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Gravity Falls Saw Game

InkaGames - Gravity Falls Saw Game is another point and click type adventure game developed  by Inka Games. It's Christmas Eve and the evil Pigsaw will force Dipper and Mabel to play his malevolent game, forcing them to return to Gravity Falls to overcome dangerous challenges. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by AlphaOmega ΑΩ]

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  1. (RE)HI all ☺

    thx Escapist for posting

    & thx Inka for yet another cool game ☺
    (if you don't mind to use everything on everything by trial & error ☻)

    as I've already played it, I'll stick around for a bit in case you need some hints...

  2. Hi AΩ! I have a ton of stuff and have Mabel trapped in a jar. So far, only found a use for the sunglasses.

  3. hi annaby,
    Mabel can free herself from inside with an assembled tool (3 components)

  4. I love love love Inkagames.
    thank you so much! Will be playing in a few minutes.

  5. Gnome powder goes on unicorn but must do something first.

  6. @Stevens: you need a very strong perfume, you get it after defeating the large red monster with pokeball, pepper & trampoline.


  7. fishing rod plus fish, put in water, throw rock, go back up when arrow comes on the screen, take picture of sea monster. Combine balloon, string duct tape and picture and send it up to guy in tree.

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  9. Hint for the near end: you have to open the radioactive container box. You have 2 papers then. The one with the hand defines the position of the digit and the color of the name to find on the other paper. The digit is the number of chars in the name correspondending to the color of the hand. I used GIMP and the color pipette for that because I'm not very good in colors ...

  10. There is a bug in this game: near the end after grabbing the "scepter of wind" and going east you land on the right side of the line and nothing happens. Simply leave the screen to the left and go right again.

  11. Yeah, I finished. Wax figure, megaphone and ghost catching machine used last. Thank you so much Inka. Loved it.

  12. Yes, it was one of the better Inkagames productions. I still love Coraline - very complex one.

  13. Coraline is one of my faves too!! They are all good!!

  14. The skateboard ramp isn't the ramp needed for the golf cart. Stand on the pressure switch and send "Duck" (pig) through hole.

  15. Thanks for the post Bernd. I was stuck trying to solve the color hands puzzle to get the 4# number.

  16. "Gravity Falls Saw Game", released on 25 Dec 2017, is one of the better and more complex adventures created by Inkagames.

    For those who prefer a text walkthrough over a boring video, here we go!

    PART 1

    You won't find anything in the first scene so walk into the gift shop (right side entrance). Dialogue with Soos starts. You get a bolt, a "small metal object" and "glue". Combine them to get a new object. Go right, get "giant magnifying glass" from behind you, "piece of duct tape" from the dinosaur skull, "sunglasses" from the couch, "helium" left of the door. Go right. Below grammophone is a "pencil", below the left bed "an instant camera", below the desk between beds "springs to jump", "scissors" and a "paint palette" on the right.

    Go outside, then left to the lake. Take "a rod to fish" from behind you (right of the "Bait House"), a pebble from the pile in the middle. Talk to the man on the left, give him "sunglasses", get "bucket full" of fish, click bucket to get a single fish.

    Switch to Mabel. Grab "golf cart", go right. Dialogue with Gideon starts. After this, you are trapped in the glass. Use "small metal object" on glass lid. Go out and click on the red glass of the lamp (goes blue), click on red switch. After cutscene enter tent in the north. Grab "fishing line", "oil can", "gasoline" (below the speakers) and red balloon + yarn on the right.

    Switch to Dipper. Combine "fishing line" with "rod" and "fish". Combine "balloon" with "helium", "piece of yarn" and "duct tape". Now we try to take a nice photo of the monster in the sea: use rod on lake, throw pebble into the lake. When in underwater view, click on the red arrow right-top to the monster to lure him out (be fast or he will eat the fish). When outside, click on the camera, then on the monster to get a photo.

    Combine photo with "balloon with yarn and duct-tape", go east, west. Talk to Robbie, talk to Veronil Dam. Use balloon with Robbie, after "cutscene" take log. Go east, answer with "treat", get pumpkin-bag. Go west, west, south. Use log on crack, go over. Get branch and pepper from north, enter cage. After cutscene click "springs to jump". At the end you get a "trampoline". Go west back to the place of the house.

  17. PART 2

    Switch to Mabel. Go west and meet "Maria Paula". Grab the little pink bag with "gnome magic powder" below the strange mushroom. Go west, then south. One of the stones on the left near the river has an inscript. Read it and then use "Maria Paula" on the space to the right. You may leave your computer for a while, she sings quite long. Take "empty pokeball" and enter the castle just to get another long conversation. Go left (leave), south, east, east. Combine pepper with pokeball, place trampoline on red cross. Grab the strange megaphone-thingie to your left, then throw the pepper-pokemonball on the *monster* (not on the trampoline). Talk to Shmebulok, get "a very strong perfume". Go east, east, south, east to the castle again. Use "perfume" on gnome, then "gnome magic powder" on the unicorn. Use scissors to get some hair, then grab the mirror on the right. Return to the gnome forrest (west, south, east), another east.

    Get ramp from the front of the theatre, south. Walk on the plate to the right, then use "Pato" on the plate to the left. Leave plate, go east. Place "golf cart" and use "gasoline" on cart. Use car, jump. Click on cart, use "eye-symbol", press lever to "reverse", use "a small branch" on "accelerator". Use "tough rope" on the ring, click on rope. Pick "sewer cover" from your right, go left. Get your friends, go east, south. Enter theatre through the "staff only" entrance on the left. After the dialogue use your friends right to the exit-door to get key. Use key on lock. After cutscene you have a "brain" in your inventory.

    Combine "brush" with "palette" and paint the "sewer cover". Leave to the left, go west until you reach the tent again, go west twice until you reach the place with the pink alien.

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  19. PART 3

    Switch to Dipper. From the central house go north. Pick paper, use unicorn hair go create a circle around the cross, then place brain into the circle. Look on the paper, you will see 4 colored hands with numbers. The number is the position of the digit, the digit is the number of chars in the name with the same color on the other sheet (eg. neon-purple hand has "1", the name with the same color is "thomson" which has 7 digits. So 7 is the first number of 4. I used "Gimp" to pick the colors and compare them).

    After success, use the last unicorn hair to close the circle. Enter the box and get "Sacred scepter of the sun", "ghost trap", "carving tool", "magnet", "explosive mine". Leave, go south. On the place with the house put the "giant magnifying glass" into the hole infront of the house (there is a little red arrow pointing to it), put mirror right to it and use "sacred scepter" on the clouds on the upper-left. Enter the house and get a "block of wax". Leave, then west, south. Give wax, carving tool, paint to "Yamil". At the end, grab statue, carving tools + palette and a pile of sweets. Combine "pumpkin basket", "sweets" and "explosive mine".

    Go west, east, go over the line (explosive scene). Grab "scepter of the wind", go east. *BUG*: you may be teleported to the right side of the line in the next room. Just leave to the west and reenter. Give "sewer cover painted as cookie" to "Teeh". Climb up and right, place "magnet", climb down and cross the line. Go right and grab "scepter of rain".

    Switch to Mabel. She stands in front of the pink alien. Use scepter of wind on the cloud, then scepter of rain on the cloud. Use oil on the left side of the line, then place ramp there. Cross line and get magic carpet. Go west and meet Dipper.

    Put carpet on floor, click on carpet. When in next room, put statue and then use "device that makes voice thicker". At the end use ghost trap on the yellow ghost thingie.



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