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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

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  1. Hard T:
    The last but one sentence: 'It was only about strings of consecutive letters' is the hint for what to look for. The title of the article also helps: 'New supeRSTring theory'.

  2. Found the egg on hard W.But it made me stuck because it told me I got the right answer but just found an egg.

  3. Hard W: Think how you have entering your answers. Then take the text on the egg into account.

  4. cee bee I still didn't understand it.I tried to delete the caps but got nothing.

  5. Sevenfar, what is the opposite of your egg answer? If you aren't allowed to use the egg answer, then you are using .........?

  6. Finnaly reached AH but stuck for hours.The colours made me think of easy levels.But easy path only have 15 levels.So I didn't find where to use these numbers

  7. Sevenfar, Did you get an egg using the numbers just as they are? I'm trying to remember what to do with that egg. Sorry, not much help I know.

  8. Sevenfar, I remember a bit more. Reading back jogged my memory. The title tells you what to do. The LAST easy. Going back to the last level of easy, use the box in the top right to pick your letters,using the green numbers. As for the red number, I can't remember the correct way, but just using A=1 will give you the right letter. Visit granny with all 6 letters for the answer. Good luck.

  9. Finally on AI.And I got one important egg by subtracting letters from added letters.Bht I couldn't find another one now .Ty you for helping me so much.

  10. Sevenfar, use ftf on your 5 eggs, and visit granny. That should give you an almost egg. Read the second sentence of that egg, and take it quite literally. That should give you the other important egg.

  11. AI I found the almost egg and I tried anagram but couldn't find another important egg.And I realized there are also hell path when I visited the forum.How could I got into the hidden hell path.And I found all endings including the secret ending in normal path.But I only found one in the easy path.

  12. sevenfar, finish the hard path before trying to find hell (if you dare). Ok, so the almost egg. You are almost what? The egg tells you not to use the 'almost', therefore you ARE ......

  13. cilo rose ty so much.I finished the hard path.Now I am back to find the other two endings for easy path.And if I want to take part into the hell path.Where should I go to visit?It must be interesting.

  14. Congratulations sevenfar!!!! yayyy for finishing. Dont forget to email small-tool.

    Go back to final level of easy, use first column, second column and maths, for three diff endings.

    As for finding hell, .........welll....Are you sure? It burns, it hurts, it's tough, and mostly....I can't remember how to find it. lol Will have to ask a brainiac to help you. Good luck in Hell, when you get there.

  15. Sevenfar, on the congrats page of hardpath is one word written in Italic. You have seen that word before, go back and check it out carefully.

  16. Dutchie I saw that word on an esay level egg.And I checked the steps but didn't find anything new.

  17. Sevenfar, you will need to visit Jeffrey with the image you checked and look VERY carefully.

  18. cilo do you mean the chess image on easy level but I searched the image found nothing.And what is Jeffrey?


    You right click the image, copy the image url, and then paste into Jeffrey. Scroll down and you will see multiple images. Look at each image carefully, but may i suggest you REALLY look carefully at the last image. Good luck.

  20. Now I reached four songs part for hell path entrance.It made me stuck again.I couldn't imagine how hard the hell path is.

  21. You found hell :) you just have to enter it. The songs tell you to go all the way down. Jump into the fire!

  22. Begin the hell path.On alpha I found one letter for four cities and I know who the actress is.And I tried to convert letters to numbers but stuck now

  23. Sounds like you have made good progress on Alpha. Replace the 4 images with the letter you found, think of the actress's initials in a slightly different way and then see if you can see a famous formula with the result.
    You are in Hell, so be prepared for a bumpy ride where things will be a little trickier than what has gone before. You might have to think a little like Einstein to solve some of the upcoming levels.
    You are doing great!! :)

  24. On to Gamma.Only found an egg told me to count.But tried ftf,count letters,count words.I must overthink and I didn't how to apppy the abacus to the text

  25. Sevenfar, Yes you need to count. I found this site very useful. On the right side it says "other useful tools". The first one under that will help you enormously.

  26. Onto DELTA I thought I should visit three levels in easy path again.But I couldn't go anywhere from them

  27. Sevenfar, I can't remember this level. I have looked and found a hint from Dutchie 8/4/18 10.27am which says: "I'm afraid you have to check all paths". Hope that helps. Good luck.

  28. sevenfar, also found this hint from Dutchie. Maybe helps some more?
    "All lines refer to something in the past. You need 6 letters. First two lines each give two, the last two lines each give one letter."

  29. I need a push on hard level c... I converted the numbers and went back in time. Saw the military guy. I have seen the hints about time and PM but not sure what to do from here.

  30. Fosterhewitt, use military time. The numbers are after midday.

  31. cilo I finally found the egg on delta but I couldn't understand the egg

  32. sevenfar, Try to read the egg text differently. What does it say you need? Good luck.

  33. clio_rose...oh I feel so stupid. Had the military time, and the Pm after noon. like you said. was trying to make military time out of the numbers; not converting the other way around. DUH! thanks for the nudge I needed.

  34. lost on hard F Egg... read the clues and have no idea how to overlay or use it as a template to get the new word. I know this is going to smack me in the face.

  35. onto epsilon and do the maths just got one egg.Need a push!

  36. Fosterhewitt, I have checked my own 'drawing' and I can't understand what i did. oops. All, I can really tell you is that you need two more letters to add to your egg letters. Maybe sevenfar remembers. Hope so.

    Sevenfar, I will have to ask a brainiac to help you. The egg was easy, but what from there, I forget. Sorry.

  37. Oh, sevenfar.... I just remembered. To get the next egg, what you do is ftf, but spell the number. After you get that egg, google will be your friend.

  38. clio_rose... So am I looking for an 8 letter word that already contain the original 6 letters or is it a 6 letter word that substitutes 2 letters?

  39. fosterhewitt, 8 letters adding another 2 to the original 6.

  40. I am still lost on F Egg. I have found two consonants (I think). But when I add them to the egg word I get nothing. Granny is not helping. I have gone through all the hints repeatedly but am getting nowhere. HELP!

  41. Fosterhewitt: Level F. If you have the two correct consonants, they should end your battle with the level, and remind you of the end of bigger battles in 1918. The 8 letters you get from those two letters + your egg word form two words S*** C***

  42. Thanks Cee Bee... got it now. Once again I was looking at it by applying grid A to B.... not grid B to A. (kicking myself as it seems so simple now). thanks for the push.

  43. had a good run today. Got all the way to hard O. I found both egg paths. Found the one path to the end. Alas, the trail ran cold on the 1st egg on the other path. Maybe my brain has shut down but can't figure out what to do with the thermometer calling me a liar on the egg path on hard O. Anyone for a push?

  44. Fosterhewitt, small-tool is tricky. See another letter after liar?

  45. There's a new finisher on the hard path.

    Congrats hugoke :)

    Updated Hall of Fame

  46. Oh that hurts.... so obvious. I think my brain was full and just quit on me. Thanks Clio_Rose

  47. Found the egg on ETA but stuck on the egg for hours.I searched the egg with What I got but only got many boxing matches.I must go wrong way.

  48. sevenfar, earlier hint from small-tool: "Google band and your answer (that got you this egg) together."

    Then further hint from BlackFireSong after after you find the second egg: "Find out what the image is, and then Google that together with the hint on the egg. That should lead you to the answer."

    Hope that helps.

  49. On ETA I found one band name contained the first egg.And I Searched it with the hint on the first egg I only got one combat move.Need another push.

  50. sevenfar, google the band with the egg name. It will give the song. Read the lyrics of the song. It contains the answer that egg 1 is asking for.

  51. There is a new Hellraiser :)

    Hellraisers of Fame



    And a new renaming


    “The Emperor of Hell”

  52. stuck on KAPPA found first egg but didn't find another.and also noticed one letter in the title is strange.

  53. Sevenfar: notice that all the words contain that strange letter. Apply the title using it, then read diagonally to get second egg.

  54. need a push on hard AA... I have the previous solutions to I and M but not getting anything from them. Am I on the wrong track?

  55. Fosterhewitt, visit granny with those two answers.

  56. My new riddle (Riddle Me Tool) will be released April 11 at 7 pm (19:00) Western European time.
    I hope to see you guys there :)

  57. Oh good grief, I only just started this one yesterday (late to the party). Got two of the three endings to the easy path...better get cracking if I'm going to finish the medium and hard levels before the new, not gonna happen. I'll be late again, never mind. Something to look forward to :D Thanks for all your hard work Small <3

  58. Hard LVL C: Trying to get numbers but confused on what words to use and how. Then I guess it has something to do with time. Help please and Thanks.

  59. I guess you are on the egg. If so, then think of the numbers on the level as (like you already thought) time. But on the egg it's hinting to make those numbers PM time (like 1 = 13 etc.).

  60. Congrats on finishing the 3 paths Laurie W :)

    The Hall of Fame

  61. And within a few days she became a hell-raiser too ( Hellraisers of Fame ).

    Congrats Laurie W

    and of course that means another renaming too:

    Laurie W is renaming small-tool "Diabolus in Aenigma"

  62. Just completed the hard path YAAY. My only missing piece is the second ending on med XXV, and I'm feeling very thick. Using previous hints I land up with oreoy (piece name + row). but that's good. Where am I going wrong?

  63. Minkie205, I think you are on the right method but your first letter is wrong (its Knight not Night) and you mixwd up the King and Queen.

  64. Level xxv. sorry I'm so late with my thanks dutchie. I think the crowns were just about the only thing I never questioned - I sort of assumed that the first one looked more kingly, I guess ;).
    btw you can get a "secret" egg using n rather than k.

  65. Lvl Kappa
    Small Tool was that a fiendishly sneaky red herring you planted immediately to the left of the main line? It had me barking up the wrong tree for hours.

  66. Omicron
    I'm missing something obvious. Not even an egg for me yet :(
    I can't work out how to lighten (or do anything at all with) the picture. I've examined it at Jeffrey's, converted from webp to jpg, but it remains stubbornly black. Any nudges please from any kind riddlers who are still visiting this page.

  67. Omicron: POP!
    I'm getting continents rather than countries, but still it's progress :)

  68. Omicron I'm trying to apply the egg. Do I need to go back to two earlier levels?

  69. Omicron. NVM got it now. I needed to stay just where I was.

  70. anyone around to give me a push on getting started with rho?

  71. rho POP once again. g******* hadn't occured to me until I posted

  72. Boo hoo. I was so sure my answer on the last level was going to be: i did it ... But no. Bed now.

  73. aagh So close on the 4th egg of the last level, but I just can't get it.
    First line of first I get 3222, but how do I do that on "jura v ovg bss"?

  74. OK. It seems I was breaking the verses at the wrong place. OUT!

  75. Can anyone please give me a big push on Med level XXII. I have googled the images, found the people and the ... for all of them (some have several) and tried granny on ftf to no avail. Found one good word that didn't work. Must be missing something or have something wrong.

  76. It is indeed the firsts of the 'and the ...'
    What might help is; It is no anagram when reading from left to right and second row again from left to right.

  77. Thank S-t. I have six letters but they don't read as a correct word. Can you confirm the first letter as H? I can delete this if not allowed.

  78. Yes it is and the second is U

  79. Ok. My second letter was wrong. Rest ok, so now onwards. Thank you.

  80. Am needing another bit of help please. Hard level C. I have the egg but am now out of ideas. Any push in the right direction welcome. I have read Mtatt100's comments but still stuck. :(

  81. On the egg it says 'am not'
    Read that as Not AM
    So if not AM then it's PM.
    In a way the mp (url kind of make's it pm) guy is hinting that too, but the picture is hinting more: It's a 'militairy' guy.
    Usually there's not much difference between AM and PM time besides those letters. 6 is still 6, 7 still 7, but when using military time there is a difference. Then 1 becomes 13 etc. etc.
    Good luck and have fun :)

  82. Thanks s-t. So easy. I did have the pm but only tried with letters not the digits.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Congrats on finishing the 3 paths Flowerbird :)

    You're now in the Hall Of Fame

  85. There is a new Hellraiser of Fame

    Congrats Flowerbird :)

    And a new renaming!

    Flowerbird is renaming small-tool: ....666-beast....

  86. Congrats on finishing the 3 paths Truus :)

    You're now in the The Hall of Fame :)

  87. Im so stuck at Med XVII.This feels like the fruity rapper one I need more nudge.

  88. @ GhostCat55
    Med XVII
    Think of the words of the photo from the text,
    Try writing out all 'f *** t'.
    Then think about the meaning of the title.

  89. @jan
    I'm still awfully stuck at Med XVII. I'm really thinking way too much here. I tried to remove first letters, last letters, only firsts etc. tried to make it into a "word zone" and find words in there but it never makes a square. I need more nursing :((

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. @ GhostCat55
    "word zone" in the image is just a hint.
    Notice all the "words" in the text below the image.
    Good luck!

  92. Congrats on finishing the 3 paths Jan :)

    You're in the Hall of Fame :) now :)

  93. @ jan
    oh my gooooooood thank you I finally solved it after 3 days lmao
    I guess I never seen a solution like that, props to small tool :P
    sigh only if i could realize "the word zone" meant the "al****et" sooner

  94. @ Small-tool
    Thank you very much.
    I found the entrance to "Hell" and are currently thinking about "Gamma".
    @ Ghost Cat 55
    I'm glad the Med-XVII was solved.
    sorry, the comments on 7/26/19, 6:47 are spoiler, so I will delete them.

  95. And another one did it!!!
    Congrats on finishing the 3 paths Di999 :)

    You're in the Hall of Fame now :)

  96. Congrats to all new finishers, well done!

  97. Hi. I've reached Epsilon but I seem to be extremely dim today - I have read the comments and done ftf on main page numbers and answers, spelling them first, and also counting the number of letters in each and doing ftf on the answer. I am getting nowhere, so any help gratefully received please?

  98. To get a (anagram free btw) result you have to treat the nine equations like they're nine sentences. So only use their very firsts and you'll get a nine letter word.

  99. Thanks s-t. Can't believe I was so stupid. I had 8 of those letters yesterday (missing one line in the middle) so it didn't work and I then started trying all sorts of other things. Oh well, onwards hopefully now.

  100. Our Japanese friend Jan finished the whole riddle :)

    Congrats Jan, very well done!

    You're a hellraiser too now, so you are in the special HOF, the Hell Of Flames

  101. Congratulations Jan. Mega Brainiac to solve a small-tool riddle in a second language. Kudos to you.

  102. Congrats Jan, great job!! I bet you are addicted now :)

  103. And I'm finally out of Hell! Three weeks on Omega alone and only out thanks to the help and comments of all who post on here. Many thanks to S-T and all of you.

  104. There is a new Hellraiser of Fame

    Congrats Di999 :)

    And a new Renaming

    Di999 is renaming small-tool: ‘Devious Brilliance’

  105. And again a new Hellraiser of Fame

    Gefeliciteerd Truus :)

    A new Renaming as well.

    Truus is renaming small-tool: "a Wolf in Sheep's clothing"

  106. congrats new finishers, well done!

  107. Hard O - only got the most obvious egg so far. I think I understand the hints of "lighten the pic" "throw paint to the pic" etc., but I just can't see anything hidden from it, am I missing something here?

  108. @Keeper: Those FTF letters (in the order they're in) might be more ROTTEN than you expect :)

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Hmm... I only have four letters which in their order don't look meaningful in any way :(

  111. A new 'double' finisher :)


    reached the Hall of Fame

    and also the Hell of Flames

    CONGRATS, Very well done :)
    and thanks for the

  112. Anyone still listening?

    Need a big push on Mu. Can't even get the egg. Have tried counting, adding, removing, granny, googling, nothing.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. Granny on the firsts of the names on the pics should work (answer beginning with M) to get the egg.

    Good luck :)

  115. What the heck :-). I did not have any pictures on my page (just the text).

    No wonder I didn't get anywhere.

    After reading your comment I refreshed the page and there they are.

    Thank you.

  116. A new 'double' finisher :)


    reached the Hall of Fame

    and also the Hell of Flames

    CONGRATS, Very well done :)
    and thanks for the Renaming

  117. It's a long time since anyone has been here...but anyone happens to stroll by...I am really stuck on Med-XXI with the Maths. Have read the hints, but not a clue. Should I be using the pic on the level or al*****t, please? Loving this riddle.
    Very grateful if anyone sees this and can help:).

  118. Hi Giovanni!! I did the same thing, went straight from A Lot More to TTT. What is wrong with us that we prefer this torture over cold turkey??!!

    Anyway, you are on Med XXI. The pic is a hint as to how you should write out the numbers in order to do the math. And with this strange math the answers to the equatins are letters, not numbers. For equations 4 & 6, I found it helpful to write each segment and solve that segment on a separate line and then combine the answers to the segments.

    I hope this helps. It's a little past my bedtime so I didn't look over the comments to see what you've read, so I hope I didn't just repeat what you already know.

    But now that I know what you are doing I'll keep an eye on this page :)

  119. Hi Tialuisa, very helpful, thanks so much:) Got it straight away with your help. It's a very clever idea.
    Equations 4 and 6 had really thrown me, but combining them did it. Hope to speak again.

  120. Enjoy the torture, Giovanni:)!

  121. Hi Tialuisa, if you happen to come here...I'm very stuck on level Hard K. I have the first 10 letters from following the pattern and also the next two letters(S and O)from S-T's hint. Would it be possible to know the next letter please? Can't see where the pattern goes after 'O.'

  122. Hi Giovanni. Your next letter is 'K.' Let me know if you need more :)

  123. Thanks very much, Tialuisa, that was just what I needed to get it!

  124. Are you still on the path Giovanni?

  125. rho: Is anyone still listening? I got the egg, know what the cipher is (v*******), but am looking for the key. I tried every word I can think of related to the pictures and the googling. Nobody seems to have had any issues with this so I must be overlooking something obvious. Thanks.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. @Bine - As a matter of fact I am keeping tabs on this one.

    Look at all your possible suspects for the key again. One of them is trying to tell you something:)

  128. oh duh. Should type slower and read. Thank you @tialuisa

  129. Last level: I can't read the n****** on egg 3. increased the brightness to max, tried adjusting size, color, contrast, etc., but can't make out all the numbers. I have 1,2,6,? - 1,1,2,2 - 1,7,2,1 - last line is way to fuzzy. help please.

  130. @Bine - I couldn't make those out either.. Fortunately Dutchie could and gave them to us one page back:

    Last level 3rd egg numbers are
    1 2 6 5
    1 1 2 2
    1 3 2 1
    1 2 2 2

    In other news, you cruised through the pyramid like an Egyptologist. Good job!!

  131. After three years in hell I am finally out. Phew, it was hot in there.

  132. Congrats @Bine:) Time to kick back with a cold one!!

  133. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
    Yay, another one went through Hell and back again :)
    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Congrats Bine :)
    You're now one of the Hellraisers Of Fame
    And here's your well deserved CERTIFICATE

  134. Dear S-T - the Standard ROT is no longer part of this page on EG24, need a push for Hard E

  135. azbellman,
    Caesar shift or Caesar rot(ation cipher is a simple way of coding. The alphabet shifts a certain amount of letters. Like if a coded letter is B and the cipher is rot1 then the needed letter is B+1=C

    Standard Rot is 13. It's popular and often used because you can use the same decoder (because the alphabet is 26) to decode and encode.

    Anyway, forget, or not :) about all that technical info. The level says 'standard rot' to start with. So the first letter (the P) is Rot 13.
    The picture shows you what Rot every next letter is. Like the second is 1 higher so that's Rot 14 etc. etc.

    Here's a good decoder with all Rots:

  136. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
    !!!Yay, a new easy-medium-hard-path finisher!!!
    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Congrats azbellman :)
    You're now in the HOF

    Good luck finding and walking through Hell :)


    Congrats azbellman

    You are a Hellraiser Of Fame too now.

    And we have a New Renaming :)

  138. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
    And yet again a new finisher :)
    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Congrats Alina Latipova, very well done \0/ \0/ \0/
    You've got your well-deserved spot in the Hall of Fame

    Wishing you lots of fun finding, playing and finishing the Hell Path :)

  139. anyone around can give a hand on level Eta? I read the previous post and looks like I need to rotate and probably need to read from the other side. I tried using the words (big or small) to rot the ciphercode up or down based on the letter... but not really getting anything readable...

  140. pop... got the egg... the order really matters

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