Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!
(state Aug 12th 2018)
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Why didn't anyone else get stuck with two eggs on Kappa? It must be so obvious that I can't see it. I have used those two sets of numbers on ftf, alphabet, counting letters, and still i can't make head nor tail of it.
ReplyDeleteclio..just reached kappa...now let's see :)
ReplyDeleteno idea how to start on kappa
ReplyDeleteclio, please help me to find egg 2 on kappa. I've read all the previous hints about to line up and looking for the position of I in the words, and I know what TRTOBL means..but I don't get it. thanks!!!
ReplyDeletenvm, got both eggs :) that was tricky
ReplyDeleteyesssss..onto lambda :) clio, for kappa: use the numbers on the two answers from the two eggs and visit a granma.
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed by the way you lot are speeding through the Hell Path!
ReplyDeleteThank you Abraxxass. I should have thought to do that. (as it was, i had written a number down twice by mistake.) On Lambda now too.
ReplyDeleteOMG I finally finished the Hell Path. Thank you all for your help, no way would I have been able to get through without you all! Can't wait for the next one! I will check in to see if I can help anyone still working through.
ReplyDeleteCongrats BucksDack, well done :)
ReplyDeleteA new Hellraiser!
ReplyDeleteHellraisers of Fame
Congrats BucksDack, very well done :)
And a new renaming:
I'm renaming small-tool the riddle-lover's Pied-Piper
wohoooo..congrats bucksdack!!!! I need a hint for NU, please..I got the numbers from the wiki site but now I'm stuck. read the previous hints but now I'm more confused than before
ReplyDeleteYayyy for finishing, BucksDack. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteSorry, can't help you on Nu, Abraxxass. After landing on Lambda, I've been resting on da lamb wool.
clio, for lambda..you have to go back..where, that shows the letter..don't forget there were 2 levels :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Abraxxass. Will give it another whirl tmrw.
ReplyDeleteaaah, tricky, finally got an egg and now I have to add "evil"..but where?
ReplyDeleteAbraxxass, I was stuck right where you are now for a week trying to figure out what to add 'evil' to. That was not a feeling I want for you LOL.
ReplyDeleteWhen you got the last egg using the right method, you did it in 5 stages. Each stage had a gibberish that you re-entered to the cipher. Use those five gibberish values to form the word to add 'evil' to. FTF
Congratulations, @BucksDack! Amazing job!
ReplyDelete@BucksDack congratulations!!! Well done!
ReplyDeleteDon't know which level you are up to Abraxxass and Colmkilm, but I will be on Hard Xi for a month or so, I reckon.
ReplyDelete@clio_rose, for Xi, make sure you line the black lines up so they make a solid black rectangle. Then you should be able to draw letters between the lines. Hint you can draw a 'U' under "explained:" and over "is"
ReplyDeleteThanks BD. I'm still trying to work out paint, and how to use it. lol. I think I'd be best writing out the text tmrw, and then doing the dots and dashes by hand. Reading the dots and dashes left to right, I can nearly see what it says, and if I am correct, your hint is a winner for me. Thank you. (have to line them up first though)
ReplyDeleteExcellent help, BD. Solved Xi. Thank you. Got through Omicron with the help of all previous players and now on Pi. Not asking for a hint or anything, just wanted to say thank you all. btw, Omicron egg was sneaky, but fun. Thanks small-tool.
ReplyDeletehi, sorry, I wasn't here at weekend..thanks a lot for your help on NU, bucksdack :). I can't believe it, it doesn't work anymore..at the and I don't get the answer what leads to the egg "fa*******" but a gibberish with JP..that is weird. I start with SMX... and G, right? and then the gibberish (OUJ.....) with L etc?
ReplyDeleteNot quite sure what you were saying there Abraxxass. lol. Use the steps (ftf) to get to how you arrived at fa*********. You started with smx, your next one started with asy. It was using your previous gibberish to get the next set of gibberish and finally your 'fa..etc"
ReplyDeletenvm..you have to write the numbers out instead of converting them to letters. onto xi now :)
ReplyDeleteWhen you remember/re-enter you five tries to get to the bit which starts as 'fa..blah*, then look at the ftf's of your five tries. Its quite a devillish word which you need to add to your evil bit.
ReplyDeleteon xi.. I see dots and dashes..but I dont understand how to draw?
ReplyDeleteand thanks clio for your help on nu :)
ReplyDeletegot xi with a little guessing :) onto omicron :)
ReplyDeleteGahh. So frustrated with Pi. I am fairly convinced I'm combining level name with the name of the Investigation company, but using only the Investigation company numbers which rule out certain numbers of the level name. I either can't count, am up ship's creek without a paddle, or even more probable, doing the wrong thing.
ReplyDelete@clio_rose, Pi is easier than you think once you pull the right 7 digits from the pie (a very long number). Apply those seven digits to the seven word sentence to get the seven letter answer.
ReplyDeleteBD, I'm doing that, I think. I'm counting across. I'm picking my number, then counting from there. I have my pie baked, my prime ingredients and compared both. I'm only using the prime ingredients in my pie.
ReplyDeleteI think I am making the same mistake over and over again without knowing what my mistake is. Will try again tomorrow and tell myself that I haven't tried this before. New eyes tmrw. Thanks for your help. I'm very grateful that you, BFS and others come back and keep helping we stragglers. Thank you.
Clio rose, first list the digits that are primes from the digits of pi. Only 4 digits qualify. Then use them on each individual word of text in the order they appear originally
ReplyDeleteThank you, PixieRose. When I wrote pi out, I missed a digit. Simple and silly mistake.
ReplyDeleteon omicron..how many of them do I need? so far I found eight. have does Si** count as well? thanks
ReplyDeleteYou need 9 of them and nope the S one isn't one of them.
ReplyDeletethnaks a lot s-t, onot pi .) and stuck, I know I have to apply the digits of pi on the seven words but I don't understand, how
ReplyDeleteHi Abraxxass. Use Pi, in conjunction with the name of the Investigation company. You need those numbers only. I was soo stuck there too.
ReplyDeletethank you, clio, but I'm still stuck. r.t. va "jvguva"? gurer'f ab n a(1) be p (3) be r (5)
ReplyDeleteAbraxxass, Using pi, and combining it with Prime..gives a string of numbers which are useful. I would say to start with 3 5 2...which is third of first word, 5th of second word, second of third word. Continue that way using only the prime numbers found in Pi. If you google Pi, it gives the string of numbers you need. There are only four other numbers to find, and as a further hint, no number is above 5.
ReplyDeleteAbraxxass, you won't translate numbers to letters on level Pi. You need a different approach. Pick a certain kind of number from something the title of the level hints about. You should pick seven numbers and some will repeat. Keep the order and apply to seven word sentence.
ReplyDeletethank you so, so much, clio, btw, I was sure that 1 is a prime, too..silly me! onto rho
ReplyDeleteSeems that you and I are the only ones left playing. Sad that Colmkilm hasnt been able to continue. I'm off for a fun weekend with family and look forward to cheating from you when i get back. I'm on Chi and completely stuck. Leave me loads of hints please. Thanks. See you next week.
ReplyDeletehahahaha.....Abraxxass...err,,,duhh me. I forgot to write 2 when i wrote out my pi. lol
ReplyDeleteYayyyy...BucksDack is here to look after us both. Thanks BD. Hope you will still be here when i get back. I hope my fun weekend doesnt further damage my brain...or liver. LOL See you next week.
ReplyDeleteclio, thanks for your help and have a wonderful weekend. great that bucksdack is still here, thanks a lot bucksdack :). I'll try to catch up clio :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Abraxxass. See you next week. Thanks too BucksDack. Bye. x
ReplyDeletemay I have a hint for phi, please?
ReplyDeleteI the anser is two words (one is a written number) and I know WHERE in the book I can find the quotes, but I don't get the correct answer
ReplyDeleteAbraxxass, the number of where is usually written down at the bottom of what?
ReplyDeletei would say s*** o**, but that's wrong
ReplyDeletelol, nvm, got it now..onto chi
ReplyDeletehelp on chi, please, I've found eight eggs and visited a granma with the first letters from each egg. I got a word, but I didn't give me a new egg. I have no idea how to find the ninth egg, even I've read ll the previuos hints.
ReplyDeleteYou could have bruteforced an answer with anagramming with a ? for the missing egg/letter.
ReplyDeleteThe word 'invitation' is what you get then. Just try it for fun :)
For the real last egg:
A book starts with a certain page and ends with the ???? ????
loool, nononononono, I got initiation. thanks a lot s-t, found the real last egg :)
ReplyDelete@Clio, Colmkilm and Abraxxass - I keep checking this thread to see how you're all doing! Waiting to see you all reach the finish line. <3
ReplyDeletethanks a lot BFS! finally onto psi (on chi I first rotated not the pages but only first letters and didn't see any dots..silly me, lol). btw, where's page 9? it was the one with the hints, wasn't it? so how to get the last letter here? nvm, I got it anyway :-)
ReplyDeleteclio, for chi: first change the url to get more eggs. then try to find the last egg with the hints. apply the hints on the pages. if you don't see anything now, maybe you're blind ;-)
ReplyDeletea hint for psi egg, please? "close, but no *****? huh? thanks
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass - look at the image on Psi egg. It isn't quite the same as the image on the level. Something should stand out. Google that thing in conjunction with your egg word.
ReplyDeleteST -Good to see you! It's been a while but I see you've been busy. I missed this when it was posted, but have just completed the easy path - though it took me 2 days. You know how bad I am at riddles. Thanks for creating this.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all for the helpful hints - hello to all those I haven't seen in a long time :)
hi annaby :) have fun, it's a very good riddle. thanks a lot BF, onto omega
ReplyDeleteHi Abraxxass. Thanks for the help on Chi. Have 9 eggs, and 9th egg confusing me. I can't work out how to upside-down a mirror. Not even sure I have been blinded correctly, anyway. Will continue tmrw.
ReplyDeleteHiya annaby. Lovely to see you. I'm still lousy at riddles and have found Ctrl F to be a great help here. Good luck. Everyone is super helpful.
I didn't understand it, because the ninth egg was the one with the hints? you can figure it out anyway :)firsrt letter of the answer is a M
ReplyDeletehelp on omega third pyramid (egg 2, please). I found the start point, but how to walk 13 steps from here?
ReplyDeleteIs it? I thought it was a V. Oh my wordy. I really need to think more on it. Do i need all pages, or just the 9th page which refers to only some pages.
ReplyDeleteIm so confused. I have checked my first page and turned it every which way and that, and checking my eyes and comparing with image there is no way i can make an M. However, i know you are correct and i am wrong. Thanks for the help Abraxxass. See you tmrw.
ReplyDeletenonono, you're correct..first letter is a V..you have to visit a granma at the end. first letter from the answer is a M
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass, if you move first the number of steps of the first value 'starting in the direction in which the coordinates are placed', then your second direction and the place in which you'll be standing now will allow you to do that number of steps. Remember your directions are cyclically E, NW, SW, E, NW, SW..., just make sure you have not only the right starting point but also the right starting direction for each set of coordinates.
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass - how's Omega??
ReplyDeleteFinally on to Psi. Thanks for your hints Abraxxass. I had the correct word after finding the 9 eggs on Chi. What I didn't see was the text under that final egg. lol One week stuck because I didn't scroll down. Oh, the joy of riddling. Thanks for checking on us all BFS. I appreciate your care.
ReplyDeleteAnd on to Omega. Not sure if I'm happy or scared.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with Omega, clio :) The first two pyramids are fine, but I definitely can't help you with the third...
ReplyDeleteBFS, as it's so late in the riddle playing, may I ask a straight out question. Not a spoiler or anything, but how do co-ordinates work when there are 3? Is it across, up and diagonal? Or up, across, diagonal...or some other combo, I haven't thought of yet?
ReplyDelete@Clio - Looking back at Pyramid 1 and I can't do it! My brain has atrophied since doing this riddle, lol. This is a hint that S-T left on an earlier page, though:
ReplyDelete1st Going right
2nd Going up/left
3rd Going down/left
Your first letter should be an S (not the 1,1,1 one)
@Clio - I figured it out. Only consider the upright triangles within the pyramid for this round.
ReplyDeleteOMG..thank you BFS. I was already considering admitting defeat. but....now I'm really freaking out. Small's hint indicates that first is across and then second and third are diagonals. However, thanks for the normal triangle hint. That saved me from asking you if i had to use the inverted ones when counting. Thanks again. Will continue tomorrow and beg again then. lol
ReplyDeleteThank you again BFS. On to the second egg.
ReplyDeleteHi Clio...good to see you
ReplyDeleteHope you are keeping well, Jon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Clio, I'm still broken but learning to cope with it. I hope you are well and remain so :)
ReplyDeleteI am thank you.
ReplyDeleteBFS, I have read the hints on omega egg 2, and think that a negative means go opposite. Does that mean if the negative is the third number then i reverse back down the way I came? Also if a negative is the second number, do I go up right, instead of left. I keep getting upside down letters and not able to make a word.
Clio, is this for the 3rd pyramid?
ReplyDeleteS-T left this hint for the 3rd pyramid a while ago - it might help you: https://imgur.com/a/t9Exzec
ReplyDeleteerrr..I wish. I'm still stuck fast on the second pyramid. (but thanks for your confidence that I had reached the third). lol
ReplyDeleteI keep getting upside down first four letters, which turned rightside up say TWIT...and that's a pretty good description. Are they correct?
ReplyDeleteYour fourth letter is wrong. The first 3 are correct. Look at it this way - with positive coordinates, you're going W, then NW, then SW. Whenever a coordinate is negative, you need to go the exact opposite way to the direction you would have gone if that coordinate had been positive. So to get the fourth letter, you need to go W, then NW and then NE (as NE is the opposite of SW). Does that make sense?
ReplyDeleteback to front N for the fourth letter? I think it makes sense, but if there is a way to misunderstand, then I am an expert. See you tmrw, or when i become a brainiac, BFS. Thank you again. Night.
ReplyDeleteNo, it isn't an N... Don't move from the E in the second step ("1" means you stay in the same spot).
ReplyDeleteThank you BFS. I couldn't work out how to do the neg 2nd numbers, so did all letters I could get and then guessed. On to the third pyramid. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteIt annoyed me that I couldn't understand, so I went back. Solved it properly now.
ReplyDeleteI'm still stuck on the third pyramid, I don't get it, boohoohoo
ReplyDeleteIm still trying to work out how to start. Did you get W as your first letter?
ReplyDeleteOmega, third pyramid: yes Clio, first letter is a W.
ReplyDeletefrom other comments the first 4 letters seem to be jrna (ROTTEN)..is the fifth letter an I, is this correct?
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass - your first four letters are correct, but the fifth is not.
ReplyDeleteokay, thank you BFS :)
ReplyDeleteThank you both Abraxxass and BFS. I dont have a printer and am trying to use the instructions as given by small. You are way smart and everso patient, Abraxxass. With you asking questions, I will play detective with the answers you get. Once again,thank you both.
ReplyDeleteI finally went through the 3rd pyramid and actually wrote down the coordinates of each letter of the answer. So now I can help you guys much more easily! Following those instructions is a major struggle - I still mess up every time I try! So I'm glad I now have the correct coordinates noted down. xD
ReplyDeleteI still don't get it
ReplyDeleteI never will Abraxxass. I can't tell left from right. I most certainly can't differentiate between upside-down and mirrored, let alone a combo of all the above. I'm going to work on the detective and deduction side of things. The text under the pyramid says a sort of sentence. 'we a n??? ????. Given the next letter isnt an I....im going to vote for an E. (and hope that BFS helps me on my journey of Cheaty McGuessing)
ReplyDeleteAbraxxass - what are the coordinates written on your fourth letter? Because you may have got to the wrong instance of that letter...
ReplyDelete@Clio - the fifth letter is a vowel, but not either of those vowels!
Abraxxass, I am on the last level. A friend was kind enough to play a game of hang-man with me, to get me through the 3rd pyramid. If you are still stuck, I cant help you solve the pyramid, but I can help you solve the level.
ReplyDeletethanks, BFS -6,1,1 yes, please help me, clio, it's frustrating.
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass, you're on the wrong fourth letter then. From the third letter your coordinates are 1 horizontally so you stay in the same place, then 7 southwest and finally 5 southeast (which would be equivalent to -5 NW). That's how you reach the correct fourth letter.
ReplyDeleteAbraxxass, You have the first 4 letters. The fourth letter is the start of the third word. Think of a facial feature starting with that letter. When you have that third word, visit granny and use 4 question marks for the final four letters. The list granny gives contains two real possibilities. One of them is correct. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteSorry, guys! I totally forgot to check in with you for a few days. :( Are you both past Omega? :D @Abraxxass - hopefully Verito's hint helped you reach the correct 4th letter.
ReplyDeleteyesssss..thanks a lot clio, found another egg. and thanks a lot, too, verito :)
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass - you found the egg from the four words? Then take them to Granny and you will reach the last level. :D
ReplyDeleteyes, bfs, but I'm stuck at the last egg now, the pone with the three golden eggs. I got six letters (qverzv (ROT ) ), but I don't get a useful word
ReplyDeleteAhh, I forgot about that bit! Your letters aren't correct. I know exactly what you've done, because I did the same thing, lol. There is no need to look back on the letters in the pyramid itself. There are three eggs on the pic. You got three eggs on the level (including the one you're currently on - not including the ungrannied answer to the third pyramid). The arrows on the eggs indicate extremities. Take letters accordingly and read from top to bottom (left side, then right side) or just visit Granny. Add "the last" to your answer and you'll be rewarded with some lovely music :)
ReplyDeletethank you so much, I already did that, but I used a wrong word (ha***** insted of tw********). on the last level now :)
ReplyDeleteYAY, Abraxxass!
ReplyDeleteBFS, please give me a hint for the second egg on the LAST level. I saw that you're stucked there, too and the hint LAST LEVEL, but I have no ideawhatalphanumeric and function means, too. thanks
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass - I think you mean the 1st egg? You need to take one letter from each of the words on the level (under the pic), and it's the LAST level - so which letter do you need to take? :) It's a multi-word answer. No need for Granny, so you should know once you have it.
ReplyDeletewoohoo, thanks a lot, BFS, onto the second eg.. that was tricky :)
ReplyDeleteGogogo Abraxxass and Clio, you are almost there. Just the LAST level and your done :)
ReplyDeleteaaah, that sounds great!
ReplyDeletethanks dutchie and arrie :) I need your help again on the second egg on last level (the one with 1,1,3,3 etc), please. I saw the hint about verse, line, word, letter, picked 4 letters, but they don't geive me a useful word.
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass - ignore those numbers for now. Your solution to the first egg has 6 words, right? Take lasts of those 6 words and visit Granny.
ReplyDeleteYou will need the numbers later. There is a set to be found on each of the 4 eggs. Once you reach the 4th egg, do the verse, line, word, letter thing using all of the number sets and you will get your final answer (16 letters long).
thanks a lot, onto the third egg now :) but how did you know what to do on the second egg? did I overlook a hint on the egg page?
ReplyDeleteI still don't know how that was supposed to be obvious other than through the continuation of the "LAST" hint. When I was playing, I only got it from earlier hints! Perhaps s-t can shed some light.
ReplyDeleteokay, I've found four eggs now, including the one with "WAIT"..but I can't find the numbers on egg 3? I tried jeffrey, too. and on egg 4 I have problems with 1,5,1,2, because I only have 4 lines.
ReplyDeleteFor the one with the 5, just move to the next line.
ReplyDelete"Wait" is not relevant.
For egg 3, there are numbers in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture. You need to maximise the contrast to see them. I couldn't see all of them no matter how hard I tried, but because the final answer doesn't involve Granny, I was able to guess what the missing ones were.
You're so close to the end!!!!
I MANAGED IT!!!!!! yeaaah..I'm out of hell!! thanks for all your help, it was so much fun. and now? what are we riddling now? :)
ReplyDeletespecial thanks again for your help BFS!!!!
ReplyDeleteYAYYYY!!!! Massive congrats, Abraxxass!!!! Now waiting for Clio to finish too :) Looking forward to seeing you both in the Hell of Flames!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Abraxxass well done :)
ReplyDeletethank you so much :) are you both riddling at the moment, BFS and dutchie?
ReplyDeleteWhooo hoo Abraxxass. Congratulations!! I may not finish for another few days. Bit busy here and haven't had a chance to play. Yayyy you.
ReplyDeleteGreat Abraxxass. You want to move on to a next one ???
ReplyDelete@Abraxxass CONGRATULATIONS!! Well done!! How nice that you finished too, now looking forward to see you at the hellraisers of fame.
ReplyDeleteI finished, Abraxxass and BFS. I finished!! I have cheated from EVERY comment I could find pertaining to any level I was stuck on. I can't thank you both enough, oh so much, for asking the questions I would have. Thank you both so so much. Yayyy for late finishers. We get there in the end. Thank you to all the players who left hints for a player like me. I hope other late players use the help and hints I did. Thank you small-tool for an extraordinary journey. I really loved it, even though I was considering your assassination (j/k). Thanks again everyone. x
ReplyDeleteYAY, congrats Clio, well done :)
ReplyDeleteHope Colmkilm and Annaby will soon finish too.
Great clio! You did it as well!
ReplyDeletecongrats, clio and thanks a alot arrie and verito. yes, arrie, what riddle do you suggest :)? I've just started dutchie
ReplyDeleteYayyyy, Clio! Massive congrats :D :D :D
ReplyDeleteYAYYYY!! well done Clio and Abraxxass - it was worth stopping by to see that you have both finished. MANY CONGRATULATIONS!!!
ReplyDeletethank you so much cee bee :) @clio, do you want to join on dutchie's riddle?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the congrats everyone. Truth is, you guys did all the work, and I read the hints. lol
ReplyDeleteHave opened Dutchie's riddle Abraxxass. I'm going to be away until early next week, so wont be able to play until then. Good luck to us both again. haha
oh .. dutchie's riddle, good choice!
ReplyDeleteGood comment section as well, with lots of hints.
I think I've played Dutchie's Riddle before, but I'll give it another spin!
ReplyDeletewohoo, great that you'll join me, BFS and clio :) yes arrie, I'm at level 10 at the momenat and I like it :)
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ReplyDelete@Clio and @Abraxxass - are you not getting yourselves into the Hell of Flames?!
ReplyDeleteBFS, I sent a mail to S-T immediately after leaving hell, but he didn't reply
ReplyDeleteHi Abraxxass and BFS. Sorry I haven't joined you in Dutchie's Riddle. I started, but then travelled and haven't got back to it. I played it originally, but as usual, each level is a revelation to me. I don't remember a thing about it. lol.
ReplyDeleteWith Hell of Flames, I reckon Small's computer probs shat itself again. It happens with his pc. Don't be hurt nor sad. I'm not. He will place us in Hell when he can. Of that, I'm sure. x
So very sorry for the late response (have been under the weather)
ReplyDeleteVery good to see you again Annaby :)
Hope you're doing ok and are having a lot of fun.
Too late (I know, sorry), but there are two new Hellraisers :)
Hellraisers of Fame
Both of you, very well done and a big hand for your persistence!
And of course two new renamings:
I'm renaming small-tool the evil riddleking
I'm Renaming Small-Tool:
Pinky AND the Brain.
A Genius AND insane.
Hey, ST......it would be nice to be in regular contact again. Big congrats on how well this game has done, fantastic!
ReplyDeleteHARD F - Got the egg. Tried overlaying with original image and taking squares having both red and green. No letter comes in lower left. Tried also with green squares only and also with red squares only. No luck
ReplyDeleteHard F, Egg should give two letters with green. Then combine.
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ReplyDeleteThanks dutchie for hard F
ReplyDeleteHARD AC - what am I looking for? No clue. What code is this? Nobody seems to have stuck here
Hard AC, try to form letters, easiest way is to do it in Paint.
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ReplyDeletePlease. I am at the LAST LEVEL EGG 3. Found the sets of numbers near the right hand corner but unable to read them as my eyesight is bad. I tried changing the brightness and zooming but still cant read. Please give me the set of numbers. Thanks
ReplyDeleteLast level 3rd egg numbers are
ReplyDelete1 2 6 5
1 1 2 2
1 3 2 1
1 2 2 2
It was very hard to see indeed.
ReplyDeleteYou are almost out of hell Mehroon :) go go go!
Hey all new here and trying this out. Stuck on level 3 egg and have tried everything I can think of. Thanks
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ReplyDeleteHi De. I'm sure you are probs way past that by now, but if not, do as the panda sign says. The word dog has three letters and the third letter of the alphabet is C. Hope that helps if you are still stuck.
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ReplyDeleteI am stuck on med VI rubiks cube...gone through all the hints. counted the colours. see that the # = #of letters for each colour but yellow. doesn't come up with any useful letters. ???
ReplyDeleteFosterhewitt, if you see three red's, then the third letter of red is D. If you see four yellow's, then I would choose the fourth letter = L. Same applies for every colour. Good luck.
ReplyDeletestuck on hard H for hours.Just get two letters by using morse staring from the left and from right
ReplyDeletethanks clio_rose
ReplyDeletesevenfar, use the first bit = letter. Last bit = letter. Full image = letter. Full image backwards = letter. Use the first letter twice, to give five letters. Visit granny with all five letters. Hope I haven't confused you.
ReplyDeleteTy for help.On hard J now I tried firtst letters and last letters but got two sentence no use.
ReplyDeletesevenfar, the hint is the last sentence. Remember, sometimes it's first things first, and then second things second, etc. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteFinally reached M.I know an expression related with the title and the sports on the pic.But I tried first letters or first words get nothing.
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ReplyDeletewhat is "ROT"?
ReplyDeletesevenfar: If you are familiar with the expression, you have a number which should suggest a coding method. Use the letters in the title to get what you need to decode.
ReplyDeleteFosterhewitt: ROT is a letter substitution cipher. Google ROT13 to get an explanation. Any number between 1 and 25 can be used, but the principle is the same. I hope that helps.
ReplyDeletecee bee:I thought I know the cipher and it is about base two.But I didn't know which letters I should deal with by using the title.
ReplyDeletesevenfar, use the two letters at the end of the title.
ReplyDeletecilo rose:still didn't understand it.I didn't find VD in the txt.How could I use them as base?
ReplyDeletesevenfar, You know you are using base 2. Convert each of those two letters in the text of the level.
ReplyDeleteSorry. Probably didn't explain very well. As an example, the word 'level' contains a v. You need to read every word in the text and see if it contains any v or d. Then convert your string to the two numbers needed.
ReplyDeleteFinally on hard level O now.I found three eggs by anagram and rot but didn't see any eggs more.Maybe eggs will give other eggs but I didn't find
ReplyDeleteSevenfar, hahaha. I have six eggs written down, but apart from one egg, I have no idea how I found the others. Will contact the brainiac's and ask them to help you. One of them will help you for sure.
ReplyDeleteSevenfar: The two eggs you found using ROT each give another egg. Granny should help you find both. Put everything together to for the final 3 word answer.
ReplyDeletethanks Cee bee....I think I knew that but your reference added to my understanding.
ReplyDeletecee bee :If answer has three words I only found two “the”“big” but missing one
ReplyDeletesevenfar: visit granny one more time with the two words that got you those two words.
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ReplyDeletelost in med XXIV ... I got all four eggs... gone through all the clues... no help. Im sure I am overthinking this but nothing working.
ReplyDeleteFosterhewitt, just visit granny with all four words together.
ReplyDeletewell I feel stupid... i was trying granny with all sorts of combinations ... never thought of all at once.
ReplyDeletethanks Clio_rose
k...didn't get far.I got to the 1st egg on XXV. gone through the previous hints. I see "pieces move" and "add numbers" Do I move the pieces by the chess piece or add to the previous letter of the piece. (or a 3rd option)
ReplyDeleteNot my best night :(
Level XXV: there are 3 more eggs to find. ROT is your friend for all of them. Use the standard chess board numbering system for the rows and for the piece names: Column+row, piece name (knight= K)+ row, piece name (knight = N)+ row.
ReplyDeleteWell done finishing the medium path. Good luck with the hard one. :)
ReplyDeleteI solved the riddle on Q.But still couldn't solve level hard Q.And I missed something in the shell.Could anyone check for me
ReplyDeleteSorry sevenfar. I don't quite understand what you mean. Will contact the brainiacs, and ask them to help you.
ReplyDeleteSevenfar Hard Q:
ReplyDeleteWhen you have solved the riddle and completed the grid, you will have 4 blank cells, one per category. Find the items that fill those cells - google them together to get a name that will get you an egg:
Use the egg information on the grid and feel your way to the next level.
If you need more help there are hints earlier in the thread: check posts around 8/23/18 3:33pm. There could be others too CTRL-F will help you find them, although I do understand that with so many posts, finding earlier hints is a riddle in itself :P Good Luck :)
Ty for help.Finally reached Hard T.I noticed the last line but didn't find which middle ones to choose.
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