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Voguish House Escape

BestEscapeGames - BEG Voguish House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Best Escape Games. Can you escape Harry from the voguish house soon. Julian is a young man living in New Jersey alone in a big voguish house. Julian is a good fashion designer. One day, his friend Harry came to the town for a meeting and stayed the night in his voguish house. Julian house is a modern voguish house which access only with the card. The next day, Julian went to a meeting in the early morning regarding his new design and took the access card with him leaving his friend alone in the voguish house. Julian had a spare access card for the guest which he meant on the paper piece but not the exact place. When he woke up in the morning, the door is closed and Julian is not in the house. Harry got ready and tried to open the door. But, the door has been locked and Harry saw the paper hint. Now, Harry has to search for the spare access card on his own and escape from the voguish house for the meeting. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. (RE)HI all ☺

    was playing another game & almost missed this one - loading up...

    thx for this game, BEG ☺

  2. don't miss wire on couch table

  3. cat/paw puzzle was easy for me
    but I already saw a rotating one (with the bears)...!

  4. encountered a knight move puzzle where you have to fill all squares - played it till I got stuck - will leave that for later...

  5. button from teapot goes on 4 letter circle, but can't do nothing yet...

  6. lever from red balls goes on diamond in most right room

  7. there's also the r/l hint for bedroom top left

  8. already have 2 keys & found 2 keyholes, but keys don't fit...

    correction, key from colour button cross fits in top left bedroom

  9. star from that key for padlock in start scene

  10. colour buttons with symbols in inv. for nutcracker from flower puzzle in top right room

  11. oh, now I need screw (or similar) for cutter pieces...

  12. a classical POPO

    on counter in kitchen

    now I can cut wire & fix cable

  13. trying rotator now - CU tomorrow...!

    the bears also have half coloured faces that must go in the correct places...

  14. Hi AO, you seem to be having fun here by yourself. I'm so late today that I won't load this now, but will play it quietly later on. CU later.

  15. & of course I have 2 off - again...! :-/

  16. oh, hi meth, bummer, waited for someone else to appear...

  17. it seems that both puzzles (the rotator & the knight move one) are candidates for cheating - can't be bothered to stay the whole afternoon on these PITA puzzles, but will try a bit longer anyway...

  18. would have been a good thing to have a 1 step back option for the knight move puzzle...

  19. always some progress, but still 4 tiles left...

  20. argh, 2 tiles left...!

  21. finally!

    but dunno how to hint... :-/

  22. HA! went back to the bears & got lucky, solved it in a jiffy...! \☺/

    remaining key goes behind this puzzle

  23. hint behind that heart is for squares with buttons in kitchen

    only click the ones that are on the L lines, numbers are how many clicks each button

  24. oh, the 4#code is already active, but what's the hint...?

    could it be really the weights?
    let's see...

  25. yep, it was the weights, but take them from bottom to top, i.e.



  26. now to the tiger clocks

    running back & forth now...

  27. ah, the obvious word after placing red button from tigers at that bunch of letters

    out now - missed the usual teamwork... :-/

  28. I think this was the longest (almost) soliloquizing I had in my EG24 career...

  29. aw, hi bandy,
    why didn't you say sth...? :-o

  30. In now. And I've just done the knight's move puzzle, YAY :). As far as I can remember I went clockwise round the outer edges as far as I could, then moppped up the remaining few tiles.

  31. I was just letting you have your 15 minutes. ROFL :P

  32. good job meth ☺

  33. The Chess puzzle was not hard for me as I play chess. But some do not play much less know how a knight is moved.

  34. For those who can't be bothered to scamper around looking for tigers:

  35. No interested in puzzles with no ending and no skip button.
    Not a great game at all.

  36. AO, do you have a life outside this website? diarrhea of the mouth on ever game posted...

  37. Came back to check that I'd been right in what I'd said about the knight's move puzzle.
    Three stages shown here:
    I went clockwise keeping as near to the edge as possible until the move before Capture1 in the snaggy. Then down to bottom left corner. Then clockwise again twice to get to the other two images.

  38. Well Luke, presumably you scrolled down the page because you needed a hint at some point and if AO had missed out the hint you needed you wouldn't have found it. If, on the other hand, you scrolled down only to make your comment, why scroll down at all?

  39. Luke - you got a problem my friend. The whole *point* of these gaming communities is to comment while playing and leave hints for others. AO is doing everybody a favor!

  40. Alpha Omega is one of the most decent people here. And he seems to have returned after going through some personal medical problem. Abusing him in this manner is out of line.

  41. Played this game slowly over a couple of days. Returning to it after chores and/or sleeping. Good game. Couldn't have done it without some of AO's hints! AO, never you mind trolls like this "Luke" character. People like this are never worth it.


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