. Thanks Firefly :)

    Making a game is half the fun. Hearing that others like to play is the other half.
    I'm a happy cat right now :D

  107. Cool, Thanks for the game. Really nice for being your first! Congratulations!
    About the things to improve, the final (4th position, starting from the left) happy cat face I was never able to place... tried at least 50 times, all on the hot spot marked by the circle...
    Also, I tried feeding the cookies to the big cat before I had rescued the kitten and the kitten appeared beside it and recieved the cookies, even though he was actually still trapped. Later, I couldn't get him out of inventory because I couldn't place him at the same spot (since he already was there).
    In general, nice puzzles, a fun concept and, besides small things to correct, a great game! Thanks again!

  108. Julián thanks for your comments.
    The Junion thing is something that has not been mentioned before. While reading it I immediately knew why that happened. I simply forgot to have the program check if Junior was free. Easy to prevent and I will make sure that it does not happen in the next episode.

    What I do have to look at closely is the placement of that 4th face. Have no idea why that happens. Nice chalenge :)

  109. Thank you so much for the wonderful game, Cool. I was feeling really stressed and blue today and you made me smile (I love kitties!). Please keep them coming! :-)

  110. Wow KiwiKate, that alone makes up for all the time I spent making it. You comment really touches me. Thanks for sharing that <3

  111. Congrats Cool Cat, you did it :)

  112. Hi Small-tool.
    You approve? :)

  113. Game won't load for me.

  114. Loved it, although I was expecting to have to use the flower colors on the cat's collar somewhere else! Once I got the hang of the hotspots it was so much easier to navigate my way around. Well Done!!!

  115. I am so sorry about that Maggie.
    There's nothing much I can do about it I'm afraid.
    I did see on the site where I placed it that an ad appears where you have to click on "play the game" to start it.
    Maybe you have adblock and can't click on that?

    It was not there when I placed it, but maybe they added it because EG24 linked to it.

  116. Late in the game opened up. Cats liked) The game is not complicated. I liked the game.

  117. Nafanja thanks.
    I will make sure the next one is a bit more difficult. :)

  118. Does anyone know what browser this game is working best with. I'm having trouble loading it in chrome; it loads 80-90% and freezes no matter how long I wait.

  119. All the cats have what they wanted but I'm missing one happy face. Checked every hotspot I can find but nothing. Now I've got a sad face as a result :-(

  120. Laotzu, I have no problems loading in Chrome.
    maybe it's the same problem Maggie had.

    The site the game is placed on puts a little ad on the game that runs for about 5 seconds. after that you have to click on "play now" in that ad before the actual game starts.

    I assume that if you have adblock running, you don't see the ad and cannot press "Play now".

  121. laotzu - I'm using Edge in windows 10 and it runs for me

  122. I'd already took adblock off. I had to reload it several time; each time a little more would load. I'm in now. Need four more picture pieces, two more sad faces, 1 more light switch. The cat I rescued with bolt cutters won't go with the grey cat because there is already a second cat with the grey cat. Possible bug.

  123. Cool Cat: Hope you see this, because you asked. I finished game, but had problems. My cursor never changed (Microsoft edge.) And at the end I had 7 happy faces. I finally rearranged, and got it to go in one of the sad spots.

  124. I am missing 1 switch and 3 puzzle pieces, if anyone has any hints not already listed! Thanks!

  125. I don't know where the party hat is, and need a hint for the colored numbers on garbage can.

  126. Ah--there is a 3rd place for the ladder!

  127. I'm having loading issues as well using Firefox browser. I turned off ad-blocker which allowed me to click past the ad, and then game started to load (with status bar increasing in size) until the process just freezes up and stops updating. Tried several times, guess I will try on a different browser.

  128. Cool, ty so much for the game! :) I found it challenaging and fun. I wouldn't even know where to begin to make a game like this so I admire you. keep the games coming

  129. Basically so glitchy it's unplayable. Half the items I was collecting were disappearing before I had a chance to use them.

  130. Fourth candle on the left won't go in. Didn't need it eventually. Nice game.

  131. I fed the cat three biscuits and paper disappeared but did not appear in inventory. Have checked every box.

  132. In case someone is trying to fish out the switch from the goldfish bowl with the net and gets frustrated... the net is not for that place. The net goes on a black container on bottom right of screen. It fishes out a goldfish which you place in the jar and then it offers you the switch and a face pin. Good game but I needed to get a bit of help here and there.

  133. Excellent game. No bugs for me, playing in FF, with adblock turned off for the game page.
    Easier once I picked up on the cursor changes.
    Well done.

  134. Great game, Cool! Very well done!
    No bugs at all for me too!

  135. Truly awful. Don't bother with this one.

  136. Gave it the benefit of the doubt. Pixellated and like a hidden object game. One star.

  137. to answer a couple of questions that also had me stumped: there is a very picky spot on the upper far left, near the ceiling where you can place the ladder. That gave me my last switch, my last happy face, and the party hat.

  138. Fun game @Cool, and much better than most posted here. I expected the face on the cake to switch to happy when I finished... I know my face did!

  139. well no matter what I try and do, just cannot get the game to load on any browser (IE/Firefox/Chrome) on my laptop. Tried them all with ad-block disabled. Down the road I will try the game on a different computer.

    Kudos to a new developer though for trying his/her first game. I know it is not easy, so putting out one's first product is an achievement, and it seems like quite a few enjoyed it. Congrats!

  140. You know what zoz? It was my intention to change the face, but I simply forgot. :)

    Not sure why you can't open it. Could be something on the site I placed it on. I am working on changing the dimensions of the game to the size that G24 uses. It can be posted directly here then, which will at least kill that ad. And maybe solve problems with not loading in general.

    But the comments were really helpfull. I know I still have a lot of work to do to make it bugfree.

  141. where is the hat&

  142. hi, where exactly to use crowbar, can´t find a panel next to white cat, thanks

  143. also have another junior?

  144. I just could not place the face 5th on left - even though the curser changed

  145. Nice game for first one. I hope you do more! I am glad you take the criticism constructively, because I think this is a cute game and has a lot of potential!

  146. Use crowbar on the panel next to the light grey siamese cat.

  147. it was hard to play in some points but very very cute! Akk by best whishes :)

  148. Even if I don´t think you´ll read this, Cool...
    Had to quit the game cause I couldn´t find the last Happy cat (love that you included Grumpy in the game!), but beside of the glitches I realy enjoyed playing it and you had some cute ideas (loved the birthday hat and the mouse - squee!).
    Pls keep more games coming!
    Greetings from a German fostermom for kit-tens


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