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Abandoned Vintage Car Museum Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned Vintage Car Museum Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. As a vintage cars lover, you are excited to attend a vintage car show in nearby town, you come there in hopes of being able to buy a car that you like. But all hope is gone and turns into fear when you get caught in there. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Well I think this is yet another gamesbold one that is broken and unfinishable. The first scene has a picture in the middle of the car grille(they call it a stone bizarrely) which I can find no way to take, but even if I did then it wouldn't help because the only thing I'm short of is a duck (they call it a statue but as far as I'm concerned if it walks like a duck etc etc)

    Who knows maybe one of the gamesbold fan club will find a way but meh!

  2. enzed, there's a duck statue hiding near the facebook logo in room 2, as I recall.

  3. Hint: use flashlight in room 2 behind angels to get a key

  4. There must be another tool concealed somewhere to remove some of the objects, but I only have a shovel, wrench and drill. Used the hammer and key sharpener. Must be a screwdriver or something somewhere?

  5. placed 41 of 45 objects. Have drill and shovel. Found a blank paper that was actually a picture to use in room 4.

  6. screwdriver was in scene 1 I think, as was the spanner

    Still didn't find the duck though

  7. and there were several blank papers that turned into pictures as you placed them

  8. ah- you are correct Maximom of course - that was exactly where it was, just well hidden

  9. this is finishable, just not very exciting

  10. Thanks enzed, I'll keep looking. There was a teeny tiny duck in one of the rooms, you may need to crank up your magnifier!

  11. just checked for you M, screwdriver IS is scene 1. 1/3rd of the way across on the cars wing/fender, near the dent

  12. Missing 1 diamond. Where did you use the shovel? Could you take the tool in front of the car in room 5?

  13. I had to try a lot to the SD works in right car headlight in room 1.

  14. Roberto- you used the shovel to get the two keys in scene 1, and you need the wrench to remove the scene 5 tool

  15. and the wrench is also in scene 1

  16. OK! Forgot about getting the keys using shovel, thanks. Gonna search for wrench!

  17. Roberto, I used the shovel in room 1 to loosen the keys. I don't recall what I used in room 5.

  18. Thanks you both. Out too!

  19. I think the wrench is used in 5!

  20. The screwdriver works at about the 10 o'clock position on the headlight.

  21. Hint: picture in room 1 doesn't need to be removed.

  22. I can't get past the first scene. The inventory takes up so much space that I can't see much of what I'm suppose to collect. I have tried making the screen smaller but ,no. This happened with the last game so I guess i am not suppose to play.

  23. reaper, the s/d is nearly invisible in room 1, same color as rusty car, on left side of scene on car near headlight, placed horizontally, really small

  24. This one is finishable. There is a hidden object just under the 1st column of the inventory in Scene 2, the right headlight in scene 1 is very picky about where you use the screwdriver on it but it eventually produces an object, and there is a picture in scene 1 that no tool works on but it is a red herring and unnecessary to finish.

  25. I usually don't play these, but as waiting for BEG, I did it anyway ;-Þ

    thx ppl for the hints & GB for the game ☺

    missing 1 duck, have already the one mentioned above (44/45 items placed)...

  26. POPO
    found the tiny duck on left car in 3rd scene, on bumper

  27. Thank you for the duck in room 2, I would never ever have found it without your hints. And thank you for the wrench and screwdriver in room 1. Nearly invisible. But the game is indeed finishable.

  28. Thank you for the duck in room 2, I would never ever have found it without your hints. And thank you for the wrench and screwdriver in room 1. Nearly invisible. But the game is indeed finishable.

  29. Where is the key for room 5?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.


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