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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
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  1. Hi. I'm very surprised about the way the numbers on the third egg on TheLastLevel are hidden.
    A bit weird.
    But perhaps that's just my glasses.
    Anyway : could someone give me the last number in the second row, the last number in the third row, and the last two numbers in the fourth row?
    I brightened the whole thing, but can't read those.
    Thanks :).

  2. Congratzs Mishu :)

    This is "the day after", lol I still can't believe it. I have slept for 12 straight hours, I have gone outside, the sun shines ... life goes on, yay :)

    Million thanks / millones de gracias to everyone for your help and support and your congratz after I managed to escape (yes I did, mwahahaha). I don't give names because I don't want to miss anybody, you all know who you are :)

    I will be around to help (I am not much of an advisor but I'll try lol).

  3. @arrie I pm'ed you the correct numbers.

  4. lol, nvm Dutchie was faster :) I will stay to celebrate your escape :)

  5. Thank you Dutchie and Puzzled. :)
    Thank you Puzzled, but don't wait for me, I also have to do other things.

  6. haha I must learn lots of patience from you :)

  7. @Clio Hard K, yes but you have to go up and down :P

  8. Managed to get all 3 pyramids without crying for help, although read a bunch of comments along the way. Then the last level. Got all 4 eggs but can't find the group of numbers on the 3rd egg. And back to Frankie ?? how do I divide the lyrics into lines and pick words and letters? That is, if that's what I supposed to be doing. I don't know what to pick. Tried 1st set but got a dutch word. Don't think that is right, lol

  9. @Ike, for 3rd egg check pic but it's very hard to see.
    For picking letters: verse, line word, letter

  10. @ dutchie, verses as in the video? The pause ends a verse ?

  11. Can't see anything in 3rd egg. svefg rtt'f ahzoref tbg zr yibh. v thrff gung pna'g or pbeerpg.

  12. Dutchie, Puzzled and Clio, thank you :))

  13. @Ike letters are correct. I can give you the numbers for 3rd egg if you want.

  14. Ike, neither could I, so let me join the ROT-parade.
    bar gjb fvk svir arkg bar bar gjb gjb arkg bar guerr gjb bar arkg bar gjb gjb gjb

  15. My compliments that you got enough hints for Omega3.

  16. oops, sorry dutchie .. didn't refresh.

  17. Last level.
    Do you use the numbers horizontally through the lyrics?

  18. Back! Made a delicious salad of chicory, apple, walnuts, raisins, cheese, egg end dressing to TREAT myself since small-tool does all the TRICKING part ! Thx Dutchie and Arrie, will go on now.

  19. @Arrie number order is verse, line, word, letter.

  20. yes, I know .. but it won't work for me for 4th egg ... but will try some more.

  21. ah, I see now ... counted wrongly.

  22. Done, very good last puzzle this one.

  23. Done as in finished :) Yay congrats :)

  24. Congratulations Arrie, enjoy the cool environment out of Hell !!

  25. Hi all. Back to the game after a week or so and still stuck on Hard-R...

  26. @Eric911 FTF is what you need.

  27. @Arrie yay congratulations :)

  28. @Dutchie: yes, had a clue from Arrie-NL but tons of combinations without any result :-(

  29. @Eric911 Look at sentences, not lines and ask granny for help.

  30. @Eric, ensure you use all FTF and visit granny. It is a strange word but try it

  31. Last level: triple-checked my 16 letters but am not able to make anything useful out of them.

  32. TY Ducthie & Puzzled, onto Hard-S at last !

  33. @Ike, stack the sets of numbers, take all first numbers, then second, third and fourth it will give a five word answer.

  34. Or Ike, write them down next to the numbers where you found them and read from top to bottom through the letters.

  35. @ dutchie, you don't want to know what gibberish I come up with all the time. This should be simple I guess, but not for me, so it seems.

  36. Ike, you have the list of numbers written down, or in paint. Write behind every line the letter you found.
    So four columns with letters.
    then start reading from top to bottom the first .. the second ... etc.

  37. @Ike, the first letters from each set of numbers would spell a welknown word.

  38. Hey, made it out of hell after all !! As ususal, was picking a couple of wrong letters.
    Thanks for all help along the way !!

  39. snap je? Je kunt de zin van boven naar beneden lezen.

  40. Jaaaa Arrie, had er een paar fout en dan ben je letterlijk de tekst kwijt hè. Jij ook hartstikke bedankt voor alle hulp.

  41. Congrats Ike, well done :)

  42. yw, I needed "some" help myself :-)

  43. Hi all, I resumed the riddle a few days ago.
    Could I get a nudge on Iota?
    I've been removing the letters the title hinted but only gibberish remain.

  44. Iota.
    Removing is good, but the words should still be readable.

  45. And Hi tinned Vegetable :)

  46. Iota, you only need to find eight new words.

  47. Thank you Arrie and dutchie. Didn't think it was that simple.
    I am swamped last week and now I can get around to walk through hell finally. :)

  48. learned a new word again : to be swamped :-)

  49. @Mishu, congratulations!

  50. Congratulations to all the new finishers! :)

  51. Stuck on Kappa.
    I have tried to stack the words according to the position of a certain letter. However some words have the same positions. Could I get a hint for that?

  52. Kappa
    Looks like you did the right thing. Try to read TRtoBL or (depending on how you do it) BRtoTL

  53. Kappa:
    I've got 9 letters from reading BRTOTL with V******** at the bottom but it's not even a word.
    Did I do something wrong?

  54. Kappa, with V******** at bottom, try to read from bottom right to top left.

  55. Still on Hard G. I don't touch type but I have converted and then tried binary but not getting anything that makes sense. Any further help?

  56. Colmkilm, did you notice any numbers on the keyboard and see which letters they were on?

  57. Hard G
    Seems you are doing the right thing, maybe reverse the 0 and 1 will give the answer

  58. @dutchie, is it a twelve letter answer?

  59. Hard G is a letter answer

  60. A five letter answer, Colmkilm.

  61. lol, Hard G is a 5 letter answer

  62. @dutchie, I have doubled checked my LR and it is correct. Maybe I am applying binary in the wrong groupings

  63. Hard G
    Deviding the text in 5x8 letters and converting to Binary should give a 5 letter answer.

  64. @dutchie, I did that two days ago and got nothing-did it now and it worked. On to Hard H.TY

  65. Yay, moving on Colmkilm :)

  66. Now I know what I am looking at and know what it is but..what am I looking for?

  67. Hard H.
    Try to find another explanation for the three letters in the title and apply that on the level itself.

  68. Hard H thinking compass points?

  69. TY arrie but still not seeing it

  70. Hard H, what letters can you make? you need 4 different letters for a five letter answer.

  71. hm. How to hint without giving it away.
    Hard H.
    The 3 letters in the title hint to three directions.
    The pic can be translated in those directions,
    5 letters in total.
    The first letter in the title is used on all individually.

  72. @jujito0 remind what that level is and I will try to help

  73. jujito0, count how many of each colour, and use that number on the colour name. Hope that is the correct hint.

  74. @jujito, list the names, count, choose the letters and then granny

  75. Kappa
    LIne up the words In same order as on page but lIne them up accordIng a certaIn letter

  76. Hard-W: I think I got the right Wiki page but it gives me only gibberish... What's wrong ??

  77. Hard W
    If you have the right wiki page, look for the numbers in 3rd column and take the corresponding letter.

  78. TY dutchie and arrie, but now I am even more confused

  79. @Colmkilm The whole gives a letter, the first gives a letter, the second gives the same letter, the last gives a letter. Looking backwards the whole gives a letter.
    Hope this is not confusing you more :)

  80. @Dutchie: finally, had the right "things" since the very beginning but grandma gave me bad results :-( Now struggling with the (not rotten) egg...

  81. OMG I mistook the line up hint.
    Thank you dutchie and arrie NL again. You guys are lifesaver.
    Onto Lambda now.

  82. @dutchie. TY got it now.

  83. Hard W egg, it tells what is not allowed in url :) so try to change it in something that is allowed.

  84. Back again,
    Thanks for the hints, clio_rose and Colmkilm :)
    Now VII

  85. @jujito0. Glad I could be of some help. I owe so much to others for helping me:)

  86. CONGRATULATIONS to Small-Tool for making the most popular game on EG24!!!! Your efforts, obviously, are greatly appreciated!

  87. Hard M. I have read all the comments I can find. I have read about the 8's. Thing is, I have no idea how to find those five sets of eights. I (think) I understand the game they are playing given the title and image, but have no idea how to apply that to the text. May I have a shove of the obvious kind please? Thanks.

  88. @Clio_Rose: Svefg, lbh tbg gb nccyl gur gvgyr gb gur grkg. Gura sbetrg gur bgure yrggref va gur jbeqf gura "genafyngr" vagb ovanel.

  89. Thank you Eric911. Will try tmrw.

  90. Hard-Y: even backward, no idea what "pvcure" I have to use here...

  91. @Eric - it's somewhere in the hints many pages ago. You need a cipher called quipqiup. (Don't ask me how that was meant to be inferred from the level.)

  92. @BFS: wonder how the hell every1 found that they had to use that particular cipher ! No clue in the level as far as I know and don't remember such a reference in past levels neither !
    Anyway, used that but got only a non-sense sentence.

  93. @Eric - that's where the title of the level comes in. You'll get gibberish if you put the text in as it is written.

    I just re-translated the text and there's actually a reference in it from s-t acknowledging that it was mean of him to not give any hint about what cipher to use. Lol!

  94. @BFS: am completely lost here. I know that I have to jevgr gur grkg ntnva onpxjneqf naq gura? Bapr genafyngrq vagb dhvcdvhc V tbg bayl tvoorevfu.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Hard Y.
    You could try it by hand. It's a phrase.
    And yes, you should start at the other end and read back.
    So put it in quipquip starting there.

  97. @Eric: Jevgr gur rkvfgvat grkg onpxjneqf naq chg gung vagb dhvcdvhc.

  98. @Eric and then, google what you get in quipquip :)

  99. @Eric, I mean I had to google that phrase lol

  100. The gibberish on Hard Y is not really a cipher (that's why no hint on the level what cipher to use). It is just randomly changing every alphabet letter to another letter.
    Way back then (when no online solvers existed) people used to play these by trying to decode the text by hand.
    The trick is starting with the one letter words. In English that word can only be I or A. So change a one letter word to that letter and change all other the same letters to that I or A. Then if more words end with the same 3 letters it's probably a verb ending in ING etc. etc.
    There's some trial and eroor going on, but people used to have fun with these kind of puzzles.
    If you like then, you can play them here:

    Play Cryptogram Puzzles

  101. Two new Helleraisers :)

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Congrats Ike and Pixie Rose, very well done :)


    Pixie Rose

    Also two renamings:

    I’m renaming small-tool Seriously Too Smart To Stop

    Teaching Superb Teasers.

    Pixie Rose
    I'm renaming small-tool - Puny Tickle Brained Horn-Beast.

    Thank you very much for the compliments Zoe :)

    And thank you very much AlphaOmega for putting this thread back on top again and for pointing out the huge amount of views and comments.

    A very happy tool here :)

  102. @Ike and Pixie, my Little Ponny and I are very happy for you two :) yesss :P

  103. Thanks S-T for all the details, never heard before about quipqiup and it's fun to learn new things while playing !
    Anyway, still on that evilish Y :-D

  104. Congrats new finishers, well done :)

  105. @eric, do you have a phrase to work with?

  106. @eric, that quiwiup thingy (clupclup sound to me) helps you to find somehow a phrase very well known apparently ... just google that phrase (para mi si como voy y suelto que con diez cañones por banda viento en popa a toda vela ... quien lo dijo????)

  107. level Omicron. Can I get a hint as to what I need to do with the egg.

  108. Hi Lin, The title of the egg page will help

  109. Thanks Donas. I should have seen that one. LOL

  110. @Puzzled CONGRATULATIONS, felicitaciones! :D

  111. @Ike CONGRATULATIONS! It feels good to be out of that path after having walked all of it, doesn't it?

  112. @Pixie Rose, CONGRATULATIONS. But my brain needs more than two weeks to recover to play anything again LOL. It was torture marathon.

  113. hi, could someone please help me with hard E? I've read the previous hints, but I get COKPSTCXH? thanks

  114. @ Verito, thank you! To be honest: Already looking forward to a new one, lol

  115. Abraxxass horizontal lines are 9 to 17 from the chipher so you pick according to the red line

  116. sofia, thanks a lot, I tried this..according to the red line it would start with C ( P in 13) O (A in 14) etc. I think I'm doing something wrong?

  117. abraxxass third is the third of 12 which is l

  118. C (P in 13), O (A in 14) is correct. Or in other words, you did P+13=C, A+14=O
    Then the next is not the K you get, but an L
    It is Z+12=L
    Next is +15, then +11 etc.

  119. aaaahhh..thanks a lot, sofia and s-t :) onto F now. thanks!!!!

  120. Hard I

    Stick numbers (or tally numbers) use more strokes than Roman numerals.

  121. need a nudge on hard G, please. I can't find an egg?

  122. Abraxxass, did you see the numbers, some quite difficult to see, on the keyboard?

  123. aaaah, thanks clio, got the egg now

  124. TY small-tool. I was trying with digital and roman. I will try that now

  125. Now onto Hard J. The text is hurting my eyes. BTW small-tool congrats on the record. It will be a long time before anything gets close to this game

  126. Thanks everyone, now onto Hard-Z.
    @Colmkilm: stay basic with the text and you'll see the light.

  127. Hard Z: pairs done, kissed grandma (but many possibilities) and then what ?

  128. @Eric911, I have a sentence but not an answer

  129. Colmkilm, then you must have only the first part. Basic rules as I told you...but not only first...

  130. Hard Z
    If pairs done, then you have 8 new words.
    ftf and granny will give only one (8 letter word) answer.

  131. I have eight words in my sentence.

  132. Thanks S-T, now onto AA. Had just to check every possibilities before.

  133. That's it Colmkilm. Now just follow the instructions.

  134. @Eric911 that is where I have been stuck all this time!

  135. @Colmkilm - you should have two hints from what you've done on the left and right. Use one to determine your beginning point, the other to determine how to pick letters. You need one letter per line.

  136. TY guys I will revisit this in a while. My wife is learning piano in the next room and either the piano needs tuning or....

  137. sorry, I'm stuck again on hard should be URLD, right? but how to apply it?

  138. @Colmkilm: LMAO !!!
    Can't say better than BFS.

    Hard AD: have read previous comments (may have missed some) but it does not help as I don't even know how to get the first egg... I probably need a break too (and my wife doesn't play piano thanks God !!)

  139. @Abraxxass, you need five letters, two of whichh are the same. Go forwards with what you see, then go backwards.
    Then break up what you see into three

  140. @Colmkilm - oh no! What's she playing? Lol!

    @Eric - Hard-AD - try ROT-ing the left hand side letters. You should notice something. Then apply that to the letters in the title and that should give you an egg.

  141. start of Hell, where are those 4 songs ,do i need to count word d*** in between those 2 times?

  142. Sometimes Hell is just one click away :)

  143. @MishuAnubis - it's far simpler than that. Only thing you need to follow is the one word that you see occurring on that page rather a lot and that you hear in each of the timestamps provided. Just go the way it says to go!

  144. Chi
    I've been working on this all day. Have the ten eggs and the rotten one. Have been working blindly to get the letters for the six hinted at; get: "ivqrbf" which is not correct. Can't get anything using the additional 3 eggs not hinted at. What am I doing wrong??

  145. Chi
    Correction (was looking at some old work) "zbivrf"

  146. @patty3ponies You have the right word but you have to add something in front of your answer. Look under the last pic.

  147. Dutchie, thank you so much. I had taken a screen shot of that last egg and cut the text off! Aggravation!

  148. hard z cant understand how i make pa..s,from the hints i realize it must be simple but not for me,pls help

  149. Sofia,

    Granny the pa..s
    Use the words order as it is (so first with second etc.)

    A new Hellraiser;

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Congrats and very well done, Arrie :)


    I'm renaming small-tool e hh ec g af eb di

  150. small ,I dont get how it comes for the order,but anyway to AA,thanks for helping

  151. There was no big hint for the order (but the pic was a little hint: It shows two peas close next to each other)
    Also no real connection to make between the words, at least not for all the words. Some might seem to go together, but certainly not all of them.
    So if no hint and no other method, then you fall back on the most basic method and that's using them in reading order.
    Could have been first (of first line) with first (of second line), second with second etc. too, but sometimes a 'tiny bit' trial and error is part of riddling too.

  152. @Arrie CONGRATULATIONS!! Well done!!!

  153. thanks a lot for your hint for hard H Colmkilm..but I still have no clue what to do here. I feel so dumb

  154. Hard H,
    Looking at it from left to right is one letter
    Looking at it from right to left is another letter
    Looking at it from top to bottom is 3 letters (the first two the same letter).
    Makes a total of 5 for Granny.

  155. Look at your url (your previous answer).

  156. omg, just recognize it...silly me..thanks a lot, s-t ...embarrassing

  157. it seems that I'm the only one who has problems with J? found a sentence (o** t** t*** e** s***** a* t** e**)..but now?

  158. @Abraxxass - consider those two sentences separately from each other. The first four words you've listed tell you how to count. The last four tell you where to begin. So put your starting point a* t** e**, and then take letter o** from that line, then go up a line and take letter t**, then go up a line and take letter t****, etc. Does that make sense?

  159. Congratulations, Arrie!!! Although I don't understand your renaming. xD

  160. yes, BlackFiresong, it does. thanks a lot..onto K

  161. @Abraxxass I am on Hard K too. No idea what to do

  162. I just started this today.. and now I'm stuck on Med-I. I saw some hints from others (don't forget the word under the pic) but I've manipulated that word so many times I feel like I must be missing the bigger idea.. any hints? -C

  163. @unknown if I remember correctly it is ftf and then granny. I will check my notes

  164. @unknown, it is nine letters you need, not ten

  165. Finished the hell levels. The best Smalltool riddle to date. Congratulations Small.

  166. Hard K.
    You knew how to solve Hard J.
    Now notice the last part of the last line.

  167. Great you finished it Lin :).

  168. Ok.. I'm stumped. Med-III. I got to the egg. I know the long word is important. I have counted SO MANY ways... total number of letters, total number vowels, total number consonants... tried all those numbers spelled out. NADA. Halp! -C

  169. Med III.
    Back to the level itself. Total number of letters .....
    of how many words?

  170. And count each of those words, not the total of all of them.

  171. @Master Lin CONGRATULATIONS!! :D Well done!!

  172. Any help on med X itself please? Playing in between renovation house and too stubborn to give up ;-)

  173. Med X.
    Take a first look at their names.

  174. PS Deedee, just keep on playing!
    (and renovating)

  175. A new Hellraiser :)

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Congrats Patty3Ponies, very well done :)


    A new renaming too :)

    I'm renaming small-tool. . .HE WHO SHAN'T BE NAMED REINCARNATE!

  176. Congrats new finishers, well done!

  177. Did that several times, arrie, but not getting it. Ftf and then granny? Thanks for your (further) help and encouragement, 'neighbour' (I'm Belgian ;-)).

  178. Deedee, no need to anagram initially. When you get an egg, you may want to remember what that chap can do, and which "language" for each one he would have to speak.

  179. Thx, Clio_Rose, was overthinking it, never tried the 'simple' version in the URL!

  180. Now on Hard L. Seems to me its half there and half not there. But what next?

  181. Colmkilm. Use the ones avble to you. Dont worry if it seems improbable. Visit granny. She makes the improbable become clear.

  182. @Clio_Rose. TY it did seem improbable so I didn't bother! On M now

  183. I have to drink the whole bottle of this whiskey after what i've been through this last month,thanks for all helping me.Congrats Small you did it again!!

  184. Well done, Patty and Sofia!

    Sofia, will you be venturing into Hell? :)

  185. yes but i must calm down for a while,thanks

  186. Just the one bottle, Sofia? Congratulations!!!! Yayy. I think you might need a couple (of dozen) if you enter Hell.

  187. While you are all here, may i have a fully blab hint for Hard O? I have the obvs egg, and 1 good egg. I looked at the image on the croaking egg and looked behind, but can't find a thing. Ive tried all the ftf's i can think of, and all the ltl's i can think of. No need for any hurry in reply. I reckon Colmkilm will be there in no time flat.

  188. Hard M-I have ideas but just need someone I can touch base with to clarify waht I need to do

  189. Seems you touched base, colmkilm. Use the disease to cure yourself. (and yes, it's screwing your eyeballs into place so they don't miss any of that disease).

  190. Hmmm, I tried that but just getting characters, not letters. Do I need to see Phyllis, or someone else?


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