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The Happy Escape 12

Tesshie - The Happy Escape 12 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Tesshi-e for MildEscape. In this game, you are in trapped in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Noice first into a Tesshi LOL

  2. Yay, a Tesshi-e! I love these! Great after-Christmas present!

  3. somebody come help! I'm stuck w/ corkscrew, candle, firestarter and teapot. Placed Santa and used knife. need number for hearts.

  4. Hey Anne, stuck in the same place as you are.

  5. Hey there, I'm stuck with a bottle of water, but no corkscrew to open it, a firestarter and a lit candle... Haven't got teapot yet, placed 7 happy coins

  6. Also missing hearts clue :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How did you come across the teapot or the corkscrew please?

  9. I think the corkscrew was from spelling water under the hippo? Used the birds eye movements for the picture.

  10. where did you get bottle of water?

  11. I don't remember where I got the teapot, perhaps it was from cutting the rope on the right cabinet? I'm pretty tired!

  12. Haha, need to start by asking where you got the battery to activate Hippo, please :)
    The water came from opening the cabinet with the 3 digit code

  13. You get clue from under the bed, using the lit candle...
    How you cut the tight rope on cabinet? Going around the room, not finfing anything new without help.

  14. I think the battery was in the teapot.

  15. lol, back to cuting rope, please, what did you use, must seem obvious, but I must have missed it :)

  16. I think knife comes from hippo

  17. I even tried burning it with the candle...

  18. how did you light candle?

  19. When you solve the 4 handle thing (using hanging stuff of the stove), the canldes light up. Then use your canlde on them and you can light it up to

  20. Anne or sleepy Ericka, your clues send me in a loop... without a tool to cut the rope, I can't get teapot, which means no battery, therefore no hippo active... so please try to remember, knive of something like that can't come from Hippo :) Thanks!

  21. I meant "4 canldes" puzzle (not 4 handle)

  22. dammit cant reach santa top shelf..

  23. There's a Santa Box on the dinning table I can't open, bet it has to do with tool I'm missing... Cause it should be in an obvious place by now...

  24. Not sure if I got bug as I've tried many times with correct code for purple bird and nothing came out :(


  25. Ok, Julian, did you use the birds eye movements on the picture frame while spelling out "escapes", the bird also gives you something.

  26. A very nice game! The Santa number confused me for a bit... I overthought it. The door is unlocked, now to find the Happy Coin...

  27. I think it was (spoiler) BL, TR, TL, BR, TL,BL, TR

  28. The code of the purple bird comes from the word ESCAPES (7 letters), which is seen by using the other bird where SPACE is writen.
    (Where the first letter stand for either "Lower" or "Upper" and the second for either "Left" or Right").

  29. THANK YOU Ericka!! I forgot to put the final "S" and though "nevermind, I know what it is already" LMAO! So I never got the cutter! Thanks!!

  30. sorry Julian. Knife must have come from spelling Escapes under bird. When you put together suit numbers, you'll get a slingshot to get Santa

  31. Help with the santa number, please?

  32. Where exactly is the candle?

  33. Found it behind the wobbly picture.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Ericka - the only math is the heart. Put the rest of the numbers together... without math...

  36. I got a "+" on cork for hearts... which leads me to think I should add the other numbers...
    But my result doesn't work.

  37. Julian: Combine the club and diamond numbers but don't add them.

  38. I get 2119, where am i screwing up?

  39. I don't understand when you say put the numbers together without math? Tried addition, then multiplication and addition, nada.

  40. Put the diamond number at the end of the club number.

  41. Cyberjar88 I'm feeling as stupid I have ever in the past couple of decades, but I'll have to ask... what kind of combination are you suggesting? Guess I need it spelled out this time :(

  42. Ugggg I meant 2129.
    Signing into comment here is a pain so I stopped until tonight

  43. Ok, got it, thank you Cyberjar88!

  44. Lovely game! Finally we're getting a Tesshie-e's after 6 months!

  45. Found a hexkey on the underside of the crate lid.

  46. Thank you Tesshie for another wonderful game!!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. And out! Nice game... Santa number a bit to fussy and I need to not jump any steps hehe. Thak you Tesshie and everyone else for hints and help!

  49. Only thing I would mention is... water boils even before you light the fire in the stove!

  50. Oh geez! TY so much!

  51. That has just made my christmas- a Tesshie. Loved it as always

  52. ... No happy coin? And what's in the bag?

  53. Tesshie always makes me happy.

  54. Lovely game - as always! Thank you Tesshie!

  55. Definitely worth waiting for. Love these games! Thanks Tesshi-e

  56. paully
    not 1, even 10 happy coins ☻

    what a lovely Xmas surprise - a Tesshi-e!
    that will be for sure a great pleasure to play

    thx for this game, Tesshi ☺

  57. Ah, a Tesshi game. Christmas (almost) came early :)

  58. Have burning candle ne box firestarter ne bottle of water which is to and son hurl

  59. Why in WT video the inventory stands at right side of game not at bottom?

  60. Come no further where is corkscrew, screwdriver, key, knife, teapot? Do not know

  61. marita
    find hint for hippo puzzle on water bottle (you need battery from teapot, teapot in tied CB, cutter from Mr. Birdie in wall niche, hint is beneath moving pic)

  62. very nice Xmas gift - the key to happiness, so you even don't need a Happy Coin ☻

  63. 10 Happy Coins

    - on Xmas tree (bottom)
    - under bed pillow
    - backside of shovel right of oven
    - under plant pot in wall niche
    - left of coin bank box behind moving pic (hint from space Mr. Birdie's eyes in wall niche)
    - under teapot inside right tied CB (use cutter from Mr. Birdie in wall niche, hint beneath moving pic)
    - behind firestarter in shelf CB
    - under water bottle in middle CB (number comes from under bed, use candle, lit on other ones from candle puzzle, hint for that is hanging stuff right of oven)
    - from 3 Santas (see below)
    - on Santa bag from left locked CB (key from pouring tea in cups & serving cakes
    --> how to get cakes: cake server from right box on CBs, make fire, hint for box is on closed oven door, cake from white box behind moving pic, use hex tool from firewood crate)
    --> how to get tea: shelf CB key from cake plate, get tea server, fill boiled water in & serve

    3 Santas

    - behind books in wall niche
    - from candle puzzle (hint is hanging stuff right of oven)
    - on top of shelf, then fallen under bed (use slingshot from card suit puzzle, loaded with cork - corkscrew from hippo, hint on water bottle, card suit puzzle:
    ♠ on side of table (2016), ♥ on cork (+), ♣ behind moving pic (110), ♦ on shovel right of oven(3), gives 2016+1103

  64. thx ppl above for your hints ☺
    (esp. for the candle puzzle, didn't notice the sizes of the items right of oven)

  65. Noooo!!! A Tesshi-e???!!! It's a Christmas Miracle!!!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I havbe that elusive santa figurine up on the shelf, and a lot of coins and a bottle opener in my hand - and I'm not allowed to hunt that damn Santa off the shelf with them - ah, the travesty :D

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Noooo!!! A Tesshi-e???!!! It's a Christmas Miracle!!!

  70. les,
    you need 3 items to make the fire: something that is easy to set on fire, something that burns and gives heat, and a portable source of ignition.


    Only "glitch" was painting clue... missed those goggly duck eyes. Rest was straightforward...
    entertainment- 21/20

  72. Wood + firestarter + candle

  73. Omigosh! Yay! Thanks so much, Tesshie! Love, love, love your games! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

  74. Hmmm...don't see any stars for rating. Have they been removed? Ten stars for Tesshie E!

  75. the gifts santa gives vary. I've receieved a key and a hippo, and I think there may be a bottle of wine too.

  76. I got a wooden hippo at the end. The WT shows a necklace. Are there more than one ending? Or is it just random what Santa gives?

    love, love, LOVE Tesshie games!!!

  77. dammit cant reach santa top shelf..

  78. @Leroy, use the cork from water bottle and the slingshot to knock him down, then look under the bed.

  79. Yay! I saw the android version the other day. I was wondering when it would come out for pc.

  80. where is water bottle? cant open doors under under single santa, cant figure out 3 digit # under candles' Help, please, lol.

  81. @Bee Have, for the 3 digit # under candles, use the lit candle to look under bed (you should have a candle you can light from one of the four lit candles)

  82. I have firestarter, corkscrew, slingshot, candle and teapot. 7 coins

  83. Oh, thank you @zoz.. I didn't notice they lit up after inserting numbers, duh, lol.

  84. doors under single santa- do you mean the four digit code? If so, take the numbers from spade, heart (under bottle cork), club and diamond and combine them.
    I'm sorry I don't remember where the bottle came from. It may be in the cabinet under the candles.

  85. Take note other developers, this is what you call a great developer. Does not churn out trash every other day. Very few can match teeshie

  86. Out. Thanks to @zoz and everyone else, got all coins!!

  87. wow, what a pleasure.
    This is an example of what an escape game should be. Loved it. It deserves a walkthrough doesn't it?

  88. I mean, you really have to think and look and combine, and choose logic solutions and actions. The situations make sense.
    So, solving a game like this takes time. Time well spent.

  89. Thank you for the wonderful game, Tesshi-e! Even though you only put out a couple of new games a year, I get so much more enjoyment out of them than most of the other devs featured on this site.

  90. And for the record, I got a Mr. Birdy from Santa. So the gift at the end must be random.

  91. Played this on an Android emulator a couple of days ago. There are so many amazing games that are not for PC. I don't really come here anymore.


    Read the intro, it tells you what to look for.

    Zoom in below the painting, see the word between two birdies. Go accross the room to the birdie-box. Click every letter and note the direction the eyes give.
    For instance : S = top right.
    It's the clue for clicking the corners of the painting.
    Follow the letters of the word, the painting moves up = note a box where a tool is needed, a box for 10 coins and 'clover 110'.
    Take : the candle and 1/10 coin.

    Back to the birdie box and use the word from below the painting again, click the letters in that order = knife.

    While there, move the books on the shelf = 1/3 santa, lift the plant = 2/10 coin.

    Lift the pillows on the bed = 3/10 coin.

    Turn left and open the wooden panel below the hippo = firestarter and 4/10 coin.

    Turn left and zoom in on the bottom of the table to note 'spade 2016'.

    Zoom in on the cupboard left of the door.
    The candles on it go from long to short.
    Clue is the tools right of the stove.
    (SP4OI2LE3R1)= 2/3 santa.
    Light the one candle in inventory on the burning candles, look below the bed = three numbers you get by adding an E to each one.
    Open the middle cupboard door = a bottle of water, 5/10 coin.

    Cut the string on the right cupboard door = kettle, in it a battery, 6/10 coin.
    Zoom out and in on the tree = 7/10 coin.

    Place the battery in the hippo ... the kettle needs ... w a t e r.
    Click the letters = corkscrew in hippo's mouth.

    Open the bottle with the corkscrew.
    About item the kettle, pour water in it.
    Place the kettle on the stove.
    About item the corkscrew, turn it to read 'heart +'.

    The last symbol is shown on the stove-tools, click them to see 'diamond 3' and take 8/10 coin.
    Go to santa on the cupboard.
    Place the numbers litterally after one another, so it's not 2016 + 113, lol, that's what I did first, but 2016 + 1103.
    Put the outcome in = slingshot.

    About item the slingshot, put the cork in it.
    Use it on the santa on the top shelf above the hippo.
    Take the candle and look below the bed for 3/3 santa.

    Place the three santa's on the box right of hippo = screwdriver and 9/10 coin.
    Use screwdriver on the crate = wood.
    BUT !
    Look deeper into the crate for a tool to open the box behind the painting.
    In it AAHHH THE CAKE !! YAY.


    Place the wood into the stove, the firestarter on top of it, light it with the candle.
    Click the fire and zoom in. Here's the clue for the box on the right side at the cupboard.
    Click the pattern = a cakeserver.

    About item the cake, use the cakeserver.
    About item the cake again, take the key.
    Open the box next to the hippo = a teapot.

    Take the kettle, about item the teapot, pour in the hot water.
    Tea is ready, pour two cups :). Sit down.
    Serve the cake, and miraculously the box opens for a key.

    Use the key on the left cupboard door = santa's bag with goodies and 10/10 coin on it.

    Put the coins in the box behind the painting, click the box and take the doorkey.

    Open the door.
    Listen to santa's last words and get your present.
    Then, leave ...
    with a great feeling of satisfaction.

    This was a Good Escape Game !

  93. nice touch to obtain random gifts at the end
    (like that you must - or better can - play several times ;-Þ )

    EGDAWT rules - thx arrie for taking your time to make such a great WT! ☺

  94. Anything less than 6 stars is a crime against escape games!!!!

    Above excelent

  95. Gifts:
    Mr. Birdy Wine
    Set of three happy coins
    Happy key
    Mr. Hippo
    Any thing else?

  96. Got a Key to Happiness. I hope it really works, I could use some.

  97. Thx for the WT Arie.
    I absolutely love Tesshi-e games, but I always get stuck somewhere.

    Didn't get a gift at the end, but then again, the game is a gift in itself. :)

  98. My gift was Mr. Birdy. I love Tesshi-e games...made my week. (Thanks for the hint about the Birdy's eye movements...I never noticed and was so stuck!)

  99. Gifts: Wine:Mr Birdy:Hippo:Key of Happiness:-couldn't come up with the 3 Happy Coins-Can still enter words into Mr. Birdy puzzlecan enter "Space" "Peace""cape" "Escape" and their plurals..don't know if that has any effect

  100. no one seems to comment that there's a flitch. the code number for santa doesn't work. thumbs down from me because of that.


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