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Preky House Escape

BestEscapeGames - BEG Preky House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Best Escape Games. Help Nick to escape from the preky house. Nick is a small boy living with his parents in London. Nick plays often with his neighborhood boys. One day, Nick went with his friends to play in the nearby park with his new ball. While playing, Nick friend hit the ball in the nearby preky house. The house window has broken and the boys ran off immediately from the park. Nick could not leave without his ball. Nick went to the door and rang the bell, but no response. Then, Nick saw the house owner is not there. So, Nick looked for the way to get into the preky house and found a hole which is 3 feet above from the ground. He took a tin and jump into the hole. He got injured while jumping and now he can not go out in the same way. So, Nick has only way to escape from the preky house by finding any spare key and escape with his ball before the owner arrives. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Classical game with many scenes, no map though. And their games have stranges titles lately.

  2. (RE)HI merit & all other players ☺

    this one seems to have many scenes...
    & what's preky?

    thx for this game, BEG ☺

  3. an old tune (already used), but still beautiful

    abakus for l/r arrows in last room

  4. red ball for flower in first scene

  5. Hi, I'm still collecting. Use paper stencil on picture in last room for a word clue.

  6. ducks for green arrows in same scene

  7. I can't use that word clue (4 letter word not active), and I can see which word is meant in scene with big orange car but the 6 letter word isn't active as well.

  8. Just found a shape for that 6 letter clue thing, missed it behind the oldfashioned clock.

  9. The word clue is used on the yellow buttons in 2nd scene!

  10. But very very odd... I found that by chance when I did it trial and error (but when doing the P)

  11. Brown button puzzle in the same scene is active after doing star and half moon. I think we have to write the clue.

  12. Those pairs of triangles you find in some scenes are clue for the blue triangles in yellow alarm clock room. Count lines and see if they are in left or right position.

  13. finally solved the balls with colour arrows

    count the balls from bottom including the colour one at hint



  14. Combine two opened blue dice for card symbol order in forelast scene.

  15. Oh, I did that at the beginning. I did the pattern and moved all ball chains down until the puzzle opened. :-)

  16. thx merit for where to use word hint

  17. In 2nd room I have clicked some parts of the purple pentagon, have a star now in it. Don't know what it's for though.

  18. assembling those letter was pretty hard for me...

  19. you need to zoom on the colour numbers 1-5 around the rooms until puzzle works

  20. *in first room

  21. Thanks, I went around searching that puzzle! #-)

  22. buttons with a silver outline go on puzzle in duck scene

  23. I think there*s no clue for that button spinning puzzle?

  24. the button will highlight when in correct place, merit, but it's a PITA...!

  25. bottom row is (not that I have it!)



  26. oh, sorry, orange is yellow

  27. top row (but haven't solved it yet)



  28. I decided to cheat rather quickly. Here's a snapshot of the almost solved puzzle, just press the top red button to swap the last two balls.

  29. For the assembled clue paper: Ignore the clue order of the eight numbers, those on wall are relevant. Just work off the six 6# for a colour clue.

  30. & as usual, I have 2 balls off - grrrr!

  31. Those eight numbers were a separate clue themselves. If you do the puzzle in the blue bedroom you have to mind the order of the colours. Hint: Top row has odd numbers, bottom row has even numbers.

  32. Alpha, nobody needs puzzles of that kind. ;-)

  33. Green button goes to that strange rabbit-shaped thingy in orange car scene for a colour clue.

  34. Hi merit, this color clue is used on black 4x4 grid...

  35. Man, this game is a toughie (meth, get your PC fixed, we miss and we need you!)! Colour clue is used in that 4x4 grid in yellow alarm clock room. Mind where the colours in the rabbit shape are shown, one row stays empty.

  36. Hi. Missed this morning. Family duties. I've just placed a star in a gap I created in the purple pentagon. You guys probably have that already.

  37. Hi all, and thanks Hotz, got that already meanwhile. The heart-shaped grid in same scene is not hard, just let the gems drop down to the slots. Bottom three rows are always the same.

  38. Meth, I haven't done that long before now. You can waste a lifetime in that ball spinner (as Alpha obviously does).

  39. if someone needs a spoiler for colored symbol sudoku...
    if the tile glows up, it is on correct position!! diagonal repetition is ok.

  40. you only use the top swapping button for the last step, if you follow the VWT (like me - was afraid to mess it up...!)

  41. For the painting symbols puzzle in far right scene: there's a little arrow explaining you that it's a kind of sudoku, and you can drag some of the tiles to the slots on the sides. Don't waste your time with wild clicking as I did.

  42. Hm. A few questions to you smart guys: I've got two red buttons for ages, found no place to use them so far. Then I clicked around with the levers underneath clubs symbol until lights were green. The 5# is now active but I don*t get it.

  43. the 6 colours from number puzzle (hint is assembled paper) are put top, bottom, top, bottom etc.

  44. POP. I tried "translating" the levers into numbers but from top instead of from bottom (clever, eh). Don't be fooled by two numbers you won't need.

  45. red buttons go on 6 colored tiles in scene with blue bed and white chair (second scene from the right)

  46. yep, every time when you are thinking: ok, that was the hard part of this game. there will be a next killer spinning puzzle...

  47. colours from rabbit with placed green button is for square grid in scene black 4 on big yellow ball

    3rd row is empty

  48. and out :)

    thank you all for your hints above!!!

    btw, 5 ducks give the clue for 5 green triangles...

  49. I cheated. I wouldn't have got that on my own even if if wasn't so hot in here. Thanks Hotz for your help, see you and congrats for getting out.

  50. At least the colour button slider was easy.

  51. Guess what the puzzle is when you have all red buttons. :-(

  52. hint from placing clubs sign is for number in room with pink teddy on floor

  53. Three killer puzzles in one game! But I've managed all 3 without cheating! Sorry not to have been able to contribute today.

  54. kudos meth!

  55. BTW I've searched for "Preky". Don't think it exists as a word.

  56. I cheated the third time, what the heck. I had my smart time in that Amajeto game today, I can stand the mockery.

    Thanks BEG but please no three killers in one game! And thank you guys for help and company.

  57. argh, messed up the blue/green buttons...!

  58. phew, finally out!
    cheating at the spinners with the VWT were puzzles of their own...!

    thx ppl for your help & your company ☺

  59. Colored art puzzle.

    I guess there is only one correct answer for this puzzle. The snaggy I'm attaching is what I tried but it didn't satisfy the game as a correct answer. >.>

    Maybe I'm not seeing something. But, if it is correct, I think that the game devs should not leave out "alternative" solutions.

    Otherwise, it's been a nice challenging game thus far.

  60. BD
    tiles will light up (green outline), when in correct place


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