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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
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  1. @P3P What is another word for caps - U*******e?

  2. Chael, thank you so much. I had looked at that yesterday and didn't think to try it!! Will be back tomorrow for Hard X.


  3. No Problem P3P. I understand your frustration.

  4. @Ike, place your pic in U, R, L and read again what letters you get.

  5. Pi, came back to read if there were hints and yes, thanks verito. The what is not what I needed, but the how. I kept on going through the entire sentence, not the words by themselves.

  6. @Chael, I don't understand how you lined up the words but you need to do it by the one thing that is remarked in the title. Think of an acrostic. Then you may be able to see.

  7. @Arrie, do you have it now? It seems that you do.

  8. @Verito I lined them up by the letter emphasized in the title. I put them in alphabetical order (which may be wrong) and stacked them vertically. I cannot make anything out of this though.

  9. Hard Z, small push pls

  10. @Chael, just the first thing you said, nothing else. Leave the words in the order they are. Use a monospace font like courier or grid paper to write the letters. You should be able to read something in diagonal from bottom right to top left. (Ftf also spell what you probably already have as egg, starting from bottom.)

  11. @Zoran, see if my comment at helps you.

  12. @Verito Thanks a bunch. I don't know why I rearranged them alphabetically. That was my hang up. After that I blazed through it. Thanks again.

  13. That's at 8/1/18, 8:24 AM.

  14. I'm glad you got it @Chael.

  15. stuck at G, i have one egg

  16. @verito, so sorry, but I still don't get anything useful. Must be doing something wrong obviously

  17. @Ike, you have to turn the pic U, R, L, it will look like different letters that way. Three in the first one, one in the second, one in the third.

  18. Anyone have a clue for HELL level Xi...?
    I've solved the numbers and found EGG. I've followed the egg's instructions. Am I looking at M***E? If so, how many letters?

  19. @Molly, which pyramid is it? The first one, the second one or the third one?

  20. Xi
    do what egg instructs keep a space between lines and take it to paint to draw. No M***e

  21. @verito,the third pyramid

  22. Tau.
    I thought the hint to read starting on the right meant Atbash, but that's not it.
    Is it a code in two? Cause of the title?

  23. Tau, try to seperate the string

  24. @Molly, in this pyramid you have to consider more things than in the previous one. The side of the triangle in which the coordinates are placed tells you in which direction to start rotating. If the coordinates are straight the sense of rotation is counterclockwise but if they're mirrored the sense of rotation is clockwise. You can move in three diferent directions and the positive senses of movement are E, NW and SW. This means the negative senses are W, SE and NE. Negative coordinates mean you walk backwards. The order of the coordinates is as is if the letter is upright, if you are in a letter that is upside down you need to invert the order of the coordinates. That means that the third one becomes first one. The startpoint is bottom left only for the first move, then each letter becomes the new startpoint with its own coordinates. You never go outside the pyramid so if a number of steps is too big that makes you go outside the border it means you're probably doing something wrong.

    Molly, en esta pirámide tenés que considerar más cosas que en las anteriores. El lado del triángulo en el cuál están ubicadas las coordenadas te indican en qué dirección comenzar a moverte en la rotación. Si las coordenadas están al derecho, el sentido de rotación es el contrario a las agujas del reloj pero si están en espejo significa que el sentido de rotación es el de las agujas del reloj. Te podés mover en tres direcciones diferentes y para cada una de ellas el sentido positivo del movimiento es E, NO y SO. Eso quiere decir que los sentidos negativos son hacia el O, SE y NE. Si las coordenadas son negativas significa que tenés que caminar hacia atrás. El orden de las coordenadas queda como está si la letra está al derecho pero si la letra está invertida tenés que invertir el orden de las coordenadas. O sea que la tercera pasaría a ser la primera. El punto de partida es abajo a la izquierda solamente para la primer rotación, después cada letra a la que llegás se convierte tu nuevo punto de partida con sus propias coordenadas. Una ayuda es que nunca podés salirte de la pirámide así que si te pasa que tenés un número de pasos tan grande que te hace salir fuera del borde, lo más probable es que tengas algún error.

    I hope this helps. That pyramid represents the bottommost circle of hell.

  25. gracias Verito ..a volver intentarlo

  26. Omicron, (ty at dutchie for the direction) spent hours looking finally found the egg, tried granma with the egg info and got nothing useful, the egg does indicate to take one out right? tried adding an extra also and it didn't work either?

  27. Omnicron
    Try to take one out on something else, it is a bit sneaky.

  28. Hard AC - I'm using paper and pencil but I'm getting nowhere. Some groups give me 2-3 possibilities. Last group I cannot even read anything on it. Am I looking for a 7 letter word? Do I have to anagram? ... lost again. Please help.

  29. @dutchie
    "Xi do what egg instructs keep a space between lines and take it to paint to draw. No M***e"
    If I'm doing this right, I get 10 letters, if I'm looking for letters? And.. if this is right, do I need to visit granny?

  30. @Puzzled, sizes matter and 7 letters is correct. No anagram.

  31. Xi
    Yes ten letters, no anagram if you read backwards.

  32. Okay.. now I see it. Thank You Dutchie :D

  33. level I: subtract romans from what?

  34. @mishu: Use the sticks that make up the Romans

  35. :) Glad you're making progress.

  36. I really don't know what/where else to apply the egg on Omicron, tried different levels everything there, even on 'something as' you suggested, everything I can find, and think of another nudge please someone

  37. @Robin, your egg has a two-word title in red.

  38. I swear I tried that, must have taken out too many letters, thank you verito.

  39. Hard AD - uff too late to try anything. I read previous hints and I don't know how to apply left part into right part using that code. I better go to rest :)

  40. @Puzzled, if you move down you should notice one kind of ciphering, if you go right you should notice another one. Goodnight, sleeping will help.

  41. Xi - I'm not sure how to begin this. I received a rotten egg for my troubles. I am trying to use the numbers on the main text of the main page but not sure exactly how to use them. Can I get a push, please?

  42. @Chael: XI if you got the egg from the maths, it should lead you to a 2nd egg: Then Use the first two numbers as the words in bold on the 2nd egg - adjust by the 3rd number. You should find some special times.

  43. @Cee Bee I don't understand the maths to get to a good egg.

  44. Sorry - I think I got the wrong level - I thought you meant Medium XI - You meant Hell Xi, right?

  45. @Cee Bee Yeah, I'm in hell. Both literally and figuratively.

  46. @Chael: So sorry!!!

    Do you see anything if you take a closer look at the image? (Not in the text itself)

  47. @Cee Bee I see that some of the letters are underlined and some have little dots or notches above or below them. But that is in the text. I cannot find anything else.

  48. Look to see which letters have those dots and notches.

  49. @Cee Bee Thank you. I made it to the good egg. Gonna see if I can get this now.

  50. I am stuck on sigma, looked through all the hints cant find any for this level, cant read music so am I stuck for good?

  51. @Robin, turn your head (or screen) and try to SEE.

  52. @Robin: The text on the level hints at a certain way to 'read' the music. How would that artist do it?

  53. verito, if I really warp it I can see 4 letters maybe, well actually 2 different but 4 all together, am I on the right track? only see those using the stems sticking out?

  54. @Cee bee I am trying to do what the egg tells me to do. I figure I have to znxr yvarf jurer gur abgpurf yvar hc naq gura hfr gubfr yrggref but I am not getting anything.

  55. thank you both, onto tau.

  56. @Chael it sounds as if you have the right idea - read it the other way.

  57. @Cee Bee Sorry for my ignorance but how do I read it another way?

  58. Maybe I misunderstood you again - Dutchie left an earlier hint for Xi - does this help?
    dutchie 8/1/18, 2:56 PM

    do what egg instructs keep a space between lines and take it to paint to draw. No M***e

  59. Then instead of reading left to right, read right to left

  60. @Cee Bee I was trying to nyvta vg by eye. Do I need a program to split the image and do it?

  61. I copied into Paint and did it by eye. Is that what you are trying to do?

  62. @Cee Bee Yes, although I have a mac so i use Paintbrush. Should be similar though.

  63. Do you understand Dutchie's hint to draw?

  64. @Cee Bee No. I have to keep the white space between the lines but yet I still have to draw? I am trying to figure out what that means. I have to connect something. I tried m**** earlier and ruled that out. Trying to see of notches and lines are still relevant after the egg.

  65. on Upsilon, I know the pics, and I assume I use the reference on the list, but how? I only get gibberish … do I need to zig zag some how?

  66. @Robin: Did you find the eggs?

  67. @ Cee bee You can delete. I will work with that. Thank you very much for your patience.

  68. thanks cee bee, didn't think to type those in, will use the eggs and try to get further .

  69. on Phi, don't know what word he is looking for, tried all the words I know... and some phrases too, but not working.... can someone give me a hint?

  70. have tried everything in thesaurus, and asked wiki too many times to count and keep getting the same answers over and over again... none of which work.

  71. Still stuck on Hell-Xi. I know the methodology but I must not be making the correct letters.

  72. Phi
    Where in a book? Answer is two words, one of them is a number written out.

    The four dots are two different letters. The letter under more and meaning is the same letter, imagine a small horizontal line attached halfway on the vertical line. Read backwards.

  73. @Dutchie Thanks for pushing me over that hill. I was reading those two letters differently. Thanks especially to Cee Bee for putting up with me and my incessant questions all day. Upward and onward!

  74. Pi - I have the letters from from text using the methods described in earlier hints. However, I have no idea what to do with them.

  75. Morning all!

    @Chael and @dutchie - I can understand the egg with the letter = letter hint - guessing things just shift along as per that instruction. It's the one that has number letter = letter that I don't understand how to interpret.

  76. ^^ the above is referring to Hard X.

  77. Hard-X - I'm actually not even sure I'm interpreting the blue egg right. Qbrf Z = A zrna gung "obbx" orpbzrf "pccy"? Naq vs fb, jung qbrf 1B = P zrna? Qb V vtaber gur bar naq whfg gnxr B = P naq qb gur fnzr guvat ba "ornz"? Orpnhfr gung tvirf zr "cfbn", naq tenaalvat "pccycfbn" tvirf zr n ovt sng "ab erfhygf". :(

  78. @BFS
    You are overthinking. Just replace the letter appeared in your eggs. Note that the number in the black egg.

  79. @BlackFiresong,Hard X, vg vf abg 10, vg vf 1 "B" n yrggre abg n ahzore. Nccyl gung gb gur jbeq.

  80. OMG. I was WAY overthinking. xD Was getting soooo frustrated! Thanks @Tinned Veg and @Zoran. @Zoran, I knew it was a letter followed by a number, but I just had no idea how to interpret it.

    Note to anyone else who reaches Hard X and is struggling - apply the hints on the eggs based on the COLOUR OF THE TEXT THEY'RE WRITTEN IN. NOT based on the egg they are actually on.

    Finally on Y!

  81. Hard-AB. I tried FTF for a clue, since that clearly spells a word (B*******), but that doesn't work, and neither do anagrams of it. Where am I going wrong? :/

  82. @Chael, if you get one from each word you should get a good looking result. Nothing else to do after that.

  83. @BlackFiresong, for what you found do you know which only elements you need? Read a bit about it if you don't. Next look them up, you have a long text where to search.

  84. Hard H , even with all the hints I don't seem to be able to get anything plausible.

  85. @ike: Hard-H - You're presented with 3 symbols. Read them separately, then together forwards and together backwards. That should give you 5 letters. Then take those to Granny. (Hope I'm remembering this properly!).

    @Verito: Thanks, but I'm now highly confused! So I only need some letters from B******* for a clue? How do I figure out which ones? I tried reverse Googling the image and didn't really get anything. Not sure how it ties into the level. I'm completely baffled.

  86. @BF, that name you found is the name of a binary cipher. Read about it to learn which elements it uses.

  87. Thx BF and Verito, didn't think it was that easy. Way overthinking all the time.

  88. @Verito Are my letters correct? Because I cannot make a word out of them. vgv rru abn efb ru fer grr

  89. @Verito: Thank you! Omg! I'm learning loads of new ciphers from this riddle. Didn't know about Vigenere either. Am still stuck, though - have been picking out the relevant letters BAsed on the code, but I can't seem to get a multiple of five. Is the title and/or the picture included?

  90. Hard AB
    Take the needed letters in order as they are in text.
    Each line make one letter. Answer is eight letters.

  91. @dutchie - Thanks! I had the right idea. I was just missing some of the letters. Onto AC now. :)

  92. Pi
    Use only the prime numbers from Pi to pick letters, 9 total.

  93. I've found the egg and read the hints for Hard-AD, and I'm on Red Luth, but the cipher makes NO sense to me. I've read the Wikipedia page, but I can't figure out how to work backwards to decrypt the letters to the right of the equals sign. A gentle nudge?

  94. Actually, I don't even know if I've got the right cipher for Hard-AD, since I'm trying the cipher the egg said not to use. xD

  95. Chi, I have tried using mistakes and corrections, ftf, characters from the actual transcript, cant even find 1 egg, saw the hidden hint, doesn't help. what am I over looking?

  96. Hi all, onto Hard-Q after a small break... and I really HATE logic puzzles :-(

  97. @Eric - Aww! I loved that level 'cause I love logic puzzles. Just make a nice table and you'll solve it in no time. It reminded me of the Who Lives Here games from Abroy - I was even humming the theme tune from those as I solved it. xD

  98. Hard AD
    You need to use two ciphers, one you already know because you used it to get egg. The pic is hint for the other cipher needed.

    Try to change the url to get more eggs.

  99. Need a hint on hard AH
    I know I need to go back to the path which the colour indicated.
    But what level exactly? Is it at last?

  100. Thanks, @dutchie!! I got it in a hot second from your hint. I knew I was wayyyy overthinking (as usual!)

  101. Hard AH
    Yes check the last level, you will find something useful there.

  102. Thanks dutchie. I almost got the answer.
    Suddenly realized what the other colour meant.

  103. Hard-AE.

    I understand what to do. I believe there are 5 operations per row. I have worked out all the patterns except for the 3rd. This is what I have (for the row A B C D = [1][2][3][4][5]):

    [1] = N k Q
    [2] = O gb gur cbjre P
    [3] = ???
    [4] = O
    [5] = P gb gur cbjre O

    I just CANNOT work out the third one. Someone please shove me (off a cliff, lol).

  104. RHO - I've found the egg and know the cipher and a possible keyword. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Any clues for this one? :)

  105. @BFS: once solved, I don't see how it can helps to pass the level ???

  106. Hard AE
    3. do something with 1st and 2nd digit

    Pic on egg tells what cipher you need, url tells what key is.

  107. Hard Q
    The missing words lead to a question, google will help to find the answer.

  108. Managed to figure out the 3rd one on AE! That was a bit tricky! Onto AF now. Going to look up hints as I am highly confuzzled.

  109. @dutchie - Thanks for helping :)

    @Eric - you should have a missing space for each category. Extrapolate from the data you already have to figure what each of the missing pieces of data is. Then Google all those things together and that should give you an egg.

  110. chi, got all the eggs, including the rotten one, and trying to apply the ending but not getting it, not sure I am applying it correctly, tried other alphabets with my answers and get nothing, is my answer still going to be 9/10 letters?

  111. Hard-AI:
    Found 5 eggs, 1 important egg and 1 almost egg.
    What should I do now? Are there more eggs?

  112. OK, the hints for Hard-AF make NO sense - there's no mention of a colour on the level. Apparently I need to copy to Paint and colour-code the grid somehow? My brain is VERY confused.

    OMG, I could totally finish the Hard Path today, though :D Level AF is the 32nd out of 35 levels... and I accidentally found an egg for Level AI earlier, so I'm totally at an advantage right now! 4 more levels (including the one I'm currently on), and then tomorrow maybe I can raise some hell if I feel like trying that!

  113. @BFS
    Convert the number. Use the words to paint the grid.
    You will get something visually.

  114. @Tinned Veg - Thanks! But I'm afraid I'm still stuck. An earlier hint said to put the words on the level in the grid. So I put 25 out of the 26 letters of the caption into the grid and then tried listing those letter out based on the numbers in the grid, but that didn't really give me anything. I also tried putting the first 25 letters of the alphabet in the grid - that didn't really give me anything either. I also tried converting numbers to letters and writing letters in the grid that way - that also didn't work. Totally stumped. Not getting anything letter-wise or numerically, so can't get anything visually :/

  115. @Tinned, I'm not sure where you are, five all together? In any case there are more. If I can understand where you are I may lead you to the next.

  116. @Robin, I gather you have all the eggs including the one with the hints. But you have hints for some items, it doesn't mean that the ones you don't have hints you must leave them as they are, they just don't belong to your answer.

  117. No clue on Hard-AF still - I thought maybe I could pick colour names out of the letters and shade the grid accordingly, but I run out of As and Es way too quickly, and most colour names have those!

  118. Just saw a hint on one of the previous pages that says to make a new grid for each word??? But none of the words are 25 letters long :/ This is the hardest level yet :/ It makes noooo sense to me :(

  119. @Verito
    I have 5 eggs then follow the operators and get an important egg.
    But it said it is one out of two. Not sure how to get another.
    Also got an almost egg by FTF.

  120. verito, It's not clicking with me on chi.... don't understand like for 1 it stays the same? and what does 8 even mean? is it all the English language? 4 mirrored is a roman number 2, how do I apply that to the mix?

  121. @BFS
    No need to make a new grid for each word.
    Instead, do what I said before. It's not about colours.
    You will get some letters out of these words.

  122. Rho
    "Pic on egg tells what cipher you need, url tells what key is."
    I see cipher in pic... I have the key name from egg url... I'm still getting gibberish?

  123. The Newbie,
    Not the whole url. It kind of says ? is key

  124. @Tinned Veg - I tried to colour "T******M*****", "T*B**K**" and "S***" (last letter doesn't fit into the grid) different colours based on their position. So one colour for the letters in positions 1 to 13, another for 14 to 21, and another for 22 to 25. But that doesn't show me anything visually. Either I am doing something wrong or there is yet another cipher I've never heard of involved in this. Or do I have to colour each letter in differently? Like all "T"s one colour etc? 'Cause that's a lot of colours...

  125. Tinned Vegitable,

    The almost egg is a rotten egg, but it says you need that other word from the ftf pic.

  126. And just like that, venting my frustration in the comments made it click for me what I need to do. xD (Note to anyone else who gets stuck on Hard-AF - shade in the grid according to the alphabet. No need to superimpose the words upon the grid as they are).

    I now have 3 letters, but they don't seem to work as an answer...

  127. omg small tool you know how much paper I went through trying to rearrange and transform letters for that level? lol, still don't understand what to do with eight though, keep coming back to s but doesn't seem to make a word?

  128. Hard AF
    Make a grid with letters instead of numbers, mark the letters of one of the words and see if it makes a letter. Do the same with all the words.

  129. OK, I didn't realise the other two words also had to be processed similarly. Finally onto AG! Wooooo. I can taste the finish line! Although it sounds like I have to find about 10000 eggs on AI, so my rejoicing is perhaps premature...

  130. Thanks, dutchie! I made it to AG :)

  131. It's correct Robin, so probably another one wrong.

  132. I made some headway on Hard-AG (found an egg). I've read the hints about the egg, but I have no clue what to do. I assume it relates to the Latin on the level itself and that I need to use the key and hint provided on a cipher. I tried simply ROT-ing the hint text, but that didn't help. I can't find any cipher on Red Luth relating to angles.

  133. thanks small tool, had one wrong, onto psi... hopefully I wont over think this one so much and veer so far off

  134. Hard-AG - apparently I'm looking for a 5 letter answer. I need to do something to "fix the egg in deg" (?), and I have hints for an unknown cipher. I'm meant to apply what the egg tells me to the text (not sure if I'm applying it to the main level text or the egg text). Not sure what converting to deg will do given that deg values are too large to convert into letters (I tried ignoring the zeroes and Grannying, but that didn't help).

  135. Hard AG
    converting to numbers is a good start. First word in egg pic tells what to do.

  136. @dutchie: I have 5 deg values. Is that what you mean by converting to numbers? Re: first word in egg pic... I thought I already did that in order to get the egg in the first place... so I'm not sure how I can do that again.

  137. what do I do with the egg on Psi? tried actors from the answer, tried applying my clues to each line front and back, tried the periodic table, Caesar, and even tried it blind (lol) stumped?

  138. BlackFiresong,
    Remember level B?

    The picture tells you what's needed.

  139. @s-t - Ooh, thanks! Does that mean it's to do with rad rather than deg? 'Cause if I convert to rad, one of the values is a fraction that doesn't have 1 in the numerator. I also tried dividing into two by the red line to get two three-digit degree values... however, no conversion of those numbers to letters gives me anything of substance. I'm still confused by the cipher element too. :(

  140. Hi :) I have the eggs on Upsilon.
    I don't know how to apply them on what?

  141. @Arrie hi, if you have the egg 1 of 1 (one of the paths), that's the name of a classification system of egg 2 of 2 (in the other egg path). Look up what each number represents.

  142. Upsilon.
    Thank you Veri. This proves again that I was looking for something familiar to find a link. This is an interesting level.

  143. Going to abandon ship for today. I'll have to finish the path tomorrow!

  144. Omega, I have read all the clues I can find and am confused on how to even start, is it 1 letter for each 3 digits across, or is it 8 letters going down 3 times? which direction do I start with up down left? right up sw? need a nudge to even start?

  145. Omega
    The letter you end on after taking the 3 steps is what you need. Answer is 8 letters. Follow the shape of pyramid, start with bottom.

  146. dutchie, I got the first one finally, but stumped on second, how do I go 14 and continue on?

  147. Omega2
    Count all triangles you pass this time.

  148. Hard AG, stuck with Julius on egg. Any advice?

  149. what about the neg numbers? just back track where I came from? gives me gibberish?

  150. Omega2
    Negative numbers means the opposite way.

  151. @Zoran, convert to numbers. Then do what the picture tells you (in each line).

  152. "@Verito, convert to numbers". What? I am confuse.

  153. Can I get a hint on how to find eggs on Chi?

  154. thank you dutchie, now on the real messy one, think I got the first two letters ok, then my head started

  155. @Zoran
    convert Fix/egg to numbers

  156. Omega3
    Verito posted a good comment about that.

    try to do something with url.

  157. @dutchie,done, and I got "fvk svir svir fvk avar, pbaireg gb yrggref-srrsv? V pna'g qvivqr svir naq avar". For the moment I am totally lost

  158. @Zoran, convert alphabet-to-numbers, then do the math that Julius tells you.

  159. @Zoran
    Fix/egg is 6924/577 Now do the math.

  160. So simple. Thanks @dutchie, @Verito

  161. CHI - I found 9 eggs. Could I get a hint of what to next? A previous post mentioned and egg with hints? Is this other that the first page?

  162. Chi
    You need to find the final egg with hints but it's not numbered liked the other eggs.

  163. PI- Now I'm confused. There are six words in the text to pull letters from. So I was using the cevzr numbers of cv to get letters from each word. That is giving me far more than I should have though.

  164. Pi,
    There are 7 words in text to get letters from. Each words gives one letter.

  165. Chi.
    I see what I have to do, but only found 8 eggs.
    Egg 6 is not a letter?
    And where is egg 9?

  166. ah. not a number. let me think :)

  167. Chi
    Try to find the final page, it's not numbered.

  168. @dutchie Sorry, you are correct there are seven words. I miscounted. If I am doing this correctly, there are guerr cevzr numbers to choose from in each word. I cannot make a word from these choices. You mentioned avar total letters. I tried using the words in the pic for those but I think I am also off base.

  169. Hard AH easy level, but for me like heavy industry. Agrhhh. I have been on first easy and....nothing.

  170. YES, on Psi, thanks Dutchie.

  171. I really liked the last three levels :).

  172. AH
    Maybe have a look at last easy then :)

  173. @Chael, no, dutchie 8/2/18, 1:35 PM: Each words gives one letter. Write down the first digits of that number that have that property you said until you have enough of them to apply one to each word.

  174. @Verito & @Dutchie Thanks. Thats where I was getting confused.

  175. Hard K , doing what the text tells me to I finally get 65 letters. Can't be right I guess ?
    Moreover, apart from first 10 or so there aren't any words to be read.

  176. Hard AG - I can't even find that egg everybody is talking about :( Can I have a little help ?

  177. @Ike, the method is similar to the one you used before but you start from two ends and go up and down. You should get 45 less letters than that.

  178. End of page notice, new comments will be in next page etc. You know how it is.

  179. @Puzzled, you need to measure the slices you see. Then do the math.

  180. Over 2400 :) must be a record!

  181. Psi.
    I'm googling a lot, but I have no idea what to look for.
    That makes it rather uncertain, all sorts of info you could collect. A hint please?

  182. Psi
    Google per line. You will notice something.

  183. Of course, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

  184. BTW, how many eggs on Hard AI? It is midnight in my place.

  185. @Zoran I think 8 good eggs and one rotten

  186. Tau - Do I need to use RedLuth to break this into two strings or just pen and paper?

  187. @Chael, I did it with pen and paper.

  188. @ Verito - thanks so much, I have my very own egg to mess around now :)

  189. Psi.
    "The picture tells you what's needed."
    Ehm ... no, it doesn't.
    Tried Martini, action, take, scene/s ...

  190. thank you for pyramid .. trial and failure ..done!
    how much cost!


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