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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
With 3456 comments (& counting!), this game got the
most comments of all times on EG24!!!
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  1. Even knowing the 9th letter it still took me several tries to find the path to it. Thank you BF and Donas for the open conversation.
    I anagrammed with two ? and am on the egg now.

  2. I have this: "zv" (sebz gbc) "erzv" (sebz zvqqyr) naq "qv" (sebz obggbz). I get one answer from Granny using those, but that doesn't work. I think the third pyramid fried my brain to the extent that I now can't solve basic levels, haha.

  3. Lambda, where to go back to in memory lane ?

  4. Well done, arrie!! Please help me with the 3 egg pyramid now if you can :)

  5. Lambda.
    The letter shows which levels to go to.
    And mind you .... this letter appears in TWO paths!

  6. I'm on the vid level'.
    Are you there as well BF?

  7. Lambda - go back to the points in your memory that the picture indicates. The name of the level and the numbers under the picture tell you what exactly you need to pull from those memories.

  8. @arrie: No, I'm still on Omega on the pyramid with the 3 eggs on it. It should be really straightforward, but it isn't working for me (see my comment above from 10:03am).

  9. Where do the arrows point to BF? Take those, from both sides now.
    (Which is a very nice song as well)

  10. Ok now, I went to that page with the young people and read that thing about keeping track of personal styles and blahblah, seen the video (8 mins) and now I cannot find that anymore to keep track of whatever I am supposed to keep track of, and I am adressed to a loooooooooooooooooong song
    My worry is about the superhappy ppl vid before, because if there was some info I cannot get it anymore or was it a red herring and I should forget about it and concentrate in the song. Sorry if I sound harsh. I am tired.

  11. It's a lovely song!

    I thought I was doing that - but I must be picking the wrong letters? I assumed that e.g. for the top egg, you pick the two letters from the second row that the arrows are pointing to (which, ROT-d, are "Z" and "V"). Is that wrong? I'm particularly confused about the middle egg, since the arrow for that one seems to be bang in the middle and it isn't clear to me where exactly it points.

  12. Puzzled I don't know where you are, but I doubt that long songs and vids really need to be analyzed.
    Is there nothing on the level itself?
    And don't worry about your tone of voice :).

  13. BF, I'm still listening with much pleasure to st's vid.
    You're overthinking.
    Write down the word, and go as far aside as the arrows can take you .... take those letters.

  14. *headdesk* I am an idiot. I was looking at what letters the arrows pointed on the pyramid and not seeing the much more obvious and simple omelette interpretation. Onto THE LAST LEVEL now!

  15. I am in the lyrics of a something called clover. Lost. What am I supposed to do.

  16. OK, I have a lovely song and no idea what to do now, haha.

  17. @Puzzled - I don't even know what to with the first song :/ I read that LTL is important for this level, but I don't know how to apply it.

  18. I have to think and try some things here.
    Perhaps going back to earlier comments for this level.
    Tried some nicknames of the singer, but none work.
    Let's see if others got a hint here.

  19. Well actually, that word reminds me of something in a previous level but I do need a little break. Hey, if you finish in my absence don't dissapear, I need your expertise and hints :)

  20. Last level, the rebus makes two words, find them in the lyrics and you will get to egg 1

  21. Puzzled, not sure where you are, you should be on a page that tells you it is 'the last level' It has a video of a well known song and 2 pics below that

  22. @Puzzled, rebus below video, 2 pics with eye and face.

  23. Hi Dutchie - I tried "V snpr" and "V snprq", but neither work, and I can't see anything else in the lyrics that matches the rebus...

  24. @BFS first is right, now look in lyrics and find those words

  25. Based on Zoran's comment, I must be right? But it doesn't work? I even tried writing adding some of the lyrics after that, but no go. :(

  26. @arrie - LTL = last things last. I read that that becomes relevant for this level at some point.

    @dutchie: Got the egg now!! Thanks.

  27. What do "alphanumeric" and "function added" mean? Count I understand and I got two letters from that. I assume I need 4 total for the next egg?

  28. thx arrie & BF , shame on me really

  29. @ike: Not at all! Look at the number of questions I've asked, hahahaha. I think I am by far the worst offender in that regard :D

  30. @BFS Fosus on the fact that this is the LAST level!!

  31. Focus will be better lol

  32. I made it to the second egg (the one with the numbers). Now totally stumped! I read something in the comments about picking lasts from the URL. But that just gives me gibberish.

  33. OK, made it to the third egg (thanks, Robin, for asking the right questions earlier!). But now I am totally stuck for real. Don't know how to interpret the pic or the text under it.

  34. LAST level 3rd egg, numbers are words too

  35. Oooh. Thanks, Dutchie. But my 4-letter answer from doing that doesn't work. :/

  36. You need a 7 letter answer

  37. Never mind - figured out what else I had to include! Last eggggggg.

  38. Last egg - if the numbers are ABCD, is it irefr N, yvar O, jbeq P naq yrggre Q? Naq vs fb, nz V pbhagvat sbejneqf be onpxjneqf jvguva gur jbeq? R.t. vs gur jbeq vf "snpr" naq V arrq gur frpbaq yrggre, jbhyq gung or "n" be "p"?

  39. @BFS You are on the right way. Just count from start.

  40. Hmmm. Have run into a problem. 1st verse doesn't have a 5th line. :/

  41. I'll have to finish later on :( Have to head out. But yaaaay, almost done!

  42. BFS, just go to the next line

  43. We want to see you finish :)

  44. @dutchie: My other letters make no sense, though. Do I need to visit Granny or should they spell out something good straight away?

  45. @BFS you need 4 sets of number, from each egg. If you read them in the right way it gives a good sentence.

  46. There is a new finisher :)

    Congrats and very well done, Pixie Rose :)

    Hall of Fame

  47. Still trying to pick letters to solve the last egg. The letters I get from Egg 1 aren't a proper word (unless I Granny them). Does each egg have to give a word? Or can they be Grannied together afterwards?

  48. Come on everybody! So close now. You can do it!

  49. @BFS No. Each egg doesn't give a word. Just put them in order. I put the Egg 1 letters on top, followed by Egg 2, etc. Just a straight line down.

  50. So only sixty-ish more comments and small tool will be Number One! But we already knew that, didn't we?

  51. @Janet small-tool is already number one in my book and I've never even met him! lol.

  52. @Janet - I really hope this riddle makes the number one spot! It deserves to go down in history!

  53. So I guess I am still in Omega, at an egg with a pyramid and three eggs. I've read hints and I don't know what to do.

  54. @Puzzled - Take your three egg words and pick letters according to the arrows on the eggs.

  55. thanks BF :) but where are those arrows pointing at? letters, numbers, positions, I am afraid I have not recovered from our previous ordeal ... no brains left I ever had much of those anyway :P

  56. @Puzzled - will it help if I tell you that the arrows are pointing to the extremities/ends of the eggs?

    I've deleted my last comment because I FIGURED IT OUT!!! I had all the right letters - I just wasn't reading them the way I needed to be reading them. Hell has finally frozen over!!! Woo hoooooo :D Unfortunately, my answers are all on my computer and not my phone. So I'll probably have to email s-t tomorrow. But yaaaay, I finally did it!!!!

  57. Congrats BFS, well done, you can go rest now :)

  58. BlackFiresong, that's great !!!
    Congratulations !!! Wow, I am truly happy for you :)

    and I just reached the last level :) I was using one of the egg answers in the wrong way

  59. Last Level - I've read in hints that I must do a rebus with two pics under the vid ... well, I don't see any pics under the vid only the youtube vid (lyrics) and a notice about copyrights. How can I rebus two pics I don't see? I have refreshed several times. Help?

  60. No idea why the pic doesn't show. Sorry about that.
    This is the picture:

    Picture on the last level

  61. There is a new Hellraiser :)

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Very well done, congrats BlackFiresong :)


    And also a new (re)name to add:

    I'm renaming small-tool "Tom Marvolo Riddle"... (that 3rd Omega pyramid was definitely a Horcrux!)

  62. XI, made it to the good egg but don't know how to do what the eggs instructs me to. Took the tekst to paint but that's about it.

  63. Last Level - Thanks for the pictures ST. I've checked with my internet providor, apparently there are some technicalissues in my area so the service goes down or drops speed (they are trying to fix asap). I hope this doesn't ruin my possibilities of ending this lol.

    On egg 2/4 now.

  64. @Ike on Xi. In paint each line is like a block that you can move and also there are two marks (top-bottom) that tells you how to carry out that egg's instruction. Arrange things leaving some space between lines.

  65. @ puzzled, on XI, tried to put them as you said and guess I have to read a word from right to left, but I can't see any letters except maybe a few U's. And, I hope you will be able to end today!!

  66. @Ike on Xi: you need to leave some blank space between block/lines so you can draw there 10 letters using those marks.

    I hope so too lol but I am stuck on Last Level egg 3 :)

  67. I'm really at a loss - on Omega level with pyramid and 3 eggs
    Have read all the hints and Have picked extremity letters and made some lovely words but nothing is working -
    Any more help please?

  68. @Lennox you have completed the three pyramids?

  69. @puzzled You have the second egg on last level? What are you looking at?

  70. @Chael, yes I have completed the 3 pyramids and am at the pyramid with 3 eggs inside it with arrows pointing to either side on them
    I have read the hints and know I am overthinking or perhaps not thinking at all!!
    Any further help would be greatly appreciated

  71. @lennox: you have 3 eggs now, literally. Those arrows are pointing somewhere in your eggs, pick those letters and visit granny for a word to make an omelette. Finish your omelette adding those two words as instructed :) Hurry and help me with Last level egg 3 :P

  72. @Lennox what words got you past each of the three pyramids? Where are the arrows indicating on those words? Granny may help you. And follow the text at the bottom of your three golden egg page.

  73. @Puzzled and @Chael
    Thanks - I have been doing what you have suggested, I think, and granny give me a couple of nice options, but nothing is working at all
    I get no omelette - just scrambled eggs to match my scrambled brain

  74. @lennox - don't do what I did and try and Granny the letters that are in the pyramid. Just use the extremities of your three egg answers and add what the level tells you to add.

  75. @ike - three words, you have already two words from the instructions in the bottom. The third word (6 letters) comes from picking letters in three answers you have for each omega egg.

  76. @BlackFiresong - so by doing that one word I got was
    but nothing I try with these letters and adding what the levels tells me to will work for me at all
    Feeling very stupid!

  77. Egg 3 Last Level - I LTL on title and bottom text but nada. In comments I've read thatnumbers are to be used too and it is a seven letter word but ... converting numbers to words makes more than 7 ... oh my will I ever get out of here???

  78. POP, got it and into last level last egg

  79. Xi, tbg uhsnvgsayj ? At least some of them are ok?

  80. @Ike congratulations for completing the three paths.

  81. @Pixie Rose congratulations and wb!

  82. @ verito, I didn't unfortunately, lol. Puzzled did !! I'm stuck painting Xi

  83. @Zoran congratulations for completing hell path!

  84. @Ike I see you in the Hall of Fame. Sorry about my belated message, I haven't been able to be around much these days.

  85. Oh sorry, I misunderstood veri, thought you meant hell path. When I read comments and see what's ahead of me I will probably be here several days from now.

  86. @lennox: You have the right idea, but you're using the wrong pair from the 3rd egg. You need the pair from the word that got you to the pyramid with the 3 eggs, not the one from the word that got you the tongue-sticky-out-emoji screen.

  87. @Sid congratulations to you too for making it out of hell.

  88. @Ike - only your last letter is wrong :)

  89. Last Egg Last Level - I've seen the hidden message. What am I supposed to do now? I need some help again lol

  90. @Blackfiresong, congratulations! You've walked out of that hell path too! Good job!

  91. @Ike have you noticed the markings above or below the letters? They spell something. If I recall well there was an arrow that spelt something too. Try putting the black bands by an imaginary left margin using Paint or your graphics program. Not stuck to each other but leaving a gap between the lines.

  92. @ BlackFiresong thank you so very much!!
    Feeling very very silly now

  93. @Puzzled, did you find all the four sets so far?

  94. @Ike, if you already did that try to draw what should be there in the gaps, the markings should be heads and feet.

  95. hard F,found the egg but dispite all hinds(about overlaying)cant get it,pls help

  96. @lennox: Aww, don't feel silly! I definitely went way further off course than that at various points in this riddle :D

    @Puzzled: You need to find something similar on each of the 4 eggs and apply each of them to the level. Should give you 16 letters total, and if you write those out correctly, you'll get the sentence that gets you out of Hell and back into the world of the living :D

    Thanks @Verito, @Puzzled, @dutchie for the congrats!! :D

  97. Thanks Puzzled and Verito, as usual was trying to make more of it than there was ! Will I ever learn , guess not.

  98. @hi Verito :) If by sets you mean a grupo of numbers 4 rows/4 number each, I've seen that on eggs 2 and final. On eggs 1 (Franky) and 3 (videogame) I haven't seen anything like that.

  99. @Sofia, if you have the egg look at the zones that it marks but in your original grid. You'll collect two more letters that way to add to your soup.

  100. @Puzzled yes, I meant those. In the videogame look very close, check your brightness if necessary.

  101. Look for more hidden text, there was a second one that you might have missed. Do you have the one of egg 4?

  102. thanks verito for helping,i was trying to find 6 new letters

  103. @Verito and BF - thanks for your help :)

    I found sets in egs 2, 3 and 4 (and yes, I had to change brightness and stand up).

    But on egg 1 haven't found anything, I guess it has something to do with the text about past levels but don't know how to use that alphanumeric/function added/count hint

  104. POP lol, I just found that other hidden text (thanks Verito, I had not done that egg). So now I have 4 sets. Back to frankie now?

  105. @Puzzled, yep back to Frank :)

  106. @OMG OMG OMG I AM OUT AT LAST !!! THANKS for all the help and patience! I APOLOGIZE for being such a nuisance sometimes. OMG I am crying lol

  107. CONGRATS Puzzled, great job :)

  108. Congratulations Puzzled and BFS, and all the hellraisers. Cheers!! You all deserve a big drink and a jolly good sleep-in.

  109. Congrats Puzzled and BFS!!!

  110. And congrats to small-tool for having the most commented game in the history of this site!!

  111. Congrats small-tool with TTT being the Number One riddle on amount of comments :)

  112. Now it is. Congrats Small. x

  113. Next up: Ike, Clio_rose, and Sofia NT

  114. Not a chance, Chael615. I'm on Hard-H, and (by reading comments) apparently should have found only three letters using "you". I found six, one being a repeat, and the another the original "you". Apparently, I'm going dotty. Not to worry. All's well that cheats well. tee tum.

  115. Yes congrats S-T, this masterpiece deserves being Number One :)

  116. @ small, Congrats for a well deserved 1st place !!
    @ puzzled; well done finishing !

    For me there are 9 more to go. Now struggling on pi, obviously know both terms but no idea what to pick.

  117. I am not good explaining, so I am just writting some notes I took from previous comments and were helpful for me:

    @Ike on Pi: 7 words to get letters from, 1 word=1 letter"; use numbers from Pi, but not all numbers, only those numbers hinted in the pic

    @clio: you need 4 letters for a 5 letter answer

    I am going to rest a little bit,wow, I'm exhausted :)

  118. Thank you Puzzled. You deserve your rest. You have earned it. Congrats once again.

  119. not doing very well on pi. Still get no results on pickting the letters.

  120. WOOO!!! Congrats, @Puzzled!!! So happy for you!!! :D

    Thanks, @clio and @Chael for the congrats :)

    And massive congrats to s-t for this officially being the most-commented riddle on this website!!! So well-deserved!!!

  121. @Puzzled, felicitaciones. I hope you can take a break in a cooler place than that path full of flames now.

  122. @ike - You need one letter from each word, and you need to only consider the PRIMES.

  123. @clio - Hard-H - forwards, backwards and singles.

  124. @ST CONGRATULATIONS! I'm glad you didn't actually make a secret path with over a hundred extra levels inspired in our overthinking ideas LOL! (You didn't... did you??). A virtual #1 medal to you.

  125. Congrats to all the new finishers! Well done!

    CONGRATS to small-tool for a monumental riddle! Looking forward to the next. :)

  126. @BFS still too many letters to pick as far as I'm concerned. What am I missing ?

  127. Congratulations small tool, now you know what it feels like to be a number one.

    Thanks BFS. Will work on it tmrw.

  128. Ike, you have 7 words, you need the first 7 prime numbers in the numbers of Pi

  129. A new Hellraiser

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Very well done, congrats Puzzled :)


    And also a new (re)name to add:

    Renaming Small-Tool, Hell-r-Us, Ltd - C.E.O.

    Huge thanks to all of you for making this a game with so many comments and a great rating as well :)

    Very glad you all have fun playing (together), helping each other and just having fun in the comments together.
    Also thanks for all the compliments and the congrats for (probably) the comments record on EG24.

    Big, warm, sweaty wet hugs and kisses to you all :)

  130. Hi :).
    Great to see BFS and Puzzled made it out. Super!

  131. @ Donas, thx finally found it.

  132. @ike: What Donas said. Apply the 1st prime to the 1st word, 2nd to the 2nd word etc.

  133. @arrie - thank you!! Hope you're the next one :)

  134. TAU, no idea what to do. Read something about separating letters, but how

  135. Any help for HARD F. I have been away so hope to get through a few levels over the weekend

  136. @colmkilm , a huge hint in the text , how would you name colour challenged people?

  137. Tau.
    Write down the letters in a row,
    below that the odd numbered letters leaving out the space where the even ones go.
    A third row below that the same with the even letters.
    Then start reading from right to left, going up and down through the two lines where you divided the letters.

  138. Found a first egg on the last level :).

  139. TY ike but I have tried every variation of every term I can think of. Must be missing one

  140. @Colmkilm - if you can't see colour, you are colour-_____. How do _____ people read?

  141. @BlackFiresong I have been down all those avenues. but I am just not seeingt. I feel I am close but yet so far away

  142. Hard F.
    Count the amount of blocks. You can divide them to make them suitable for the code you need.

  143. @arrieNL I have just been doing that but getting lettersand numbers. do i need another code?

  144. @ arrie, from right to left I can read one word and then no more

  145. Hard F.
    You know you can't see the code, so stay with that one.
    Draw a line through the middle to divide into two columns.
    Then you need some horizontal lines as well to enjoy the green green grass of home.

  146. Hard F.
    You're "looking" for 6 letters.

  147. Got an egg now-I had been using the pharmaceutical version of the code without realising it is different

  148. oh, wow, lol, I didn't even know that existed!

  149. Tau.
    Yes, so could I.
    If you have written it down like ceebee suggested it to me, you see that first word very obviously down right (4 letters).
    Go up left for 3 letters and try to finish that word with another 2 letters ....

  150. Only use the two rows you wrote below the level-letters!

  151. @ arrie, how many words am I looking for. Three readable words I have for quite some time now, but they were not accepted.

  152. Ike, you're looking for 4 words.
    The fourth one is very long.
    When you reached the end on the left go back up right to read on.
    It's a very unknown word.
    The first three words are : 4-5-2 letters long.

  153. The Hard F egg has me stumped. Must have had too much beer while away.

  154. Hard F.
    Consider the egg as a template ....

  155. @Colmkilm, look at which zones the egg grid marks, look at those in your original grid.

  156. @ arrie, was just about to ask you if it was related to a commercial: na na na na na!! But then I found the answer, lol

  157. hahaa, Ike ... nice word to use at a birthday party, right?

  158. @ arrie, and then get slapped in your face, hahaha

  159. but you're right : they do have a long memory.
    That was a fun commercial.

  160. @verito I have two letters by doing that

  161. @Colmkilm, that's correct. Add them to what you got before and get a new word.

  162. @verito got it. TY all for yor help

  163. Phi, read a lot of wiki pages but still no idea where I am. Even thought of Elckerlijc. Back in memory lane that is.

  164. never mind, found it at last

  165. Let's see if I can get Hard G before retiring. If anyone can give me a push

  166. @Colmkilm, with which hand do you type each letter of the text below the pic? L/R?

  167. @verito TY. I thought of that. Would it be binary thereafter?

  168. @Colmkilm yes, so you know in how many bits groups to split that.

  169. @Mishu, convert letters to numbers, then do what the image says -per line.

  170. Hi Mishu, convert, then divide and conquer

  171. @verito. Will do that tomorrow. Eyes too tired now

  172. I haven't been here much over the past few days. It's so good to see that so many have joined the Hall of fame and the Hell of Flames:

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS and thanks again to S-T for creating such an entertaining and challenging masterpiece.

  173. which letters? from key or hint ?

  174. Each pair in each line in the text. You should get integers.

  175. Each pair of words I mean.

  176. key DFA

    Hint: GDBHE

    what to do with those?

  177. @Mishu, use those too, the same way as the preceding lines. If you do the math with each pair of words you should get integers.

  178. Just reached omega. From the first looks of it that will be a nightmare if I even try it at all. Anyway, that's it for today. Almost midnight here, so time for bed.

  179. @Mishu, numbers to alphabet doing the math one step at a time. Four letters.

  180. ok, got some egg but now i am at -DV which give no anagram

  181. ok, got one (out of two) important egg

  182. A new finisher :)

    Very well done Mishu, Congrats :)

    Hall of Fame


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