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Forgotten Hill: Surgery

FmStudio - Forgotten Hill: Surgery Escape is another scary point and click adventure escape game developed by FM Studio. The adventures of Forgotten Hill continue, will you survive the clinic? New mysteries involve the strange and grotesque Forgotten Hill, after the event of Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer you wake up in a weird surgery clinic, and all you know is that you have to escape the Colonel. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Roberto]

Warning: This game contains bloody and scary scenes, not suitable for children!

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  1. So far, I've seen a puzzle in the bathroom sink. a diagram of a skeletal hand, a map to instructions that I cannot get, and a clue about a staring eye, a grey mouse, a sharp scalpel, a huge fly on a sunny day.
    oh, and if you click on the toilet, you'll be overcome by swarming flies.

  2. With a warning like that, I've got to play!

  3. 30 seconds in, already breaking rule #6. Fantastic start.

  4. I´m stuck far ahead tryng to solve 4x4 grid skulls puzzle.

  5. Oh, death by flies. But you can just "Continue"

  6. Calendar is hint for office desk drawer below it

  7. I couldn't do anything with the sink puzzle after the finger comes out of the drain, and the puzzle with a rotating wheel (sun, moon, saturn, etc), or anything else for that matter. this is going to take a lot more than my brain to solve!

  8. picture of finger bones are the clue for 4 levers

  9. oh, I forgot about the calendar/ drawer hint. Sorry about that.

  10. Get note behind old man sitting on the bed

  11. A new developer? Let's see what this is like ...

  12. boahhh, the flying fetus was frightening

  13. You need to activate the water to use the sink,

  14. use cleaner on finger in sink...

  15. I'm not doing so well with the levers...

  16. Be ready folks it is a long game. Rusty Lake style game!!

  17. ZOZ If it helps bring them all down and work up.

  18. POPed the finger/lever puzzle and got a key.

  19. thanks for the hint @bandy!

  20. Love this so far, enjoying exploring and solved a few puzzles. No need to rush through this. Background music is great.

  21. Got the skulls finally. Starting from bottom left is easier.

  22. Anytime I played this a bit ago so will try to help.

  23. going in, hope to catch up

  24. and now I stuck with a scalpel, bulb, disk from sink, mandrake (plant doll?) and a paper... any idea?

  25. Pour acid on finger in drain. Give 4 symbol puzzle hint.

  26. Bulb is used on electric board Hotz

  27. That bulb puzzle is tough. I have a screenshot if you need.

  28. My game froze at the guy doing surgery so can help till you get there.

  29. Cut the mattress in your room

  30. duh, don't miss to flush the toilet after activating the water...

  31. cant get the levers to move. after several clicks, two suddenly move. dont get it

  32. I have a hammer, a crwon key that doesn´t fit anywhere and a pot of flies.

  33. You need to drag the levers.

  34. Also rinse out sink to get other dial Hotz

  35. ok! Used hammer on wall in floor1 and got my last disk.

  36. the guy with the bell game totally cheats!
    @Tiquer, I tried the scalpel on the finger, but didn't think to try the acid.

  37. There is a blue marble in the very bottom left of room with picture of founders

  38. hmmm. This discs puzzle is harder than the skulls, and I have no clue to solve it.

  39. Pay attention to the five items the old man mentions

  40. no, no way I'm playing a game with bloody scenes:)

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. yes, I need a hint for bulb puzzle please

  43. my computer keeps freezing. I may have to finish this later. Dad-gummit!

  44. Bulb puzzle

  45. Zoz that is what happen to me!

  46. Solved the discs. Got a heart.

  47. Thanks Hotzenplotz, flushing the toilet after turning on the water is what was holding me up. After dying I dismissed it. Gives key to open locked door on floor 1 hallway.

  48. hmmm! I thought I had to use the heart on corpse.

  49. Oh! I used the flies on teeth.

  50. That guy loves a marble. Got the one grom bells but he wants more.

  51. where to use scalpel a second time? I already used it on bed in start scene...

  52. Hotz the guy in basement after he leave doing surgery

  53. You get a dial from the guy on table

  54. Red marble under light bulb puzzle (which was GREAT)

  55. Out Finally!!! Very nice game!

  56. bandy, where is the surgery guy? I stuck with 3 disks and a crowned key, that doesn't fit anywhere...

  57. He is in the basement you need key to go down to it

  58. I don't remember were crown key goes ?

  59. The key for elevator come from the flower pic hint. Use it beside electric board puzzle

  60. thanks bandy, I am already in basement and solved the skulls and I have no idea what to do next...

  61. Did you solve the #doors to get a small key?

  62. ok, roman numbers on feet are the clue to open next door and next door...

  63. After you solve the skulls you get a key to open a pic on wall revealing a scaring guy. Don´t know what for though.

  64. Now you should get to the guy doing surgery.

  65. That is were my game froze.

  66. skulls puzzle:

  67. yep, found him. thanks bandy

  68. I think the scalpel is used on the nurse's dress to get a key. I say "think" because I had it in my hand, after a few clicks a key appeared.

  69. Key from nurse goes in room with picture of founders. Still have another key in inventory?

  70. Feel real lucky, got skull puzzle on first try.

  71. For the corpse lockers (1-6) keep hitting 3421 (so feet keep showing sequentially ) until a key for the nurse door appears. Not sure how the sequence started, didn't make sense to me. Had the numbers ages ago....

  72. The scalpel disappeared after using it the last time (for me) on the body after doctor left.

  73. Give heart to old man from beginning. OK....

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Finally out. The 4 digit door code at the end goes bottom to top, for some reason. Great hard game, about 25% too long. Get tired of running around. Love, love, love the hard puzzles. 5 stars.

    The scary face behind the picture seemed to be a read herring, as well as the (unfortunately confusing) 4 digit year on the back of a picture.

    One thing I didn't see in the comments was to use the hammer on the creature in the middle of the water puzzle to get an eyeball.

  76. How do we get the marble from the bell game?

  77. You need a magnet to put in front of table.

  78. Ow wow - I'm missing something big then. stuck w/scalpel, hammer, diagram and weird key.

  79. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the discs are infuriating, there is probably a logical system but it's beyond my tiny brain.

  80. I'm stuck, can't see hints for chemicals or the red bricks??? Is anyone still playing?

  81. Still here, got paper clue but don't know where the room with the formula is. Also have hammer, heart, 2 eyes, and a key.

    Someone mentioned a pot of flies earlier, it would be nice to know where to get that. I assume it's to solve the tooth/fly cabinet.

  82. Ok, gave the heart to the other patient and got an "eye" (looks like a marble).

  83. And the floating fetus takes the eyes as well.

  84. Ah I see the formula is in the floor of the room where we started and is the tiles indicated on the first bit of paper you get.

  85. I had to leave for a while and return, then the game played with no problems.
    @Tiquer, I used the serum on the nurse, and that gave me the key to the room by the Founders and the jar of flies from the cabinet.
    @vic, the hint for the red bricks comes when you solve the chemicals. Once you have the missing fuse (Au2?), you can use the clue you get from using the hammer on the floor tile in the original room according to the map.
    Fantastic Game!!!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. anyone else who's game gets frozen on the operating scene . . . click on the settings button (upper left corner) and click on the menu button (second from bottom) click continue game and it should restart that seen. Keep clicking on the guy and it should move on.

  88. Stuck with two pieces of medallion, serum, and mandrake - help Where is magnet, where is nurse?

  89. Now have crown key and stuck. Still looking for magnet.

  90. Yippee got jar of flies in cupboard where nurse was, put flies on teeth - got magnet

  91. If any game deserves a WT, this is it. I don't have the energy to write one, but I did find a video WT at

    Thank you Forgotten Hill creators! I'm going to have to go back and play the previous games now.

  92. Hello - have got to the 4 digit door, but don't know the code! The walkthrough was to quick with the numbers, so that didn't help :-(

  93. So far I have tried the numbers from the digital clock, 1887, the bullet holes in the corpse, the numbers from the calendar... backwards and forwards. What have I overlooked?

  94. Finally got the numbers and am out!
    Count the bullet holes from the bottom - I think the top two were the other way round...

    This was a great game, looking forward to more like these!

  95. One of the best games of the year.

  96. Here's Part 1 of a full walkthrough, including spoilers.

    * Click on door once and it will open by itself
    * Go past the next scene and then go thru the 2nd door (to the right of the 4 switches)
    * Click calendar to get hint for 5 digit puzzle on drawer (Oct = 10), concatenate the circled numbers from top to bottom
    * Take keys and use to open door next to the room you are currently in
    * Picture on wall gives the clue to the slider puzzle outside (2,1,3,4).
    * For the slider puzzle you need to click and drag the sliders. Clicking by itself won't move anything.
    * To quickly solve this one, drag slider #2 to the bottom, slider #4 to the bottom, slider #1 up one place, and slider #4 up one place.
    * Take key and open the cabinet in the right-hand room.
    * Take the acid, scalpel and lightbulb.
    * Go into corridor and then left.
    * Go into door on right (the lavatory)
    * Click the tub and then click on the disk.
    * Pour the acid on the creepy finger.
    * Take note of the symbols that just appeared. black disk, ring, triangle and cross.
    * Go out of room and all the way left back to the starting room
    * Use scalpel on bed and take the mandrake root.
    * Go out of room and to the right, use keys to open the door on the left.
    * Go into room and take the piece of paper at the back of the bed.
    * Click on the patient and take note of the 5 items: eye, mouse, scalpel, fly and sun.
    * Go out of room and all the way right to the lift
    * Enter lift and go to level 1
    * Go left and into the room next to the grinning freaky guy.
    * Take blue marble on floor.
    * Look at "The Founders" picture and note the symbols on hats, and note that the guy on left doesn't have a hat.
    * Go out of room and left to the black door.
    * Match the symbols on the door with the ones in the tub.
    * Spin all the pipes so that all the cylinders with the rectangles are connected
    * Go back upstairs and back into the lavatory
    * Pull the chain to flush the toilet. Take the key.
    * Click on the wheel above the tub to release some water
    * Click on the tub and take the disk.
    * Go out of room
    * Look at the picture on the wall and note the colors of the flowers (a screenshot is very handy)
    * Go back to level 1 and use the key to open the door next to the black door.
    * Pick up the red marble under the table.
    * Click the board on the wall
    * Move the balls so that they match the flowers from the picture on level 2.The balls have to go on the red spots or the inverted V. The balls on the V have to be lower than the ones on the spots.
    * Take the gold key and the piece of medallion.
    * Click on the table next to the monitors.
    * Put the bulb into the socket at the bottom left.
    * To solve this puzzle you have to place the 5 refractors on the RHS onto the board so that when you click the ON button, the ray of light from the bulb lights up all 6 of the domes.
    * The solution for this, treating the 9 squares as a 3x3 grid with the top left square in position (1,1) and the bottom right in (3,3):
    - Put the single up arrow at (3,1) (next to the bulb)
    - Put the up/right arrows at (1,1)
    - Put the up/down/right arrows at (1,3)
    - Put the left/right arrows at (2,3)
    - Put the up/left arrows at (2,2)
    * Click on the monitors, and take the printout.
    * Note the time 12:15:35
    * Go back up to level 1 and into the room with the blue clock.
    * Click on the clock and set the time to 12:15:35.
    * Take the disk and the piece of medallion from behind the clock
    * Go back to the lift and use the gold key to go to the basement

  97. Part 2

    * Click on the black door and change the symbols at the bottom so the picture at the top matches the printout
    * Go into the room, click on the mandrake and then click on the "goat"
    * Click on the disk on the floor and place the two pieces of medallion on it.
    * Take the gold key
    * Go back out of room and into the room on the right.
    * Go into the room on the right.
    * Take the hammer on the table.
    * Use the hammer to break the tube on the left.
    * Take the eye from the tube.
    * Go out of room and into the room on the left.
    * Click on the skulls and swap them around so that the symbols match the "Founders" picture. The blank space needs to be on the left.
    * Take the vial that appears under the skulls.
    * Click door number 1.
    * Take note of the number of marks on the feet and click the corresponding doors until you get a key.
    * Go back into the room on the right and use the silver key to open the door.
    * Go into the room, where shit gets real.
    * Use the scalpel on the body to remove the disk.
    * Take note of the number of holes in the chest. (1,6,3,5)
    * Go back to lift and go to level 1
    * Go left twice and use hammer on crack in wall to get another disk.
    * Go into room on right and use hammer to smash the tube with the brain
    * Use the scalpel to remove its eye
    * Go out of room and all the way left to the FFB (freaky floating baby.)
    * Give all the eyes/marbles to it, to remove clutter from inventory
    * Go back up to level 2
    * Go left and into the left-hand door
    * Put all 4 disks into the machine, and click on the top to zoom in
    - You must rotate, and re-position the disks so that the symbol in the red segment matches the order that the patient stated.
    - So disk 1 must highlight the eye, disk 2 the mouse, disk 3 the scalpel, disk 4 the fly and disk 5 the sun
    * When you solve the puzzle, take the heart and give it to the patient. He will give you one of his eyes in return.
    * Go left to the original room.
    * Use the hammer to hit the 5th tile from the door
    * Take the formula
    * Go to basement and into the RH room.
    * Put the vial into the machine on the table
    * Rearrange the vials to match the formula on the paper
    * Take the serum
    * Note the symbols that appear above the machine
    * Go back to middle room where the goat was
    * Click the same sequence of symbols on the red bricks
    * Take the key, and use it to open the door in the left-hand room (with the posters)
    * Use the serum on the nurse
    * Click a few times on the nurse's uniform to get another key
    * Open the middle drawer under the bench and get a jar of flies
    * Go back into the right-hand room and into the door on the left
    * Click on the table and tip the jar of flies onto the grid
    * go back out of the room and rearrange the flies to match the grid. You need to rotate the pattern right to match, i.e. the cell with the 2 teeth would be at the top of the grid.
    * Take the magnet.
    * Go to level 1 and put the magnet on the front of the table in front of grinning freaky guy
    * Play his game and click on the middle bell to get the ball
    * Go into the room behind the guy and use the red & gold key to open the door
    * Click on the bookcase, on the disks to get a puzzle. You must place the disks so that the adjoining colors match.
    - To start you off, there are 6 disks with Green West sides but only 2 with Green East. 2 will match the fixed corner disks but that still means 2 have to go in the LH column to avoid a mismatch. There are only 2 disks that fit the pattern.
    - Now there are 4 disks with black on the East side, but only two with Black on the West. So two of the East black disks have to go in the RH column to avoid a matching West black disk. Use the disks that have Yellow West sides.
    - The remainder is left as an exercise for the reader
    * Take the green ball and key
    * go back to hallway and go left to FFB. Give it the eye and your balls. This will make it happy.
    * Click on the number pad and enter the sequence of holes in the corpse's chest
    * Use the key to open the door and run to freedom (Don't look back!!)

  98. @ Dean OCallaghan, you're a great WT writer! Kudos to you for having the will and the energy to write a brilliant WT!

  99. I seconde zoz's comment - well done Dean ☺

    in the spirit of EGDAWT (every game deserves a WT, but esp. this one)

    thx FM for this creepy brill game ☺

  100. I don't know how I missed all your games. They are excellent and I am playing them all now(with WT help of course!). Thank you. Now on to the next creepy brilliant game.

  101. I don't know how I missed all your games. They are excellent and I am playing them all now(with WT help of course!). Thank you. Now on to the next creepy brilliant game.

  102. On the flies and teeth grid can someone send me a screenshot of what it should look like?

  103. How do you get the disk in place ahhhhh


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