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Escape a Japanese Cafe

Escape from Japanese Cafe is another Japanese point & click room escape game developed by FunkyLand. In this game, you have to use some items and solve puzzles in order to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!
[Submitted by AlphaOmega ΑΩ]

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  1. Oh praise the sun, a funkyland!

  2. Pretty straightforward.
    lbh qba'g arrq nyy bs gur terra pbbxvrf

  3. not sure about the R/L or the green heart. I have some clues but they don't seem to fit.

  4. once I figured out the pink shape was part of a key, easy out.

  5. Damn you Funkyland, 4 video adds playing at the same time was too much.

  6. Lovely game as always, Funkyland. Thank you so much!

  7. thx for posting, Escapist

    these were the days when such a game had loads of comments (same for other games) as the great community we had liked to play together sharing insights & hints...! (*sigh*)
    nowadays everyone seems to play alone & not willing to share with the others what she/he found out (as almost each game has a VWT in case when stuck) ...! (*2nd sigh*)

    anyway, thx for all your creations, FL ☺

    btw, the abacus-like puzzle has different colours - that hold me up for a pretty long time as I didn't check the other balls

  8. Hmm - that's true ΑΩ. It's also bizarre when people post just to say that they "played this game earlier" - yet leave no hints. One wonders why on earth they bothered to post. Nobody is interested in what time of day they played the game, lol. And surely they could have left their comments, hints, etc at the actual time they played the game? Weird.

  9. Zuleika, they would'v played the game on other sites earlier. So you wouldn't see comments here.

  10. EG24 used to be the first to post the new games, now it's usually last. And not just hours later, but often days later :(

  11. as there's sometimes a delay on EG24 with new games, I also play some from other sites (where I don't post) & comment here that fact in order to set a mark for myself that I played it ☻
    some games (like G4K e.g.) often don't need any hints as they're easy enough (at least for me)
    even if I played earlier, I mostly leave hints for ppl who come later after the live play (it's insufficient IMHO only to stick around for a bit after)

  12. Adorable!

    At first didn't get the L-R hint, thought that it had something to do with colors, but it was just about the positions of fish heads.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. BBB
    I know from Escapist that he only can maintain EG24 in his spare time, as he works the whole day - that's why there's sometimes that delay...
    (Escaper was the owner earlier & he had a small team...)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. True. I've seen Faraday's Flaws (an excellent game) a long time ago. But it's yet to appear here.

  17. AlphaOmega ΑΩ
    Although there is a good reason why EG24 isn't the first anymore to post, it still is one of the main causes why it's going down with EG24 (comments).
    Btw makes me wonder why the previous owner didn't say goodbye and why the team of admins didn't stay. Also why no new team of admins? Maybe with you in it, you seem to be around 24/7

  18. noel
    yeah, I submitted this great game to Escapist, too, also reminded him once to post it, but he didn't - dunno why...

    it's quite true as I have plenty of time to play, but I sleep, too ☻

  19. OK, that was one easier than the usual FunkyLand games - but still challenge and fun.

  20. I've used that l/r fish clue six ways 'till Sunday and nothing is working.

  21. Ok, never thought to do purple first then the red. That didn't make a whole lot of sense to me but it worked nonetheless.

  22. Well thanks for not much here. Lots of comments but very few actual hints.
    I am stuck (as usual) and can't do anything yet. got a green heart and don't get any of the hints I have seen. Guess this is WHY there is a walkthrough for everything. I too miss the family style chatter and help we used to get here.

  23. Once that crazy l/r fish head thing was discovered it was pretty straight forward. I love these games.

  24. Jenny, the fish heads clue for l/r is weird. Purple first then the red ones.

  25. For the Left/Right, two clues needed. In the left bath, the position of the Numbers 1 to 6. And in the right bath, the direction of the fish corresponding to those positions. Think it's just coincidence about the colors.

  26. Took several tries for game title (and then game) to load ....

  27. Im having trouble with the password number on the door. Is it a total of the treats in the numbers outlined on the card?

  28. Amy, it's the position of the numbers. 2nd digit, 1st digit, and so on....

  29. @ ΑΩ, et al., I also lament the loss of decent walkthroughs or, often, no hints at all. I guess there will always be people who comment to say they played the game or found it to be easy or to post a question followed by "never mind, found it". It also seems like most of the games are geared towards little kids. And why do I get some lame announcement about Floyd Mayweather and Justin Bieber, sometimes more than one playing and overlapping the other every time I log on to EG24?

    I guess the good old days are long gone and it's time to move on...

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This site can’t be reached
    The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
    Help!! This is all I get when opening.


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