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Escape from Pesimari 2

Tesshie - Escape from Pesimari 2: The Pesimari Escape 2 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Tesshi-e for MildEscape. In this game, you are in trapped in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. OMG, OMG!!! A live Tesshie!!!

  2. around the room once key, scoop, hex thing

  3. Not live at all. EG24 used to be the leading site in escape games, but nowadays it's just a disgrace.
    One or even two days ago it was already posted on all the other escape sites.

  4. (RE)HI all ☺

    yay - a Tesshi-e & even live - let's get started!

    thx Tesshi-e for the game, I'm sure it will be great ☺

  5. check a particular chair

  6. don't miss box to unlock above cake fridge

  7. the numbered cards with lines on table are for wobbly pic

  8. I yesterday passed this game)

  9. ah, combo found & placed blue/green shapes with clocks & hands for star number

  10. count sugar sticks on tables in order for sugar number

  11. check bread bag again

  12. ah, Mr. Birdies has different eyes

  13. *have

    use SD on wheel & turn it, till P is at bottom, then check floor

  14. check also cut bread

  15. What is up with the PRAMS clue under the stove? I don't understand. Also not sure what to do with the toasted bread

  16. where are you other players to give hints, too?

    working on wheel now with the PRAMS hint...

  17. The toasted bread gives you a three button clue, and for PRAMS - point the arrow on the wheel in the right direction and see which way the 'handle' for the letter points. For "P", P's handle points to a top left corner. (I hope this made at least some sense)

  18. PRAMS

    adjust wheel as per arrow, then look in which direction the particular letter of PRAMS is

    P - wheel arrow points at 6 o'clock, P is at 10 o'clock, so click top left button at PRAMS

  19. PRAMS



  20. 3 buttons are tricky, 'cause they change colour

    start with the middle one as per toast hint



  21. btw: in kitchen, check backside of floor panel

  22. Thank you! I accidentally escaped without the happy coin inside the clock. And I never got the cake key from the trap door. Any hints would be much appreciated...

  23. Happy coin: open the door but don't go out and then check the mr birdies again and use that hint somewhere else.

  24. out after making coffee & fire

    but there's also a happy coin, I bet, so going back...

  25. ah, thx BBB

    there's still the vertical 3 buttons puzzle to solve with help of the Mr. Birdies (click middle button to lift them up)...

  26. happy coin sticks in cake btw

  27. ΑΩ your hints give nothing

  28. don't know how to start the game; do I need google play?

  29. I expected to see Small Tool here.

  30. People getting answers or getting out before me makes me feel bad. People should not give answers so that others don't feel bad or stupid.
    Is there a safe zone in this room? Because there really needs to be one. All these derogatory comments people make frightens me and I need my safe space. These games should have safe spaces for those who need them. Maybe we can go to and get a petition started for a safe space.

  31. done almost everything but can't open coffee can

  32. These are getting harder and I have still yet to finish one without you guys help. (still don't get the toast clue) x

  33. The toast clue colors are backwards. One button push for each row of toast (starting at top). Press the button that corresponds to the square that changed from row above it. The light pattern of the 3 buttons will match each row of the toast (top to bottom).

  34. I think the white coin (?) was used to open the coffee can. Didn't make sense since the coffee looked to need a can opener. Also stumbled after grinding coffee. Don't scoop out the ground coffee, use the constructed coffee filter on the ground coffee.

  35. It is amazing how many puzzles are crammed into this game, brilliant. Finding the place to start (using numbers on picture) was frustrating. Thank you for the clues above everyone!

  36. Scroll down to see game, it is quite far down the page.

  37. Woow it's been such a long time since I've come across a great game like a Tesshie-e's! Clever and beautiful as always :)

  38. Another outstanding game. What a pity we'll have to wait months for the next. Those beautiful and detailed sceneries, absolutely logical puzzles - Tesshie is one of the best developers. I might play her older games (I do about once a year).

    For some complaints I read here: it's impossible to suit everybody. If no hints are given some people say it's no use to say good game or bad game as there's no help by that, and if help is given some say it spoils the fun. Now what?

    When I play a game which isn't live anymore I don't read comments before being stuck. As help is given in chronological order I only read so far that I can go on. When it's still live and I'm behind and there's no matching comment, I ask and ALWAYS there's quick and kind help around. If it's not live anymore you'll have to wait for an answer but most of the time some helping hand is still there.

    But maybe we shouldn't take comments from people who haven't written anything else but whinging and grumping all the time too serious.

    I myself want to thank all you guys for giving good advice I needed twice here. I do appreciate that.

    One thing which might be tricky: There's only one way to light the candle when you don't have a lighter, and it's not the toaster. Every smoker will know what I mean.

  39. I don't get it. When P is at 6 o'clock, the arrow points to top right, not top left.

    Also, don't follow 3 button clue.

  40. OK, got PRAMS. But 3-button is a mystery.

  41. meritneith that is very intolerant wording. lol Obviously didn't get the humor or irony?

  42. I'm frustrated because people aren't giving productive tips as much as they are bragging about how far they've gotten. That's great but there's so much random clicking in these games to find hidden spaces that it would be helpful if we could know where things are, such as the SD or how to light the candle (to brag, I found that one but it was a good hint to look on the back of the trapdoor :) )

  43. yep. It's obvious that the cards are for the picture. But how does it work needs to be answered as well.

  44. oooh and meritneith, wouldn't it be awesome if the 'latest comments' button would be put on again!
    It used to give the latest 20 comments or so. Really really helpful.
    There you could see people stuck on old games they found and started and you could give help.

    One of the things that was taken away which took the joy out of being on EG. I really miss that button.

  45. Walkthrough
    Part 1

    Large table.
    on the right, inside the coffeemill : a key.
    Card 3 : 3 sugars
    Card 2 : 5 sugars
    Card 1 : 4 sugars
    Below the window : square clock 05.35.06

    Zoom out, move mouse to the right and note the arrow.
    Open the hedge in the floor, turn the lid, take the candle.
    A key lies too deep.
    Go to the shelves.
    Top shelf : triangle clock 05.00.07.
    Behind the clock : shape.
    Zoom out, on the left barrel lies a coffeespoon.

    Go back, facing the windows.
    Card 4 : 4 sugars
    Card 5 : 2 sugars
    A magnet on the left chair.
    Between the windows, octagon clock : 10.00.33.
    On the sidetable, card 6.
    On the table the holder for the shapes.

    Wall with picture.
    The pattern to follow on the cards is :
    card 1 start = up left.
    card 2 follow the line = up right
    card 3 follow the line = down left etc.
    Behind the picture : a shape and a coffeepot.

    The area right of the sink/gas stove.
    Place the coffeepot below the holder.
    Open the box that’s on the red glass-cupboard with the key.
    A third shape.

    Place the shapes.
    A coin can be taken.
    The outer line is the shape of the clocks,
    The inner line shows what clockhand to take the number from.
    The number opens the top doors left of the fireplace.
    In it a bag, open it, take out stuff and a paper that’s on the bottom.

    The box shows in what order the sugar-numbers have to be used.
    card 5 = 2 sugars etc.
    Open the box : a kettle.

    Go to the shelves. There are three cans with coffeebeans.
    Use the coin to open the right one.
    Use the paper from the bag on the three birdie-box.
    look at the eyes, so circle = middle one etc.
    Get a screwdriver.

    Fill the kettle with water.

    The area right of the sink/gas stove.
    Go to the wheel , use the sd.

    I have to leave for a while … will finish this later.

  46. Thanks @Arrie for the partial WT! I just wasn't getting the code for the wobbly picture 'til taking a peek. Thanks to you, I'm out with a Happy Coin!

  47. zoz, that's great. I'll try to finish now as well. :)
    Always good to see you again.

  48. Walkthrough
    Part 2

    Turn the wheel a couple of times.
    Move the trashbin below the table here and find a blue key.
    This key opens the top drawer below the sink : a knife.
    The brown stuff is ehm … bread.
    About item and cut it with the knife.
    Put the loaf in the toaster on the table next to the coffeepot.
    Now that’s fast !!
    Take the loaf.
    Note the pattern on it.
    It’s the clue for the box on the sidetable, next to the shapes.
    I thought the bottom of the loaf is the starting point, since the squares are black.
    But nope, the top row is the starting point.
    The second row shows a black square in the middle, so click the middle one.
    The third row shows another black square on the right, so click the right square.
    etc. : a mug.

    About item the dangerous bread, take out the mold, take out the key.
    This key opens the lowest drawer below the sink : a tool.
    And a round box. Metal on it, so place the magnet.
    Push and take the coffee filter.
    Also in the drawer on the left a stick/ring.

    Use the tool on the wood below the stove.
    Note the arrow above the given letters.
    There is an arrow on the wheel as well.
    Above the first letter, the P, the arrow is pointing down.
    Turn the wheel around till the arrow is down as well,
    then look at where the P is pointing to : up left.
    Turn the wheel till the arrow is up, the R points up right, etc.

    Back to below the sink, click the four squares.
    The drawer opens, zoom in and turn the handle.
    The stove now is working.
    Place the kettle, turn on the gas, take the kettle.
    Turn on the gas again, light the candle.

    About item the coffeefilter, attach the stick/ring.
    Go to the can with coffeebeans, use the coffeespoon to get the beans.

    Back to the large table.
    Put the beans in the coffeemill.
    Take the powder out by using the filter.
    Now place it on the coffeepot.
    Pour in the hot water.
    Click the mug on the coffee … mmmm nice.
    Go to Mr. Hippo on the shelf, place the mug in the opening.
    Note the word upside down.

    Go to the fireplace, use the candle to light it.
    Close the door, see the number … upside down.
    Back to Mr. Hippo … (left to right) : a key.

    I thought to use it on the glass cupboard to take the cake … but no, it’s the doorkey.
    I accidentaly clicked twice, so end of game for me … :(

  49. BUT, since I saved the game I can load it again in the middle YAY.
    Hunting for the happy coin.

    So, open the door by clicking it ONCE.
    Go back into the room.
    Use the paper with the three signs that opened the three birdy-box.
    circle in the middle, then the lowest button, then top, middle, low low top.
    It gives a hose.

    Attach the hose to the tap.
    Follow the hose to the floor and take the key.
    NOW, take the cake, lol.
    And there is the happy coin.
    What a surprise, I thought it was inside the clock between the windows.

  50. Arrie thanks a lot for great WT !
    (in late for playing and very happy to find a WT)

    Excellent game thanks Tesshi-e

  51. your very welcome seb.
    good old days.

  52. ah, one more thing : the blue key that falls out of the wheel, falls out of the letter P. So the P has to point down.

  53. Very, very late, but cannot miss a Tesshi!!!!

  54. AWESOME!!!!
    Who is able to talk bad about this great game???

  55. Wow, thanks Tesshie! Such a pleasure to play. I really appreciate the clues from Arrie, Alpha, Tiquer, Nini, Merit..some of the old guard from way back. This is one of the finest developers. Have some developers gone to paid games? So many great ones are not posted her anymore. Does anyone know why? Thank you, Tesshie, for continuing to post your amazing games here!

  56. Spoiler for toast because it took me forever: the ones that changed colour...


  57. Some stopped developing new games I think, FireFly, like Gamershood. Good to see you too.


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