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The Basement Escape

[REPLAY] Tesshie + MildEscape - The Basement Escape: Escape from the Basement is another Japanese point and click escape game developed by Hideki Teshima from Tesshi-e and Mild Escape. Today, I finally stay at Escape Hotel. I intended to relax at the hotel's room. But I strayed into the basement of this hotel. Now the door is locked. Let's escape the basement! Good luck and have fun!

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The Basement Escape Walkthrough

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  1. Excellent game) I hesitated in the sign of the zodiac. You just need to take into account X. 10. The game was played yesterday)

  2. Looking forward to this one!

  3. The zodiac is where I'm stuck. I multiplied the number by 10 but no matter where I have the knob pointing it won't work. Any hints?

  4. Not 33, but 36. Turn on 1 click .. I do not remember .. The top left seems.

  5. TY, Nafanja. Moving on now.

  6. Stuck with the black and white dot puzzle and the 3# puzzle. Opened manhole but can't reach and unscrewed panel in waterway but nothing was inside.

  7. For a black-white point, you need to put 3 birds. And combine the direction of birds and white dots.

  8. Going in, these are hard for me!

  9. Opened the hatch, it means there must be nippers

  10. Tommy, it's not difficult. It is interesting)

  11. Cutters - turn the cover of the hatch.

  12. Stencil for 3-digit code. 3421-Look at the letters and the number of wires. = 5. etc.

  13. i cant combine the birds with black and withe square!! i made all possible combinations please help

  14. Верх,лево,лево,верх,право(нажимать кнопки)

  15. Birds look up, left, right. Combine with white dots. And push.

  16. nafanja!! nothing!! and i dont know why you say top left left right

    please explain in english

  17. done!! but you have to learn what is right and what is left!!

    you must be lefty hand

  18. Well, I do not know ... hay-straw is still not gonna blow)))))

  19. now trying to find happy coin

  20. What kind of Google provocateur ... I did not write about weapons ...

  21. you better write in rusian and we translate with google!! i dont understand nothing what you say lol

  22. The coin does not need much thought) See what you can again enter into the code.

  23. В том то и дело . Я пишу в гугл переводчик. Он переводит на английский. Я ввожу английский перевод в комментарии. И вижу уже переведенённый текст с английского на русский. И вижу - кошмар)))

  24. Черно-белые точки. Как есть в подсказке сверху над кнопками

  25. кликать по белым точкам

  26. Донатан,нашёл монету? Спать хочу.. шестой час утра пошёл..

  27. Left, top, top, left, right.

  28. Thanks for the hints but I just don't get the black/white puzzle. Time to finally call it quits.

  29. Oh, finally got the logic! That was a tough one!

  30. I'm stuck on the 3# puzzle. I've seen Nafanja's hint about looking at letters and wires, but I don't know how to turn that into 3 numbers. :(

  31. Where the 3-digit code is to put a stencil. The first (upper) line shows the number-3421. We look at the letters on the wall and the number of wires. We get letters-FIVE. We also look at the remaining lines.

  32. Thank you, Nafanja, for giving little hints to begin with. You gave just enough so that I still had to work my brain. I needed your hint to look at pipes again for the 3 digit code. :)

    I love, love Tesshi-e games. These are the games that I really look forward to and don't mind waiting for because of the high quality of puzzle-solving. Thank you, Tesshi, for still developing games for us who use computers instead of phones/tablets.

  33. I do not know .. how not to break .. The three-digit code is 579.

  34. Dean, count the number of pipes for each letter. Example: S has six pipes. Now, go to grid and see 6 in second line? S + 3 6 2 5 spell out a number.
    Trying not to give too much away.

  35. There is a three-digit code. On the right is the number. Put the stencil. We get
      Letters on the walls 123456 = EVFINS

  36. Nafanja, your last clue is good to help others figure out 3 digit number. I think mine was more confusing.

  37. Thanks all for the help with the puzzle. I would never have figured it out myself.

  38. Anyone got a spoiler for the happy coin?

  39. yay, got out of my own! \☻/
    no probs for me with the 3#code

    excellent game!
    Tesshi-e never disappoints, always a joy to play your creations ☺

    & just ♥ the tune!

  40. Dean
    have a look again at Mr. Birdies

  41. thx arrie for submitting & Escapist for posting pretty promptly ☺

  42. Very disappointing game starting with Ω clue which should have been 38 and not 36. Very dark in parts, too.

  43. The Happy Coin: Open the door with heart key, close it and look at the birds.

  44. Tania, unless there's been an update since you played, 36 is correct. Wasn't too dark for me either. But I agree that it was disappointing - this isn't one of the best Tesshi-e games, chiefly (for me) because it's not visually interesting.

  45. Really enjoyed the game, it might not have been as visually interesting as other games of Tesshi, but still way above other developers. A lot of thought put into puzzles. Can't wait for the next one.

  46. What you expect of Tesshi: tough but thoroughly satisfying.

  47. I always try not to look at hints when playing a Tesshie-e's, it spoils the fun lol.. Well I'm out on my own.. wonderful game as always. Waiting for a Robamimi now.. it's been so long!

  48. Please can someone spoil the black and white buttons, I am completely lost...

  49. I wish we could rate hint sections, because this one would get a negative 98.
    I can't even get started. I have a key and a bird and some wine opener thingy.

  50. Walkthrough for those still lost

    Take a deep breath. Don’t rush through- this is a Tesshi-e so make sure you savour and enjoy it!

    Check the silver cabinet. There’s a fire extinguisher. Check that - it should reveal two items for your inventory.

    The key you now have fits the Left cupboard on the same wall- wow, a Mr Birdy already. A new puzzle inside though- FINE, matches some of the labels on the pipes. Count the pipes for each of the four letters. Gives you a stencil and a switch. Pull the switch and some water flows. Something seems to have floated down with the water and can be found near the V. Hey, it’s a key. Could be useful!

    This key opens the RH cupboard. A Mr Birdy and some meters. Check the cupboard opposite- you’l see the same symbol as the top right meter, just rotated. Read the meter (36) and rotate the know to make the symbol the same orientation. (5 clicks)
    Gives a tool and some colour names, each name contains the letter I
    Open the middle cupboard using the position of these Is
    Looks like somewhere to put your Mr Birdys but note the panel on the right. Maybe your tool will work here.

    Take the steps and climb to the thing hanging from the ceiling. It contains a Mr Birdy- you now have three of them to put on their shelf. Their heads move to point in different directions. Note where they are.
    Take the wooden tool, combine it with the other one you already have and you have a manhole lifter

    Now to use the head direction. On the box labelled F is a black and white grid. Top row has the white on the left. Combine this with the Mr Birdys- the left Mr Birdy points up so press the top black button. Work your way down (should be Top Right Right Top Left then the white to enter). You have a key! Climb the ladder again and use this key to get the bucket.
    Time for the manhole lifter- you use it to lift the manhole- the clue’s in the name! There’s something in the hole but you can’t reach it. One thing you can reach though is the other side of the manhole cover where you find some pliers. Open the S cupboard with these and take the screwdriver.

    Back to the manhole and look in the channel next to it. There is a plate you can unscrew which lets water into the manhole so that you can use your bucket for a box. The box needs an allen key though to open it.
    Back to the S cupboard. Place your stencil and look at the numbers top row is 3421. Look at the pipes and you’ll see 3 pipes is F, 4 is I etc. gives 579 aqnd an allen key to open the box.

    We now have the exit key so can escape hooray!

    But wait- this is a Tesshi-e right and we want the happy coin so open the exit door but don’t go through it. Back to the Mr Birdy cupboard and their heads have moved again. Use the new positions for the black/White puzzle and you should find yourself the proud owner of a Happy Coin. Now you can leave, but don’t forget to thank Tesshi-e for the wonderful game and Enzed for the equally wonderful walkthru

    Thanks Tesshi-e

  51. Thanks for excellent game !

    and thanks Enzed for WT

  52. 36-this is because the arrow shows 3 and three divisions. 1 division = 2. From 3 to 4 should be x10.

  53. enzed, you're the best. I had opened that cabinet and realized the letters matched but I never thought to count pipes. Sometimes I'm not so good at these. Thanks for getting me started!

  54. Thanks Teshie-e for another
    wonderful game!
    I tip my hat by disabling
    AdBlock for you!

  55. Tesshie!!!! wooohooo! I am beyond excited to play this game! Thanks for making Tesshie! Always a pleasure. Thanks @arrie NL for subbing!

  56. Somehow with the number plate I managed to add 464 (reading down) plus 115 (not 151 for some reason) and also got 579. On replay I could not replicate this answer so I came here and found the real, non ambiguous way of solving it. Thanks!


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