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Desert Mountain Cabin Escape

EightGames - Desert Mountain Cabin Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Eight Games. Desert Mountain Cabin Escape game online in EightGames. Imagine a situation that you went for a vacation with your friends. It is a desert area and you are visiting this place for the first time with your friends. At the mountain cabin you got locked and it is a lonely place so there is no one to help you. Somehow you need to find out the way to escape from this place. So, you need to find out the related objects and solve the puzzles to escape from the Desert mountain cabin as soon as possible. Thanks for playing and Good Luck and Have Fun.


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  1. hi (again) all ☺

    let's see who else is here...

    thx for the game 8G ☺

  2. red herring of today is in start scene, the green 1 (?) in the background

  3. don't miss glass on table & diamond bottom of armchair

  4. Hi all, plans have changed so I'm here.

    The game has been published about 20 minutes before, and I've done a whole lot of things. Pity, playing together is 90% of the fun in 8G

  5. oops, my map d/w, can't access it... :-(

  6. In that start scene there are some items which can be missed easily:

    The glass Alpha told, then a cyan button on the front table, and a glass disk on the bottom of the stand with the two vases.

  7. Hi Merit and AO. Let's enjoy probably our last 8G of 2016.

  8. Alpha, go out and resume. I had that same problem a few weeks ago.

  9. ah, hi merit ☺
    nice to see you here today & that your plans have changed

    don't miss steel rod in far left scene next to red carpet

  10. Oh, meth is here as well! :-)

    The more it's a pity that the game was published here so late. Anyway, you know that advance I might have is gone in first killer puzzle. ;-)

  11. hi meth ☺
    nice to see you here, too - maybe there will be an 8G also tomorrow...?

  12. *deleting stell rod from my note list

    We should need five of those glass disks, I have found three so far, take care where you found those, please!

  13. thx merit,
    have tried that, but with no avail, map still d/w...! :-(

  14. Tomorrow is Saturday. They have published games then not often.

  15. diamonds go behind vase with flowers at left side in room right of start

  16. What? Now mine doesn't work too, wanted to make a screenshot! :-o

    But it's not that necessary today, just one row there with two scenes above that. One going up from the room right of start, one from the bathroom with the two towels hanging there.

  17. Hi, cloth is used on pillar in garden scene

  18. You can make 5 yellow discs. As if we didn't have enough discs already!

  19. hi Hotz & thx ☺

    crystals go outside in the holes on ground (forgot first to zoom in... doh)

  20. Room outside going up from the bathroom: There were a sneaky picture piece on the left grass bunch and a sneaky green paper piece at the right bush (near that red herring thingy).

  21. take water from tub with cup

  22. Meth, those yellow disks go above the fireplace in forelast scene to the left.

  23. in garden scene, there's also an icecream symbol hint

  24. Poor the water from that cup in the outside scene I mentioned (into the empty flower pot) and put the seed into it for a colour clue

  25. my last picture piece was in plant in bottom left corner of garden scene

  26. Crowbar used outside on back wall. It is a bit fussy about getting the exact spot.

  27. the 5 assembled yellow disks go in (extinguished) fireplace scene

  28. Same outside scene (with the pots, not that one Alpha is in now): Use the cloth you picked up earlier (looking light a lightbrown rectangle) and clean the dirty spot on the wooden pillar for a 4#

  29. my last pic piece in same room as pic puzzle on floor - in plain sight (always missing those items...! :-/ )

  30. Just realised there are two outside scenes. Crowbar is used in one on right.

  31. Coloured numbers are clue for puzzle in far right scene. Gives a key for the hole in same room, three disks.

  32. missing middle piece of green paper...

  33. And here we are - I'm missing the last pic piece. I always get the sneaky ones (grass bush) but don't see those stinging into my eyes.

  34. all those colour buttons go in far right scene, except 4 red ones, they go in start scene

  35. Alpha, there's no middle piece? I've got the bottom two and the top right.

  36. in garden scene, there were 2 or more sneaky green paper pieces between plants.
    I am missing middle right green paper piece...

  37. At least that gives me time to make a screenshot of the picture for those who may need it:

  38. 4 glasses filled from bottles for colour puzzle in start scene

  39. Ah, Hotz! You often came in our hour of need!

  40. the midlle right one then, merit ☻

    also in garden scene about bottom centre

  41. Like now, found another green piece in the garden - the middle one. Sorry guys, my pieces looked as if there were only four or them.

    It was the middle piece, around the bush with the red blossoms. And I found my last pic piece there, thanks Hotz

  42. nope, now it's the middle right one that I'm missing, too

    thx Hotz for mentioning green pieces in garden

  43. Seen now that I need TWO green pieces. The one you all need and the top left corner.

  44. I've fallen behind in this one - eyes too tired to see those sneaky pieces. So I'll have to hope for a killer puzzle so I can catch up ;-/. But not so difficult as that AVM one last night Hotz.

  45. Found another bottle in the bathroom scene with pic puzzle, at the chair to the right. Sure you all had that before.

  46. beside the green piece I'm missing 2 glass balls & where to use rod...

  47. POP, my last green paper piece was in garden scene too: near the purple base of pillar on this little wall in center of this scene

  48. As I wrote: Hotz, the man you need when things get rough. Thanks!

  49. My map has gone now. Just after picking up my last diamond behind chair in room where semicircles went.

  50. also need 5#code for far left room...

  51. Meth, no. I need another green piece and one bottle. No chance to go on without them. And YOU know how stupid I can be with that.

  52. I am missing 1 light blue/cyan ball for the puzzle in far right scene. any idea?

  53. Found the green piece in that same darn garden. So there were at least four pieces there!

  54. thanks meritneith, but you don't know many times I need your comments and help :)

  55. I'll scratch your back, you'll scratch mine.

    That balls puzzle is a killer!

  56. POP, my last cyan ball was on table in starting scene

  57. Can't remember where the single cyan button is Hotz. Sorry. The coloured buttons puzzle is not so hard today.

  58. Hotz, have you got the cyan ball from start scene? I wrote that earlier, the others were not hard to find.

  59. Haha, meth! Seems you're smarter than me!

  60. yes, I found it. thanks anyway

  61. Hey, I have the yellow balls on their places!

  62. use steel rod on 5 glass dics to get a 5#clue...

  63. and out, thanks for your hints!!

  64. Aha, got the principle. Two last glass disks.

  65. Smash the disks with the steel rod. Maybe a 5# clue?

  66. Maybe I got lucky Merit. Anyway I need a chance to catch up. I'm still missing all sorts of stuff you guys have.

  67. Yes, count the shards. Puzzle is in far left scene.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I needed some time to understand how exactly the movements are. No luck.

  70. AO, for your last green paper piece: my comment @2:18

  71. That green paper piece was in the garden scene. The middle right pieces was where Hotz told at the purple base of the pillar, and the "middle middle" somewhere in the bushes around. Take your mouse and hover carefully over every pixel. Sorry.

  72. I still need that last bottle. I'll have to check again every scene. Always the same!

  73. oh, missed that comment - thx Hotz ☺

  74. Right of the grill stinging into my eyes.

  75. Before you all get out, may I wish you a happy new year.

  76. For the final puzzle I think there's no certain colour pattern as it's different every time you zoom out and in again. I'll try to make monochrome circles.

  77. Oh meth... thank you very much, same to you, and I'm looking very forward to next year's games together with you guys!

  78. oh, I liked the circle swapping halfs - 8G really very often comes with always new & different puzzles - much appreciated! ☺

  79. OUT! Without cheating in the w/t! :-D

    Well, this is a great way to close this year's series.

  80. I won't go leaving meth in this maze. Tell me what do you need?

  81. LOL I was looking a pretty long time for a single cyan button Hotz mentioned for that circle puzzle, until I realised that I already placed it - DUH ☻

  82. VWT isn't available anyway merit ;-Þ

  83. It was the glass rod (DOH) and a jigsaw piece (not DOH, just hard) Merit. Found them both now and out!

  84. Thanks for all your hints and especially the company, and for the game 8G and all your great games in 2016.

  85. happy new year to you all, too ppl ☺

    & thx for that nice teamwork, enjoying it very much

  86. Meanwhile I want to thank all you guys for your kind help and patience and nice comments all over the year. I haven't played EightGames for ages (with some good reasons, you know) but playing together in a smaller or bigger gang is very fun. See you all again next years, and best wishes to you and your families!

    Enough of those lofty words. You know what I mean. ;-)

  87. nope, merit
    I wanted to check sth, but it is said, come in a couple of days again ☻

  88. OH! Come back in a few days?

    Well, to the EightGames team: Thank you for a bunch of sometimes great games, and keep them running next year (all the best for you, of course). But please: if you don't publish the vid w/t's with your games in the future I think I (and many others else maybe) will quit the games as there often are super hard spinning or sliding puzzles.

  89. Or, even better: Could you think of a skip function we often mentioned? Maybe for the harder ones, or maybe with a timer (skipping available after x minutes).

  90. Strange. I just checked. VWT available to me.

  91. my new year's wishes, too ☺

  92. well, then they put it already on, meth
    when I wanted to check sth, it wasn't available yet... anyway all the best for you all the next year & hopefully more good (8)games ☺

  93. I normally love eightgames, but this one was too much of a pixel hunt! My eyes are still sore ;-)

  94. I'd like to add my thanks to all of you regulars who post on here. I can't exist without my daily fix of Eightgames and your comments make it so enjoyable, Sorry I don't post hints myself, but I always assume everyone has got them before me! Happy New Year to all xx

  95. That ring-switch triple ball puzzle was interesting! On replay I found that it could be done even more simply - I just messed it up even more than it started with the first time! Thanks, EightGames!

  96. I can see the middle picture piece in the scene to the right of the picture puzzle (the one with the hot tub). It's under the right navigation arrow to the right of the vase of red flowers, but I can't pick it up.

  97. Excellent game, loved the puzzles! Thanks EightGames! 5/5

  98. If anyone is still playing these like me, the final puzzle - if it's not working, make the frame smaller. It doesn't work when zoomed large size (maximized screen).


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