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Escape an Ocean View Ryokan

[REPLAY] [WEB/MOBILE] Escape an Ocean View Ryokan is another Japanese point & click room escape game developed by FunkyLand. In this game, it's been ages since you've been to a traditional Japanese inn (Ryokan). You are looking forward to enjoying a luxurious multicourse meal after relaxing in the outdoor bath. There are two main dishes you can choose either one for your dinner reservation. Explore the environment, find and use items and discover hints to solve all puzzles in this Ryokan. Let's make your dinner reservation and escape. There are two different endings. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Note:  With the mobile app, you'll get a special package including five games.

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  1. Hope to get through without language barrier.

  2. Language isn't really a problem. Lots of hidden things. You have to zoom in on some of the items in your inventory to modify them.

  3. Stuck atm trying to find where to use a grabber stick.

  4. Just have two batteries.

  5. click on everything, especially when zoomed in on furniture.

  6. and out. fun game. tough to figure out where every item is used. And alternate endings too

  7. Couple hints. 1) there's a button behind the paper screen with the dice on it. 2) there's a cabinet door with the word 'open' on it and an arrow. you need something to hold it up.

  8. For different ending, choose red for crab and white for beef

  9. Nice that you figured out where to use the grabber thingy Mr. Techie. Congrats.
    I mean .. if you don't know where to use it, there's a good chance others don't either. Next time : if you mention something, give the hint as well please.

  10. Excellent! Not often they make more than one ending.

  11. better late than never: grabber is used after you get the bathroom key. Open the window over the tub and use the grabber to get the shiny object from the garden.

  12. Worst hints ever. I can't get started.

  13. I'm pretty stuck, too. I've used spray bottle (behind wall scroll), but no idea what to do with hint.

  14. All I have: one battery in the remote. I see the dice and the "M" "H" hints but can't figure out if they relate to the wall screen or what's behind it. HELP?

  15. NotYou, start by opening the arm of the chair by the table on the right and take the remote.
    You'll have to find two batteries, but this should get you started.
    I'll try and write a WT later.

  16. I have remote and one battery. I think it's the wall scroll I'm not getting.

  17. the M and H hints are for a device you'll get to place on the machine by the left bed. Enter M or H on the device according to the order of the dice (1--> 6)

  18. Oh, so that's later. Ugh. What is the first step after remote and one battery? Flower/butterfly?

    (And thank you!)

  19. You'll get a spray bottle (I can't remember where). When you spray the grid behind the wall screen, it will mark the position of the symbols to enter on the keypad in the bathroom.

  20. The flower butterfly comes later, after you make tea and pour it into those cups. I'm going to have to go back to the game to remember where to get the next battery.

  21. (starts crying) HOW DO I MAKE TEA????????>? I can only click on the pots and open them. :(

  22. Where is the key pad in the bathroom? Ugh--I'm so stuck. Used remote and spray bottle. I've got the grid clue and H/M clue, but don't know where to use either. Haven't found a grabber stick.
    I think I need to find a video WT.

  23. I'm replaying... bear with me cuz I'm slow!

  24. Ohhh. You use the characters on front of scroll to find the symbols for the pad in bathroom with 4 characters on it.

  25. Gail, do you count them or what?

  26. Battery 1. the round box on the table. Make the buttons on the side match the profiles on the top, then press OK.
    Battery 2. In the drawer under the hot pot with yellow lid.

    The screens on the remote will show you how to set the colored bars on the door in the bedroom.

  27. look at the symbols on the scroll and match them up to the grid behind. Then go in order from top to bottom. Imagine that the symbols on scroll are on the grid.

  28. for the scroll characters, you need the spray bottle for the grid behind the scroll.
    Once you get the colored bar door open, go through the next door to Water Closet and get the wheel.
    Use the wheel on the small post in the closet in the coffee room to reveal the spray bottle, then use it on the grid behind the wall scroll.

  29. Thank you zoz and Gail! I got the colored bar door open and moving forward. I appreciate your help!

  30. oops, game crashed, reloading (at least I saved it!)

  31. Once you've opened the symbol box by the bathroom sink, don't forget to move the top level after you get the H/M device and take the blue ring.
    Plug the H/M device in beside the left bed and enter the code from the floor screen in the corner (turn light on using button behind).
    The blue ring is used to keep the "open" door in the dressing room up so the door to the right of it will open.

  32. The blue ring is used to hold the aforementioned door open.

  33. Hmmm, now what to do with the notched card?

  34. Oh, of course... the door in the teapot room

  35. Which is a fridge. Now I have water to heat for tea!

  36. damn, crashed again. Anyway, once the door in the dressing room opens, you'll get a wooden "key" to open the door under the coffee bar. Behind is a refrigerator with a bottle of water to fill the pot on the counter. Once the water is hot, pour it into the tea pot on the counter and take the tea pot. Fill the two cups on the table to get the numbers for the thing in the bedroom closet.
    After that, it's pretty straightforward.
    I'm glad I could help (for a change). I'll check back later.

  37. Gives number for butterfly/flower cabinet in left door in bedroom.

  38. Put chickies in tub, take them out, weigh them, use number on TV.

    Very nice game. Thanks for getting me started zoz and Gail.

  39. zoz, you were awesome! :)

  40. Came back, hoping to get a clue and tadaaaa, zoz to the rescue!
    Thank you dear! Will try to open a window now.

  41. YES, I didn't notice you can click that one.

  42. And my first ending, great game.

  43. Am I the only one who doesn't understand why all the people who live in the rooms from which we escape, keep their batteries separate from their remotes? Who does that?

  44. Perhaps they know we are coming ......

  45. Thanks for the kind words - I just hate not being able to help since I almost always play these games late, so it was really my pleasure to lend a hand. And Arrie NL you're usually my rescue with a good WT. Not You and Gail, I enjoyed playing with you both!
    As for the batteries, I agree with arrie. What I want to know is, who puts complicated locks on bathroom doors? That's just asking for trouble!

  46. Thanks zoz. I was totally stuck until your hint for the round box. I don't know how I missed that, after that everything fell into place. Another great game as uusally.

  47. Brie, but the instructions always say remove batteries when not in use.

  48. Good puzzles and beautiful graphics are seriously compromised by really frustrating and tedious navigation that make it a real chore to click around. Although the rooms are loaded with pretty things you can click on almost none of it. I found this really annoying but I plugged away at it. Some of the views were so hard to find that it made it really easy to miss something. This will turn a lot of people off. I know it's a month old but here is a walkthrough for anyone about to tear their hair out.

    Click on the round box on the table. Note the silhouettes on top. Click through the images on the sides until they match the silhouettes. You will receive a battery in the second layer of the box.

    Click the chair next to the flower bowl. Click to open the armrest and get remote.

    Go into the kitchen and look in the drawer below the water kettle. Take the battery. Put the batteries in the remote.

    Use remote on television and make a note of the height of the columns that are underscored with a white bar.

    Click back until you can go into the bedroom. To the right is a door with colored bars. Enter the heights you saw on the television.

    Enter this room and click through to the water closet. Next to the toilet is round winch. Take it and back up until you are near the table again.

    Now go around the room until you can enter the kitchen. On the left side of the room is a closet. Put the winch on the knob that is inside the closet and turn it, sliding back the bedrolls in the closet. Take the spray bottle.

    The spray bottle is already full of water. Back up until you are near the table and go anti-clockwise so you are facing the hanging scroll. Click behind the scroll and spray water on the grid. Note the placement of the marks on the grid. Now look at the scroll again and note which symbols are match the marks on the grid.

    Now back up and turn around the room until you see another door that looks like a closet. It's really the bathroom. Click on the box on the far right of the counter. Click the four symbols in the order you saw on the grid. You get a small machine. In the second layer of this box you will find a rubber band.

    Go back to the main room. Look in the corner near the tub to see a floor lamp. Zoom in on it. It is numbered 1-6. Look behind it and press the button. Now it lights up with H and M. Note the order of H and M from 1 to 6. (MMHMHH)

    Go back to the bedroom. Zoom in to the left nightstand. Put the H/M machine in the clock. Now enter the HM sequence from the lamp. You get a key.

    Go to door with the colored columns. On the left of the vanity is a cabinet that says "open." You can keep it up by placing the rubber band on it. Now the right side of the vanity is open as well. You get a key card.

    Go back to the kitchen. Use the key card to unlock the lower cabinet, revealing a fridge. Take the bottle of water and put it in the electric kettle. Turn on the kettle by pressing the button. Now you can take the kettle and pour it into the teapot. Now take the teapot.

    Go back to the table in the main room. Pour the tea into each of the bowls and note the numbers that appear.

    Go back to the bedroom and enter the door on the right side of the room. Enter the code from the tea bowls. You will get duckies. There is also a paper with a mysterious clue on it. Read both sides.

    Go into the main bathroom and unlock the door to the tub. Put the duckies in the tub. They change colors.

    Take the grabber that is near the shower. Open the window behind the tub. Use grabber to get the keycard.

    Now click on your empty basket, then on the red or white ducks. Go back to the bathroom and put ducks on scale. Note the weight. You can choose to weigh either the white (429) or red (385) ducks for different endings.

    Go to the television and put the keycard in the box under the screen. Enter either the red or white duckie weight. Now you can open the box next to the front door and escape!

  49. (RE)HI all ☺
    caught this one, because the long awaited new FL was finally released today - unfortunately «only» a word jigsaw game & even in JP...! :-(
    so decided to post this one instead as replay
    a FunkyLand is always worth a replay - enjoy!

    thx for all your creations, FL ☺
    & thx andr01d for your WT


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