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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
With 3456 comments (& counting!), this game got the
most comments of all times on EG24!!!
Some stats:
☻ Most popular game of the week! (7077 visits & counting)
☻ Most popular game of the month!! (39224 visits & counting)
☻ Most popular game of the year!!! (42413 visits & counting)

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  1. Ah, okay.
    Hard AD.
    Try the title in Atbash and the outcome in ROT.

  2. Hard AD. AM, ZN is showing that it's Atabash.

  3. Dutchie or anyone, I have ftf'd every number sequence and every sentence in easy 15, but haven't found anything that works. I'm sure it is something obvious, but unfortunately I'm obtuse. As mentioned earlier I have the two endings with the five letter words. Missing the third ending. So no, I do not belong in the HOF, but would still like to finish.

  4. @Patty,don't overthink, take the first numbers of the math, (20 23 9 19 20) and convert to letters.

  5. And of course you belong in the HOF :)

  6. @Patty congratulations!!

  7. Thank you so much, Dutchie!! I knew it would be staring me in the face. I was so consumed by "differences". Yippee!

  8. YAY!!!! Congrats Patty well done :)

  9. This is/was, as far as I can see, the top 3 of games on EG24 (if talking about the amount of comments)

    Last Enigma 3323 comments

    Escape from Mindskell 3224 comments

    Zodiac Riddle 2804 comments

    And you guys just pushed this game to place 3.
    Huge thanks to all of you :)

  10. That is 2nd place by now :P

  11. Colmkilm, did you get through Hard AD?

  12. A new finisher :)

    Congrats and very well done Patty3Ponies :)

    Hall of Fame

  13. And now Congrats for real Patty, great job :)

  14. If anybody is stuck and needs a hint I'll be around for about an hour or so.

  15. Theta - V haqrefgnaq gur zbefr oernx qbja naq V’ir sbhaq 7 yrggref sebz yrsg gb evtug naq 2 zber yrggref sebz evtug gb yrsg. Gung tvirf zr 9 “havdhr” yrggref. Vs V gnxr nyy yrggref sebz yrsg gb evtug naq gura onpx evtug gb yrsg, V unir n gbgny bs 13 yrggref fbzr bs gurz qhcyvpngrq. V’ir ernq gung gur nafjre hfrf qhcyvpngrq yrggref ohg V pna’g svther bhg juvpu barf. Nyfb, vs V unir gur evtug barf ... vf gurer n tenaal gung pna tvir zr onpx n fheanzr? V nz fghpx … uryc cyrnfr :F

  16. there are 10 letters that you need.
    I have the answer and how, one moment.

  17. Theta
    You need 10 letters, 3 letters are the same. should work

  18. ah, yes. You only go from left to right + individual ones. Not from right to left. That should give you 10 in total. gram will work.

  19. Hi Arrie :) but I only have 7/10 from left to right. And if some are duplicated how can I know which ones ... ufff :S ...

  20. @puzzled It will be a be a strange word.

  21. Puzzled, do you also have each one individual?

  22. Theta.
    Each one individual = 4 letters.
    Then you have 3 combinations of 2.
    Then 2 combinations of 3.
    And 1 letter from the total.

  23. I have 7 individual letters from left to right and I am trying to guess the 3 ones that duplicate to make 10 letters. I am randomly visiting granny with my 7 (good?) +3 (guessed). I agree it must be a strange word, I only get back the most weird family names, probably natives of Mordor ....

  24. Theta, you need a name indeed.

  25. Puzzled.
    On Theta, do you have the egg?

  26. ah, so you know it's a name you're looking for. okay :)
    Four letters : . . - .
    Then two : . . / - . / . -
    then three :
    then the total as well.

  27. hmm .. LOL, yes, you can read it two ways, can't you :
    yes I have it, the egg or the answer.
    haha, which is it Puzzled?

  28. @Arrie and Dutchie, Iota at last :) Thanks so much, I wouldn't have made it without you :)
    The only thing, were was the hint to know which letters had to be duplicated? Uff, at least there were only X letters, it could have been worse, imagine if I were looking for something like Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff... forever in hell ;P

  29. @Puzzled, it's the only letter that you can have simultaneously multiple times (in fact that number of times) with that set of symbols.

  30. Hahahahaha yes you would burn forever :D

  31. But please don't give ideas (the very long name) LOL! There's a certain riddle maker that doesn't need more inspiration (not that kind though). LOL!!

  32. @ Small-Tool ... if by any chance you are reading this, THIS IS NOT HAPPENING, this conversation IS NOT TAKING PLACE, you are too evil to use such insignificant idea ... 1-2-3 FORGET THIS !!!

  33. Omicron. No idea at all. What I am looking for? Small help will be useful.

  34. Morning all! I'm lagging behind a bit - had a busy weekend and couldn't do much riddling. I've got as far as Beta and have read the hints. I understand that the two centre letters are a word. I understand that the two sides are supposed to be divisions of 26. But I don't get how I'm supposed to "divide" 26 as per the given proportions other than simply converting numbers to letters in the usual way (which clearly gives gibberish). I thought of reading it as "svir be fvk" naq "gjragl-bar be gjragl". Gurer pna or svir be fvk frafrf, naq gur fgneg bs fcevat vf rvgure ba gur gjragvrgu be gur gjragl-svefg bs Znepu. I tried to combine those aspects, but not sure how to put them together in a sensible way (and I'm probably wrong anyway). I don't get the significance of the barcode and lines either.

  35. @BlackFiresong, Va nycunorg lbh unir svir ibjryf naq gjragl bar pbafbanagf. Ohg fbzr gvzr bar yrggre pna hfr yvxr ibjry naq gura lbh unir fvk ibjryf naq gjragl pbafbanagf.

  36. Omicron
    There is something hidden in pic, throw a bucket of paint in it.
    There are nine 'pbhagevrf' hidden in text.

    The 5-21 and 6-20 hints to alphabet. The bars represent vowels/consonants
    Make a new order starting with the 6 vowels. Then do some counting

  37. @Zoran and Dutchie - Thanks very much! Onto Gamma now.

  38. @Delta - I understand what I need to do, but I have 5 letters, and while Granny give me results, none of them jump out at me. Do I need more than 5 letters? Is the third line also something I need to look back and find? Is the "not" in the last line significant or to be ignored?

  39. Delta
    All lines refer to something in the past. You need 6 letters. First two lines each give two, the last two lines each give one letter.

  40. @BF you need one more letter. All the lines give one or two things and all of them you've seen before. Even the last line, with every bit of it, you've already seen it.

  41. @dutchie and @Verito - thank you! I've found the egg now. Time to look at hints again to figure out what to do from here!

  42. Yay me. Got one ending on Medium. Busily NOT looking for the other yet. A bit like jumping into cold water, I'm still deciding whether to tiptoe in or jump/bellyflop in and probably drown. Decisions, decisions.

  43. After finding both ends on Medium, have I actually finished it, or do I need to do more? Or do i just need to remember both ends for future reference? Not sure whether to move on?

  44. @clio, "whfg erzrzore obgu raq"

  45. Thanks Zoran. Much appreciated.

    (not sure why everyone is talking in 13 though?) Mind you, I'm a dreadful riddler and it's probably a riddler thing. Thanks again, Zoran.

  46. Level Zeta - I thought I understood what needed to be done, but I must be doing something wrong. I visited Jeffrey with each of the pics. But I get gibberish. Tried ROT-ing and Grannying, but that doesn't give me anything either. I must be damned!

    @clio - I think you're done with Medium! Congratulations. Please do continue to Hard. If I could manage it, you definitely can as you have more riddle experience than I do!

  47. Thanks for your (unfounded) confidence in me BFS. Unlike all you brainiacs, I use YOUR comments to move forward. Not having too many brain cells, I choose to use them cheating from you all. Mega thanks to all of you for leaving such wonderful hints/comments. Please continue to do so. (also with thanks to Alpha for saying at the beginning of riddle to use Ctrl F and type in level number. Phew for that, else I could nearly have recited all the comments, when trawling for hints).

  48. @ BlackFiresong, visit Jeffrey is not gibberish. Pay attention for each pictures and count.

  49. @Zoran - I did visit Jeffrey and counted and converted, but the letters I got from that don't make any sense as they are. I put them through ROT and still got nothing. Tried Grannying some of the better-looking ROTs and still nothing. I tried all of that with what I got from counting both across and down on Jeffrey. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. :/

    @clio - I'm the same!! Ctrl-F was my best friend for the Hard Path. Don't know how people figure the harder levels out from scratch on their own. Bunch of brainboxes on this forum!

  50. Rho, correction, I need a BIG NUDGE, completely stuck.

  51. @BlackFiresong, ivfvg Wrsserl naq pbhag ubj znal senzrf gurer ner sbe rnpu yrggre vapyhqvat ! naq ?.

  52. @Zoran - Thank you!!! I'm soooo silly. I didn't think to count that. I was counting where the letters fell!

  53. Eta - Totally stuck on the main level (no eggs yet). I understand the clue about the direction one should read in based on the pic. But no idea where on Red Luth to find a ROTter that also anagrams?!

  54. @BlackFiresong Google is your good friend. pay attention to the frontman from the picture

  55. @Zoran - Thanks! I've Googled the "who", but I have no idea how to relate it to the rest of the crypticness on the level. :( V gevrq chggvat gur anzr onpxjneqf (orpnhfr bs gur fuveg) guebhtu gur Vapernfvat Ebg pvcure, ohg ab yhpx. :(

  56. Hard AG , no clue whatsoever. Divide and rule, but don't get any numbers from the left pic. Divide by 36 or 360 ?

  57. @ike: Consider the angles between the green lines. Think fractions of the whole.

  58. @Zoran, google the title.

  59. You may find an egg and key.

  60. @BlackFiresong, if you don't have eggs yet your thought is right about the cipher but use the gibberish but don't read straight forward.

  61. @Verito - Thank you! Glad I have the right cipher (although I'm not sure if I'm decoding the right thing). Nyfb, V svtherq V fubhyq or ernqvat hc naq qbja nf cre gur yriry gvgyr. Ohg V'z abg fher jung gung ragnvyf rknpgyl. Yvxr qb V fgneg ng EBG fuvsg 13 naq gura tb gb 14 sbe gur arkg yrggre, gura 13, gura 12, gura 13 rgp?

  62. Thx BFS , found egg, now I guess I have to find a cipher and "riddle on"

  63. @ike: No cipher needed. Think back to Hard Level B for the second part. There should be useful comments about how to get past the egg on an earlier comments page - I had to have the method pretty much spelled out for me before I clicked!

  64. Vapernfvat nf gur cvpgher bs gur fgnvef fhttrfgf, ohg ernq onpxjneqf.

  65. Rho, I know cipher, i know key, and I got gibberish.What I am doing wrong?

  66. @Zoran, maybe check the KEY.

  67. @Verito, ..iskey. Correct?

  68. It's not 7-letter long. (The KEY I mean.)

  69. @Verito: Omg. You're being really helpful, but I'm just not getting this at all. Ng gur zbzrag, V'z hfvat gur vapernfvat EBG pvcure ba gur grkg ng gur obggbz bs gur yriry naq ernqvat gur svefg yrggre sebz EBG+13, gur frpbaq yrggre sebz EBG+14 naq fb ba. Fubhyq V or hfvat abezny EBG engure guna vapernfvat EBG? Be vachggvat gur grkg onpxjneqf? Be hfvat gur thl'f anzr engure guna gur grkg ng gur obggbz? Gurer ner fbbb znal inevnoyrf naq V'z whfg fghpx. :/

  70. Try entering it letter by letter and watching how your gibberish changes as you do. See if you get something good at some point.

  71. @Verito, only two letter.

  72. Hard AG , found 1 Letter from the beginning of the egg and the rest is ( in my language ) koeterwaals which means I don't know what it is about at all.

  73. BlackFiresong,
    The guys name tells you exactly where your first letter is, it's not 13.

    Zoran Vasic,
    2 letters would be even better, didn't think of that, but it's 4.

  74. @BlackFiresong, it's more simple. Whfg chg gur tvoorevfu va vapernfvat EBG naq ernq nyy gur yvarf onpxjneqf, bar bs gurz tvirf n tbbq jbeq.

  75. @Verito: OMG!! Thank you. Finally onto the egg.

  76. hahahahahaha, I did't count next two letter, just this is key. Thanks S-T. Spent hours and hours on this level.

  77. Hard AG, found it anyway.

  78. Hell Xi - I can' find the egg. I've noticed that those letters with marks tell me gb ernq orgjrra yvarf but I don't find anything. About the numbers below the text I don't know what to do with them. Those hints about writting letters backwards and coloring I guess I better don't try anything until I find a good egg ... can I have some help please?

  79. Oops, s-t, I missed your earlier hint for Eta, so forgot to say thank you. :)

    Currently stuck on Kappa. I got the more obvious FTF egg, but I can't get the second one. I must have arranged the words wrong, because I can't read the way the level says to read - all the words are different lengths, and in the arrangements I've tried, some of them are too short for me to get a complete diagonal going between the points I need (either variation of them). V'ir orra neenatvat gurz onfrq ba ubj sne vagb gur jbeq gur "V" snyyf, naq vs zhygvcyr jbeqf unir gur V va gur fnzr cbfvgvba, V'ir orra neenatvat gubfr jbeqf nycunorgvpnyyl jvguva gur yvfg - fb "bvycncre" svefg, gura "ivoenunec", rgp rgp, jvgu "abapbzohfgvoyr" ynfg. Is this wrong?

  80. The notches (below or above letters) make a sentence. Use the numbers on that sentence to get an egg and an advice.

  81. Tau, again stuck. Any hint for my boiled brain.

  82. Also re: Kappa - I also don't know how to incorporate the number hint into things!

  83. BlackFiresong,

    There is no hint to put them alphabetically (lol, don't make up your own hints).
    Just stack them in the order they are (the way you did), but do that on graph paper or so, to make sure every letter has the same size. Then use the title hint.

  84. Zoran Vasic,
    The title is a huge hint how to separate the letters. So some of them go a bit higher. If done that, then you can just read it from right to left.

  85. @s-t - Thanks. But for some reason it's not working for me. I stacked them in the order they are and I get gibberish both ways. Also, not sure how to apply the title hint once they are already stacked?

  86. With 'Vibraharp' on top you can use the TR TO BL part of the title.
    With Vibraharp at the bottom you use BR TO TL
    No anagram.

  87. Xi - I am so sorry but I still dont get an egg. I have problems to form a valid sentence, V unir 27 yrggref naq V sbez 6 jbeqf ohg gurer vf n yrggre "f" V qba'g xabj jurer gb cynpr. Nyfb V unir ceboyrzf nccylvat gur "vat" guvat gb gur cbffvoyr ireof fb V qba'g svaq n evtug pbzovangvaba/beqre bs jbeqf. Maybe I am too tired today, I will try tomorrow again :)

  88. @s-t - I tried that and I get a good first few letters and then it descends into gibberish and ends at the first letter of "reservoir" rather than the actual top-left. Definitely doing something wrong! I think my brain is fried for the day. Will resume tomorrow!

  89. Upsilon, I know shows, names, characters places of birth, mother, father, but I don't know what is between?

  90. @Puzzled, you don't need to find the order, it's given by the symbols as they are. You should be able to read a sentence if you follow what they mark.

  91. @BlackFiresong, when you wrote them down in your gridpaper did you make sure that they were aligned according to what is hinted?

  92. Upsilon, nothing happen. Qrjrl Jvyxrefba, Oevpx Urpx, V hfrq nyy pbzovangvba, tenaal, hc qbja, yrsg, evtug, yrggre zvk. Erfhyg=0

  93. Gurl'er evtug ohg whfg gur svefg anzr bs rnpu.

  94. Veri, you have fallen for the ROT 13 stuff LOLOL.

  95. I am blind or doing something wrong, "chg va nafjre qrjrloevpx, oevpxqrjrl, qrjrlnaqoevpx, oevpxnaqqrjrl, abguvat jbex"

  96. @Zoran, just the first name of one, then the first name of the other (separated, not together). You should open two egg paths.

  97. Upsilon.
    Zoran, you have the two eggs with, like Verito hinted, the characters?

  98. Hard AI : 20 - 11 + 5 + 11 = ? Why isn't the answer ike ? lol

  99. Upsilon second egg, I have not idea where I have to go from reading place.

  100. Hard AI , I can't find any egg at all! Maybe it's too late and all inspiration is dehydrated

  101. Hard AI, do the math one step at the time.

  102. Upsilon, you need the name of character left boy, then look in Wiki to use the numbers

  103. Thanks for help. Time to bed. Good night to all.

  104. @Verito - Thanks for your answer on Hell Xi - Still working on it and totally lost. I don't understand "you don't need to find the order, it's given by the symbols as they are. You should be able to read a sentence if you follow what they mark". I can read two different sentences using the letters, but I am making the words picking up letters here and there, since if I try to read as they are I get nothing. Is there any special order I must follow (up/down -.)?
    Then, if I ever find the way to make a sentence out of those letters, I still do not understand how to apply those numbers. I feel so dumb and frustrated lol.

  105. Puzzled, the symbols start on the bottom of the first line, pick up 3 letters for a word there. Then move to the top of the 2nd line and pick up 2 more for another word, continue collecting letters on the bottom of the 2nd line for 3 more letters, continue top and bottom to get the sentence

  106. Puzzled, once you have the correct sentence use the numbers as word/letter

  107. @Puzzled If you look back a few pages I was given a lot of help on XI. Check out some of those hints to me and you should be able to get it. I think I had more trouble on that then Omega3 even (you will not like that one).

  108. @Donas - thank you so much, I have the egg :) Now I am going to read all comments again on this level ... uff :P

  109. @Chael, sorry I didn't see your message before. Thanks for your advise :) And yes, there were many good hints but I had blindfolded myself... grrr

  110. Omega egg. Why U have not blue numbers.

  111. Omega egg, fb sne V unir jr n arne .... , this is right direction or not. I am tired like hell :)

  112. Phew..... finished the hard path finally ! Will go to hell later !

  113. Thanks for all the help, guess I'll be needing some more later on.

  114. @Zoran the first four are right.

  115. Omega 2egg, from 4-th letter I got only gibberish. Moving around around and got only consonant for the 5-th letter. Aghrrrrrrrr.

  116. Ike, congrats on finishing, well done :)

  117. @Zoran, did your first step of the next coordinate take you NE to the border of the pyramid?

  118. @Zoran. Remember what to do if the coordinate is 1. Also, what does - mean?

  119. @Verito - Thank you so much! I picked the riddle up again today and for some reason you using the word "aligned" made it instantly click for me. D'oh! Got both eggs and the answer and onto Lambda now. :D

  120. @Verito, yes, first step was NE, and then SE and then W.

  121. @Chae,coordinate 1 is the same place where you are.

  122. @Zoran You went the correct directions, but did you start with the bottom number and work your way up?

  123. @Chae, yes and I got final answer "jrnabbafree" gibberish. I am close to give up at the end.

  124. @Zoran You have the first 5 letters. When going for the 6th letter try top to bottom with the numbers. Should give you a different 6th letter.

  125. @Chae, I can't go from top to bottom, cose my 5-th letter is on the bottom.

  126. @Zoran Where is your fourth letter? Your fifth letter is correct, but it shouldn't be on the bottom row.

  127. @Zoran and when I said top to bottom I meant the order of the coordinates, not the directions. You still want the same directions you went in your comment at 4:24.

  128. On Hard level B, and just staring at it with no idea how to get moving. Tried the basic rules, but if it is one of those, then I must have made a typo somewhere. May I have a hint please? No rush to reply. I will still be playing/tootling along next year. Thanks.

  129. couldn't resist to try to find hellpath but am unable to. I saw the board and managed to get 23 separate pics out of it, but don't see anything in those images.

  130. @Clio Try dividing. Is there anyway to get numbers from the letters in the title? Keeping in mind after you do the maths that you need to make it plural.

  131. @Ike It is pretty faint but there is something there. You want to look pretty closely. Probably more towards the later frames.

  132. @chael, thx for answering but I can't see anything in those frames. Even enlarged them and took a closer look. Must be looking at the wrong pic. perhaps?

  133. Ike you have the 23 frames from the board.
    In one of them down right corner is the first of two words you need.

  134. Oh my wordy. Thanks Chael615. Not a chance I would have thought of that. Wowzers. That's just..hmmm..mean or brilliant. Can't quite decide. Thank you. I'm on to Hard C now.

  135. need glasses obviously ! found the two words, but now trying to find where to put them.

  136. @clio_rose, maybe it is brilliantly mean, lol

  137. Ike, well, ehm ... where to put them together ... what do you think?

  138. ike, hahhaha. That made me burst out laughing. Thank you. lol

  139. @arrie, I am always busy to find the most complicated way to solve things. Anyway, thx, on my way now

  140. I've been staring at Xi for a while with no luck. I just read this earlier hint and I've never been more confused in all my young life.

    "The four dots are two different letters. The letter under more and meaning is the same letter, imagine a small horizontal line attached halfway on the vertical line. Read backwards."

    *insert the meme of that dude with question marks above his head*

  141. Hahahaha, oh boy, yes ..

  142. @Chae, I am totally lost. Now I don't even know if what I have is in the right spot.

  143. @arrie - Thanks! Suddenly managed to figure out how to read it. I got an egg, but it's telling me to do what I already did? Now I don't really know where to go from here.

  144. OMEGA egg2 - Could someone check my first 8 letters?


  145. Wow, I must admit, you're good! Cause I was incomplete in my hint. That's why I deleted.

  146. Just read some hints that said I need 10 letters for Xi (after the egg). If I'm following the dots, I see more than 10 for sure. Lost!

  147. Xi.
    If English is your native language then you will know what it means.
    And then you can see that it's not nicely done on the level.
    I suggest you use Paint here. Keep the distance though, otherwise you can't create anything.

  148. "You will know what it ..." = the answer to get the egg.

  149. @Arrie - I had already arranged them as instructed in Paint as part of my efforts to get the egg. So I already have that done. I don't see a different way of reading them (other than the sentence I already got). So I have absolutely no idea what I'm now supposed to be creating. :/

  150. create letters, Blackfiresong, draw letters.

  151. That's why I said, keep some distance between the lines.

  152. @Arrie: Ohhh! Thank you so much! My mind just didn't go in that direction at all. Onto Omicron now. :)

  153. Lol, Arrie, I thought by "distance", you just meant that they shouldn't touch in case they overlapped and some of the notches got covered up.

  154. Well done BFS!
    And yes, I understand. I tried that as well to get them into morse, lol.

  155. Lol, Arrie, I would have definitely tried that had I not seen a hint saying not to bother!

    Am on Rho now. Think I will stop for the day. Brain starting to feel a little over-taxed! Hopefully I will finish the path tomorrow!

  156. Couldn't resist carrying on. Blitzed through two levels quickly. Now on Tau and confused, so going to stop for real now and pick this up again tomorrow.

  157. The Newbie,
    Only your last letter is wrong.

    A new finisher,

    Congrats Ike :)

    Hall of Fame

  158. @ST, what is the difference between -2 and 2- and it is not mirrored cause I'm stuck on 7-th letter.

  159. I meant Omega 2-nd egg

  160. I think you are on -3, -2, 3
    So go 3 right up, 2 left and then 3 left up.

  161. Sigma - Stuck again. I know I have the answer in the tip of my fingers. I've moved around the pic and found several letters but nothing readable. Do clefs have anything to do?

  162. Maybe this will help the pyramid players a bit:

    Pyramid instructions

  163. Sigma,
    Clefs are not important, they're only there to make it look like real music with the lead and the bass.

  164. Lol, I just can't quit. I'm on Chi. Found the egg with the hints, saw the "blind" clue, but if I rotate the first letter as directed, the pattern I get doesn't give a letter.

  165. Also re: Chi - what's the deal with the creepy pinecone lady?

  166. @thanks S-T ... but it is official, I am lost

  167. The last level. I am together with Frank and we both need help. He is singing and I am crying. Pls HELP.

  168. Last Level - Anyone have a clue to get started on this one? Rebus?? Google??

  169. BlackFiresong,
    It is a real letter (somewhere near the end of tha alphabet).
    Lol, not a pinecone lady that, more the medieval version of Princess Leia

    You know how Stevie reads, right?
    And look around the hint to rotate it (90 degrees CCW).

    Zoran Vasic,
    Solve the rebus and then finish it.

  170. The last level, rebus is a good start and maybe googling lyrics will help.

  171. Someone help Zoran (and Newbie and BF) plz, and then help me ... I can see there are at least two people crying now: Zoran and me :*(

  172. Almost 3,000 (three thousand!!!) comments (thanks guys), so new comments on the next page.

  173. 3000 comments, next comments will be on a new page

  174. S-T I know I know that B*****E and rotated BUT nothing, how many letters, as per divisions 6 or more ... anyway, I've tried 6 and more (rotated symbols down) and nothing.

  175. Sorry I meant 8 letters, and I have rotated and nothing

  176. Puzzled,
    Every measure/meter is a letter, so it's an 8 letter answer.


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