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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
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  1. Hard W
    Well, I have the egg, but nothing else. Everyone in comments seems to have gotten the egg and next think they are onto X. I still sit here and stare at W. Any hints to get me past egg?

  2. Hard S. STUCK STUCK STUCK. How to find starting point and what I have to counting? "Vs V fgrc ba G, zrnaf gjb, guerr be gra fgrcf"

  3. P3P, there are 2 eggs on hard W, if you have the fish, it is rotten. You need a list of names, the title and wiki will help you find it

  4. Hard S, what is the first letter of alphabet? You need the seventh first. Directions in sentence and number of letters of words will lead you to the answer.

  5. Vanja, The level title will give you the number of steps and in what direction; look closely at the words in title. A lot started with the last word and direction since it has the most steps to take. Just remember to go opposite of what is in the word. You will end with 11 letters including the one you start with.

  6. Hard W
    I found the egg with "no c***." No fish?

  7. Vanja, first be sure you have the right starting place. What is always the FIRST letter? count until you find the 7th time it appears. For directions and steps, look to the text. A letter or 2 should tell you the direction, count for how many steps to take. Count as if you are standing on the stArting letter

  8. Xi.
    thank you agai. I thought it was morse.
    Is it an anagram?

  9. XI, no anagram when reading backwards

  10. P3P, that url is like a cryptic crossword, you can't use what the url says, what do you use?

  11. Xi.
    Are there 3 R's in the word?

  12. Hard W - trying to learn about cryptic crosswords, still not getting it.

  13. Hard S. Black-out in my brain. I got "nygyrnebobn". It does not make any sense. :(

  14. ETA
    Any clues on this one? The letters from the person and the group both match number of letters in the gibberish. I've tried adding and subtracting each of these... then rotting.??

  15. Hard S When you start with the right first letter, you'll get an eleven letter word by following the # of letters in each word of the title in the direction of each word in the title. Note some words have a combined direction.

  16. Vanja, from standing on the start letter, first is 3E,
    lands on B

  17. @P3P Hard W- What could those numbers mean in relation to the title? Google (Wiki) is essential here.

  18. The Newbie, there is a special kind of ROT on red luth that should help, look for one that anagrams

  19. Thank you. On Omnicron now :)

  20. Thanks Donas... I'll take a look :)

  21. Having trouble finding hell. I think I'm on the right level using the hint word from the regular hall of fame page. I have d/led the image into my image viewer which shows me the frames but I am still not seeing whatever it is I'm supposed to be seeing. Any suggestions?

  22. Hard S, OK, first is 3E,lands on B, but second, 4W, no place

  23. Chael, if you are on the right level, it shows a game board, I used exif and enlarged the last frame to see it

  24. @Vanya The second word is lone. You skipped a word. Each word tells you which direction to go.

  25. Donas727, thanks,I was confused with other direction. On level T.

  26. @Donas thank you. Was looking for something different. On Alpha now.

  27. O dear, been away too long and almost missed my favourite category, riddles !
    Saw a few days ago that ST launched another "project". Managed to struggle through easy and medium and reached hard, where I could use a hint for A. Good to see you all again btw.

  28. Hi Ike, removing first and last should give a new word, do it again and use all 3 for answer

  29. Hard T. think I reched my limit. I found "avargrra yrggref" and have no idea what to do with them.

  30. Alpha - I have reviewed the prior hints but I am getting nowhere. I have found the letter I need and I have of initials of the person on the right. I have found the way to turn the initials in to a common letter. However, when I try to put the two letters together it is not the right answer. Confused.

  31. Hi Ike good to see you too :)

  32. I'm sorry to ask for a hint.
    I tried some things with the forbidden hint on the egg.
    But no matter what I tried to erase, I can't find the answer.

  33. Hard T, try to find strings of letters.

  34. Alpha
    Google it with the = in between, should lead to something familiar

  35. Omnicron
    Try to use it on something else.

  36. @Dutchie I get something familiar zvffvba vzcbffvoyr (Rotted) but it doesnt work.

  37. @Chael615, no idea how you get that. You need an equation. Replace the last initial of blackwhite pic by 2 and google.

  38. @Dutchie Thanks! I was way off base. On Beta now. I took the initials, turned them into numbers and then squared it (or multiplied -same result in this case) which gave me the initials rotted above. In other words, went wayyyyy to far down the rabbit hole.

  39. @Chael15 As small-tool always says "don't make up your own hints and don't overthink" Lol, I always do, but learning :)

  40. Thank you Dutchie, that was unexpected.

  41. Nu, I have read all the hints and am still lost, I have changed everything to numbers and written them out tried them in rot many different was using the title as the input, what am I missing? been at it for quite a few hours now and still no answer

  42. @robin, have you found the values of what's in the level in numbers? That scale has a name. There's a cipher with that name too. You need both things.

  43. @verito, found the cipher, (ive never used this one before) you said I need both things, is that the cipher and the numbers I decoded to find it?

  44. Nu, started with the letters from title in plain text, then used the numbers from them in longform as key, and get only gibberish, am I using it properly changing the key each time?

  45. @Robin: decode progressively - use new gibberish with the next key

  46. cee bee, I have tried that using both the title and numbers and the "coded" text and those numbers and mixed them up and still get nothing.

  47. @Robin, you were doing it right, once you decode with your keyword you use your NEW gibberish with the second keyword and then again and again until you use your last keyword.

  48. am I right in using the title and the numbers given to decode? and if so am I writing them correctly? example: 32 is thirty two, not broken apart to three and two

  49. You know the cipher. The title with the first spelled out number gives gibberish. Use that gibberish with the next spelled out number and so on, the last one should give something you recognise

  50. Just to be sure, the numbers you're using are the values you got from that scale with the text below, not the "May etc." ??

  51. I just looked at my list and the numbers can't be split like you said, so maybe what you're using is not the right numbers?

  52. Just 5 numbers Robin - one for each line of text

  53. now I am totally lost, thought i was using the cipher, not sure what scale then, i have all the text below (all 84 letters) all changed to numbers but didn't use a scale for it.... guess i gotta go back to the drawing board, i take it the scale is not in red luth

  54. The scale you need has the same name as the cipher

  55. It's a scale for grading those items you have in the text.

  56. well that was easier than all the changing i did with the other numbers.... have the egg now, and in the previous hints it said in the gibberish i would find something to add the egg to, but i don't see it.???

  57. Look close at each intermediate step / result you did to get there.

  58. Did you capture the gibberish at each step? FTF

  59. not getting it, i wrote them down as i went but, just getting gibberish and granma doesn't give me one or two words?

  60. You should have 5 sets of gibberish - the title plus 4 others: Use the firsts, then do what the egg tells you.

  61. nvm got it... duh moment... forgot to add what i started with.

  62. If the gibberish you captured is correct you don't need grandma

  63. thank you verito and cee bee for your help, it was easier than i made it out to be, spent hours with no progress and you two got me through it in no time. thank you so much.

  64. You are doing great Robin :) Try not to overthink, although I know that's easier said than done :P

  65. Delta- Cannot get the egg. I looked through all the prior hints but this level does not look familiar. Any suggestions, please?

  66. I have some time this morning, but I'm not a good Pi, overthinking? hmm.
    Tried a combi of the two sorts of numbers but I can't find anything useful.
    Someone around this time of the day?

  67. Delta.
    Go back into your memory. Way back for some.
    What levels are they on?

  68. still having trouble with hard A. Can't find the three words to use as the picture shows. Tried male, female etc.

  69. Pi, using 'two sorts of numbers' to get numbers is the right way. Then use those numbers to pick letters.

  70. @arrie Thanks again arrie!!

    @Ike Just like the dolls. The title is the big doll. Look for a word inside of a word inside of a word.

  71. @Arrie, you know that number... Use only the digits with one particular property (what does the pic suggest? think math) to pick letters.

  72. Hard A
    Like the dolls, you have to make a large word smaller, and then do it again.

  73. duh.... found it, third word was easier than I expected. thx donas and dutchie

  74. Epsilon. I have the egg with the little emoticon but I am not sure how to apply anything. I tried ftf and using the numbers in a variety of ways but I cannot come up with anything.

  75. Epsilon
    Ftf is a good start, spell out the numbers might help.

  76. Verito, with my knowledge of English I can't get what you mean with 'particular property'.

  77. Epsilon To clarify, I did Ftf on the egg page (excluding the title). Those are the numbers I should spell out? And would it be better to place them vertically or horizontally?

  78. Epsilon
    Use ftf on the main page.

  79. @dutchie I did the ftf on the main page to get to the egg. But now I am confused. I am unsure what to do after finding that first egg.

  80. @dutchie Sorry, I confused myself. I didn't do ftf on the main page the first time. Sorry. I will try it now.

  81. Pi.
    Dutchie, Verito, thank you.
    I picked letters, taking the picture numbers out of the level suggestion.
    That's not the right way, I only get consonants?

  82. Long time no see :). Stuck on hard X. Not sure what to combine or to "Ivtrarer Pvcure", tried pretty much everything I could think of, getting gibberish. HEEEEEELP

  83. Vanja, there are some pretty good hints for that level up here. Let me scroll up and find and combine them for you. one moment.

  84. Hard X. I don't know what your gibberish up here says, but it's wrong.
    First add what you see, and use a cipher on it that is an anagram of the title.
    Then anagram the top word and add that to the top word, same procedure.
    This gives you 2 eggs.

  85. Morning all! It's a new day, and Hard-T still makes no sense to me. I just don't know what to do with the hints about "consecutive strings" and needing 9 things. I don't know what strings to pick out if not sentences. Everything I try gives me gibberish. Would appreciate a hard shove at this point - I think I'm past the gentle hints stage!

  86. Hard-T.
    Consecutive in this text means : three in a row.
    Find them and pick the middle ones.
    Think Alphabet.

  87. @BlackFiresong V sbyybjrq bgure cynlre’f uvagf: lbh arrq gb svaq avar “fgevatf bs yrggref” (guerr-yrggre ybat rnpu) va gur grkg. V tbbtyrq gb yrnea gur zrnavat bs “fgevat bs yrggref”. Nsgre gung vg vf nf rnfl nf “nOp”.

  88. Well, nOp is all you need to read in this hint.

  89. Hard-X I've found black and blue eggs but I don't understand how to apply the hints on the eggs. Can I have some help please?

  90. Can I get a hint on hard level Z? Don't know what the pairs the title is suggesting.

  91. @Puzzled
    Substitute the letters in your eggs. Beware of the number in the black egg.

  92. Your hint is better Tinned V.
    There's an equal number of words, so you can make pairs.

  93. Never mind on hard-X, just had a beutiful POP :)

  94. Hard X. Nope. I used Vigenere Cipher, anagram,and getting gibberish.Combine gibberish with what I see. Nada.Combine what I see with anagram. Nada. Combine gibberish with Anagram. Same thing.

  95. but thanks Tinned V. and Arrie :)

  96. Hard X.
    You really tried!
    Are you sure you used Viginere with the correct keyword?
    that's not the 4 letter word. The outcomes are the keywords.

  97. On Iota- I am trying to remove the firsts but I am coming up with too many letters. Can I get a boost, please?

  98. @Vanja, did you ROT the things you have? Anagram is a good first step.

  99. Verito, no ROT on Hard-X I believe.

  100. On Iota - Do I need to remove firsts for every word in the text or only certain ones?

  101. Can I please get a further hint on Pi?
    As said, I used the pic numbers on the level numbers and picked letters, but nothing useful there.

  102. Iota.
    Not on every word, they should still readable.

  103. ROT as in doing the math in the pic is what gave the keyword.

  104. @Arrie, the number is the one whose name you have immediately before the title, in red. You don't use all its digits, just those who are... (BIG hint in pic).

  105. Ah, thank you. ROT for me is Red Luth, rotating the alphabet.

  106. Med XXIV. Do I need to know how to play this game? If so, I will have to learn the rules/moves before I read back for hints.

  107. Level Pi.
    As I wrote up here, I did that, but only get consonants.

  108. Also wrote the sentence above the numbers and picked. Nothing either.

  109. I'm getting number blind here.
    It's enough.

  110. Hard E and stuck… Read a lot of hints but keep coming up with nothing useful.

  111. @Arrie, primes are 3, 5, 2... pick from each word in the text.

  112. @Clio, you need to know how the pieces move only and what's their notation to understand the hints below the pic.

  113. @Ike, if you start with what the title tells you, for the next letters increase or decrease according to the pic.

  114. Iota - Most people have gotten this one pretty easily but I cannot come up with anything? I need a boost in the right direction. I just know I have to remove some letters. The letters I'm removing are gibberish though when combined. Please help.

  115. @Chael, you don't need anymore the letters you removed but the ones the title hints.

  116. @verito: do I use the graphic (after doing what title tells) on all 8 following letters? Tried that but gibberish every time.

  117. @Ike, yes. Be sure to know which one is the one the title means (it's used in this forum to avoid spoilers). Then notice the pic goes +1 but then 2 units down, i.e. -1 with respect to your original "starting level".

  118. @Everybody Thank you, thank you, thank you. That level was driving me crazy.

  119. @verito, that was just what I needed to find the solution. Thanks!

  120. Thanks, Arrie and Puzzled! I'm finally on U.

  121. Just read through all the hints for U and still haven't the foggiest. I thought from the riddle itself that it was all about removing, but I'm supposed to add some letters too? Is the text in the pic important, or just the text below the pic? Is it to do with zoning in on the parts of the garment that have been removed?

  122. Can someone tell me the answer to Med. level 1. I've read all the hints, still nothing

  123. @Unknown, ftf, but also include the ftf word under the pic. Then take your recipe to granny to cook.

  124. For some reason I'm just not getting this one, oh well

  125. Still on Hard X. arrie,I am confused, to get keyword for Vigenere I need keyword??????? Now, I am totaly lost. I get only gibberish, gibberish and gibberish.

  126. @Vanja - can you help me on Hard-U? I don't know what to add and what to subtract :( If I can catch up to you I will try and help you on X!

  127. @Unknown. Nor did I. I had to have my hand held the whole way through. There are 8 paragraphs. Each paragraph starts with a Capital letter. There is one word under the turkey. It also starts with a capital letter. That makes 9 letters in total. Take them to granny

  128. @BlackFiresong Cnl nggragvba gb gur grkg orybj cvpgher. Vg gryyf lbh jung ABG gb hfr naq jung gb nqq/ercynpr vg jvgu va gur ynfg jbeq. Jnvgvat ba K! :)

  129. Okay so now back and starting HardA, but need a little push

  130. Finally, thanks clio, it was much easier than I was making it

  131. on hard F I found the egg, but don't get the overlap.

  132. Stuck on Hard X. Read all the hints, and coming up with nothing. I am definitely overthinking and not seeing something clear. pls any help is welcome

  133. @Vanja, from doing the sum in the pic you get a gibberish that will be your keyword. And the letters below the pic is what you need to decode.

  134. @Colmkilm, apply what happens in the image to the title word.

  135. Still need a push on hard level Z.
    Are there 8 pairs of words? Some words can have more than one pair and some can't even pair with the other words.

  136. @Ike, the egg image, if you overlap it with the previous image, tells you in which area you can find two more elements like the ones you already found.

  137. @Zoran, an anagram of the title tells you which cipher to use, in which you can put the letters below the pic and use as keyword the result of the math in the pic.

  138. For those in hard X, that will give a first egg. The first word in the pic + an anagram of itself will give another keyword.

  139. @Vanja - Thanks! Ohg vs V erzbir gur yrggref bs gur ynfg jbeq sebz gur grkg va gur cvp, V trg tvoorevfu, naq V qba'g trg jung gb nqq gb znxr vg abg tvoorevfu. Netu! Srryvat sehfgengrq :(

  140. @Tinned use the words in pairs to apply one of the basic riddling rules (those from Easy 1).

  141. @Blackfiresong, the text in the pic is not important, maybe what you need to do now is find another anagram of what you got after adding and removing things.

  142. @BlackFiresong, Sebz svefg jbeq (erzbir) abg VPR, frpbaq jbeq (nqq) jvgu BHG gb qn ynfg jbeq RynfgVP. ab VPR lrf BHG

  143. @Verito, i know for cipher, but what I don't know, what to put for decoding, sbhegrra, zneevrq, nqzvere, nantenz?????????

  144. @Verito: The problem is that I have no idea what to add to or remove from :/ And I don't understand what to add as the text at the bottom only talks about removing (I assume the letters in e******* are to removed from something or other). If the text on the pic is irrelevant then I am totally lost. Vs V gnxr gur svefg naq ynfg yrggref bs "abgvpr jvgubhg", V trg "arjg", ohg V'z abg fher vs gung zrnaf nalguvat!

  145. @Verito I have been doing that with so many combos. How many words do I need

  146. @Verito
    I have 11 pairs of words (Some words are used more than once). I couldn't get anything out of it.

  147. @Vanja and @Verito - thank you!!! Finally on V. U was so simple once it clicked! And I was almost ready to throw in the towel.

  148. copied the egg and "tried" to overlap with first image but come up with 1 vowel and 5 consonants. Can't make anything out of those 6.

  149. @Zoran, put the text below the image, it's four letters.

  150. Well done BlackFiresong!

  151. @Verito I know that, I don't know math.

  152. @Colmkilm use the title, remove its external elements for a second word, repeat once again for a third and last word in the core. Use the three of them to make a sentence.

  153. @Tinned, try putting in granny the first two words of the level text together. See what you get. Continue for seven more pairs.

  154. Thank you Verito. Got it finally. Didn't think it was that easy. Thought it was a check and guess level.

  155. @Zoran, Lbh xabj gur pvcure nyernql. Lbh arrq n tvoorevfu gb qrpbqr naq n xrljbeq gb chg vg gung pvcure. Sbe gur tvoorevfu gb qrpbqr hfr gubfr sbhe yrggref orybj gur cvpgher. Sbe gur xrljbeq hfr jung lbh trg sebz qbvat gur zngu ZNEEVRQ+NANTENZ, Z+N= A, N+A = B, E+N = F, rgp. nqq yrggre ol yrggre (hfr gurve ahzrevp inyhrf vs vg'f rnfvre, sbe rknzcyr gur ynfg gjb ner Q + Z, qb (Q=4) + (Z=13) = (D=17). Bapr lbh qvq nyy gung fhz, gung'f gur fgevat bs yrggref lbh chg va gur xrljbeq svryq bs lbhe pvcure. V ubcr vg'f pyrnere.

  156. @Ike, by looking at the two areas hinted by the second pic, you should find -in the first pic- two more consonants. If you add them to what you already have from the eggword you'll get a new word with granny.

  157. @Tinned well done! I get lost in the comments every time I refresh the page LOL.

  158. Hard-W - I found the egg and have tried taking second letters instead of first letters (since no caps) and grannying, but that doesn't work. What to do with the egg hint?

  159. @Verito. TY I had done that but did not notice the plural!

  160. @Verito, jung nobhg V+E=gjraglfrira? Nycnorg unir bayl gjraglfvk yrggref. Znlor N be abg?

  161. @BlackFiresong, think of a word that means what the picture says, i.e. an antonym for (eggword).

  162. @Verito: Thanks. The obvious antonyms (inevngvbaf bs "fznyy") don't seem to be working. In fact, I accidentally found an egg for Level AI with one of them, bahahaha.

  163. Edit: NEVER MIND. I had a massive POP moment as soon as I'd posted the above comment. On the dreaded X now!

  164. @Zoran yes, what you say is correct.

  165. @BlackFiresong, well done again!

  166. @verito, found it, thanks again !

  167. OK, so there are a LOT of hints on Hard-X already and I feel bad to ask for more, but it's really difficult sorting through so many comments about it. I tried to follow Arrie's hint about adding what I see, but that gives me 7-letter gibberish. Supposedly I need a 4 letter word to get an egg? How do I apply the 7 letter gibberish to the 4 letter gibberish to get something that isn't gibberish? LOL.

  168. @BFS
    The first 4 letters of 7 are the keys to decipher the 4 letter gibberish.

  169. Btw, thanks @Verito for you encouragement! You're spurring me on :D I want to get to Z today and then resume tomorrow.

  170. @Tinned Veg - Thanks! OK, I had totally misunderstood the cipher - from Wiki, I just thought you picked letters out of a table. I put in the bottom 4 letters as a key to decode the gibberish I got from the maths - but unfortunately I got more gibberish. :/

  171. Also, with the addition, what if the sum of a pair exceeds 26? Do I start counting from A again? Do I carry one to the next pair like with regular addition?

  172. @Verito thanks, got black egg. Need blue egg, but how, To be or not to be, this is a question? :)

  173. NEVER MIND! My Maths was totally correct, but I had the keyword as the text to decode and vice versa. Got the two eggs now and am stuck once again. I can interpret the hint on the blue egg fine (I think), but the number on the black egg is clearly weird and throws me off. I get gibberish from the blue egg, but I assume that once I have the black egg answer and can visit Granny, I'll get the solution?

  174. @Zoran - for blue egg, do the same thing with the other string of gibberish as the keyword (the one you get from doing first word + anagram of first word).

  175. @BlackFiresong, I got bojp, no sense at all.

  176. Hard X.
    Are you sure it's a number on black egg?

  177. Omicron, other than lightening the pic I am not getting anywhere, have run out of ideas what to try, have tried all the basic riddling techniques and a few ciphers... what am I overlooking?

  178. Omnicron
    You have to find 9 of what is in pic.

  179. Hard X, for blue egg means "ABFLSD+NQZVERE=ZFEX sbe xrljbeq".

  180. Hard X.
    No, use that word you anagrammed correctly and do the math again, top word stays the same.

  181. Anyone remember Med. V? I notice the 3 letters and how each letter is in a different format, but can't get it

  182. thanks dutchie,that was easy part :), now beginning nightmare.

  183. Med V
    Take the first letter of each format, anagram with letters on level.

  184. Hard X - I had a problem with this one as well. Do what the two eggs say and then take your eggs to granny.

  185. Almost 2200 comments, next comments will be on a new page.

  186. Thanks everyone, on Hard Y

  187. Hmmm, still not getting it

  188. Hard Y. I think I am using proper solver quipqiup, need small push.

  189. Kappa - I have the first egg have have llned up the words (nycunorgvpnyyl) according to the title. Looking at previous hints I am supposed to come across a second egg but I have no idea how to get there. I have tried using the numbers from the first egg page.

  190. need some help with Med V

  191. Hard H , playing escape games now and then I know what URL means, but don't understand what to "translate"

  192. @Unknown - Don't just consider the three letters you see. You have to factor in what is different about each. How long has it been since you visited your granny too?

  193. Hard W
    Still on it! Have read the comments to Black Firesong, but I cannot come up with the opposite of c*** for all the words I've tried. Guess I need a major clue. As I am definitely in the dark!


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