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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

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  1. small tool, I tried to apply the 4 grids to the level title, cant really see what I am supposed to see to get the 16 letters, egg one gives me
    llet…… how do I pick letters? and what about the 5 and 6 and 7

  2. @Robin, you have to sing.

  3. Robin ... it's better to look for the song to see the verses well

  4. Omega-Pyramid.
    Is 8 the highest number, or 9?

  5. STill stuck on Omicron Egg#2 !! I have WEA and then everything goes south :P Is this an anagram? or should I get some legible words?

  6. We got another finisher :)

    Congrats, very well done Molly Lena :)

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Molly Lena

  7. I meant Omega Eggs #2

  8. Congrats again Molly, well done! :)

  9. is it maroon 5? I have never heard this song before, how do I apply those four grids to this? I tried the obvious line but it doesn't work?

  10. Arrie,
    8 is the biggest number (with 8,8,8 you would be back on the S of 1,1,1).

    The Newbie,
    Two real words (the sentence will be a bit strange, but still proper English words).
    Your next letter should be an N.

  11. I need to apply these final 4 grids to the same song I used earlier is that right?

  12. Yes, verse, line, word, letter.

  13. Have to go. If new finishers, don't worry, will update Hof and make certificates asap, probably already tomorrow.
    Have fun :)

  14. 1st number goes from left to right. So after that do I then turn the pyramid and count on with UWON etc.?

  15. hopefully this is my last question on this you said verse, line, word, letter. on my 4th grid I have 1512, first verse doesn't have 5 lines what do I do with that one?

  16. @Arrie, are you in the third pyramid now?

  17. Ok, think of each element of each coordinate as the number of steps you have to do in the three different directions. In this pyramid you count your steps as the sides of the triangles in that direction. For example, first move is 8 steps (count 1 as a step in that place, i.e. you stay in the same spot, 2nd is a step forward), you move horizontally along the horizontal sides of the little triangles in the bottom.

  18. Stuck on Gamma. Any useful hint.

  19. Do you notice how you reach the bottom-right end of the pyramid? Next component is 5 and you have only one possibility for the direction of movement.

  20. Gamma, if you have the egg do what it hints with all the elements that you have in the level... but you're only interested in those with certain 'numbers' of occurencies.

  21. Verito, problem is I have not the egg and no idea how to find them.

  22. @arrie no. After you find the first coordinate relax, turn around, and think of a bigger angle.

  23. I understood from the hints earlier, that every triangle itself had coordinates. When I asked if the O bottom right was 8.1.1.
    But it's not?
    So on the O you start counting again with 1 to P and down to the S.
    Okay, thank you.
    So from the S you go up 4 steps to the A?

    haha, that was my very first question. to give the explanation for the first 6 numbers so I could understand the how and why.
    I should have asked that again.

    Thank you Verito.

  24. @arrie - Each number of the coordinates tells you how many steps to take in a certain direction. Yes, the first digit goes 1-8 along he bottom row-do not count the upside down triangles. After you get to number eight, change directions NoW to go 5 more steps. SoW then go the following three steps in the final direction.

  25. @arrie forgot to mention, the space you land on after moving 8 is number 1 for the new direction.

  26. Thank you Chael. Trying the next ones.

  27. Don't worry about reaching 3000 comments.
    I will personally take the responsibility for that.

  28. @Zoran, did you use the numbers in the title?

  29. verito,Yes and I got "Lrf, vg'f nobhg pbhagvat".????

  30. @Zoran, yes, now do what I said before.

  31. Deleted, cause it would cause confusion. The next row starts at 1,1,1 again :(.
    This level is so NOT for me.

  32. For the first two pyramids use the same startpoint, go back to it for each new row of movement.

  33. @Verito what elements what numbers. Totally blind.

  34. @Arrie, just like Dante you're walking the path of hell but even Dante had his mentor to guide him in the way and so do you because we'll help you to get out. One thing: the last one that completes this path please make sure you leave the exit door very well closed!!! LOL Thank you.

  35. But ..... with both your help chael and Verito, I'm on the egg.
    Thank you both.

  36. Omega Egg2 - I have six letters so far. The fifth was on the second (horizontal) row from the bottom and the sixth is on the bottom row (if I am correct) and is upside down. However, I cannot figure out how to proceed without falling off the pyramid.

  37. I never read Dante, but I think I'd rather walk the Pilgrims' Path like John Bunyan described !

  38. @Zoran, in the level you have the title, those are the numbers. And in the text you have a lot of different letters... get to count them. :D

  39. @Arrie, it doesn't matter, I just meant that you have us to help you and you're doing great. For the next pyramid the principle is similar but this time count adjacent triangles as steps, follow the same directions as before but... negative means walk backwards.

  40. thank you all for that final push, finally escaped the gates! Hope I don't have to go back there any time soon :)

  41. @Robin, CONGRATULATIONS LOL. Sorry, I didn't see your last question. I think we all hope the same.

  42. Omega Egg 2 - I am pretty sure my first five letters are correct. My six letter (bottom row horizontally) could be wrong. But either way I cannot proceed past the next step without falling off. Can I get a boost please?

  43. @Chael, check your sixth letter. Is your first movement from the fifth towards the NE?

  44. @Veri Ok. Yes, I went NW, but I went went 4 first. I went 5 first this time and got a letter in the row second from bottom. However, I still have a problem. With this new six letter, I start NE, but when I turn SE I fall off the pyramid.

  45. @Veri. I mistyped. On the last comment I meant I started NE not NW.

  46. @Chael, your second move isn't SE but W, because you're turning CCW, so after moving -SW (i.e. NE) your next move is E (but negative thus W). Your last move is -NW.

  47. Well, on the first egg, I now understand the negative.
    It's not walking back the path you came, but first looking at the direction you would go if it would be normal. Then go in the opposite direction.
    Thank you Veri.

  48. Well done Arrie! That principle stands for the second egg (third pyramid) too.

  49. 2nd egg of Omega now.
    So grateful for the very good walkthrough here, Veri :)

  50. Well done Arrie. Now each startpoint is different.

  51. Omega 2nd egg.
    Finding the first starting point is quite a challenge, heheh.

    You're almost there Chael??

  52. oh, I understand, I was looking for the coord., but it's still the 1,1,1 as starting point, right ...

  53. @Arrie, the first starting point is the same as in the previous pyramids. Apply the coordinates that the text tells you for the first movement.

  54. Yes, I spent a lot of time looking for that too.

  55. I have the first word :)

  56. @Arrie, good, keep going.

    @Chael, how's it going?

  57. @Veri Have the second egg on the last level. Have a box with numbers 1 through 4. Cannot figure how to get third egg, even after reading the previous hints.

  58. @Chael, well done! For the third egg remember you're still in the 'last' level... Where can you apply that on what you have at the moment?

  59. @Veri I can apply it to the url but it isn't giving me anything

  60. Are you sure? Granny disagrees.

  61. @Veri You and granny are right yet again!

  62. Great! Remember you're still in the last level, keep going, you're close to the exit door.

  63. @Veri I am trying to zoom in on the picture to see the numbers but it gets fuzzy. How do you recommend to view it?

  64. Maybe your screen brightness is not helping? Just zooming in a bit should be enough but maybe check if it hasn't gone to energy saving mode or something that has reduced the brightness.

  65. I'm gonna stop now. It's too late. :)
    I'll continue another time.

  66. Goodnight Arrie, you'll be a finisher tomorrow!

  67. Gotta get ready for work now. Will work on this later. Not sure what I'm looking for on the 3rd egg page though.

  68. @Chael, ok, I hope you can see what's there and also remember you're still on the 'last' level.

  69. Beta
    I am still hitting a brick wall with this one - feeling really stupid as I think I am missing something really obvious, some more help would be very much appreciated

  70. @lennox.... decipher the numbers.... separate them the middle is giving you an options.... do you see the difference between the two sides? only 2 kinds of letters in the alphabet. once you establish that then count and decipher the barcode.

  71. @Robin thank you so much!

  72. @robin, Congrats on finishing, well done!! :)

  73. The Last Level - I still cannot get the fourth egg. I know it's the "last" level but that doesn't seem to apply to the text here. At least not in any iteration me and granny are using.

  74. The last level 4th egg: Look at last of title and text.

  75. @robin, Congrats on finishing.

  76. Gamma egg, I have not No.13. Any advice.

  77. @dutchie do i need to use any text within the picture?

  78. Gamma egg, Use a tool to find out how many letters are in text and find the 3, 15, 21, 14, 20 ones.

  79. @Chael No just the title and text, numbers are words too!

  80. Congratulations to all the finishers and hell-raisers!! Fantastic to see so many players complete it, and even better (for me) that there are thousands of wonderful comments/hints for me to read as I progress.

  81. @dutchie I have been trying that to no avail. This is my string, rotted

  82. @chael. I might have confuse you a bit. Do not use '3rd of 4 eggs' only text above and under pic.

  83. @dutchie My fault completely Dutchie. I had that word and I kept going to granny. Didnt think of it as two. Wow.

  84. Lol, as small-tool keeps saying 'don't overthink' :D

  85. Hi, I tried to continue on 2nd egg Omega, but I've lost it.

    A number upside down on a line and all negatives.
    Where do you go with that?
    Positive goes to the right, neg. goes to the left, but the number is upside down, I don't know anymore.
    I'm asking, cause I don't think I will be able to understand all former explanations, they are about other peoples' troubles.

  86. Congrats Robin :)

    Hellraisers of Fame



    Upside down means nothing special.
    Only focus on;
    - where the number is, that's your start axis.
    - positive or negative (going right or left, going left up or down right, going left down or right up)
    - Mirrored or not (directions order clockwise or counter clockwise).

  87. Thank you Small, I really lost grip a little :).

    7th letter, I have to go -2 is to the O, but then -7, I can only take three steps down : O O E ?

  88. Or rather, I think O S G P U, but still not 7,

  89. @Arrie, check your first step when you're in seventh letter, you have to go SW but backwards, then...

  90. Hi Veri :).
    SW to the O already is backwards, a normal 7 would go West from this axis, so it should go East now?

  91. I started from the beginning, but you can tell, I lost grip.
    I have to go out now. Till later.

  92. No, the contrary of both things.

  93. Did you count 2 units for the first step?

  94. Ok, see you later Arrie.

  95. Hard V , don't see any connection between pic of the tour de france and the other two.

  96. Hard V, try to find a surname that fits all three pics.

  97. as usual, overthinking because of the "nickname"of the upper pic!
    Thx Dutchie

  98. Hard W , how to find the egg I need. Obviously did find the rotten one.

  99. Hard W, google the title and the word name, will give you a Wiki page that might be helpful.

  100. Back again on Hard-Q after a several days break. Unable to solve the puzzle, and with 43°C outside, my brain is boiling ! Tried to make a grid to help, but it does not help much. Got the egg of course but I can do nothing without solving it :-(

  101. Hard W , 4 letters ( from wiki page) but to combine with what ?

  102. Hard E. Need a bit of help here

  103. Hard Q, I'm afraid you have to solve the puzzle first before you can feel the final answer.

    Hard W, if you have an egg that says your answer is not allowed, try something that is allowed.

  104. @dutchie, I found all letters and got 7, 4, 13, 6, 10. So, I have not 13 in letters.

  105. @ dutchie, the only egg I've got is from the fish. And 4 letters from the wiki-page

  106. Hard E, first take the text under pic to Rot, then you will see that Rot 13 gives a C as first letter. So the line in pic where red line starts is 13, number all the lines 9-17 13 is in the middle. Now look what letter is in 2nd place in Rot 14, 3rd place in Rot 11 etc. Hope this isn't too confusing.

  107. Ty dutchie I had done the first step but only went up and down stairs. Never thought to use the other rots. I will give that a go

  108. Ike,
    If the correct wiki page (not pope, but papal) then it makes a 4 letter word.

    You should go Wiki too, because that egg is a Google level.

  109. @Zoran I think you are on the egg with two words in italic. Google/wiki them, look for a chart on the right side and do some counting.

  110. Hard-Q: almost solved the puzzle (am dying lol!) but seems that I have an error somewhere. Could someone check what I've found so far in private ?

  111. You can mail me Eric. Click my avatar.

  112. Upside down means nothing special.
    Only focus on;
    - where the number is, that's your start axis.
    - positive or negative (going right or left, going left up or down right, going left down or right up)
    - Mirrored or not (directions order clockwise or counter clockwise).

    So, for instance the E up in the middle (A R E P).
    numbers are negative, so to the left, down right and up right.
    But they are mirrored, meaning you start with the 4 (ERRO), then 7 (ORMHNSI), then 5 (ISTGO). And O is the letter you pick.

    Is this correct?

  113. Delta, Back to my memory, easy or med? I would go back, but I can even remember what happen yesterday.

  114. @Arrie, You work Clockwise from that E you start with -5 so 5 steps left (A), -7 is 7 steps up to top of pyramid (D) -4 is 4 steps down, you land on A.
    (I hope I said it right, not sure I understand this pyramid the way it's supposed to be)

  115. thank you Dutchie, I'll take my time here to work it out.

  116. @Zoran, I'm afraid you have to check all paths.

  117. @Arrie at what point are you now?

  118. The Last Level - I have all the eggs and found what I was supposed to find. I don't understand 1512 though as there isn't a fifth line in the first verse (or so I believe).

  119. Chael,
    Officially every verse ends with the word 'way'

  120. @small-tool Thank you sir. I am still not getting anything coherent though. I have tried to visit granny but she doesn't help much.

  121. No Granny needed.
    Maybe another way of reading?

  122. Chael, I had trouble with that 5 too, I had to change it in to get the right letter.

  123. Nope, I don't get it.
    Omega 2nd egg.

    Cause "From that E you start with -5 so 5 steps left."
    But - means go the other direction.
    So it should be 5 steps right.

  124. @small-tool Finally made it out! My life is mine again! Thank you small-tool and everybody else who has helped me to get here, notably: Verito, Cee Bee, dutchie, and arrie.

  125. The number is mirrored, so that points to going left, but the 'minus' tells to go into the other direction.

  126. @Arrie, how many letters do you have or at which point are you?

  127. @Arrie, I probably explained it wrong, Help is underway :)

  128. Verito, I started all over again (though I kept the first attempt), because I wanted to understand every step.
    I don't.

  129. LOL ok, so are you at the second letter now?

  130. Congrats Chael615 :) well done!!

  131. haahha Verito, yes, very good!
    I'm glad my hints was clear.

  132. Hard AI
    Have read the comments about AI at least three times, but I cannot even get a rotten egg. Have come this far would hate to give up. Major hint PLEASE!


  133. The E in my eyes is double negative so to speak :
    mirrored, so going clockwise, but also minus, is going in opposite direction. :)

  134. @P3P Do the math one step at the time. Start with 20 and subtract 11. What letter, I mean number, does that give you?

  135. Hard AI, take first letter, do 'a bit' of math for second letter, like the pic suggests, step by step.

  136. @Chael CONGRATULATIONS! Well done! Welcome outside of hell path.

  137. Another finisher :)
    Congrats, very well done :)

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Sweet Meat

  138. @Chael now you should collect your well deserved certificate and set your place at the hell of flames LOL. Thanks for helping us help those who are still working their way out.

  139. Hard AI
    Made progress. Have 5 eggs and 1 of 2 important eggs (the one that rhymes with the house pest). What did I miss for the all important 2nd egg??

  140. @Patty have you done ftf of your collection?

  141. Hard AI
    I have tried ftf on the 5 eggs + 1 important egg to no avail. Also on the pairs of letters and text of various eggs. Getting nothing. Still missing important 2nd egg.

  142. Patty, only ftf of the first 5 egg needed to get another egg.

  143. Thanks, got another almost important egg. Will have to try and put it all together tomorrow to finish.

  144. Try two words together and you are there!

  145. Beta - I’m afraid I’m overthinking again. I understand 5/21-6/20 but lost on how to arrange “those things” and then apply to bars. There are two type of bars. I know as well there is something about picking out something. 3 doubts here. Help please?

  146. @patty - don't give up plz

  147. @Puzzled, the 6 (1 to 6) on one part, the 20 (1-20) make another list. Then just count using what you see.

  148. @Puzzled, one kind of bars for each set you made.

  149. @verito sorry i don't get anything this is what I've been doing ....

  150. Beta.
    In the Alphabet there are 5 or 6 of one kind, and the rest are the other kind.
    There are two sort of bars here.
    One sort is for one kind, the other for the other kind.

  151. Beta.
    One last thing ... One of the 6 belongs to both kinds ..

  152. Beta - I know what thing belongs to both parts, I know I must arrange those things 5/21 6/20 and I must apply the results to the bars that are two types. I've been crossing my new alphabets on those two type of bars for the last 10 hours. Nada. I am counting bars like crazy and nada. About to quit.

  153. Delta, How many path I must check? 75?

  154. Beta.
    Puzzled. I'm sorry, you seem to have everything. :)
    Here's the big spoiler.
    The thick lines are the vowels.
    A E I O U Y.
    First is thick lines, so first letter is Y.

    Then count the thin lines, and count through the consonants. Pick the letter.

  155. Beta.
    There are 8 letters in total. You can read from right to left.

  156. Delta.
    Yes, the text is pointing to earlier levels on earlier paths.

  157. ups, sorry I meant NL, arrie :)

  158. @Puzzled, "Ba nycunorg “5” jung qb V qb O=1 be O=7??" 1 is right.

    "Ba Nycunorg “6” vg vf L-H-B (654)" is right.

  159. I don't know why that 20 is 20 and not 6.

  160. Beta.
    The Y goes both with the consonants, making it 5/21.
    As well as with the vowels, making it 6/20.

  161. You can read the word from right to left.

  162. Thanks so much Verito and Arrie :) ... Gamma now :) I was overthinking again ... so busy crossing things here and there that I was I missing the answer ... Thanks :)

  163. You're very welcom Puzzled, I can fall asleep now.

  164. Arrie Good night to you too. I think I'd better go to sleep as well ... (note to myself: why the hell have you stepped in hell??)

    PS: Verito and Arrie, I apologize for my harsh comment before.

  165. Zeta egg, stuck, nothing except the picture. What am I supposed to do? I need small help.

  166. Zeta
    Try anagram url with something from mainlevel.

  167. Hard Y , only the last 2 lines make any sense when decoded, the first two do make words though but I don't understand the meaning

  168. Hard Y
    Try to google the whole text.

  169. Thx Dutchie, sometimes you don't even consider the simplest way!

  170. Hard AB, see the hint, ftf, but don't know how and what to use.

  171. ETA second egg. No idea at all. Any useful comment.

  172. ETA second egg. "Gurer vf n cvpgher jvgu gjb fubbgref (O-svsglgjb be Ovsv be Ovsgv)pbpxgnvy. Hfr tenaal, tbbtyr, tbg abguvat. Irel sehfgengvat".

  173. Eta.
    The name does not only lead to a drink or airplane but also to something similar as what's on the t-shirt.
    Wiki them and find their first one.

  174. On HARD F now. Thought it might be binary but no. Any help?

  175. Hard F.
    No, not binary.
    But if you count the number of squares and divide them they lead you to another way of looking, that is if you can't see it.

  176. Hard AB
    You saw the hint, so you know what you need. Delete all others to get the right strings and take it to that cipher.

  177. @ dutchie, thx again !

  178. Hard-R: do the words "tween-age", "can't" and "won't" count as 1 word or 2 ?

  179. Hard R.
    Yeah, I always wonder about that as well.
    But you won't have to worry about it here, lol.
    It's about first ones.

  180. But it's a hard level, so not just on the left side...

  181. @Arrie NL: oh I think I know what you mean then... Thanks for the help as I have already tried the basic and got nothing.

  182. Hard AD : found that left side of pic gives a twelve difference ( m-a and z-n)and the right side 24 (s+e and r+f), but going nowhere with that

  183. Thanks, everyone who dragged me over the Hard Path.
    Now one small road bump:

    V unir bayl gjb bs gur guerr raqvatf sbe rnfl 15: x**** naq f****.

    V unir gevrq n ahzore bs guvatf bar bs juvpu tnir zr gur cvt funxref. Ubj qb V trg gur guveq raqvat sbe rnfl 15??

  184. Hard AD.
    It's a combination of two rotations.
    If you use the obvious one on both title and the letters on the left of = you will recognize that.
    But as you noted, the letters themselves are linked as well with another, Hebrew based cipher.
    Can you try something with this info?

  185. Easy Path ending, try ftf :)

  186. Ty arrie NL. I did that first and get recurring. I also thought about daltonism and tried to link. Probably overthinking

  187. Colmkilm, do you mean you solved it now?

  188. 2800 comments, check next page etc.


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