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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
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  1. The first 3 notes (top left on the G clef bar) make (when rotated) an H.

  2. Thanks S-T, I was not reading well some letters, including that H. Thanks so much for your understanding :) and now I am sure you will excuse me but I will go and hide in my little hole of shame for the next couple of hours ... thanks again :)

  3. Last level first egg, I have back to my memory but not helpful.

  4. Can I ask for a little help for med III egg?

  5. @Zoran This is the LAST level. It is easier than you are making it.

  6. Last level, look at ltl

    Med III egg tells you to count something on main level

  7. I counted how many letters there are in the longest word but that didn't work

  8. @jujito0 Count all words

  9. Still there... is the answer a number or it means something else? I counted the letters in the sentence beginning with "Find a word..."

  10. @jujito0 Yes that's the right thing to do, now convert the numbers to letters.

  11. wow I feel so stupid now... thanks dutchie

  12. We all have those moments :)

  13. Last level first egg, what I am looking for? Title or answer?

  14. @Zoran, all you need is the text under pic. You need a long answer.

  15. I mean all the text under pic

  16. Last level first egg, still I don't have idea.

  17. LAST level, you need a 16 letter answer

  18. Thanks dutchie, on second egg.????

  19. @Zoran, you're in the last level.

  20. @Verito, yes and I am stuck on second egg.

  21. @Zoran and once again you're in the last level. c:

  22. @Verito,yes I know, but I don't see what is last on second egg except 3 1 2 3

  23. Above. You have a sentence.

  24. Still blind. Up is TTT HELL and Second egg.

  25. You wrote it! Literally!

  26. And who would have thought... they do anagram!

  27. NO WAY, I used last, first letter, all title, ,2, 4, remaining only my toolbar. I don't see.

  28. He's very smart to trick us with little things. LOL

  29. I will give up. Really I can't catch point.

  30. Sorry! Check your last answer.

  31. Look at your eggword keeping in mind that you're in the last level.

  32. my last answer "lrfohqlbhpnaqbvg" on last level first egg.

  33. something wrong with me. I can't see what you are talking about.Aghrrrrrr

  34. @Zoran: Exactly - use it in the same way you got it.

  35. You need granny's help this time

  36. Only I got gibberish, "sesdheerereym"

  37. That's too many letters. How many words made up your LAST egg. Do exactly what you did to get those words on those words, then ask granny.

  38. I got this letters "yrruy" and granny do not help me

  39. 6 words make up what you posted as your last answer: You are looking for 6 letters

  40. Finally got it. I was on other side of the moon. Thanks ceebee and verito for your patience

  41. wow Zoran, that was quite a journey

  42. That was what you call the dark side of the moon, wasn't it?

  43. Yes arrie, totally dark.

  44. I've visited that dark place many times LOL!!

    The Newbie: your method sounds ok. You are looking for that final needle in a haystack. Neaten up what you have and it might make sense.

  45. Thanks CeeBee.. I finally saw it. :)

  46. What I am looking for on 3-rd egg, "rkprcg ahzoref ba cvpgher" and, yes, I know, this is a LAST level :)

  47. Congratulations Newbie :)

  48. Zoran: You need the 4th egg, use a similar method for how you got the others. Recent hints here should help you find where to use what each egg gave you, and of course help is at hand if you need it :)

  49. egg 3 Zoran yes it is a LAST level so use them

  50. But the last answer is to short to use with similar method?

  51. You have some text above and below the image

  52. For the moment, my brain working on reserve power. No up no down.

  53. Good morning :)

    Omega - I just reached the level. I've read comments and need to clarify a couple of things before I try this pyramid thingy. I am on the fist position "S" 8.5.3 but I am confused on how to proceed for other letters. The start point is always the botton left 1.1.1. corner for every letter or I have to move on from one letter to the next? Do I have to visit granny with my letters?

  54. Morning Puzzled, yes for first pyramid your start point is always 1.1.1. each time. No anagram.

  55. @Zoran, you are almost there, for last egg: numbers are words too (write them out)

  56. @Thanks dutchie :) just one more question on first: are there 7 or 8 letters? Do I have to use that S(1.1.1) as well?

  57. You need an eight letter answer for first pyramid.

  58. And letter from starting point is not used in answer

  59. @Dutchie, please disregard my previous question something in my desk was hiding the last number lol, I better have some coffe. In pyramid 2 now :)

  60. Good morning. Still fighting with 3-rd egg on last level. I have not idea for numbers bellow pic.

  61. Morning Zoran, the numbers are just words. Look at title and text, you know what to look for.

  62. @Dutchie, I used same method for LAST level, and I got gibberish "grzcraq".

  63. @Zoran, great you found the last egg. You noticed there are numbers hidden on all eggs? Gather them and go back to Frank.

  64. ok, but I see numbers only on two eggs 2 and 3 (hidden)

  65. All eggs have a serie of numbers, Ctrl A will reveil them on 1st and 4th egg.

  66. Finally FINISH. After passing trough mordor arrived on Bahamas :). Thanks to everyone for helping me all the time.

  67. Yay !! Congrats Zoran, well done :)

  68. Yay, a new Hellraiser!

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Congrats and very well done, Zoran :)

    Zoran Vasic

    And here's how people (so far) are renaming me :)

    I'm renaming small-tool...... ***censored*** LOL!!

    I'm renaming small-tool to Nu lol

    I'm renaming small-tool superb, mindblowing, amazing, logical, lovely, topnotch
    outstanding, overwhelming, leading Master of Riddles

    I'm renaming small-tool "hell-boy"

    Sweet Meat
    I’m renaming small-tool “evil satan.”

    Zoran Vasic
    I’m renaming small-tool…expert for headaches.

  69. @Zoran, CONGRATULATIONS :)

    Omega Egg 1 aka Pyramid 2 : very stuck. I am applying negatives directions as opposite of what it is supposed to be. Not sure if I have to do something with reversed letters in this level but when I fall upon a reversed I try to do the right/left thing but not sure I am doing it right. This level is anagram? I can only read some "juljrtb" and I am not advancing.

  70. Puzzled.
    It's not an anagram.
    You start every letter at 1,1,1.
    The reversed letters are not important in this pyramid.
    And yes, 7,1,-5 for instance means 7 to the right, 1 stays inside that triangle, and -5 means not going down left, but up right.
    Does that help?

  71. @Arrie, thank you, everything helps :) I will retry not touching reversed this time. My head hurts already lol and I still have to complete this nightmare plus the infamous pyramid 3 ...:P

  72. Perhaps unnecessary to mention, but you count from 1,1,1 every triangle that is linked to the other, so S A O N H D ..etc.

  73. Hard C: I have read the hints here but I don't understand them. I converted the four numbers and took a time machine to the past, but the way I'm reading the hints indicate that is the wrong way. May I ask for a clearer "slow-player" clue? Thanks.

  74. gamma, found egg, googled italic words and studied various charts. For text in general as well as the level text. Can't find number 10.

  75. Clio is first, one moment :-)

  76. Hard C.
    The shows two familiar things : AM and PM.
    The numbers to get to the egg are AM.
    Make them PM and convert to letters again.

  77. Morning all! Still on Chi. I just realised that the pic I thought was a woman with a pinecone is actually a woman looking in a mirror. LOL! However, I'm still not able to get all the letters. Gur yrggre sbe Cntr 1 vf na V, ohg ebgngvat gung 180 qrterrf tvirf zr guvf: Ebj 1 - Oynax Oynax, Ebj 2 - Oynax Qbg, Ebj 3 - Qbg Oynax, naq gung qbrfa'g zngpu nal bs gur yrggref. V guvax V'ir qbar gur bgure 5 yrggref evtug, ohg V'z abg fher, nf gurl'er n ovg habegubqbk. Ner X naq M va gur nafjre??

  78. Gamma.
    There's a nice tool on Red Luth : Frequency analyzer.
    Put the text in there and see if you can apply the level title for another egg.

  79. Thank you so much Arrie.

  80. @ arrie, that was the tool I used before. Can't find another egg.

  81. Chi.
    BFS. It might help to write them out.
    The letter for page 1 is not an I.
    The top right picture also counts.

  82. Chi.
    Sigh ... sometimes I mix up left and right.
    Page one : the top LEFT picture of course.

  83. We'll get to 4000 comments with mistakes like this LOL.

  84. Gamma.
    Ike, what letter appears 3 times? what letter 14 times?
    and gram.

  85. Aaah, Ike, I'm sorry ! You have the second egg already ??
    Okay ... find the wiki page for the italic letters.
    And find the order.
    Use the title from the second egg to pick letters.

  86. @ arrie, that's the egg I found. It is the numbers 7, 4 , 13, 6 and 10 I can't find. At least not all of them

  87. Gamma.
    Ike, leave the red luth.
    Go to wiki to find the complete list of letters.

  88. On wiki you can find it under : Relative frequencies of letters in the English language

  89. @ arrie, it was in front of my face all the time !! Had the right site, only had to adjust the sorting, brrrr. Thanks again !!

  90. Arrie, (still hard C) there are four numbers separated by comma's. If I use hours, minutes, seconds, what is the fourth number for? I'm still confused, and thankful you for your help.

  91. Hard C.
    Clio, why do you want to divide in minutes, seconds?
    You all use 5 am or 5 pm.
    We in the rest of the world (ahem) say : 5.00 hours or 17.00 hours.
    I don't know the english word for this :).
    But you must have seen it before.

  92. Ah, found it : writing in military time, isn't it?

  93. Hence the military guy on the pic :P

  94. aahh, thank you small-tool, your accuracy makes me smile.

  95. Huh? What military guy? I see a fella touching an easy, when most go for a hard.

    I'm ever so sorry, but I honestly have no idea what you mean. I see four numbers separated by comma's. I made a word with them. I took a time machine. It revealed nowt to me. I reckon I must need to think some more on your hints. ..and when I solve, be all shame-faced, but smiling because, failing can be fun too.

  96. Dear clio,
    it is clear you don't have an omelet yet.
    To make an omelet you need an egg.
    Did you go BACK to that egg?

  97. And I agree, the picture is not fair.
    It can be very misleading.

  98. i only got a little egg,using the four numbers. I have no omelette. But, i think i might have scrambled egg brains.

  99. tasty clio, very tasty.
    Don't know about a little egg, but the egg BACK (also from the numbers) shows you the MP.

  100. Dont worry, Arrie. Tomorrow is another day and I'm in no hurry whatsoever. A riddler I will never be, but I enjoy tootling along, reading comments, using comments to help me, and then begging. I will think on it tomorrow.

  101. Clio, whatever the time, may it be AM or PM, you will always be ahead of me. Goodnight.

  102. i only have the egg Back to the past. I will try to find the MP tmrw, and then find out what some mysterious military person is trying to show me. Thanks again, Arrie.

  103. Take me literally clio, numbers to letters = BACk.

  104. Thats what i did. OH MY GOODNESS. I forgot about that bloke. I totally ignored him, and went back to the main page. I KNEW i would be embarrassed, and I am. hahhaa. Onward to tmrw when i may or may not understand your further hints after that bloke appeared. I saw him, ignored him ... and serves me right for being thick as a plank of wood.

  105. hi guys :) I need help on med XVI egg, please (the one with the frame) I have no idea what to do here. thanks!!!

  106. AAARRGGHHH Clio !!
    "Beating head on the keyboard overhere"!!!

  107. So embarrassed. That was the first thing i did, but thought..yeah yeah, blah blah..and ignored him. My bad. Was so convinced I had to take the time machine, that I, Quote: "made up my own hints" .. Sigh, when will I learn? Answer = never. I get tricked every time.

  108. Im so sorry Arrie. May I offer you a paracetamol and a cool drink of water? x

  109. Yep, :) :). Sleep well Clio.

  110. XVI Egg.
    It shows the letters from right to left, correct?
    Do the same with the numbers on the level page.

  111. Perhaps that hint was too clear, sorry.

  112. hahhaa, clio!
    Thank you, how kind of you.

  113. Arrie, thank you again. Good luck Abraxxass. I cant remember how I solved that level. Im ever so glad that the brainiacs can, for both our sakes. Night, Arrie. x

  114. thanks clio and good night :) arrie, thanks a lot, but I still don't get it...when I use +19 for R, +4 for N etc, I only get gibberish

  115. @arrie: Thank you! V mbbzrq va naq fnj gung gur svefg yrggre ba gur cvpgher ba Cntr 1 vf na R engure guna na V. Ohg V pna'g trg nalguvat sebz ebgngvat gung 180 qrterrf rvgure! :(

  116. Abraxxass, Use only the numbers .... to letters, so in your example : 19 = S.

  117. omg, silly me, thank you so, so much, arrie :)

  118. Blackfiresong, you don't have the correct method yet.
    I should say : you don't SEE the correct method yet, which is normal cause you haven't opened your eyes to it. And to use the correct method, you shouldn't either.
    So, on page one are 4 pictures in certain positions.

  119. @Arrie - Thank you!!! The penny dropped :D Onto Psi now.

  120. Psi - I found the egg and have seen from the picture what I need. I've Googled names for each case, and I've tried applying the numbers from the first part to those names (counting). However, some of the names aren't long enough for that to work. FTF doesn't work either. So I'm a bit confused.

  121. Psi.
    You have the egg which says that you are close?

  122. that's not a hint, that's a question.

  123. @Arrie - Yes, and I've seen the hint on the picture. So I Googled the relevant information for each of the cases. But I can't get anything other than gibberish out of that. And I don't know how to apply the stuff about the cigar. I Googled "no cigar" in conjunction with the answer for the first part and all I got was some weird song (and the artist didn't work as the answer, lol).

  124. And only the surname is needed.

  125. I must confess that I've never watched a single Bond film in full... Does this require Bond knowledge? I just did some Googling and found N Obaq svyz gung hfrf gung yvar naq gura sbhaq gur qverpgbe bs gung zbivr, but neither the full name nor the surname nor the first name work as the URL. :(

  126. Never mind!! I had the wrong film. Haha! Onto Omega now.

  127. No, no knowledge required. Just wiki again.
    Your egg-name + the one who orchistrates it all, like the picture is suggesting.

  128. Good :).
    I'm leaving now. But others will come in sooner or later to help.

  129. Thanks for your invaluable help, Arrie!

    I'm on the 3rd pyramid of Omega and I'm struggling somewhat. Verito wrote an excellent comment which I am trying to follow. However, I cannot successfully count the coordinates from the (3,3,-3) letter. I go off the pyramid. :/

  130. BlackFiresong,

    You get the start letter by going right, left/up, right/up.
    But maybe you're already there. If there, you go down/left, right, up/left.

    There is a new hellraiser:

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Congrats Sid :)


    He/she renaming me:

    I'm renaming small-tool...... "smalltool but large cajones".

  131. ETA, found an egg but getting nowhere with that. Since it's difficult to find hints in over 3000 comments I'm asking here. Tried to find a word that's related to the pic of the egg as well as the band but nothing I found was accepted.

  132. Ike,
    Google band and your answer (that got you this egg) together.

  133. @s-t - Thank you. I'm really struggling with this pyramid. How many letters do I need in total? My sequence has stopped spelling anything meaningful. This is what I have so far (ROT-d): jrnaneq. Could you please tell me at what point I veered off course?

  134. Your first 4 letters are correct.
    How many letters in total you can see in the text.
    It says:

    you will get (including start letter) a kind of sentence.

    Format of the letters/words:

    ?? ? ???? ????

  135. Ooooops, sorry! I got so absorbed in the pyramid that I totally forgot about that!

  136. ETA, found second egg and now it makes no sense at all anymore, at least to me.

  137. Damn. I just can't get past the fourth letter on the pyramid. I have read and re-read the hints, but I can't get my rules straight to move past the 4th letter.

  138. @ike: Find out what the image is, and then Google that together with the hint on the egg. That should lead you to the answer.

  139. Omega 3rd Pyramid - STRUGGLING. I don't understand how to deal with inverted letters. I thought I was meant to use the directions backwards in those cases (take the 3rd first and the 1st third). But that doesn't work.

  140. yes, small-tool, I already have that one.
    Thank you.

  141. Is the eighth letter an M?

  142. Never mind. I simply can't find any logic.
    That's okay :).

  143. Yes Arrie, think the eight letter is M but not sure trying to replay it and got lost again.

  144. Omega Pyramid 3: I don't know where to start I can't find any cell marked as 3,3,-3

  145. on KAPPA i found both eggs, but don't know how to use the given numbers in both eggs

  146. Pyramid 3, start from 1,1,1 do the 3,3,-3 steps and that will be you real startpoint

  147. Kappa, use numbers on answers and ask granny

  148. thx dutchie, made a mistake, counted one wrong and then grann won't be helpful, it's late here, going to get some sleep!

  149. @Puzzled: I can try to help, but will say up front that I am still confused with Pyramid 3, every time I try to replay, I get something different. I can tell you that neither of what you posted is correct :(

  150. Lol Cee Bee, thanks so much, I had the feeling it was wrong. I'll keep trying :) (I'm deleting my previous post)

  151. Arrie, Thank you again for your help on Hard C. I finally understood what you meant this afternoon, after still trying the wrong thing all day.

  152. Morning all! S-T, thanks for the Pyramid instructions. But I think I will be 80 years old and still struggling with this. So far I have this (ROT-d): JR N AVAQ. Since that makes no sense, I'm guessing I've gone wrong somewhere. Can someone tell me which is the first letter I've got wrong?

  153. Hi BFS. I'm on Hard G, but too tired to riddle this evening after doing Granny duties today. However, reading back on all the hints for the Pyramid of Death, may I suggest this: Ride on a Magic Carpet, prick your finger on a spinning wheel, sleep for one thousand years, wake up to the kiss of a frog - or a Prince or Princess, click rings with your sibling and say "Shazann", call on your Fairy Godmothers, wait for a golden pumpkin coach and make sure you fit the glass slipper and then, have a tantrum. Oh, and if that doesn't work, just look tearful and sad and plead for safe harbour. (never worked for me, but one of us may be lucky).

  154. @Hi BF. Unfortunately also lost in Pyramid 3. About your letters, made a check yesterday on that 5th letter you have and was told it was wrong. So we are both hitting a wall trying to find a good 5th letter to keep going :( I've tried so many things ....

  155. @clio - Thank you. That all seems like it should be very useful, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to apply it. xD I will keep trying and asking for checks and hopefully I will eventually get all the letters. I think if I could just get the 5th letter, I would (maybe) feel more confident about finding the rest!

    Hard G was a pain in the butt - I remember asking a lot of questions about it, though, so there should be plenty of useful hints in the comments from that.

  156. BFS, your first wrong letter is the V (rot)

  157. @Puzzled - yeah, the 5th letter is what's stumping me. S-T confirmed that my first four are right, but for the 5th one, I either get a letter that can't possibly follow the 4th letter to make a word, or I get 2 options that are possible. I guess if the 5th letter I asked about is wrong, I will try out the other path and see if that leads anywhere good (it didn't the last time I tried, but hope springs eternal).

  158. Thanks, Donas. Back to the drawing board it is!

  159. @BF Sorry, I meant 6th letter, letters 1 to 5 apparently are ok as per what I've read in this forum. My head in so heavy now, sorry again if I have confused you.

  160. @clio thanks, I really needed a good laugh on this dreadful pyramid :)

    I am a little magical criature that needs lots of help to escape pyramid 3, otherwise I will die here and my rainbow-diamond bones will be used by some nasty Pyramid keeper in their soup. Help? Pretty please? (just following your advise, Clio :P)

  161. BFS and Puzzled, for the 5th letter, it is clockwise starting with -8, ending on a vOwel

  162. See? Puzzled and BFS...all you need to do is hope and dream, and demand and cry, and beg and plead..and then.......just when you think you are going to kill someone (small-tool, no names mentioned, tee tum). Donas comes to your rescue. She is neither frog nor Prince, but a wonderful Princess WHO SOLVED FIRST. Woohooo.

  163. Donas!! Thank you :) I now have (ROT-d): JR N ABFR. Yay or nay?

  164. BFS, yay!!

    Puzzled, last 3 are wrong

  165. could someone please help me with med XXIII, egg indiana jones? no idea what to w***. the previous hints didn't help me. thanks

  166. Abraxxass, I don't know what to say. Small-tool tricked me to death with this one. Check your green underlining and simply do FtF. grr to him for being a Tricky McMonster

  167. simple and I didn't try it..thank you so much, clio,..onto XXIV

  168. Omega 3rd Pyramid - I now have "JR N ABFR ZVAT". Am I still wrong? That doesn't work as an answer and Granny doesn't give me anything from it.

  169. BFS, last 3 are wrong, you won't need granny
    I'm trying to help, but my notes are a real mess!

  170. I feel like I'm just guessing at this point by elimination based on what isn't right. I'm guessing that the second word starts with "ZB"? But I don't know if I was on the right "Z" to start with...

  171. BFS, if you mean the last word, Z is right. Still trying to read my Mess!

  172. @Donas: My problem is that I am not sure if I am on the right "Z" since there are many on the board and it's so complicated. The one I am on says "zvahf gjb guerr zvahf rvtug".

  173. BFS, that's the right place, I bet your notes are a Mess too!

  174. Lol, Donas! I'm doing my working out on Paint and I have lines and circles everywhere!

    Thanks for confirming the position - now I just have to find the last three letters somehow!

  175. I now get "zrne" for the fourth word. How off-base am I? Going to stop for a bit as my head is spinning, haha.

  176. BFS, zr is right, looks like your are about to straighten out that MEss!

  177. Omg!!! I finally got past that third pyramid somehow!!! Now I'm at the one with the 3 eggs. Do I need to just combine my previous answers?

  178. @gratz BF :)

    As for me, I am afraid this is too much. Will keep trying but, honestly, not having much fun anymore.

  179. @Puzzled: Take a break and come back to it. We're too close to the end to give up!

  180. @Donas, thanks so much, got the egg.

  181. Puzzled, I bet your notes are a MEss too!

  182. @yes Donas,thanks for ever :) I will dedicate my tomorrow's chain of favours to you :)

  183. so tired ... I meant tomorrow you will inspire my chain of favours :)

  184. Well done BFS and Puzzled! The end is near :)

    Almost 3200 comments, new page!

  185. Still not sure what to do with the pyramid with the 3 eggs on Omega. I feel like it should be really obvious, lol. But I can't combine previous answers to make anything good. I also can't do anything with the letters that occur where those egg symbols are positioned.

  186. BFS, using the arrow points, and a trip to granny should work

  187. @Donas: But the middle arrow is EXACTLY in between the two. From the other two eggs, I was able to take a pair of letters as the arrow is clearly pointing to a pair... but the middle egg is ambiguous. I've tried using the pairs from the top and bottom eggs together with the pairs from the middle egg (individually and together), and Granny gives me results, but nothing stands out or works as an answer when I add the extra words as instructed.


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