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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
With 3456 comments (& counting!), this game got the
most comments of all times on EG24!!!
Some stats:
☻ Most popular game of the week! (7077 visits & counting)
☻ Most popular game of the month!! (39224 visits & counting)
☻ Most popular game of the year!!! (42413 visits & counting)

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  1. Have the two important eggs. Need a whiskey

  2. Oh you rat, Colmkilm!! You'd already wayyy solved it. Congrats to you! Enjoy your drink or ten.

  3. Did you get it too? Now I have to go find third ending to easy path, and I can't remember if I found one or two on medium path

  4. I will do all that tmrw. Thank you so much for your help. Phew for finishing. I intend to wear my halo for tonight before I try frying it in hell.

  5. clio_rose, without your help, and fun company, I wouldn't have got this far. A massive TY to everyone else for their help too, too many to list by name but you all know who you are. BTW whatever happened to Abraxxass?

  6. Well done to you both!!! Enjoy your whisky :D

    @Colmkilm - which endings do you have on the Easy path? Like which two cats? That way, I can give you a hint for the one you are missing.

  7. When i see you in HOF Colm, I will know it is possible to get into that hallowed hall.

    Thank you too, BFs. Seriously, I have used your questions (and the replies) all the time.

    btw...congrats to us both Colm. I hope Abraxxass comes back, or maybe shim finished already. (shim = combo she/him, when i don't know whether a male or female).

  8. BFS I have purrevat naq pbby

  9. @Colmkilm - Ah OK! So for the last ending, ignore the sums entirely and just convert the first number in each row in the regular way. No need for Granny.

    @clio - You're very welcome!! I'm glad my questions and the answers to them were helpful to you!! I feel like the earlier solvers were so good at deduction that they didn't need to ask half that stuff. So I had to come along and fill in the gaps in the hints. Haha!

  10. Did you get all the answers, Colm?

    You solved before me, so no way I'm emailing prior to you. When i see you in HoF I will

  11. TY BFS So did have all three. I had forgotten about that one. So now to get the second one on the medium. I can remember gur jrrxraq raq

  12. No you should go first. I insist. I still have to remember second ending to medium. You helped me more than I helped you

  13. I'm sorry Colm, BFS will probs be able to help you. I have two endings, but no idea how I got either.

  14. Nope. You solved first. You found the second important egg, AND knew what to do with it. I hadn't a clue, till you went for a celebratory drink. Which btw, I have now had a cold beer, and am as happy as a riddle solving angel, who doesnt quite wish to enter hell.

  15. OK so here's the deal. When I remember what I need to remember, I will tell you, then we walk hand in hand into the HoF and let ST decide who goes first. Other wise neither of us will ever get there.

  16. I'm not wearing white. lol.

  17. I think red would be more suitable for where we are going to next

  18. SPF 45, hazmat gear, hope, fear...but first we have to find it. I will leave that up to you, after you walk me down the aisle of TTT.

  19. btw, have no idea what the hint on end page of TTT means to find Hell. Have been thinking about it since we solved.

  20. Afraid I can't remember how I got the two endings of the Medium path either! I'm sure there are some hints many pages back.

  21. All I can say is, if i could remember the Rules, then I might know how to Begin to enter Hell.

  22. Another busy day tomorrow. I must away. I look forward to seeing you in the HoF, Colm. Please enter without me. Not sure when I will be back. Thanks for the fun and for all the hints, everyone. See you in Hell, Colmkilm (when i get a chance and the protective gear necessary). Bye for now.

  23. OK, I looked back on the hints for the Medium ends. For the first end, vapernfr gur yrggre pbbeqvangrf sbe rnpu cvrpr ol gur ahzore pbbeqvangrf, r.t. N + 1 = O, P + 2 = R. For the second end, qb gur fnzr, ohg hfvat gur svefg yrggref bs gur purff cvrpr anzrf vafgrnq bs gur yrggre pbbeqvangrf.

  24. @clio - the word in italics on the end page should tell you which previous levels to, ahem, CHECK.

  25. TY BFS I just found it in my notes too. You jogged my memory.

    @ clio-rose, ready to walk down with me?

  26. Ok Colmkilm. Halo on, wearing red, hand out. Place the HoF upon us as we walk up the aisle to the small-tool altar of success.

  27. This is my first time posting but have followed every comment from day one. I admire all the minds that collaborate here to move each of us through the challenging levels. I have been stuck on Hell Level Nu for a week now and really need help. I have both eggs add the word to add so that a two word answer is created but am unable to find the word it is added to. Can I please get a push?

  28. I hate you. I already did, assuming you had.

  29. now my dress is ruined!! hahahha

  30. Good luck BucksDack, I'm sure help will be on it's way. Congrats for getting as far as you have. I didn't see you in HoF? I hope you don't feel that you aren't deserving of being there, like Sofia did (which still makes me sad, she did so well to solve. I wish she would email small). If you havent emailed small, BucksDack, please do so.

  31. tricked you then didn't I?

  32. Whisky drinkers are always tricky. I shoulda known that.

  33. Thanks for your hint BFs. I will check my checking again tmrw. My cheque has bounced thus far. For real, I'm off to bed. Night all. (dry cleaning bill for ruined aisle dress sent to Colmkilm, with much laughter). Thanks.

  34. Thank you clio_rose! I will send an email to small tool later today. I appreciate the support. Congrats to you and Colmkilm!

  35. @BucksDack well done. Get yourself into the Hall of Fame

  36. @clio - I'm still sad about Sofia too!!

    @BucksDack - Hell Level Nu - There are two eggs before the answer. What do you have so far?

  37. BFS, yes I have both eggs for Nu so I know the word to add but I cannot figure out the main word to add it to for a two word answer.

  38. I tried taking eggs to granny with no results, FTF, and tried running more things to the cipher I used for the second egg but am just not getting anywhere. I see the themes and tried many words from this theme still no luck.

  39. @BucksDack - including the initial piece of gibberish that the level gives you to decode, there are 5 pieces of gibberish before you get the second egg, correct? Do FTF on those in the order you decoded them, and you should get a word (no Granny required). Follow what it says to do on the second egg and that should be your answer.

  40. sorry, I wasn't here for a few days. thanks a lot for the hints for AE! on AF, I've read the hints and crossed the first word out..okay, I have a letter. but how to cross the second word out? there's a letter between the first and the second and third letter. btw, it wouldn't give a letter anyway

  41. welcome back Abraxxass, I drew out five grids. Then crossed off letters in each one. That gave me five letters that I sent to granny

  42. @BFS OMG thank you so much. I had tried that but instead of using the starting text to the 4th cipher text, I was using the result of the 1st-5th cipher so it didn't create a word. Now onto Xi and I don't have to solve Nu in my sleep LOL

  43. ah, thank you so much colmkilm..onto AG

  44. on can I convert 60? roman numerals doesn't seem to work

  45. How do I give you a hint without spoiling too much.
    Right hand pic is only a hint that it is about time.
    Left pic gives you numbers if you from each green to the next

  46. oh, it isn't about angles? thanks, I'll try

  47. Yes it is about angles, angles and time have the same relationship. I had to enlarge the image so that I could see it better

  48. Get your angles then do what the the first word says

  49. thanks colmkilm, but I'm still stuck here. how to di**** the angles?

  50. Abraxxass, your first angle is X degree's. Divide that into how many degree's a full circle is. Then, start from X and count again till next green line, do the same. etc etc. The answer has 5 letters.

  51. Hi Abraxxass qvivqr guerr uhaqerq naq fvkgl ol rnpu natyr, tvivat svir ahzoref. Pbaireg gb yrggref. No granny needed

  52. @clio_rose Did you find that door into Hell?

  53. thanks a lot, clio and colmkilm got the egg and read your hints, and stuck.. divide first line with second line would be 6:5?=1,2?

  54. abraxxass. Nope. Divide first word by second word, each line.

  55. Abraxxass, divide first part of first line by second part of first line. Gives a letter. Do the same for each line, then granny

  56. so first line 3:3= 1? but then?

  57. No, first line is fvk gubhfnaq avar uhaqerq naq gjragl sbhe qvivqrq ol....

  58. huh? first line is "fix egg", isn't it? am I on the wrong track?

  59. f = 6, i = 9, x = 24 = 6924 divided by e = ? g = ? g =?

  60. Are you in hell yet, Colmkilm?

  61. omg...each letter separately? I thought fix= 3 letters etc. thanks a lot and sorry for my stupidity

  62. hahha. You are NOT stupid, Abraxxass. If you knew some of the things I tried on some of the levels, I would have to throw myself into the ocean. lol

  63. thanks a lot clio :) btw, just now I used 12 instead of 9 for i and stucked again loooool, onto AH

  64. If you are sure you want to enter Hell, CHECK a previous level and it's egg very carefully.

  65. The gate to Hell is hard to find if you don't know there are two eggs on the previous level so CHECK carefully.

  66. on AH, I went back to a previous level (4) on the e*** path. am I on the right track? I saw your hints but I'm still always

  67. nvm, I was on the worng level..on AI now :)

  68. Nearly there Abraxxass. Let me know if I can help in any way

  69. I have to go now for an hour or so. Best of luck Abraxxass.

  70. I see new finishers in HOF. Congrats, well done :)

  71. Three new finishers :)

    Congrats, BucksDack, Colmkilm and Clio, very well done :)

    Hall of Fame

    4078 comments now. W O W ! ! !
    Thank you all so very much guys :)
    Very happy it turned out like it did and you all had/have fun playing it.

    By the way; All I did was making levels out of the devious ideas my sick mind came up with.
    Way back then doing things like that resulted in being burned at the stake for witchcraft.
    But nowadays there are wonderful people (like Ellie and Edgar) willing to test those chaotic ideas, willing to point out all the mistakes, willing to give all kind of advices to make the silly/vague/farfetched ideas into the fun levels you guys played - but most of all - willing to undergo the torture of all those levels in their rough state (full of mistakes and not player friendly at all yet) and!!! on their own (no hints, no fellow players to play together with and/or ask hints to).
    Already said it before in the intro and stuff. But wanna say it again, because without them it wouldn't be the riddle with more than 4,000 comments. It wouldn't be the riddle without mistakes (lol, just imagine playing this one with mistakes. They did! Solved it anyway and told me what's wrong and how to improve it) and most of all; It wouldn't be the riddle you guys are/were playing/liking.
    So; a big hand for Ellie and Edgar :)

    ps. Reading back all the comments; Seems like some players feel like they're not worthy to be in the HOF or being a HELLRAISER.
    Well, it's a free world, it's up to you, but I do welcome all players in both HOFs. imho you even earned your place there if you needed hints for 99 of the 100 levels. Yep I draw the line there. SO: If solved all of them with hints. THEN NO, but if only solving 1 level without hints and still being able to give me the answers then, in my book, you're HOF-worthy :)

  72. Indeed a very big hand to Ellie and Edgar for beta testing TTT :) but also a very big hand to you small-tool, for using all feedback from E&E to make TTT into a wonderful riddle.

  73. Fully agree and acknowledge the truth of both the above statements. My admiration of small, Ellie & Edgar is boundless.... I want their intelligence, please!

    I think I'm at the correct door to hell, but no matter what I try, including (after an accidental collision with beer the night before last and channelling Eddie), typing "sweetie darling let me in"...and then having a tantrum and typing it in Caps. Didn't work. (oh, unless i made a typo).

    Do I need the rules of the game?

  74. clio_rose, ST is a gentleman -he let us both in at the same time. I still haven't worked out where the Hell gate is although I have a couple of ideas

  75. Are you at the door? I think i might be..but no way am i sure.

  76. haha. Yes, I must remember to thank that gentleman for making me laugh so much my bladder nearly failed me..which made for a nearly very unladylike accident.

  77. Did we only have to check one level and its egg? That's all I've done. I think i easily checked 5 or 6 times.

  78. I am still not sure which level to check. My immediate thought was chess

  79. Not sure how to hint...because im not sure im in the correct place. previous comment. EASilY 5 ...may or may not help?

  80. Truly, i could be sooooooo wrong. I normally am.

  81. Your thought is correct, Colmkilm.
    Ever heard of Jeffrey?

  82. TY smalltool for helping clio and me to finish SIMULTANEOUSLY. And thanks for your email. No I don't know Jeffrey

  83. Small knew how to introduce you, I deleted my comment because i threw jeffrey at you.

    small-tool, I gave it to jeffrey, but i cant see anything. Am i showing him the correct image? Im not even sure im at the right place.

  84. Jeffrey URL
    You need two eggs for that level you guessed correctly to CHECK. Both eggs are needed to find the gate to Hell.

  85. The image(s) should be a Gif file.

  86. Two eggs?

    uh-oh. I think I'm wrong then. I used the level and one egg.

  87. I have a level and its egg, the only difference is numbers. Am I on the right one, or just barking up thewrong tree?

  88. psst...hint on the quiet, pls? No-one's listening. Am i looking at the images or the info that Jeff gave me?

  89. HAHAHHA. I wish i was..but that will have to wait until toddler taming finishes tmrw afternoon.

  90. The correct level to CHECK (with two eggs) will show motion. I got though it without knowing there were two eggs so don't be surprised if you didn't realize there were two.

  91. In Jeffrey you can see every step that made it an animated gif. In every picture there's a tiny change/difference to make those movements.
    The last picture (In Jeffrey) seems to have no change at all, no difference compared to the second last. Still it's there, so maybe...

  92. BucksDack, i am so lost and confused and not even sure im on the correct level to be showing Jeffrey. I think its time for a tantrum.

    SWEETIE DARLING, LET ME IN!!!! (i mean it small-tool). Im out if I'm not in!! (just tricking..i will just keep begging. lol)

  93. i found two words..but they dont work?

  94. Try them where they come from (and that's not the hard path).

  95. I'm in hell. My halo and wings are destroyed. You will pay, small. You will pay. One day..when hell freezes over.

  96. Are you in hell Colmkilm?

  97. Hope you made it to the burn zone Colmkilm. Im off to fry. Night all.

  98. A different sort of hell. WORK. Won't be back til tomorrow. Please leave me some crumbs to help me find my way. Bye for now

  99. Hell Xi level has me stuck. I made the sentance and used the numbers so I have the egg. I did what it said with the notches but I cannot understand how to draw the letters in paint and don't understand the clue

    "The four dots are two different letters. The letter under more and meaning is the same letter, imagine a small horizontal line attached halfway on the vertical line. Read backwards."

    Is there any other push that might help me?

  100. I don't think Paint is needed. You need some imagination and maybe a bit of squinting your eyes will help.
    It's a bit like shadow letters. Only the outline is there and in tis case only the top and bottom parts of the letters.
    The backwards reading thing is only a hint about the answer not being an anagram if you start at the end.

  101. I feel like Xi is an ink blot test and all I see is the letter 'W' LOL.

  102. Oops, I meant Paint is not needed to draw letters, but you do need it to line up the black bars, to make it a neat rectangle.
    Then bottom right is the first letter. Two little notches on top and a long one at the bottom. The only letter fitting there is the U
    (a capital U, it's all caps)

  103. Thank you small-tool for the great clue. I will try that.

  104. Congratulations to the new finishers EG24 Lurker, DeeCee, BucksDack and Colmkilm and Clio!

  105. Congratulations ST for crossing the 4000 (more than 4100 in fact) comments mark. The facts prove you've done a great job. I'm curious how much the visits statistics is counting.

  106. Hi!
    I’ve been following the joyful path of all struggling riddlers, quietly in the background, as it doesn’t feel right to interfere and give hints as a beta tester, already being out from start.

    It’s great to see the riddle is so well played by so many people, and that it’s gotten so many comments (still going on)! ST truly is an amazing riddle maker!

    I so much know the feeling of being stuck in there lol! It took us two years (!) of pure hell, until we could finally reincarnate on the other side. Imagine that. Two years of feeling stupid! ST keeps saying nice things about his beta testers, but then, he is a gentleman and the most patient hell-maker ever. He put up with us for all this time we were stuck and too proud to ask for help/really wanted to see if the levels were solvable without hints after all (and of course… we needed to ask for help anyway, after getting those e-mails every few weeks “c’mon guys, what’s happening?”).

    It was a great honor to test this master-riddle, and a horrible thing to do. I want to apologize to those of you who were waiting for the release of this riddle since forever. I’m happy to see you could finally enjoy it!

    Congrats to all of you who finished (special kudos to Donas for being the first player to survive hell!)!
    To those of you still struggling: go, go, go! You can do it!!

    Thank you small-tool! I hope to see more riddles from you in the not too far future :)

  107. I know I am at the right place and have consulted with Jeffrey but there is nothing standing out

  108. Colmkilm, When you were consulting Jeffrey, I know he gave a lot to think about. I would suggest you only concentrate on the last one. He left you something, so you wouldn't get stuck in the corner.

  109. And the Gate to Hell has slowly creaked and finally snapped firmly shut behind me

  110. Congrats! Now (to misquote Shakespeare) lead on McDuff!

  111. help on the third end for easy please.. I only got 2 endings (s**** and ku***, cheering and cool cat) thanks (tried first letters from all answers, it didn't work

  112. Abraxxass, did you check the alphabet in the top corner, in relation to the first column of numbers?

  113. I shall try as soon as I get back from therapy.

  114. aaaah, yesss..thanks a lot, clio..that was the missing end :) congrats for finishing, clio and colmkilm and thanks for all your I've finished it, too. Have you already found the entrance to hell?

  115. Yayyyyy Abraxxass!!! Congratulations. Whoo hoo. (don't forget to email small-tool).

  116. Abraxxass just use the numbers on the left, ie before the minus, and combine with clio's hint

  117. WE are the Three Mustgettheirbeers. We work well together as a team. But maybe in Hell we will need a D'Artagnan

  118. thank you so, so much, colmkilm and clio.just sent a mail to S-T.. now let's go to hell together :)have you already entered it?

  119. Yes are there cowering in a corner

  120. Abraxxass, I'm not actually sure I'm in. Everyone asked for hints in Greek Alphabet letters. Can you see an alpha, Colmkilm?

  121. Congrats Abraxxass :) well done!

    @Clio, when you really entered HELL you will see the first level is named level Alpha.

  122. Thanks Dutchie. I didn't think i was there. Oh well, the gate is open, at least thats one step...down? lol

  123. You have to go way more then just one step down :P

  124. there a reverse engine? I want back in heaven. lol

  125. No way back lol, you have to go through hell to reach heaven :D

  126. I am now in Hell. It is far easier than I made it for myself. I guess Colmkilm and Abraxxass are already in Hellraisers of Fame.

  127. lol, not at all..I have no idea where I can find the entrance :) thanks dutchie :)

  128. @Abraxxass, did you CHECK previous levels to find the way to hell?

  129. Abraxxass, I think if you read from the top of this page, there should be enough info to get you into the entrance. When dutchie says to CHECK previous levels, you will find one which is a match. ...its EASY to find. Good luck

  130. A new finisher :)

    Congrats and very well done, Abraxxass :)

    Hall of Fame

  131. I hate admitting that I'm stuck on hell Alpha, but I am. I can't get a song out of my head, from the first 4 images. I know the singer, though I cant find a way to relate that to the second image, other than a famous sports field. I think I'm way wrong anyway.

  132. that's the level with the ? isn't it?

  133. okay clio :). Hell Alpha.
    Google the four together (letter).
    And who is the lady (letter 2).
    Then pick Veri's brain and find what the ? stands for.

  134. And I have to go again. bye!

  135. Thanks arrieNL. Will think about your hints.

  136. Thanks again arrieNL. On to Beta.

  137. Gamma. I hate abacuses..or is it abaci? Either way, I have no idea where to start. Reading back i figure i need an egg from the text and one from the image. I used the obvious egg and have done everything i can think of, when it told me yes, it is about that.

  138. hmm, I found an egg " Check again, you're not ready for Hell yet" now I'm stuck. booohooohooo

  139. Hi Abraxxass. Not sure where you are?

  140. I CHECKED a special level (which was easy :)), used jeffrey's exif viewer and found a word on the last pic. that gave me the "check again"

  141. I told a big fib. I did get that egg. Sorry.

  142. oh i remember. Check the level as well as the egg. Use the same method.

  143. I already tried jeffrey with the devil picture and the flame picture..I found nothing

  144. No. Use Jeff to check and to visit the MATE. level AND egg.

  145. aaah, I missed a word, than yu so much, clio :)

  146. You are very welcome, Abraxxass. Give me a yell, if you get as stuck as I did, with the next bit.

  147. thank you so much..4 music clips..the words "go d***" black and red idea so far

  148. looooool? so simple?? thanks again, clio..onto alpha

  149. Yayyy. I know. Took me ages. hahhaha. Welcome to hell for real.

  150. on alpha, do I need the cities or the buildings?

  151. On to Delta. I think I will be here for ages. Not to worry. It's all good fun.

  152. Use the cities all together and google.

  153. Good luck, Abraxxass. See you next time.

  154. thanks a lot clio..I found a letter with this 4 cities..combined it with the initials of the woman and converted it into a I on th right track?

  155. you are..sort of. I would just use the letter of the 4 cities..and instead of doubling the woman..after all she is such a square..

  156. thank you..finally on beta

  157. Level Chi - I have the original page and 8 eggs by changing the url incrementally and I get the idea of using the blocks to get letters from DARK method but I cannot make a word from them. I was surprised that the letters on the pages spell a word (vavgvngvba) but that did not produce an egg. I really need a push.

  158. nevermind, I finally figured out how to get the last egg and the clue. now to apply it :D

  159. oky, found both important eggs on gamma, but now I'm stuck. it says "Yep, it was about l***** f********, and you're almost done now".I've tried to combine both answers from the eggs (g**** and s****), but that seems to be wrong.a littel hint agian, please?

  160. nvm, I dind't visit a granma again..onto delta :)

  161. on delta..I know I have to go back, but I have no idea, where to go.

  162. @Abraxxass - every single part of the text is something you have seen before. Go back to wherever you saw "c****", "i* t** p*****" etc., and then go from there.

  163. thanks alot BF, found the delta egg now and stuck again. I am where I need to be?

  164. Hi abraxxass, are you sure you are where you need TO BE?

  165. Hi Abraxxass and clio_rose. Glad to see you both making good progress and I am not alone :D. Abraxxass, it might be a good idea to take your egg to be with granny.

  166. thanks clio, but I'm still stuck..went back again to every level and didn't find it

  167. Abraxass, You have your egg word. Use it with where you need TO BE. Granny will take you where you need to be.

    I'm glad that Colmkilm, Abraxxass and I are not the only one's suffering in Hell, BucksDack. You are far closer to redemption and heaven though. Don't leave us to burn for too long on each level. Thanks. haha

  168. and thanks again clio and thanks bucksdack :) onto epsilon. it's much more fun to suffer together in hell:)where are you now?

  169. Who? BucksDack or me? I have an egg on Kappa, but it's nearly midnight for me, so given my eyes are burning in hell, I won't even try any further this evening.

  170. okay clio, good night and thanks. and BucksDack? where are you?

  171. Night Abraxxass and BucksDack. Hope to see you soon, Colmkilm.

  172. a hibt for ETA, please? found a few hints, but I'm still clueless. thanks

  173. Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I am suffering on the Omega level. I have one egg but am dizzy and unable to figure out the second egg.

    ETA - you need to google the lyrics. take the gibberish to ROT+10 and granny. That is the first egg and lyric to google.

  174. @Anraxxass I need a hibt on Alpha (Hic)! Lol I don't know the fourth city

  175. Colmkilm, the round building is a BMW headquarters. You can google to find the city. Then google all four cities at the same time to find a 1979 LP.

  176. TY BD bow obto neta, Anraxxass, I thibk I beed to soner up a nit

  177. @BucksDack, count adjacent triangles this time. The three positive directions are the same as in your previous pyramid.

  178., its my hometown..munich in germany :) did you solve the level?

  179. on ETA: when I use ROT 10 on the gibberish under the picture and visit a granma I get nothing

  180. Granny is not needed on level eta, but there are 3 things going on there.
    - It is Johnnie rotTEN
    - There is a reason why the text on his shirt is like that.
    - The stairs are hinting you to use another kind of rot (also on Red Luth).

  181. @Abraxxass, yes . In my last post I said obto neta, but now sober , onto beta. A little hint if you can

  182. Beta
    Left part is 26 and right part is 26.
    26 sounds familiar, doesn't it?

  183. TY ST but no bells ringing just yet

  184. colmkilm, read the 2 white numbers as a word, the other numbers as letters. it is related to the alphabet. there you have usually 5 v..... and 21 c......... but sometimes one of the c........ is used as a v****. hint: first letter is an Y.

  185. Colmkilm. Tice so nee bou yack.

    Beta, I read a clue back some million comments ago, which divided the two left numbers into one group of those 26, and the two numbers on the right into the other group of 26. I used those two groups on the bar-code.

  186. Abraxxass, your hint is heaps better than mine.

    Where are you, now? I'm still on Kappa with two eggs, that i cant cook.

  187. hi clio, so nice that all of you are back :) I'm still stuck on ETA, but I'm at work no, so I can't riddle too much :) but we will survive hell hand in hand :)

  188. New comments on next page. Wow!! 4200.

  189. now stuck on the second ETA egg, the one with the two schnapps. I know the name of the schnapps ( I had a horrible evening because of it when I was younger), but that is not the answer.

  190. nvm, got it..hint for second egg on ETA: google the name of the shot and the hint on the egg together..finally onto theta

  191. clio, how do apply your hints to the barcode?

  192. Colkilm, through thick and thin, remember, 5 is one set of the 26, and the 21 left are another set of the 26. Small-tool was superduper tricky on this one. I suggest you use the first as either V or the rest as you think. (i always assume there are more of the 21's than the 5's in a word)


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