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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
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  1. O yes, Sean is the only one, tried that too. But I will search on. Thank you.

  2. @Molly Well done!! Great job!

  3. @Arrie, pic tells you who's name you need.

  4. Tau- I broke it into two strings. I think I am getting a message when reading it evtuggbyrsg that is pointing me towards the following level but not sure. Am I on the right track?

  5. @Chael, everything seems correct. Go on.

  6. Yes Chael, right track, but use the title (what it stands for) as method to divide it into two strings. No anagram that way.

  7. @dutchie Hard-AG, I used your tip to Zoran, onto AH now. Thanks :)

  8. @Veri & @small-tool Thanks again. Was sorting wrong but figured it out.

  9. Upsilon - I have identified the people in the pics as well as a common theme among them. However, typing the word or words that link them is getting me nowhere. Can I get a boost, please?

  10. @Chael, do you know each's character?

  11. this third pyramid is killing me, reading all the clues and trying to follow them, I keep getting totally lost, I believe I have the first 5 letters and then I get lost again, if following the clues to turn the pyramid to read the numbers... I keep going from I to O which wouldn't make a word, is it a proper sentence I am trying to form?

  12. @Veri Thanks again. I was putting the full names.

  13. @Robin, not a proper sentence, just words put together. You'll see why later.

  14. You start at the same place as in the one you did before, you use the coordinates in the level text that once.

  15. Hard AH - I don't how to use the hints talking about "past levels", "colours", "key words in the title", "last easy" and some very important "old level little twist" that I can't remember atm ... again I need some hint to put me back on track ... please?

  16. @Puzzled, do you remember when you started what things were green, blue and red? Go back to the place where you had a slightly modified version of how to convert that. The colours you see are hints.

  17. verito, I know where to start and all, but I keep losing it at the fifth letter, backwards and negatives keep confusing me, since its an upside down letter I start with the third number, but because its backwards I have to go west instead of east, then se and ne, doesn't seem to land on something that would fit ?

  18. @Robin, fifth is not an upside down letter, fourth is.

  19. Do you think your first two words are right? Do they look like words? We can try to check the first of the next word.

  20. Thanks Verito. I guess I need to check my notes on all levels, my memory is not so good. I'm going to rest now, no worries, after all ... tomorrow is another day ;)

  21. Goodnight Puzzled, don't dream TTT. LOL

  22. I think my first 2 are ok we can check for a mistake or check for the first of the next

  23. @Robin, you should be upsidedown with mirrored coords, first one tells you to do a step in the place (well, moving horizontally), second one to move SW (second direction following CW rotation) in the positive sense for that direction, third one to move NW but you have a negative value so walk backwards.

  24. From fourth letter, your coordinates are on the side of the triangle telling you to start SW but you have a negative value so walk backwards (bottom-leftmost value because the letter is inverted), next coordinate should be NW because they're mirrored so CW rotation, but the value is also negative so walk backwards again. Last movement is E but negative once again so backwards steps.

  25. It's a 5. I haven't kept notes of this level so every time I have to redo my steps LOL.

  26. was hoping I would finish today, but am so lost still, on the next letter the numbers on the sid indicating sw but neg so ne another neg so go se and another neg so west just as with the last letter right?

  27. Correct (if I re-did it well). LOL

  28. going to post what I have and erase it can you tell me where I went wrong?

  29. I meant you did it well, you can post if you want so I check.

  30. thank you will check again

  31. But somehow your second letter matches, try to reach one of that kind when you redo it.

  32. Your 7th is upside down so your first coordinate is the negative one, so the thrid one has to lead you NW.

  33. that brings me to an R and then another consonant

  34. those directions bring to an o, ne e sw brings me right back next to my seventh letter

  35. yes that is where I am looking if I go 3 ne, 2 e and 3 sw that brings me to an O next to it

  36. oh ok, got it , then I would go ne2 east 3se and 8 ne right?

  37. never mind cant be cause I cant go 5 nw from there.

  38. You said NE twice LOL, it was correct up to east 3. Then SE 8.

  39. thank you verito, got through that part finally

  40. wont take my final answer with the last, what am I missing?

  41. Well done! You've passed the worst of the path, now continue to walk your way to the exit door and come outside of hell path.

  42. Basic riddling with the odd words you got?

  43. I got that word and it brought me to the pic of 3 eggs saying to add the last in front of my answer?

  44. Oh, I see, so you need to know what "your answer" is to the rebus. Look where are the arrows pointing.

  45. left, right, outside, edges ?

  46. Think where they're pointing in your eggwords.

  47. tried steps, levels, edges, outside, directions, easts and wests, pyramid, nothing is clicking, I breezed through the rebus level too... just not seeing

  48. You collected three eggwords along the level.

  49. It's one of the things you mentioned 8/2/18, 8:46 PM, but applied to your words.

  50. Or all of the things you mentioned, rules 4, 5 and 3 of your riddling lesson in level 1.

  51. thank you, I am now staring at frank for some reason?

  52. You're facing the exit door. There were some hints when Mythos was solving, I have no notes of this part. First part was about that sort of rebus with the two pictures and singing. And take note of that word in the title for later in the level.

  53. is this part about basic riddling somehow too?

  54. The two pics rebus into two words. Sing to know how to continue.

  55. onto the first egg, don't understand it at all?

  56. thank you for all your help tonight verito, time for bed. good night will try to finish tomorrow

  57. Hard AI, I'm stuck with 5 eggs and 1 almost egg and 1 important egg. What now?

  58. Hard K Could someone please point me in the right direction. After the i as 10th letter I can't seem to find the rest. Switched to the left of the tekst,kept going on the right hand side etc. but only gibberish.

  59. @ike, "sebz gur grkg hfr ynfg yrggre va gur svefg ebj naq ynfg yrggre sebz ynfg ebj, gura ynfg yrggre sebz frpbaq ebj..... rgp rgp"

  60. @Zoran Vasic
    You need the other word in the pic from almost egg.

  61. Silly me, finally finished hard path. Thanks to everyone who helped :)

  62. @zoran, perhaps I misunderstood, but I found the first 10 letters but am stuck after that.Don't know how to repeat the pattern

  63. We got a new finisher :)

    Hall of Fame

    Congrats Tinned Vegitable, very well done :)

  64. congrats Zoran. And congrats to everyone who managed to finish this great but oh so challenging riddle.

  65. @Tinned WELL DONE! Congratulations!

  66. Hard K, have been staring at it for hours and have loads of "wasted" paper, but can't follow pattern after the first 10 letters.

  67. @Ike, start at last letter from first line, then go to last letter of last line. Next go to penultimate letter of second line, then penultimate letter of penultimate line and so on, go swapping top/bottom and going from right to left.

  68. @verito, I ( think) I did that, but where to go to after the 5th swap ? Got 10 letters

  69. Hall of Fame

    Congrats Zoran Vasic, very well done :)

  70. Ike,
    Halfway the, kind of, diagonal lines cross, but the method(s) go on. So in the end you've picked 2 letters from every line.
    Also, are you sure you got the right method? If so then you're first 10 found letters should spell a sentence starting with: The

  71. @small, I shouldn't even be talking to you !! (LOL) since you wreck what's left of my braincells. I'm having trouble picking the 11th letter and repeat pattern for the 9 letters left

  72. The 11th letter should be the S from 'simple'
    The 12th the O from 'formula'

  73. @ small...…. I won't, thank you !

  74. Hard AH - I think I am on the correct level, but I dont't know how to use the green numbers. I've tried to apply differences but I don't get anything.

  75. Beta
    Completely stuck, I have read all the hints but nothing is making any sense to me at all. Can I please get a bit more of a push?

  76. Morning all!

    Hard-AG - I read the hint to Zoran about the division. I did the sum and got a whole number. However, I have no idea what to do with it after that. I still don't understand how to interpret the cipher hint with the key. Basically, I'm still lost! Would appreciate a little push. :)

  77. Oh! Duhhhh. I didn't realise you had to just do the same thing for each line and convert to numbers. I was legit going through Granny and autokey ciphers and all sorts! This entire riddle is an exercise in not overthinking.

  78. Puzzled,
    Remember how you got The Cheering Cat ending on easy?

    Yes BlackFiresong
    This entire riddle is an exercise in not overthinking.
    That's all. It's all not that difficult with these two rules:
    - Do not overthink.
    - Do not make up your own hints.

  79. On Hard-AH now - got the egg quickly, but I have no insight whatsoever into this whole colours thing. :/ The only thing I can think of is that the titles were a different colour on each of the three riddle paths, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I certainly don't remember seeing/converting any colours apart from on the "blindness" level. :/

  80. s-t - lol, touche! With AG, I just couldn't get past the fact that there was a cipher there. Instead of taking the simpler explanation that solving it wasn't necessary, I assumed that everybody else knew how to solve it and that there were no hints about it because it was trivially simple and I was dumb. Lol.

  81. @Puzzled - stuck at the same point as you. :/ The Cheering Cat ending was from converting numbers using a table where some of the number/letter pairings had been changed. I tried using that table for the numbers on Hard-AH, but it didn't help. I also tried taking the differences between green and red and converting those, but 4 - 4 = 0, which leaves me stumped.

  82. 'using a table where some of the number/letter pairings had been changed'

    Should work!!!

  83. Omega - I think I know where to begin but not sure how I'm supposed to move. Some of the letters give me an idea about which way to go (if I am looking correctly) but not all of them. I think I landed on a good letter but do not know how to proceed to the next.

  84. Afraid it doesn't, @st - so I must be doing something wrong! I'm assuming from your "Cheering Cat" hint that "at last" is supposed to direct you to the relevant level... but I'm still not getting the significance of the red and green. Tried converting the 5 greens as per the modified table and took to Granny and got some nice words, but they didn't work... Tried the same with all 6 numbers and faced the same issue.

  85. @BFS - Don't alter the red number.

  86. @Small-Tool: thanks, thanks thanks !!!

    @BlackFiresong: when you are in the right level, use greens with THAT (and no other) table, plus a little granny.

  87. Ahhh! Thank you, Chael :) Onto Hard-AI! Finally I get to use that egg I found by accident like 12 levels ago. :D

  88. Chael615,
    If not on the eggs yet; The text in the pyramid tells you wich letters are used (for now), or in other words wich letters are coordinates. 3 directions in the pyramid, so 3 coordinates for a letter.
    It's no anagram.

  89. @small-tool, No eggs yet. So I presume to use the blue numbers first. That puts me at a spot about two places from where I start. I have no clue how to use the coordinates from there. Not sure how to move.

  90. The blue numbers are an example. That letter is coordinate point 1,1,1. The O next to it would be 2,1,1.
    So don't move around like on a game board or so, just find the 8 coordinates.

  91. Not sure how everybody else found multiple eggs on Hard-AI before asking for a hint - I'm getting precious little from these numbers. I was able to understand how my accidentally-discovered egg related to them, but I can't figure out alternative ways of processing them that lead to anything. They don't form a nice word from basic conversion or from ROT-ing. I thought it might be about removing and adding things to digital numbers - no go. I even tried a word that sounds like the conversion of the answer to the overall expression - no go.

  92. @small-tool, Thanks! You tell us not to overthink but then you make it so easy and tempting to do so. Lol.

  93. I swear every time I post I get a POP and feel really silly. Didn't realise the egg hint was that straightforward.

  94. @small-tool. I get two of the coordinates but not the third. Can I get a hint as to what that refers to, please?

  95. 1st Going right
    2nd Going up/left
    3rd Going down/left

    Your first letter should be an S (not the 1,1,1 one)

  96. @chael615 thank you for your response, but think I need to step away for a bit, as I am not sure what you mean - think my brain has finally exploded!

  97. Hello,
    Could someone walk me through the first row and then the first number of the second row, so that I have a chance of understanding the how and why and I can work out the rest by myself?

  98. @arrie I needed help with this too. Small-tool gave me some good hints just above. It helped me to think of the coordinates not so much as plot points but as directions.

  99. Hard AI - Don't quite understand how to obey operators on those 10 letters to make them 6 ... so far I have 5 eggs + 1 rotten + 1 almost egg + 1 important egg.

  100. oh, thank you Chael, I hadn't noticed that, I'm sorry.
    I usually always check, but thought you were on a different level.

  101. @arrie you’re right. The funny thing is I most always put the level first. Got ahead of myself this time. Going to sleep now. Hope to finish it when I wake up. Hope you make it so you can help me with Omega3 (looks like a beast). :)

  102. I made it through the Hard path! Thanks to small-tool for an amazing riddle and to everyone who's been kind, patient and helpful along the way. I'm most probably going to need more kindness, patience and help if I'm to navigate my way through Hell (I haven't even found it yet!).

  103. @Puzzled - Did you try using the word from the almost egg in the URL?

  104. Is the tool I need to find the Hell entrance G**P? I tried inspecting the code of the page (for both the c***k and c***km**e pages to see if there was a URL hidden there), and also tried putting the URLs of both images into EXIF. No luck. Maybe this is a sign that I should call it quits at Hard and not try to push myself beyond my skill set. xD

  105. @BlackFiresong - hey congratulations :) and yes, I used that word and I got my only important egg. Do I have some maths with those 10 letters and +++-? I've tried but I get nothing at all.

  106. OMEGA egg2, the one that starts with "Start on 3, 3, -3 "
    I'm confused about the actual starting point. Do I count the 3,3,-3 from the 1,1,1 ?

  107. I don't want to confuse things, sorry. There are three pyramids, so in myself I called them 1,2,3.
    I now see it sounds like eggs.

    I'll delete it.

    Question is about Omega-Pyramid.
    Just so I understand it.
    S down left is 1,1,1. O down right is 8,1,1?
    And one of the two triangles with an S in it has 8,5,3?

  108. @Puzzled - Thank you! OK, so for the other important egg, you need to look at the previous eggs and the letters they have told you to add/remove (ignore the words on those levels and just focus on the letter pairs). Follow the + and - instructions just using those letters, and with a bit of Granny-ing, you should get another egg. Put the two eggs together and you're home free :)

  109. @BF I've spend the last hours working on those +/- pairs and getting nowhere. I guess it is not my day to finish, thanks anyway and grats again :) I hope you do well in Hell lol.

  110. Need a bit of a hint for HARD D. I kind of have an idea but not seeing anything.

  111. @Puzzled - take the letters from the first four pairs and add them to each other - then remove the ones from the fifth pair (the one that has the minus sign). You'll get 6 letters. Take them to Granny. The word you're looking for is a bit of a way down the list you'll get from Granny. It rhymes with the name for a creature you might set traps to catch. Once you have both important eggs, the final answer will hopefully be obvious!

    Thanks for the congrats! I still haven't found Hell yet. xD (Speaking of which - any hints from any of the Hell-raising crop on how to find it...?)

  112. @Colmkilm - "Threes" are the key. Each sentence should have a word with a "three" in it. 6 sentences = 6 letters. No need for Granny if I remember correctly.

  113. @Puzzled, I think for the egg you're missing you need ONLY the five pairs you found in the previous eggs and do the +/- only among them, not applying them to some other word.

  114. Having problems finding the gates of Hell. Went back through hard and medium levels, but I am definitely not seeing something obvious so any help is appreciated :)

  115. @BlackFiresong congratulations!!

  116. Hard M, don't understand the connection between the expression and the two letters.

  117. @ike, think of baseball and what slang is used for kissing and touching, and then use two letters from text in a cipher

  118. @Zoran congratulations for finishing!

  119. @Zoran - I think I'm in the right place (The word "ch**k" was in italics, which reminded me of a certain Easy Path answer), but I've tried everything and I'm still stumped. So either I'm in the wrong place or I'm not doing something that I need to be doing.

  120. @BF that's right, you need that one and the next that was quite similar and be very quick to see on both.

  121. what does "function added" mean?

  122. OMEGA egg#2 ... does it start with "WE" ? Not sure if I'm on the right track!

  123. @Verito: Been staring at both for ages - I must not be quick enough, 'cause I'm not seeing anything!

  124. ^^ Thanks for the congrats, by the way! Couldn't have done it without your invaluable hints!

  125. @verito, saw the bin. part, but what to encode/decode. Guessing that because of the temperature outside and the temperature in my head it has been enough for today, else I'm cooked.

  126. @Robin, just think of that word in the name of the level.

  127. @BF maybe you need to analyze the images with the help of some tool.

  128. @Ike, you mentioned two elements you have. And you have a text full of them. For decoding you know that characters are made of 8-bits groups.

  129. I gathered that, but Jeffrey's online tool didn't work... Do I need G**P?

  130. @verito, am I right finding 40 of 'm, so the answer should be 5 letters?

  131. Robin,
    Don't overthink. It's the 'last' level!

    Jeffrey does work, but you need the pic url, not the level ur.

  132. @Hard AI - Even though BF is being so helpful, I think I have a problem understanding the method. V nz nsenvq V,z gbgnyyl zvffvat gur zrnavat bs “nqq”. Qb V unir gb fhz yrggre inyhrf? Be chg gbtrgure gubfr yrggref va n fgevat bs ahzoref? Vs V unir guvf snxr (gb nibvq fcbvyref) pbzovangvba bs yrggref: + WJ … jung fubhyq V qb?

    Bcgvba n) 10+23=33 (naq ubj qb V chg n 33 va yrggref? nf PP ?)
    Bcgvba o) 1023

    Vs V qba'g haqrefgnaq ubj gb nqq va guvf yriry, V pnaabg rira guvax bs fhofgnagvat ...

    V nz gehyl pbashfrq

    ...ln ab fé fv pbegnezr ynf iranf b qrwáezrynf ynetnf ...

  133. @Puzzled, just leave them as they are, put them next to the others. Don't overthink. Chg gur cnvef bs yrggref juvpu unir + orsber gurz gbtrgure. Gur cnve gung unf - zrnaf gb erzbir gubfr gjb yrggref sebz gur frg lbh'er sbezvat. Svanyyl nantenz.

  134. @s-t - I used the image URLs, but got nothing from Jeffrey... I'll try again.

    @Puzzled: Sbetrg ahzoref ragveryl - dhvgr yvgrenyyl whfg pbzovar gur svefg sbhe cnvef bs yrggref gbtrgure (gb tvir 8 yrggref) naq gura erzbir gur cnve gung unf n zvahf fvta, yrnivat 6 yrggref. Gura Tenaal gubfr yrggref gb trg gur jbeq V jnf gryyvat lbh nobhg (gur bar gung eulzrf jvgu gur ubhfrubyq crfg gung lbh pngpu va gencf). Gung'f lbhe frpbaq rtt. :)

  135. level P: got rotten egg and n*** egg, whats next?

  136. Congrats BlackFiresong, very well done :)

    Hall of Fame

  137. Hi there Mishu :) Long time no see.

    Use the eyes again. This time to pick 8 letters from the text.

  138. Ha!!! Finally found the sneaky Hell entrance.

    "Do you think you are ready?"

    Absolutely not. :D

  139. hi S-T , nice to see you again, and your amazing riddle! (at least for now, greek hell will came and who knows :P )

  140. I must be over or under thinking this, am I supposed to use all English forms since the last level said no more greek letters? and how do I count the last 2? on what the text below the pic? on on alphanumeric? both give nothing useful,

  141. @thanks Verito, I had done that from the beginning but I as I did a typo or something I got nada and went crazy ...

  142. Robin, Use the whole text below the picture to find the answer (an encouraging sentence). Do not forget you're on the last level!

  143. @BF, can you share your discovery with me? Found two "not ready for Hell" but still no door for entrance.

  144. Finaly found entrance and I am not ready :)

  145. @verito, found it, thx !

  146. @Zoran: Glad you found it! :) I am stuck there right now. Found a rotten egg (lol, should have known it couldn't have been that easy), and listened to each video between the specified time stamps. I thought it might be about counting the number of times a certain word comes up within those time frames, but then in the last clip, there were zero instances of that word. And the random highlighted lyrics are throwing me off. Tried Grannying the capital letters in the highlighted parts for each song, but that gave me nothing.

  147. I finally did it ... hopefully I will see you in Hell soon. Thanks everybody for your generous help :)

  148. I already tried rule #5 on the line under the pic, that was the first thing I tried, it didn't work so I assume I need to figure out the how to solve the confusion below that.... just not getting it..... how to count the last two? then go to granma?

  149. Yay!!! Congrats, @Puzzled :) :) :)

  150. Think I will take the rest of the day off and tackle the gates of Hell with a fresh brain tomorrow :)

  151. Congrats and very well done, Puzzled :)

    Hall of Fame

    Use the whole text!

  152. @BF thanks :) I am going to rest for the day as well. Tomorrow we'll open the gates hehe

  153. wow, thank you small tool and verito for your patience, I just typed it in granma again and finally saw it...duh!!

  154. @BF, same situation. Counting certain word, change to letter and add highlighted lyrics from last song. Nada.

  155. Don't overthink. Just go down.

  156. @Puzzled, congratulations!!

  157. @s-t - But FTF going down = gibberish :(

  158. Sometimes you don't even need the url at all to get somewhere.

  159. Oh, and things about almost 2600 comments so click to go to the next page.

  160. stuck on 2nd egg, tried lots of things, tried doing it blind and pulled first of first etc from url and title(such as it is) caesars box and other ciphers... you say to keep it simple on these last ones, but I don't see the simplicity in this one.... lol

  161. Good thinking, but... It's still the 'last' level so why firsts from the url?

  162. overthinking it again...grrr… thanks small, trying to keep it simple on this 3rd

  163. no lasts on the last egg? tried all words and visited granma, is it that simple that I cant see it?

  164. Congrats to all new finishers, well done!

  165. found the hidden message but not sure how to apply,

  166. There are four of them (every egg has numbers like that).
    Go back to the level and try to apply them there.

  167. cant find one on 3, scanned the whole page cant scroll down so not sure where they would be hidden?

  168. ST, I was down down and found one more word, hidden, but helpless.

  169. Even a bit deeper than that!

    Btw. Last comment on the previous page here was not only an instruction for the commenters/readers here!

  170. thanks ST, on Alpha now

  171. Good job ST, this is the 14th page.

  172. tried 3rd egg pic in exif and paint and cant find those numbers anywhere, I only have the 3 sets

  173. @Robin, did you look closely and carefully at every corner of it? Nothing in exif this time.

  174. Hi! On the last level, i have 1st 2nd and 3rd egg but I can not find the fourth egg. Any push for this one?

  175. It's very sneaky but simple (the things that usually trick us the most). Maybe just ctrl+

  176. @Pichi, hi! Same principle that you used for the previous eggs. You're in the 'last' level. And you have some lines of text in that egg.

  177. I have magnified it to the max in paint and just on the page and cant find it?

  178. @Robin, you're on 3rd egg, right? Did you look in every corner?

  179. I found it …. wow that was hard to see...just happened to get up for a moment when I was zoomed at like 275 and caught a faint

  180. Thanks Verito!! Now I have the 4 eggs

  181. so I take it adding the four together to make one square is not the way to go? :/ do I need a cipher or something? I don't see how to apply these

  182. ok, lost again, applied the numbers to the url in each of the 4 levels, gives more than 16 , cant apply to text on each level (there is none on 2) tried combining them granma is just as confused ;)

  183. OMEGA egg#2 ... does it start with "WE" ? Not sure if I'm on the right track!
    @verito " yes." ... Thank you

    And would the next letter be "A" ? I'm going in circles, here!! :)

  184. Finish!!
    Thanks all for your help and thanks to Small!

  185. Robin,
    The level itself (maybe you can do it on the level, maybe you have to Google).

    The Newbie,
    Yes and yes you're on the right track and yes.

  186. Congrats Pichi, well done!! :D


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