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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

(state Aug 12th 2018)
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  1. CONGRATULATIONS Hotaru - clap, clap!! :)

  2. Not sure how to narrow it down to just one.

  3. @Mythos One of the words is a little different from all the others. You may have seen it somewhere before

  4. Phew...…… finished at last

  5. Congrats all who finished :)

  6. Congrats and thanks for playing, guys.
    You all did great and made my day :)

    Good luck with finding and solving the secret path.

    Updated Hall of Fame

  7. Med-XXV: stuck on 2nd ending. Tried every combination without any result at all. Any help ?

  8. Took a weekend off! I hope there are still people here. Totally stumped by XX. Apparently I need 36 letters?! I have no idea what this triangle business is.

  9. Eric - I don't know which one you've got, but for both of them - add

  10. BlackFiresong - the picture shows the method, fgneg ng gur gbc

  11. What's the h*ll - shall I recollect the old days, when life was easy and I had times to play board games?
    Am I in the right place?

  12. Yes Hotaru, You are in the right place, but you can't see it just like that.

  13. @Hotaru: had the one with B**** by adding. Try to meet grandma with no luck so far.

  14. Eric,
    Same method, but with the pieces instead of the fields.

  15. Hi riddlers, now onto Hard-C. Found the "major" egg but cannot relate it to the rest...

  16. Thought it was related to previous level but leads nowhere.

  17. @Hotaru - thanks! But I'm still stumped. xD Pnrfne naq gevnatyr ner gjb qvssrerag pvcuref, naq V nz abg fher ubj prager eryngrf gb rvgure

  18. @Eric911 Hard C. I used Pixie Rose's hint on 7/7/18: it's about TIME and you will need to convert those numbers somehow. You have to apply the C-egg hint to C-numbers :)

  19. Med-XX - V'z thrffvat V unir gb jevgr fbzrguvat bhg va n gevnatyr naq gura rvgure hfr gur prager yvar nf vg vf be chg vg guebhtu Pnrfne - ubjrire, V pna'g svther bhg ubj gb trg 36 yrggref. Abguvat ba gur cntr frrzf gb or gung ybat. Fbzrobql cyrnfr guebj zr n obar! Gunaxf!

  20. BlackFiresong, open red luth page and look at the ciphers. There's one related to the picture of the lvl. But the shape is different.

  21. @BlackFiresong Vtaber gur obk yrggref naq lbh fubhyq svaq lbhe 36 yrggref sebz G gb F. Gura fgneg "qenjvat/jevggvat" lbhe gevnatyr sebz gur irel gbc gb gur obggbz.

  22. Still trying to find the extra levels. I looked back through all the levels and found one with a board game that seems to fit the hint. Am I in the right place?

  23. Mythos: sounds like you are in the right place. Inspect things very carefully.

  24. No granny this time. You may need a tool to see things.

  25. Sorry, I should have said earlier that I found Alpha now. Thanks for the help.

  26. Anyone still out there. Starting this game late. Stuck at Med lvl I. I've read all of the comments and still stuck. Understand rule #4 and the word under the picture. Do I use all of the first letters? I know I'm close, but not quite there.

  27. if anyone is still here can I please get a push on Hard-F, I have no idea what to do and can't find a hint in the comments.

  28. flaming.... to do as the blind do

  29. do I have to turn my head in different ways trying to see? still looking for the hell entrance.. ;)

  30. tried ***a*y, ****e, ****i*e codes, tried to mirror them tried all that no both beginning and ending frame
    maybe I'm not bright enough to reach those lvls so not sure if I should try more :D
    or maybe I should dwnld the image and do sth with it?

  31. Hard L - Please, I need help again. I've read comments about tools and not reading textin total. I've seen that hidden message and noticed that the text only uses half a.......t. What's next?

  32. @Hotaru. I don't understand what sth means but download is ok.

  33. @Hotaru and Puzzled - thank you! I had found the tool you are referring to and was trying to use it. Ohg V nz orvat guebja bss ol gur arrq sbe 36 yrggref. V pna'g svaq nalguvat bs gung yratgu gb chg vagb n gevnatyr funcr. V qba'g xabj jung cuenfr fgnegf jvgu G naq F. Fbeel, V ernyyl fhpx ng guvf yriry!

  34. Unknown, use the nine firsts and then granny

  35. BlachFiresong OynpuSverfbat Vg'f yvxr gur funcr ba gur pbire (va cvpgher), whfg fgneg ng gur gbc jvgu jbeqf sebz gur yriry (svefg G) frpbaq ebj ***, guveq ***** rgp, lbh jvyy frr gur jbeq va gur pragre

  36. thanks lucia, sth = something

  37. Omg!!! That finally worked!!! Thank you, Hotaru!!!!

  38. pufff found the hell entrance... listing to the music now :D

  39. Med-XXII - I recognise none of these people and I can't separate the six images. I wanted to crop them in Paint and use TinEye, but I can only save the image as a webmp file, and Paint won't open that...

  40. maybe try to copy image from the web and paste straight to paint

  41. Thanks, Hotaru! That worked. Onto XXXIII now!

  42. Hi Unknown. Don't know if Robin replied to you after your question re Med Lvl 1 and then deleted his/her comments. If their comment was not related then you are doing the correct thing. Take your letters to Granny to make your dinner.

  43. Med-XXV - got the egg with the numbers and am now confused. An earlier hint says to "use the numbers on the letters you have", but that doesn't give me a word. Help, please?

  44. it's a game where figures MOVE - maybe that will help,
    use trick twice on different set of letters

  45. @Hotaru - gunaxf, ohg ubj qb V qrpvqr jung gb zbir naq ubj? V jnag gb znxr n jbeq ol pbhagvat jvguva gur anzrf bs gur svtherf, ohg bar vf gbb uvtu hc sbe gung gb jbex...

  46. I'm so sorry, Hotaru - I'm still mystified :/ V gubhtug bs pbairegvat gur ahzoref gb yrggref, ohg gung qbrfa'g tvir zr nalguvat, abe qbrf chggvat gur yrggref N gb U nf gur ebj urnqref va rvgure qverpgvba. V nyfb gevrq zbivat gur purff svtherf naq gnxvat gur arj yrggref, ohg gung qbrfa'g jbex rvgure...

  47. *headdesk* That was soooo obvious!!! I was wayyy overcomplicating it. Thanks for being patient with me, Hotaru! Now to find the other ending...

  48. Totally fluked the second end. Yay! Onto Hard path now! I already fluked my way past Level A earlier when I reached an impasse with the Medium Path... so I'm going to take a nice coffee break and then try and tackle B (I know what the item is from a reverse image search, but not how to make it into something that's edible and plural!)

  49. Hi all, stuck on Hard-D. Have read previous comments, especially the one talking about "triplets" but am still confused...

  50. @Eric - I'm not far behind you! Please help me with Hard-B and maybe I can catch up to you and then we can help each other :)

  51. I'm seeing in earlier hints that Hard-B is about Maths... I tried to apply that to the title by conversion and the answer was not a whole number :(

  52. @BlackFiresong: what have you done so far in B ? Did you "translate" the title ?

  53. @BlackFiresong sounds good, look at it carefully, I'm sure you know it.

  54. @Eric: V qvq gur onfvp yrggre gb ahzore guvat. Ohg gung tnir zr guerr svsgl svir qvivqrq ol bar uhaqerq naq guvegrra, juvpu jnf... abg hfrshy. Naq V erirefr Tbbtyr frnepurq gur vzntr naq vg frrzf gb or n cyht.

  55. @Verito: Ohhhh!!! Thank you!!! But the image had nothing to do with that!!! LOL.

  56. @BF: you are on right track. Doesn't this "jrveq ahzore" ring a bell to you ? If not, google it ;-)

  57. Found the egg on Hard-C, but no luck applying same technique to it. :/ I get a weird combination of letters, and Granny doesn't help.

  58. @BF: that one was painful for me too. Think "gvzr"

  59. @BlackFiresong Think how to read the egg's title. Then url+pic might make sense and you'll be able to work on what you have in the level.

  60. @Eric: I keep seeing hints about that and I don't see the link! :(

    @Verito: I am guessing the URL of the egg is a hint in itself? Tried picking from title and caption in both directions based on the numbers from the first part, but no luck, even with Granny. Actually, picking a particular way from the caption and using Granny gave me some possible answers, but none of them worked, lol.

  61. @BlackFiresong, caption?? Url+pic ('s text) might make sense. After you read the title differently. No caption.

  62. @Verito - by caption, I meant the "major" thing.

    I think the ~ynfg yrggref bs rnpu jbeq va gur gvgyr~ may be important... but no idea how to link that to the numbers.

  63. Verito said everything: combine url + (legend's) pic and apply to the numbers in main level.

  64. The words are a red herring. The text under the pic is a trick to confuse you. Back to the title: if not ... then ?? (what?)

  65. Then noone for Hard-D ?

  66. Just reached D, Eric! Thank you for the help, both of you. :) I still don't see what it has to do with time, but the hint about "if not egg, then what?" did it for me.

  67. BlackFiresong, vg'f gjraglsbhe u pybpx gvzr - bar cz vf guvegrra rgp

  68. @Eric - I'm seeing a lot of hints in D ("ignore the eye" seems important). S-t had written earlier that it's not about counting. I think the "reading, looking down, checking" etc may be instructions of some kind. But I am not sure how to interpret them.

  69. @Hotaru, omg! I kept thinking CZ = Cevzr Zvavfgre. V gubhtug Gurerfn Znl zvtug unir unq fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu vg. YBY!

  70. @Eric checcking and loooking down, yes.

  71. @Eric - I looked down the text at the first letters of each line and let them go rotten. The first four letters look like they're going to spell a word, but then it descends into gibberish. Don't know if I need to change tack halfway through!

  72. OK, I think you have to EBG gurz va guerrf jvgu n qvssrerag fuvsg sbe rnpu gevcyrg. Is that right?

  73. I've tried the above, but I can't link the answers I get together to make an answer.

  74. No, but if you look at my last comment, they weren't typos, rather hints. The first word in the title is important.

  75. I assumed the title was to do with how you're meant to process the letters, i.e. in groups of _____?

    I understand your hint, but not how to process it. So far from reading, checking etc, I have this as my answer (after de-rotting, of course): "lbhrtt"

    Also, ignoring the "eyes" means I have one too few letters to have all "triplets"...

  76. Going to retire for the day - will pick this up again tomorrow morning!

  77. Same here. Have to wake up so early tomorrow for work. Meet you tomorrow Military Police :-D

  78. Blackfiresong, don't overthink. Title tells what to do but ignore the eye (i).

  79. @hotaru on L - Thanks so much :) I just read your tip and ... i feel so very mdub now ... and very lobden too ;)

  80. lvl alpha, I know what's in the pictures, know the name of the person, I guess what I should do but nothing works. Tried different names for places, got many nice anagrams, but nothing fits in

  81. not quite sure about the title though

  82. Lvl alpha, you need to google four things together. It wil give a letter.

  83. thanks Dutchie, so I took it all wrong ;)
    onto beta

  84. Thanks Clio, but granny didn't help. Using first letters of instructions and the word under the picture. Clearly I'm missing something. Probably right in my face.

  85. Unknown, sounds like you are doing the correct thing. You need 9 letters. Maybe try a different granny? We are talking about Medium lvl I, aren't we?

  86. Yes Med I. Have 9 letters, but no go. Must not be my game.

  87. unknown... do you have the right nine letters? ftf 1 under pic and the rest down the left side. then visit granny with all of those caps.

  88. Could someone please give a hint how to start the torture level... pretty sure I found the right place to start... but tried M****, Br*****, Bi****, even tried juvgvat bhg jvgu cnvag and am finding nothing.

  89. guess everyone left, could someone leave me a hint, I have the grandkids in the morning so wont be on til later, but will check back thanks

  90. Thanks Clio! Finally. I was using the whole word under the picture and had a different letter.

  91. @robin You don't need to use any codes or ciphers. Just look closely at the pic.

  92. Mythos, I have been staring at the pic and see nothing, that Q keeps moving but I don't see anything odd, tried to make letters and look for odd pieces but I don't see it, cant even get started on this tough one if I cant see past this easy part, hope I am looking at the right level to even start.

  93. @robin, enlarge pic and look carefully, it's only there for a split second. Or use a tool to take a closer look.

  94. Hello I have been late to the riddle. I can only find two endings on easy path (the obvious one and the frame one). How can I find the last one?

  95. Not sure what endings you found but of course doing the math gives an ending. A simple, often used, riddle thing gives an ending and carefully checking everything on the page will also lead to an ending.

  96. MED XVII.
    the '.....' tells where to look for them.
    Then gram.

  97. Morning, all!

    @dutchie - Thanks, but I'm still stumped. The problem is that ignoring the eye gives me a number of letters to work with that isn't a multiple of three. So I can't process them in triplets.

  98. BlackFiresong, pay ATTENTION to each word, you will notice something and, not really necessary, but you can ask nanny for help.

  99. TY arrie NL. I had done that but had missed one. Got it now

  100. Blackfiresong, please tell what level you're on :)

  101. @dutchie: I'm guessing that hint mean that pncvgnyf ner vzcbegnag? But then you say "each word"... I did realise that rnpu fragrapr unf n ahzore bs jbeqf gung vf n zhygvcyr bs guerr vs "rlrf" ner vtaberq, but then that's far too many letters!

  102. Hi Arrie! Sorry, it's Hard-D that I'm currently stuck on.

  103. ah, okay.
    It's not about capitals, dutchie is hinting something else with the word 'attention', namely in what way can you use the title on that word?

  104. @arrie - Thanks! Vf vg gb qb jvgu gurer orvat 3 Gf va gur jbeq?

  105. OK, I somehow managed it! Still not quite sure if my methodology was what it was supposed to be. Thanks for the hints!! Onto Hard-E now.

  106. Well, there is only one way, lol. And you can't bf the word, so I'm sure you used the right method.

  107. Sailed past Hard-E! Now stumped by Hard-F.

  108. Yeah, been staring at Hard-F to no avail. I just don't know how to even start! The hints I've seen start from the egg and I don't even know how to get the egg!

  109. Hard-F.
    You have to divide the colours to be able to 'look' at them in a different way.

  110. BlackFiresong, hint on main page is "can SEE the difference" what if you can't SEE it?

  111. Thanks, guys! But am still stumped. Vs lbh fjnc gur pbybhef, vg'yy whfg or gur fnzr funcrf pbybhe-erirefrq, naq vs lbh frr gurz nyy nf gur fnzr, vg'yy whfg or n ubzbtrarbhf oybpx... V srry qhzo, yby.

  112. Hard-F.
    The grid should be divided, then focus on one of the colours.

  113. @Arrie: Hmmm... possible to give me a nudge on how to divide them? I'm just not seeing anything. Do I need to do any editing on Paint? Also, is the repeated word in the text a typo or significant?

  114. blackfire, you said it yourself "you can't see anything" so break it down to 6 squares and try to read it without looking.

  115. Level Hard F, try to feel your answer.
    Btw the repeated word in text is edited, was not a hint :)

  116. at the entrance to hell, found a letter but not sure what I am to take from it, tried things I thought might be significant but nothing is working,

  117. @robin, combine letter with last pic and google.

  118. Thanks, Robin and Dutchie! The "feel" thing made the penny drop. I'd forgotten that was a thing in riddles! On the egg now.

  119. Personally I feel nothing on F. Must have caught a big cold lol !

  120. OK, stuck again, lol! There are no earlier hints for this level, so it must be straightforward... but I have no idea what to do.

  121. Hi Eric! Was wondering where you'd got to! Think "feel" as opposed to "see"...

  122. I must not be in the right place looking, I found the start from the board game, googled a few things and found a letter to read, perhaps I googled the wrong thing?

  123. @BF: just started again, D was as clear as water after a good night and E was easy. So here I am again !
    "Feel": that's what I had understood...but really don't know how to do that !

  124. Hard-F.
    Eric. Close your eyes.

    Egg: you are shown 2 sets to feel on the level itself.
    Gives two more letters.

  125. @robin Ignore my last comment. Can you tell where you are exactly?

  126. Robin, I'm not quite sure where you are, but there are 2 pics on that level

  127. oh, Eric, you already know you have to do that, sorry.
    Take a look at that alphabet and see how it is created. Then apply that on the grid.

  128. Darned work got in the way of riddling. need a wee nudge on MED XVIII.

  129. according to whats under the pic. I am not ready to go down yet.

  130. @Arrie: Thanks for the egg hint. I felt the other way and found 2 more letters, but can't figure out what to do with them.

  131. @Colmkilm - think snooker and points.

  132. Level F is driving me crazy lol ! Question : is the bottom line of text a hint ?

  133. Hard F.
    BlackF. Perhaps take some time to step back and think it over for a while. Sometimes you're so focused on the hints that you can't see the obvious.
    That happened to me not long ago.
    But if it doesn't work, we'll help of course.

  134. Eric, only for the word 'see'. But you already know that.

  135. @BlackFiresong, did you try to add those two to what you had?

  136. Robin,
    I hope you saw Donas her comment (about 2 gifs on that level).

  137. BlackFiresong I have done that but not getting anything

  138. @Colmkilm: do you already know what the pic refers to ?

  139. @Eric, it's not a hint. That was just for Mtatt.

  140. @Colmkilm: sorry, my comment "crossed" BF's one !
    Use BF hint and remember the basic rules of the riddle...

  141. Could I get a hint for Beta please?

  142. @Colmkilm - for the ones with two pockets touching other, combine the numbers before converting.

    @Verito - yes, and I took that to Granny, but I got no results.

  143. @Colmkilm: Sorry, I meant touching ~each~ other.

  144. It's the correct way BlackF. You've got a letter wrong.

  145. @small-tool I did see the donas comment, tried adding that to the mix and came up with unaavony yrpgre and several songs, but nothing works for me.

  146. @Verito - Never mind! I was "feeling" in the wrong place. I had to do it according to the pic in the egg. Duh! On G now. Thanks!

  147. Hard D. Guess I finally know what you are all meaning... But not so sure as it returns only gibberish... Do I have to transform the grid in a way or another by any chance ?

  148. Robin scroll down and look for the entrance to level Alpha

  149. Hard-G - do I combine letters in pairs somehow? Title is obviously a clue, but I don't quite know how to interpret it. What should I be thinking of?

  150. Hard-F you mean Eric (I hope !?)
    Don't change the grid. Look at the needed alphabet and use the positions of one of the colours to find letters. Granny. Perhaps put the grid in paint and draw lines to divide? That could help

  151. OK, I hadn't seen the obvious on G - found egg now, but it hasn't given me much in the way of hints.

  152. V'z pbhagvat vafgnaprf bs gur yrggref va gur grkg naq pbairegvat gubfr ahzoref. Ohg gur ynfg yrggre (8/9) qbrfa'g nccrne va gur grkg ng nyy, naq Tenaal qbrfa'g tvir zr nalguvat naljnl.

  153. @robin, if you stand on top of stairs, do like Mtatt says and scroll down, watch your cursor.

  154. "if you swap the colours, it'll just be the same shapes colour-reversed, and if you see them all as the same, it'll just be a homogeneous block... i feel dumb, lol."
    Are you on Hard-G?

  155. @Arrie: oops yes F of course ! Reached the egg but will check that tomorrow. See you all !

  156. @Arrie: Sorry, no, that was an earlier comment from when I was on the red and green level. I'm on Hard-G and found the egg, but don't know how to use the weird text with numbers.

  157. oh, okay :).
    It's okay to just write that here. Only real answers are not allowed, so feel free to share some humour directly. Otherwise I'll stop checking ROT. lol.

  158. BFS, think about which you use to type, then count

  159. Anyone have a clue to start on Hard-AC ?

  160. @Donas: I thought of that, but I never use that particular digit to type apart from to press the space bar! Do other people use it?? How do I work out which letters it would fall on, lol.

    @arrie: Ohhh, OK! I keep using ROT if I feel like I'm revealing a little too much about a level. I'll relax!

  161. Is anyone past Beta yet? If so I could use a hint. I've tried so many things that don't work I'm going crazy. lol

  162. Anyone have a clue to get started on Hard-AC ?

  163. Hard-G.
    It's all about those two hands.
    And the egg shows what part of them is not used.

  164. @the newbie: Try looking at them at a variety of angles. They should all fit together somehow.

  165. ah, you know :).
    I wonder if there's a site which shows how it's done.

  166. Hmm - from the egg it looks like two digits of the hand are not used rather than just one as I'd previously thought. I tried to type it and remove letters accordingly, but I get wayyyy too many letters and Granny gives no results...

  167. BFS, typing tutors will help show you which side to pick from

  168. Mythos, the numbers in the center give a word, try adding up the numbers on left and right, some say there are only 5, others say there can be 6

  169. @Donas and @arrie - thanks - I'm using a tutor, but I think I'm doing something, because I still have wayyy too many letters. Way too many Ls in particular!

  170. Beta.
    I've done that, Donas, and counted.
    I don't see what to do with the gibberish.
    Do I need to do some sort of converting.

  171. Hard-G.
    Read the egg text. It tells you not to use the letters themselves.

  172. I have tried googling everything, if I am understanding the hints correctly, I scrolled down the letter and saw my mouse play at the bottom, tried googling that with the pics and came up with a lot of possibilities, none of which got me anywhere, all of that after doing that same thing with the author of the letter. What am I missing?

  173. Arrie, when you add the numbers, it should make you think of something we use all the time. It is often divided into two types of things, now use the numbers (pic) separately to tell you what to pick

  174. Robin, when you see that 'mouse play' do what you usually do when you see that. Keep it simple

  175. yes, I've done that Donas, it's giving me that gibberish.

  176. Oh man... I just can't figure out how to convert. My head's exploding. I think I will pick this up again tomorrow! Thanks all for your help!

  177. Thanks on to gamma now, but I'm not sure I fully understand the hints for that one. The overthinking egg I got for that level was a lot less thinking than the right method. lol

  178. Beta.
    Oh, the two possibilities ... thank you Donas.

  179. Mythos, there are 3 eggs on Gamma, I always overthink, so no idea which you have, lol

  180. Level P

    I need a push. Tried binary with no success on both picture and "i's" in text. Have only gotten the one rotten egg, of course.

    Thought maybe Morse might help, but cannot decipher a dot from a dash thru the eyes. Help! Thanks, P3P

  181. P3P, you have the right idea, exif might help

  182. ok took that info "y*******" combined with "G***R*****" and "H***f***" for another deadend. Nothing I found works to advance me?

  183. Patty3. Hard-P.
    Exif refers to Jeffrey's :

    Important to notice on her flirting is how long each wink is and the ones that belong together.

  184. P3P google that with Jeffrey and you should find an image tool

  185. Your second idea is correct.

  186. @robein, I don't understand what you mean but if you are still looking for heel and standing on top of stairs, scroll all the way down and click.


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