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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
With 3456 comments (& counting!), this game got the
most comments of all times on EG24!!!
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☻ Most popular game of the week! (7077 visits & counting)
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☻ Most popular game of the year!!! (42413 visits & counting)

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  1. Hard X so I know the right cipher to use but my Maths aint working out unless I am using the wrong method

  2. Maths is not word + word, but it's letter + letter.

  3. ST I have done that, I think. 13+1, 1+14 rgp tvirf zr abflnsd

  4. Yes, that's correct :) That is one key to use on the gibberish (Title) to get a word that will be one of the eggs.

    Btw. thanks for the level Q compliments, glad you liked it :)

    PS. Thanks to you and Clio APPALLING is now an egg on level W :)

  5. A new Hellraiser

    Hellraisers of Fame

    Congrats MishuAnubis, very well done :)


    And a new renaming:

    I’m renaming small-tool HELLMASTER.

  6. OK. I dove into this thing hard and have been making progress with little to no reading of previous posts.. but I am SO stuck on Hard F. I have read everything I could find. I got to the egg but have applied the egg in so many ways and come up with nothing. I have the first 6 letters that brought me to the Egg. I saw that I'm looking for 2 more letters.. but every way that I overlay the egg on the original level image comes up with 6 new results, not 2. And I have tried soooo many combinations and grannys and nothing. Please help! -C (Don't know why it says unknown as I'm logged in to google!)

  7. @unknown I will go back through my notes and see if I can help. What is the level title?

  8. @Colmkilm " LEVEL F Red and Green" I know the "alphabet" needed was created by Louis. And I used it to get to the egg which has the same two colors but different shape.

  9. Unknown: For the two extra letters look at the result of overlaying in the two green sections of the egg. Hope that makes sense.

  10. still stuck on S do I know that the=E, lone=NE etc?

  11. Thanks for the hint on Hard X, Small. re Lvl W, well, you have to take all capabilities into consideration. hahha.

    On to Hard Y now. Thanks.

  12. @Sofia - of course you deserve to be in the HoFs! Even with hints, solving all 100 levels is not at all easy. And based on the comments, you didn't need to ask half as many questions as I did to get through the levels! So you definitely deserve to be in there! I hope you email small-tool. <3

  13. @Abraxxass - for Hard-S, each word contains the direction you need to apply for that step (gu"R", yb"AR" rgp).

  14. Abraxxass, BlackFiresong gave a great hint. Hope it helps you. I got very stuck on this level too. Do you have your starting point?

  15. gu"R", yb"AR" rgp? hat does that mean? sorry, I don't get that hint, silly me

  16. nvm, finally on T..thanks for all the help

  17. Abraxxass. BFS used ROT 13. It said, and I hope I won't be in trouble for decoding for you. It said "thE loNE". The next word says Wolf. Use the directions in the headline.

  18. I am always so slow at typing. Sorry abraxxass.

  19. clio, thanks a lot for your help :) I was so frustrated because of the level that I didn't get that bf used ROT..mog..thanks to bboth of you :)

  20. may I have a hint for V, please?

  21. @abraxxass it is easier than you think vg vf whfg n fheanzr

  22. Level Hard V. There is a famous cyclist, there is a famous trumpet player, there is a famous astronaut who walked on the moon. Their surnames are common to them all.

  23. aaaah..thanks a lot!!!! onto W:)

  24. clio_rose I got the black egg. Now to find the blue one

  25. clio_rose we must go back to Hard W and see what the new egg is that ST put up

  26. I did already. Just go back to W, and use the word we found.

  27. oh jeepers, colm. I thought you found the blue egg.

    I am not good at hinting. I just blurt. So, I guess, you are married. How wonderful if you had a granny who was an admirer, and then you all lived happily ever after.

  28. Ok..I msut be away to hug my pillow. btw..dont be in too much of a hurry to solve Hard X, Colm. Hard Y looks ugly. erky perky. Night all.

  29. I did that first time but not this time. Have you seen our (rotten) egg?

  30. Lol, you guys do realise the whole Hard path is the same URL, right?
    I mean, you don't have to go back to W to try an answer.
    That's why players sometimes jump to a way later level with an answer.

  31. Yes ST I just did that out of curiosity to see what you came up with. And boy was it worth it

  32. Hard X I have a bunch of keys to try to unlock the blue egg door, but none of them fit

  33. On to lvl Z. Thanks for the help on Hard Y, previous players. I do prefer cheating, but having to read a zillion comments sufficed.

    Colmkilm, I daresay I shouldn't have laughed, but I did, re your comment.

  34. Won't say I liked it, but it was funny. lol

  35. on X I know what cipher to use and got the letters abflnsd (ROT)..but it doesnt give me a useful word..I used OSSK as key. am I on a wrong track?

  36. Do you have any hints for Z? I read back and i can't quite understand what all the hints mean. Clearly i need first word, second line. And i have counted the number of words which aligns with the title. I have also read the title in different ways and tried a number of things. I think i have confused myself to the point of..ummm..confusion.

  37. Abraxxass, do you have any eggs? If not,do the maths as shown, letter by letter, NOT like normal maths. That will give one set of gibberish. Also, do what the second word tells you to the first word. After doing that, add the original first word to your new third word. Take each of those sets of gibberish letters to where you went and use the key.

  38. the first letters are "abflnsd" in ROT 13, correc? when I visit a gramna on the first word, I get different results. what word to use here?

  39. Hard Z.
    Hello all.
    I had to try some things again myself on this level, my own notes were too cryptic (reading them back now LOL).
    First letters of title tell you what you need.
    It's rather impressive: don't pick two letters together, but two ..... going from left to right.

  40. abraxxass, when i add the first two letters, M + A = 13 + 1 = 14 = N. As there are an equal number of letters on each, continue that way. It will give you a set of gibberish. I am using the first letter of the top word, and the first letter of the second word.

  41. Ohh, thanks Arrie. I didnt even notice that. I was using the second word in title as a letter and applying it to ...everything. lol Thank you.

  42. clio,thanks, I already did this letters start with NOS..(I only changed the letters in my previous commet to ROT 13, because I didn't want to spoil) but those letters don't give me a word in the special cipher with the key ossk

  43. aahhh Abraxxass, turn the two around. OSSK is NOT the key here ....

  44. Abraxxass,
    Those letters you got with the maths is not the gibberish, but it is the key.
    The ossk is the gibberish that will make a word.

  45. yes. Do it the other way. Put what you thought was the key into the cipher...and the gibberish into the key.

  46. I have to go again .. enjoy :)

  47. looool, I really did it the other way round..thanks :)got thebblack egg now...for the blue egg, I'm not sure if I use the correct it a*****r?

  48. yep. Add it to the wedded one. And do the same thing.

    (i did it back to front too. Glad to know i wasn't the only one)

  49. okay, got the blue egg, too..:) and now? t hink I have to change a letter in each of both eggs, but anagram and v******* gives me nothing

  50. Good luck Abraxxass. I am off to dreamland. Small-tool is here, so yayyy for the fountainhead of all riddle knowledge and help. I wish me good luck with my Z...tmrw., after my Zzzzz's tonight. Have fun.

  51. I had the right key all along and was putting it in the correct lock. I must have kept bending it so it wouldn't open. Have Blue egg now

  52. hmmm...did you understand which letters to change? You only need one change from each. Granny served me well. One of the eggs is totally understandable, the other a bit obscure. It looked like a double digit, but was in fact, one digit and one letter.

  53. wooohoo, thanks a lot clio, the hint with the digit and the letter did it..onto Y..good night and sleep well

  54. @Abraxxass I am now with you on Y

  55. great let's see :)

  56. Could it be a simple cipher, lie replacing the most common letter with E, and working from there?

  57. Yes :)

    But there is a little twist!

  58. wooohooo..onto Z..looooool

  59. colmkilm, did you solve it?

  60. may I have a nother hint for Z, please..I think I know what I need, but I don't get arrie's hint " don't pick two letters together, but two ..... going from left to right." (but thanks a lot for giving a hint, arrie :) ).. I've tried several things but without success.. btw, thanks a lot s-t for this riddle..a very good one after a long, long time .)

  61. Not yet Abraxxass still at work.

  62. Abraxxass, look at the text and count a little. You already know that you need two. Don't alter things, take them as they are shown. What else could you take per two and gram? As I said, you wouldn't expect it to work.

  63. @Abraxxass I have about half an hour break. Could you give me a nudge?

  64. Hard Y.
    That little twist st is talking about for this level has to do with the last word in the title.

  65. so sorry,colmkilm, just saw your post. for y: first write it backwards.start with C PN P..then convert (A BC B etc) it for quipquip

  66. thanks for your hint, arrie..on Z, I've tried every se**** letter, but that doesn't give me a word.

  67. still on Z..I've read the previous hints about words, pairs and basic riddling..I still have no clue what to do. please leave me another hint. thanks!!!

  68. @Abraxxass I am already on Z . I TY anyway. I didn't get a chance to post again yesterday.

  69. I am on Z still. Embarrassed to say, I have no idea what to do, nor do I understand the hints. May I have a blurt shove/push, please. Thanks.

  70. oh. oops. Forgot to refresh before I posted. Phew, I thought it was only me who didn't understand.

  71. Z
    The firsts of the title is telling you to make pairs.
    The first word of the second line is telling you to anagram.
    Arrie was telling you how to make pairs.
    I'm telling you there are 16 words and with the hints above you can make them 8 words.
    Then make an 8 letter word answer.

    Thanks for the compliments Abraxxass, glad you like it :)

  72. I still don't understand how to make pairs..I think I'm too stupid for this level..colkilm? any success?

  73. put two words together, got the word atm********, but this is not the answer

  74. Go on :)
    You only got 1 letter now. You need 8.

  75. Yippee. On to AA. Thanks small. I realise that ALL the previous hints were very good, I was just unable to understand them. I used your hint, and re-read all the other hints.

    Abraxxass, That's right. Continue doing the same thing. 1, 2. 3, 4. etc. Then back to granny with ftf.

  76. I don't get any anagram with most of the pairs, e.g. mo***** + gr***

  77. Abraxxass, I did. 1 +2 = your Atm******** word. Then i added 3 + 4, and got Car****. I continued that way, until i had used sixteen words, to visit gran and make them 8 words. After getting those 8 words, i used ftf, and took those letters to granny.

  78. yeaaaaah,i combined the wrong words...but it worked one time ( i only missed an s)..thanks a lot for all your help..finally onto AA

  79. Hmmm Not much to go on for AA. Was thinking poetry?

  80. I tried the grass with the romans. No go there either.

    If we have to go back to previous levels, i'm going to have a fit. I HATE doing that.

    btw, why were you thinking poetry, Colmkilm? Is there a famous poem called that? (too lazy to google)

  81. Alfred Lord Tennyson poem lamenting the earlt death of his friend Arthur Henry Hallam

  82. i only know ALT ctrl delete. If ALT AHH is a thingy, i dont know it.

  83. I will not do you small. I shall simply hate you. AWWW...where do i go back to though? Do i have to find the image or something. In case you didnt realise, there are a LOT of levels

  84. Lol, sometimes you got to do what you got to do :P

    In a riddle kind of way the level is telling you you only need two levels.

  85. clio_rose I don't think it is that now. I have starhted looking back at other levels. Maybe we need to use the answers to other levels to make something?

  86. In a riddle kind of way...will the answers i have written down help me? ..which is not very riddly.

  87. hahhaha. I think i will head to off to sleep. I am laughing so much, and that is a great way to end an evening. Colmkilm...i misread your comment with your typo, and thought it said you sharted looking back at other levels.

  88. Goodnight, and happy solving. Please leave me hints. Thanks.

  89. clio_rose, I got AA. Do you remember where I went to see Phyllis? I wasn't long after that country we visited

  90. colmkilm, on AA you are right, thanks a lot :) on AB now..clio, for AA colmkilms hint is right. just visit a ....

  91. Cool Abraxxass. Any ideas for AB?

  92. yes, maybe..ftf gives a cipher, but no idea how to apply it to the text

  93. Yes I am at that stage too. I haven't used that particular cipher for many years so I need to reeducate myself. If I get anywhere I will let you know

  94. for AB:only look for the letters you need for that special cipher. eight letter answer, no anagram needed.I only guessed the first letter. onto AC

  95. Maybe we should just do what we did when we went to see Phyllis and then ask granny

  96. who is phyllis :)? on AC, do you think we need ro*** num*****?

  97. @Abraxxass, frr Culyyvf vf n rhcurzvfz V hfrq ba gur yriry jurer gur thl tbg IQ

  98. @Abraxxass - no Roman numerals needed! Hard AC is quite straightforward. Just combine the pieces to give letters.

  99. thanks a lot BF :)I think I have the correct letters, but they don't give a starts with BO? is that correct? thanks

  100. got AC now..I had one letter staring at AD

  101. idea how to start..I've read about two ciphers, but I have no idea what ciphers are needed

  102. okay, stuck again, colmkilm? clio? where are you? I need your help, lol

  103. Hi there Abraxxass, on AC now. Is a seven letter word?

  104. You mentioned the cipher here;

    Abraxxass 8/29/18, 7:33 AM

    Most players used both ciphers you mentioned there.
    When making I didn't think of that. I wanted players to use the first one, but by hand since the alphabet is moved (S on the place of the A etc.).
    But the lazy (but resourceful, got to give them that) players didn't use pen and paper.

  105. I have an egg too, Abraxxass. (I'm guessing the same as yours). I can't even think what a second cipher could be. I have spent all afternoon writing out alphabets. (reading small's comment, i can say there are some (me), who is lazy but not resourceful)

  106. got it, clio :) use the cipher where A becomes Z on the title. no anagram here.then use the cipher you used for the egg again on the new letters. on AE now

  107. I've read the previous hints for AE, but I have no idea how to star

  108. Im still on AD. I used a rotten cipher to get the egg, and i've had a bash with another cipher...but I'm not getting anything useable. Am i supposed to double down on one of them?

  109. I am there with you clio. I would like to get this one done before I go to see my therapist

  110. You were supposed to make an alphabet like this:

    and then bash your way through.

  111. lol, Colmkilm. I'm not worried. Having my arms tied in a straight-jacket will save me tearing my hair out.

  112. Thanks Small. On to AE. Why couldnt we just use the alphabet as you posted it? Thats what i did.

  113. Lol, thats what I'm trying to tell you guys all the time, Clio. You had to make your own atbash tool by writing/typing it down like that.
    But my beta-testers already told me players will find the other way first because they simply try everything.

  114. Why yes. Yes they do. Thank goodness for cheating from the riddle maker. Yayyy me. lol

  115. TY all. on AE now. I never used that cipher before. Anyway must go. Will be back later

  116. Have a good day, Colmkilm. I will let you all do the maths on AE. (which WONT be maths, im guessing/hoping).

  117. any success on AE :)? for AD I first used the atbash decoder and then ROT. it worked, too

  118. Not from me yet, Abraxxass. I'm trying a few things on AE, but no success yet. Next step for me is to read back on the hints. Haven't done that yet.

  119. I have read back, Abraxxass. I think (from what i can gather), is that it IS maths. Each line may be a diff mathematical operation to get the answer on the right. I wouldn't trust me though. I always misunderstand. As it is the end of the week, I am choosing to rest my brain for the evening. Good luck. Pls leave hints if you find a way through. Thank you.

  120. @clio & Abraxxass - I commented this about 10 or so pages ago.

    "I understand what to do. I believe there are 5 operations per row. I have worked out all the patterns except for the 3rd. This is what I have (for the row A B C D = [1][2][3][4][5]):

    [1] = N k Q
    [2] = O gb gur cbjre P
    [3] = ???
    [4] = O
    [5] = P gb gur cbjre O"

    I figured out the 3rd operation after posting that - I can let you know what it is if you're stuck!

    Just apply the 5 operations to the last row of numbers and convert and you're home free. :)

  121. Thank you so much BFS. It is lovely to see that all the solvers still come and help the slow-mo's (no offence intended to abraxxass or colmkilm). I am the slowest, and accept that. I converted what you said BFS, and will defs work on that tmrw. I need to look up a few maths terms though. Thank you for taking the time to care of we stragglers. For tonight, I'm done and dusted. Night.

  122. ps...with so many comments, i move forward to about 1000/1200 for hints, but had no idea how many pages to move backwards to where you were getting help. Yayy for where to go tmrw - late 2000's?

  123. I got AE and now staring blankly at AF

  124. How about starting with making those numbers letters.

  125. ST that is what I did first, then thought maybe C****** B**

  126. No idea what C****** B** is, so it's probably wrong :P

    But maybe this helps:
    My first post could also have been; "How about starting with making those 5 words numbers"

  127. gra, avar, guvegrra, rvtug, svir?

  128. Oops, no. I mean every letter a number, but forget about that way. Just use your grid with letters and play word/letter finder.

  129. Thanks for the help on AE, everyone. Got there in the end, by luck and chance. NO WAY I would have solved without the help here. Thanks, again.

    Tried a few things (including reading hints) on AF. Thought I was on the right track. Alas no. Will try again tmrw. Good luck Comkilm and Abraxxass. I will follow your path.

  130. Ok guys I have made no progress on AF. I have a grid but don't know what I am looking for. Any help?

  131. AF, mark the first red word in your grid. You will see something.

  132. Colmkilm, you have written out your grid with the numbers converted to letters. Now, use the first word of text and cross those letters out. The crossing's out, will make the shape of a letter. Do that over again for each word of the text. Apparently it can be done in Paint. I didnt know how to do that, so i did it by hand. (thanks to Dutchie for helping me)

  133. So we are looking for a five letter word

  134. I had that answer to AF 2 days ago. I must have typed it in the url with a double in the middle. Now on AG

  135. I have been playing at my own steady pace and I would just like to thank everyone for all the hints left because without them I could not have finished the three levels. Will now attempt the hell path when I find it

  136. @Ladysue, congratulations. Hope to see you in the HoF. For the hell path you have a hint in the last page you visited, your notes will help.

  137. Congrats Ladysue, well done :)

  138. I have the day off so will try to finish Hard path. Any little hint to get me started on AG?

  139. I have an egg there, Colmkilm, and still thinking about what to do with it. To get the egg, I read back comments and realised, I needed to start counting again from each place. Don't start from zero each time, but from where you landed.

  140. Congratulations Ladysue. Well done.

  141. Hi clio. I have five numbers but not getting anything that makes sense

  142. Your first angle is X degree's. A full circle is 360. Divide (as title says) into 360. When you get an answer, convert to a letter. For the second one. Start at X and count for next angle. Repeat etc.

  143. no anagram to get the egg.

  144. D'oh what a brain fart I had-I think I need to relearn my alphabet. OK so have the egg. Could it be some cipher we haven't used yet?

  145. I converted first three lines to numbers, did the maths as per original title first word got three more letters, assume i should know how to use fourth line, but no idea what fifth line means.

  146. haha. Not to worry, my mind thought 16 = N for ages, on a previous level. ahh well.

  147. Yeah, I had 20=R. I have converted to numbers but maths not working out

  148. BTW is there anyway to go back through the comments without having to go page by page?

  149. did you divide fix by egg, etc? (mind you my maths is always dreadful, so i could be way wrong)

  150. I am with you now. I had divided first line by second line. So let's see what we can do with the rest of it

  151. Nope. I have hints 2201- 2400, and 1001 -1200 open. I use Ctrl F and used AG. (yes, it means i have three pages of comments open, lol)

  152. clio just do the same on lines 4 and 5. Gives 5 letters and then granny

  153. gahh. Saw the numbers on 4th line and dismissed them as not probable. OK. AH now. Thank you Colmkilm.

  154. AH - got the obvious egg, and have read a few comments. Busy day tmrw, so will be off. Good luck Colm. Leave hints as you move forward, please. Thanks. Hope you enjoy your day off. Bye.

  155. A couple of hints for Hard-AH:

    - The title of the level is extremely important, as it provides a clue to an earlier page you need to use to get the answer
    - The colours of the numbers are important; red is processed differently from green

    Hope that helps!

  156. Also, congrats @ladysue :) Very well done!

  157. BFS Do I have to find all three endings to EASY level?

  158. @Colmkilm - No need for the endings - the level itself is what you need.

  159. Thanks for all the congrats I have now entered hell

  160. I got AH. It took a while to remember what to do.

  161. clio_rose for AH the first colour is normal, the second colour is not

  162. Thanks Colmkilm. I solved it earlier this evening. The first colour had me stumped for a while.

    Now have 5 eggs on AI, and thinking about the text and lower text on the 5th egg.

  163. I haven't got any eggs yet

  164. Yell out if you want a hint.

  165. Yes please just a little nudge to get the ball rolling. BTW if you count the letters in each word of the text, and convert to letters, you get an interesting word

  166. oh. Ok. Didnt try that. Hint is: Start at letter for first number, then move back and forth through alphabet as told, writing down each landing letter. You aren't converting but moving. (i think there was probs a far simpler way to explain, lol)

  167. TY clio_rose now have five eggs

  168. Yay @clio and @Colmkilm! Almost at the finish line! :)

  169. Thanks BFS. Don't know about Colmkilm, but reading your hints has helped me enormously. Colm, i found one of two important eggs. Yayyy.

  170. If I remember correctly there should be three more good eggs and one rotten one

  171. I know i read somewhere about being 8 eggs. That's six. Havent found a rotten one yet. But am also out of ideas how to find the other important egg. (did you find the important egg, too?)

  172. I am at my desk with my head resting on my notes

  173. Well, stop crying otherwise the notes will be all soggy, and illegible. lol
    We added a total of 8 letters. Using ONLY those letters do the subtraction = 6 letter important egg.

  174. OK have one important egg

  175. Do you think that egg related to the text and lower text on egg 5?

  176. or something else, completely different

  177. I tried turning addition to subtraction and vice versa on the original level but, didn't get anything useful.

  178. Ohhhhh BFSSSSSSSSSS.....or Smallllllllllll or any Hofferrrrr, or Hellraiserrrrrrrrr. May we have a hint please? Thank you in advance.

  179. If you read that comment before i deleted it, i thought i got the other important egg, but i got an almost egg.

  180. Do you mean a rotten one?

  181. eeps...nearly 4 billion comments. New comments next page

  182. Colm, no. I got an 'almost' egg. ftf of first 5 eggs.

  183. I did that too to missed one of granny's suggestions.I have that one now too

  184. Congratulations small-tool on over 4000 comments. That is incredible!, and a true testament to this wonderful (if at times frustrating) riddle. Thank you so much for your efforts in making a riddle we have all enjoyed/are enjoying playing.

  185. The "almost" egg says you're almost something. Try that word out and see! (No, I don't quite understand the logic either).

  186. Wooo, we crossed the 4000 mark!!! So amazing. Congratulations, s-t! This riddle is the gift that keeps on giving!


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