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Trapped Part 3 - The Labyrinth

[REPLAY] RabbitTell - Trapped Part 3: The Labyrinth is another point and click escape game developed by Rodrigo Roesler for Rabbit Tell. The final chapter in the series. Do you think you know the place David's in by now? Think again. And help David to get to the bottom of this story while reality crumbles around you. Good luck and have fun!

Play Trapped Part Three: The Labyrinth

Play Trapped Part Three: The Labyrinth Walkthrough

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  1. thank you ca3na but i'm a little bit further than that

  2. i don't know exactly but i think it was also in drawer in becky's room or in fruit basket in kitchen

  3. he nottypomy were you now?

  4. i went to becky's room and clicked on other i have writings that say that he heard her accusing voice and there are two signs of her visit

  5. Mirjam, I am not sure if you were responding to me in earlier comment. I am not sure where I got the writing about the high walls, but I know that I got something from the father's pocket. I just cant remember if it was the high wall writing. I still would appreciate anyone's help in finding the next writing. Please be specific! Thank you!!

  6. i still dont get the lighter thing

  7. chickie, in order to get the honey, you have to find the bathroom, and look out the window. Then you use the knife to hit the beehive. Then use the buffoon key on the door several times until you find the dark room, which is the bottom of the well. There you will see the honey.

  8. use knife to cut beehive from toilet

  9. nottypomy i think you need to use the king key now and look on the seat where becky was before

  10. I can't get into the bathroom, is there anything in the room under the well??

  11. wich writing do you have now eleni?

  12. chickie3737 you can use the buffoonkey more than ones

  13. nottypomy you have to tell wich writing you've got

  14. chickie, i'm a bit further than you and can help if you like. But I'm still stuck at the high walls writing. mirjam, can you help with this please?

  15. 'it was your fault she said before she vanished........reasons hidden in the ashes of time'

  16. i;m staying for an other few minutes before i'm going so if you have questions you can asked them now

  17. eleni,i think you have to go to mike's bed in becky's room.thats where i got my next writing after that writing

  18. eleni if the writing ends with the part about resting than it is in becky's room the other bed

  19. nottypomy look in the kitchen stove

  20. nottypotty, thank you so much!!!! I've been searching for that for over an hour!! you are wonderful!!

  21. thank you too, mirjam! i appreciate that you stayed after you are out =)

  22. thnx mirjam.i think i get how to find the next piece of paper

  23. i have put the mirror fragmants in the room below well
    writing i have is there were shadows that were'nt shadows light that wasn't light

  24. i can still take them i think thats not right
    i need the secong piece of drawing for the mirrors

  25. if you look at stones beneath well you see a little piece of the paper sticking out at the right side

  26. i have read the clue from the book.
    stuck now

  27. go to bathroom use knife at mirror

  28. i already have the mirror fragments

  29. sorry.found nxt piece of paper

  30. im out!!!!!
    thnx for all the help everyone

  31. i'm leaving now anyone a final question? last hint look up at the doghouse side

  32. I have the writing about looking at the sky. I'm looking at te sky but I can't find te next paper. Do I need to do something else?

  33. Ah, that was the hint I needed. Thanks!

  34. I know what to do with the mirrorpieces, but i need the other half of the drawing. Has anyone found it yet?

  35. Went outside (IRL), that Smiley face is wonderful!

  36. Hey guys just looked through previous posts... can anyone give me a clue on how to get to the bathroom?! Thanks!

  37. my latest writing" he remember: she was dreaming abt him, abt something he did and something he did again, but there were things she cannot see , invisible, between the cold lines written by fate

  38. Oh man I'm stuck. My last writing is something about "hearing her accusive voice and leaving not one, but two signs of her visit" or something like that. I still can't get the coin nor the key from the rabbit. Help anyone?

  39. Help please! Where are the other rooms??? I can only go in room with beckys father and garden! :-(

  40. Helppp where is that damn BALL for toy cannon??????????

  41. Please can someone help. I still can't figure out how to put the mirror pieces. I read the note and have put the pieces in some of the stones (don't even know if they are the right ones) Help Please

  42. I'm going from the bedroom to the garden and from the garden to the bedroom. I'm totally stuck, I can't see any kitchen, bathroom and so on ! I can't get the thing outside the grate, I can't get what is in the well...

  43. what key do you use to go in Becky's room?

  44. anyone there?
    please help

  45. assasin key goes to becky room which is the room you started

  46. any idea about the second part of the drawing?

    I don't think we need more mirror fragments, only the drawing

  47. anyone still there?? It's a really nice game, but now i stuck with many keys and many questions:(

  48. i cant get the next writing from the dog, any hint for me please

  49. how do u get the lighter working

  50. @Erika, no, i have no idea for the second drawing, i found the dining room, but there is nothing

  51. the lighter works with alcohol, i believe u can find it in the kitchen cabinet

  52. thank you. i am missing a spring for the cannon tho to get into the cabinet lol

  53. sorry, but i don't remember exactly, i think the ball was in the second candy box

  54. Any idea on 2, part of drawing?

    I don't think we need more mirror fragments...

  55. nevermind, I'm out thanks for the hints

  56. I do not understand... I am sure I am very close to the exit, I have got the 2 papers for the mirrors and set the mirrors like on the papers, and have 'Then he saw it: the moon....' Where is the exit?

  57. grrrr i realy need help i am totally stuck i only have a
    candy can
    red thread
    toy cannon
    some writings
    a torn picture piece
    and the dog assassin king and front door key
    that's alot and i don't even know what to do with them can someone please help me please

  58. i am still stuck help help help please hellllp

  59. Hi is a complex game, so I am writing a walkthru...experiment with the go to different rooms. When the cross goes red, usually something is there.

  60. Redroobar, a walkthrough would be great! I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of help. For the first 200+ comments, it was a lot of people telling us what they have and where they are (which was much further than other people) but wouldn't help those behind find missing items. And a lot of people asking more than once where something was only to be ignored. Let's keep up the team work everyone. Personally I'm stuck w/o the cannon ball and no one ever mentioned where it was.

  61. Yes I agree...its been a hard slog doing the walkthru with all the bits..I am stuck now, and will have to start again. I think I know why I am stuck, so I will have another go!

    The ball is in the room with the dead body. You need the key from the living room to open the dresser.

  62. Mr Enigma I agree with you. I got stuck yesterday but had to leave. When I came back today Im still stuck and can't find any help for where I am stuck. So have given up again until Redroobar does the walkthrough. At least he is helpful!

  63. Oh Redroobar sooooo sorry!!!! Don't know why I thought male!
    Oops (hiding now).

  64. Thanks for the walkthrough Redroobar, but where is this room that Becky is sitting in? I can't see another door aside from the one in and out of the bedroom! Thats why I've been so stuck....

  65. Oh der, just discovered different keys open the same door. I don't think anyone posted that! So for future frustrated people, there is only one door but use a different key and you get another room!

  66. Yes Cathy...
    King key to living room
    Maid key to kitchen
    Dog key to outside (and some of the others depending on door)
    Glutton to dining room
    Assassin to bedroom
    Buffoon key to well room and white room
    etc....just keep trying!

  67. do i have a glitch? this has been loading scene for about 5 minutes after using the buffoon key

  68. I had trouble with one of the sites and used the other one with no problem.
    We had a power surge earlier and I had to start again.....

  69. I closed my eyes and refreshed page expecting to lose everything, but the page loaded with all still in inventory so all good :)

  70. The note that speaks of dim lights and stuff leads you to Becky's brother's bed, there you find another clue.

  71. When I threw my coin down the well, there was no option about the statue, I chose something about wanting the answer (42!) and lost my coin, so still don't have the key from the rabbit statue.

    I also put my honey at the end of the hole in the hospital room, but can't get any more, and my cereal box seems to have forgotten it has got flies in it! Do I have to start again because these things have not worked?

    I am up to the note "There were bricks that weren't bricks, where she went to lay her wishes".

    I can't make a glutton key, because I can't get the one from the rabbit, and also can't get the note in the hole between the well bottom and hospital room :o(

  72. redroobar, what is the latest writing you have???

  73. P.s. Please help someone! :o)

  74. Ok, made glutton key by using hammer on statue. Nothing in diing room (at least for now!). Still unable to get the note between well bottom and hospital I need to do something else first?

  75. Here is what I have so far.....

    NOTE when you have keys they open doors to other rooms!! So if you are in the bedroom, a King key goes to the living room, Maid to kitchen etc....
    Look out for when the cursor cross goes red...something is there.

    Exit door.
    Look at dog and get CANDY CAN
    Down to well and get TERMITES from window
    Examine candy can with knife and get ASSASSIN KEY & DOG KEY
    Use Assassin key to enter house.
    Go to bed and get SICK MAN key.
    TOY CANNON from table. THREAD & PHOTO fragment from wardrobe.
    Use termites by door to get KING key
    Use King key to enter living room where Becky is sitting. Get MAID key from table and SMALL KEY from sofa.
    Examine books and get PHOTO fragment. I decided to talk to Becky later, though you can do that now.
    Exit door with Maid key to kitchen.
    Get small BAG from table. Examine and get COIN.
    Examine bin and get 2nd CANDY CAN and PLASTIC BAG.
    Go to fridge and get MAGNET and PHOTO fragment.
    Use magnet with thread to combine.
    Get PEASANT key from door.
    Use Peasant key to exit to yard.
    Use magnet & thread in well to get SPRING. Put spring in cannon.
    Get WRITINGS from dog.
    Enter bedroom with Assassin key. Get WRITINGS from body and bed.
    Exit to yard (Dog key will do) and drop coin in well. Make a wish to get the key off the statue. Get broken GLUTTON key.
    Use Assassin key to get back in and King key to living room and talk to Becky until you run out of conversation.
    Return to bedroom and use small key on drawers to get BALL and TAPE.
    Use Maid key to get to kitchen. Put ball in cannon and aim at cupboard. Get CEREAL BOX & ALCOHOL.
    Use alcohol with lighter.
    Examine cereal box and get STICKY HAND toy.
    Return to living room with King key and get PHOTO fragment from book and the last piece from the sofa (Becky has gone).
    Assemble the PHOTO with tape.
    Use cannon with lighter and it melts into a candy can.
    Check sofa and get new WRITING about ashes.
    Go to kitchen (maid key) and get new WRITING from stove.
    Exit to yard and to the note near the well outside the fence. Use sticky hand from cereal box to get note.
    "She'll be waiting"
    Use Assassin key to enter house and Becky is by the body. Give her the photo and talk until she gives you the BUFOON key.
    Use the Bufoon key to get to well and then the bathroom. Get MIRROR fragments above sink.
    Use plastic back to get stuff from toilet. Put this in a candy can. Add the glutton key and other candy can to get a new GLUTTON key.
    Look out window and use knife on behive.
    Use bufoon key to well room and get HONEY.
    Exit to yard with dog key and put honey in the hole on the wall and collect flies in cereal box.
    Exit with bufoon key and well room. Put honey in hole in wall with 'the light at the end' and empty flies on honey.
    Exit with bufoon key thru dining room to White room. Put frog in hole.
    Exit back to well room and collect from from hole and get a note on what to do with the mirrors.
    Go to the stones and collect new WRITING.
    For the next bit just follow the writings.
    Exit to yard and find loose brick on well WRITING
    Use King key and go to library and books.
    Using Buffoon go to bathroom and look in mirror and get new writing.
    Follow instructions...
    Glutton key to dining room and writing on left.
    Dog key to yard and visit statue and get another writing
    Follow directions to dog kennel and look up. Use sticky hand to get another writing and the final bit for the mirror placement.
    Buffoon key to white room then well room and place mirror pieces according to the diagram. Click on spot to get Servant key. Use Servant key and talk to Becky. And leave through door.

    There is more, but using coins from the previous trapped games.


  76. Well, I have the clue about the "arrows through the heart... look at the sky" bit and one part of the stone circle map. Any hints beyond that?

  77. Hi VK...not often we talk...go to the dog kennel, you should have an up arrow....

  78. Divinyl...I did the same thing and dithered with the flies and they disappeared, so I did have to start again!!!! Also the hammer thing must be an out for people who lose the coin with the wrong answer!
    I also had a power surge and lost the game keep trying!

  79. Weng Sheng I have updated the walkthru.....hope it helps.

    Got to go and do stuff!!! Good luck!

  80. I somehow lost the flies from the cereal, now the frog wont go to the other side, i dunno wat to do. I went back to the place with the flies, n they are not there, I dont know wat to do!

  81. I am up to the "And then he saw it: the moon..." note. Surely I don't really have to start the whole thing again, now that I am so close to the end, to get more flies??????

  82. I got a hammer from the dresser as well as the steel ball and tape so this game has at least one different scenario depending on the order you do things.

  83. Without the flies, I can't get the other half of the mirror positioning diagram :o( I really am going to have to start again, aren't I? I've been playing this for hours, so am really p***** off with's after 5am here!!

  84. Nice walkthrough Redroobar. I'm stuck where I was yesterday when I left. I have half a note for the mirrors, can't find writings at the stones and no loose brick on the well...I think I'll just reload and follow your wt.

  85. Does anybody know what to do with the red labyrinth coin?

  86. Divinyl, I did the same thing and had to start over :(. You have to put the honey on the "Lighted" side or you get stuck.

    Dweller... you can use the coin in the wishing well and get a choice to get the key from the statue (only if) you haven't found and used the hammer from the kitchen. If you use the coin in the wishing well, the hammer never shows up. If you use the hammer to get the key, the wishing well won't give you the Key choice.... but you can get a free foot massage ;) Hehehe Hi all!

  87. Has anyone used the "Sick Msn" key yet?? Maybe the map has something to do with it... trying to follow the keys out now (per the map/book). Done with the game, but still feel like we're missing something.

  88. "Sick Man" key *kicks typo-fairy*

  89. Roxi, do you mean in the lit (white) room for the flies?

    I used the hammer too and I selected 'I want to know the answer to everything' and it said '42'. An old HHGTTG joke.

  90. Yes Martin :D... if you put the honey in the "dark" room with the stones, then you'll get stuck (possible bug) since your flies won't be in the cereal box anymore. So the honey AND flies both have to be in the "light" white hospital room.

    And I chose the "foot massage" cause I already knew the answer LOL... I even know the question, I'm just not sharing that ;)

    Loved HHGTTG!

  91. i just finished playing again.. had to see if i could use the sick man key anywhere lol... but no, still didnt use it.. rather disappointed

  92. Well, that's a shame. I re-started and have just made the same mistake as I did the first time. Thanks heaps for the tip Roxi...maybe it auto saved for me before I did that...(fingers crossed)

  93. Shouldn't you be working shaeness?lol

  94. Martin :D that sux! Ugg, so sorry! But it does go faster the second... uh..third time thru;)

    shaeness I know that "sick man" key is the (wait for it) Key to the whole thing! Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow for the tenacious people to wake up hehehe

  95. It's ok Roxi, it had saved :-)

  96. work? lol nah 'in between' jobs at the moment :P but i possibly should be looking for work instead of on here lol.. ahh well =P

  97. i think there's more than one ending - the first time i played I wished upon a gold coin, and I found a hammer. The second time I got a red labyrinth coin.

  98. From what I can tell, So Cal Peeper, that and the flies are the only variable that changes. Check my comment ten up and it'll give an explanation.

  99. OK help someone....i have done everything n found everything so far but got stuck because i put the honey n the flies on the right side and got the paper with the map for the mirrors, but thats it, i cant find another clue or anything, im stuck now, i have wondered everywhere I dont know wat else to do. The walkthrough says there should be another writting on the rocks but i cant find anything...=(.

  100. Same here Dweller, exactly the same spot. Although doing the flies in the other room got me the other half of the map of mirrors. I might be ablr to remember the map from the last game...sigh

  101. *able...No, I think they are just in different spots for different games.

  102. Dweller, Martin :D, second part of the mirror page is on a pole in the view of the dog house. You should be able to look up in that frame. Use the sticky hand to get it down. It will depend on what Note you have. I may be able to help if you tell me what "writing" (note) you have.

  103. It looks like the set up of the mirrors change in every game.

  104. oooh, third time, i got a foot massage gift card?


  105. The "stones" note is in the zoom view of the circle... NorthEast outside the circle. Kind of half in/out of the light.

  106. 'Night everyone... 1AM is my limit ;) Good Luck!!

    Still hoping someone finds out what to do with the "sick man" key

  107. Hi all, how do I fix the GLUTTON key???

  108. Redroobar has a walkthrough above Sue

  109. oops, havent seen it :-) ty

  110. No probs Sue....thanks for your help, Roxi. I think I have the 'typo' fairy now.

  111. Hmmm...something is a little amiss with this game I think. 3rd time now and I can't get any 'writings' at all, weird.

  112. where is the second half of the paper code for the mirror pieces?

  113. it says i have to get a note off th stove but it wont let me?? i dont kno what else to do! please help ne one!!

  114. Martin :D ... she does get around hehehe

    Civilian Men Bore Me... what was the last note that you have. You have to get the notes in order... the next one won't show till you find the one before it.

    Cameron... there's one in the hole at the bottom of the well and on on a post near the dog house. The best way is to follow the walk-through. It will only let you do things in order, no skipping ahead.

    Morning all!

  115. let me clarify my response to cameron. The hole In the wall, at the bottom of the well.

  116. Yeah, finally out. Thx for wt redroobar. But strange thing was, playing the 1. time I didnt get any writings??!! so had to start over, then it all worked. cool game .-)

  117. These games are so good, that you dont want to use any hints. I just want to play these like forever.
    So I`m closing my eyes while writing this...I want to make best to last. ;)

  118. Crud. totally stuck, and the walkthrough aint helping. The last writings I have is the "He remembered; she was dreaming about him", think it came from the wood stove. I got the first part of the drawing for the stones from the hole (tried both directions), can't find anything else. Nothing around the dog house or in the stone circle.

  119. Power of posting. Finally had to break out the lighter, sometimes you try things too many times too early an think it's a dead end.

  120. I have followed you all day. I am too stuck with the last message: "invisible between the cold lines written by fate" (number 4)
    Cant go any further. No message by doghouse or well.

  121. finally im out!!!nice really know how to make our day shuchun!!tnx for posting great games...hooooray for shuchun...

  122. Turid use the lighter on the paper that says "invisible between the cold lines written by fate" (number 4) ;)

  123. **SPOILER**

    Notes (The "Writings" have to be found in order and don't show up till the previous one is read. Each one will give a clue to where the next note is found.)

    Note 1 (found under dog after talking to Becky)

    Note 2 (found in Becky's Dad's pocket)

    Note 3 (found inside a pillow on Becky's brother's bed)

    Note 4 (found on chair in living room, that Becky was sitting on)

    Note 5 (found in Wood Stove in Kitchen)

    Note 6 (use lighter on Note 5)

    Extra note (use sticky hand from cereal box to grab note behind the gate, near the statue)

    Note 7 (found in 'zoom view' of stones in the room below the well. NorthEast corner of stones, slightly outside of the circle. 'half in/out of the light')

    Note 8 (use knife on loose stone on the wishing well)

    Note 9 (found behind mirror in the bathroom)

    Note 10 (found in cabinet with plates in dining room. Use remade Glutton key to get to dining room.)

    Note 11 (found using knife on sign on the statue)

    1st part of mirror diagram (found in dog scene upper right on a pole. Use sticky hand)

    2nd part of mirror diagram (use honey and flies in White Room wall hole. Release the frog in dark room wall hole. Retrive frog in White Room wall hole. Remove note)

  124. Hey!!! went to the wishing well... threw in coin. Choose wish later. Threw it in agian and got a Labyrinth coin!! :D Don't know where to use it and don't have time to look (have to make dinner). So that means....

    Alternate Ending!! :D

    Have fun guys!!

  125. Nice game,but long. Can not have done it without a walkthrough and hints.

  126. Well I started the game again today and loaded from where I was yesterday and EVERYTHING worked...unbelievable. I had to throw the coin in 3 times before it gave me an option to 'wish for another coin'. Didn't find out what to do with the coin and the last paragraph asking if it is the end makes me wonder as well. Thanks redroobar and Roxi for the help.

  127. Finished! Things that I noticed or that stumped me for a bit:

    You don't use the Sickman Key. (I think they had to cut a small part of the game because the illustrator couldn't be relied on or something; see the developers blog.)

    The part where you run around and pick up notes is tedious. Some clues can be found in the books, but basically, if you're stumped, just go around from room to room and click on everything again (even if you clicked on it before) and you'll eventually find the next note.

    There's a part where you have to look at the Moon above the dog's kennel. Until you read the note that mentions the Moon, however, you can't look up. After you've read it, hover the mouse cursor over the top right of the screen above the dog's kennel.

    You need to use the beehive. It's easy and you can do it with an item you already have; you just need to think about it from a different angle. . .

    To get the note in the hole, you have to use the frog, flies, honey, and cereal box.

  128. How do you get past getting worm out of hole in tree

  129. To get started:
    Just click on the door, no key required
    In the backyard:
    Click on the dog to find the candy can
    Click on the small hole in the wall, note the flies. The frog doesn't work!
    Walk towards the rabbit statue and wishing well, and observe everything including the plaque below the statue
    Click the window next to the well twice to get the termites
    Use the knife on the candy can to find the Assassin key and the Dog key
    Return to the front door and click on the dog to find a new note
    Use the Assassin key to re-enter the house
    Back in the bedroom:
    Click on the nearer bed to find the Sick Man key
    Click on the multicoloured table to find the toy cannon
    Click on the wardrobe to find a spool of thread. Click again to find part of a torn picture
    Note the locked drawers, the symbol on the wall, and the loose board in the corner near the door
    Click on the corpse to find another new note
    Click on the nearer bed again to find the next note
    Use the termites to eat the loose board in the corner, where you will find the King key. Use it to leave the room
    First encounter with Becky:
    Retrieve the Maid key from the table next to Becky
    Talk to Becky and you will eventually leave the room. Use the King key again to go back to the office
    Click on Becky's chair twice to find another piece of the photo and another note
    Read the books on the bookshelves for some clues
    The book on the right contains another piece of the photo
    Click on the sofa on the right for a small key
    Another brief visit to the bedroom:
    Use the Assassin key to return to the bedroom
    Use the small key on the drawers to find some adhesive tape and a steel ball
    The kitchen:
    Use the Maid key to go to the kitchen
    The dish on the table contains a small bag. Pick it up then examine it to find a coin
    Click the bin twice to get another candy can (nothing inside) and a plastic bag
    Note that the cupboard door needs to be hit with something hard to get it open
    Click the refrigerator twice to obtain the final piece of the photo and a magnet
    The wishing well:
    Use the Dog key to return outside and go to the wishing well
    Combine the magnet and the spool of thread (where have I seen that before?) and use it to get the spring out of the well
    Use the spring on the toy cannon, then load it with the steel ball
    Use the coin in the well, and say that you want to get the key out of the statue. Click on it to obtain the broken Glutton key
    Back to the kitchen:
    Use the Maid key to return to the kitchen
    Use the cannon on the cupboard, then click twice to get some alcohol and a cereal box
    Refill your lighter with the alcohol
    Examine the cereal box twice to get the sticky hand
    A brief visit to the backyard:
    Go outside again with the Dog key
    Move to the wishing well, and use the sticky hand on the note that is out of reach
    Second encounter with Becky:
    Use the adhesive tape on the photo to stick it back together
    Go back to the bedroom using the Assassin key
    Give the photo to Becky, then talk to her and she'll eventually give you the Buffoon key
    The Buffoon key – bathroom:
    Use the Buffoon key to leave the room, you will first go underground where you can't do anything
    Use the Buffoon key again and you will be in the bathroom
    Use the knife on the window to knock the bees into the well
    Click the toilet several times, then use the plastic bag to pick up the excrement (a first in casual gaming I think)
    Click the broken mirror to get some mirror fragments
    Bees, flies and honey:
    Use the Buffoon key twice to return to the dark underground room
    Click below the well to obtain some honey
    Use the Dog key to go outside
    Use the honey on the small hole to attract the flies
    Use the cereal box on the flies to trap them
    Go back to the dark room using the Buffoon key
    Smear some honey on the edge of the deep hole near the door
    Use the cereal box on the hole to leave the flies behind
    Use the Buffoon key twice more to go to the white hospital room
    Put the frog in the hole
    Return to the dark underground room, retrieve the frog and examine it to get part of the drawing
    The Glutton key:
    Put the plastic bag in the first candy can
    Put the broken key in the candy can to create a mold
    Use the other candy can to open it
    Use the lighter on the cannon to melt it
    Use the two candy cans together to create a copy of the Glutton key
    Lots of notes:
    Return to the kitchen with the Maid key
    Click on the stove to get another note
    Use the lighter on the note to reveal a hidden message
    Return to the dark underground room, click on the circle of stones
    Another note is hidden on the right of the stone circle, quite hard to see
    Back outside to the wishing well (obviously)
    A brick is now loose, which you can remove with the knife
    The next note leads you back to the office (the King key)
    Read the left-hand red book for a further clue – note the title of the book...
    Use the Buffoon key to get back to the bathroom, and click on the “looking-glass” (the mirror)
    Now use the Glutton key, and click on the cupboards on the left to find yet another note
    Back outside to the rabbit statue, where you can now:
    Use the knife on the plaque to reveal... another note!
    Head back to the dog kennel, and click on the top right of the screen, to look up at the moon
    Use the sticky hand to retrieve the note and the other part of the drawing
    Go back to the bottom of the well using the Buffoon key
    Arrange the mirror fragments in the slots in the stones as per the drawing
    Note that the fragments can be angled in three positions
    Click on the spot indicated by the reflected moonlight to get the Servant key
    The End
    Use the Servant key and talk to Becca
    Leave through the doors on the left – the end...
    I don't know if other endings are possible, I found no use for the Sick Man key. I also found a Peasant key the first time I played it, which seemed identical to the Dog key

  130. If you play(ed)chapters 1 & 2 and have the rabbit coin, the dark coin and get the labyrinth coin in this chapter, you can find the Queen key and play chapter 4.

  131. I'm still just trying to get back in the flipping house!

    Damn this is frustrating. He won't do ANYTHING!

  132. Martin :D ... you're officially my favorite person! Thanks!! :D

  133. Jared use the knife to open the candy tin in the dog house. You'll get a couple of keys... use the assassin key to get into the room. The different keys will get you into different rooms no matter what door you use, so try several keys on the same door to go different places. Good Luck!

  134. I'm totally stuck, I can't find the writing which is meant to be at the bottom of the well? Can somewhere tell me where to click exactly?

  135. Right there with you Eleni.

  136. HELP PLEASE! I need to in the ceareal box. and alchohal.. HOW?!!! oh and i need my coin back but idk how...
    how do you get beckys note? HELP!!

  137. Anna, The "stones" note is in the zoom view of the circle... NorthEast outside the circle. Kind of half in/out of the light. But you have to have followed the notes in order first... it won't show till you've read the other notes. (see my comments above, for note order)

    Jessica, Examine (with the magnifying glass icon on your inventory bar) the cereal box twice.

    Note 4 (found on chair in living room, that Becky was sitting on)

    If you tossed the coin, then it's gone.. sorry. Try to restart/continue if you're not too far. :)

  138. combine the alcohol and the lighter.

  139. all you are so stupid, you said that you found the 6 keys but you never said how, duhhh!!!

  140. help me please someone. where do u find the spring

  141. ok how do u get to beckys room

  142. im so confused how do u get into the kitchen

  143. Drat!!
    Game won't run, no active
    hotspots anywhere on start
    scene. (door won't open)

    Using FireFox on Win7. Anybody
    know how to fix?

  144. Unfortunately, it seems that no one is able to play this game.

  145. I can't seem to do anything on the first scene, I click everything but nothing happens.

  146. Yes, unfortunately...
    Rodrigo Roesler is gifted game developer.

  147. Ok, I think I already played this game

  148. Perhaps in previous versions of browsers this game would run.

  149. Wont work on explorer or chrome either, the first 2 worked. Also wont work on jayisgames site

  150. Is anyone else having trouble playing? The game loads, but nothing that I click on does anything. I've tried it on Firefox and Microsoft Edge with the same problem.

  151. Tried 3 different browsers. Can't get past the opening scene. Clicking doesn't work anything including menu or items.

  152. The game won't play. I can load it, get through the intro, and then nothing works. what am I doing wrong?

  153. I'm having the same problem as everyone else. It's the same in Chrome, Firefox, and IE. I submitted a report via the contact form on the developer's website. If I get a response I will let you all know.

  154. same here - tried on PC with Firefox and on Mac - same result. I thought it was only me. First 2 chapters play normally

  155. if anyone is here, I can't seem to get anything to happen...only a white cross cursor and nothing can be clicked on?

  156. oh, didn't notice at first that there were 3 pages of comments, and that the last several people had the same problem, and gave up, I guess...

  157. @Borek Zanda Thanks for posting this. I don't have experience with Linux myself, so I decided to just try installing the Windows version instead. Unfortunately that just gives an error saying the version I'm trying to install is not the current version. I can install the Flash application as opposed to the browser plugin and run it directly in Windows, only I can't seem to find the direct link to the actual flash file anywhere in the page source, so that doesn't help me, unfortunately.

  158. I thought all exes are installers for browsers. Btw I forgot to mention it must be 32bit Linux.

  159. Thank you. I have it working now also!

  160. Yeah I'll be honest, I was just experimenting. When I opened up the zip you linked, there were three executables with "win" in them, and I didn't know which I wanted. Two of them gave the "not the current version" error, and the third opened standalone flash, into which I was able to plug the URL of the game file. Worked great. Though to be frank, after having played it the game left a lot to be desired...I don't feel like it really answered any of the questions I had at ALL. Oh well...

  161. readme.txt in the zip folder tells which file is standalone depending on your operating system. But I would have never found the swf without Borek's help.

    I rather liked this one. Good tale on alternate threads of reality overlapping each other. Interesting theory.

    Never would have imagined making a mold from feces. That certainly scores more originality points!

  162. This game doesn't work. I can start it but cannot take something walk around or something else. Anyone with the same problem?

  163. @DocJay: sorry to say that but you are not allowed to get help. Someone here deleted comments with technical problems solutions and I quess he/she would do it again if those comments were reposted.

  164. That is really bizarre that those comments were deleted. I don't get it...are the moderators worried about people messing up their PC and then blaming it on this site or something? Anyway, I'm glad I got to play the game first.

  165. @Borek Zanda
    could you please give us the keyword so we can googling the link by ourselves.
    not finishing this game made me uncomfortable, lol :D

  166. Google "flash player arhive" and get version 10 from bottom of page.

  167. @Borek Zanda
    aah.. thanks..
    i think i've experienced this before with other "older" game, which required flash 10 version to play. tried to install the flash 10, but still it didn't work.

    guess have to wait the games developer would update it to newer flash version someday..

  168. What you mean by "still it didn't work" ? Game didn't work in FP10 or you can't install FP10 ?
    For me the game works in FP10. If you can't install FP10, try flashplayer10_1r53_64_win_sa and type in game file url, which you can get with browsers developer tools.

  169. @Borek Zanda
    thanks for informing about flashplayer10_1r53_64_win_sa
    it works now, although i have to find the swf link first, and the official site does not provide one, so i google and find another host of this game, and gets the swf link, and i play it now...

    thank you very much :D

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