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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

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  1. Robin, when you see the 2 hidden words, keep going all the way to the bottom, then do as Dutchie said

  2. Robin, can you add which level you want hints for to your comments. I am a bit lost on what level you are.

  3. Robin, it's hard to know where you are, can you describe your steps to find hell? Please don't give specifics

  4. Need help with Med VII. Saw early post and headed toward a musical. Then saw later posts about HEADS TALKING, but am still stumped. Translation of French phrase varies a little, not sure if that matters. My brain must just think on a different track.

  5. Med VII.
    No, it's not a musical. The text of this level + title come from another song.

  6. Seems you are on the right way. French phrase is also hint. Try googling title and text together.

  7. Level P Found the first egg after much staring into her eyes. Thanks! Have to try more later.

  8. Gamma.
    One of the eggs must be related to the picture, since there is a significant difference in it, but I can't find it.
    A hint please?

  9. If I'm wrong, then please a hint anyway. I got the obvious title-egg.

  10. Gamma, if you have the two most important eggs, ask granny.

  11. Is there an egg in the text?

  12. Gamma, the text will lead to an egg. Pic is a hint what to look for.

  13. Robin are you in a page with songs and fire at the bottom?

  14. I read the hints for beta, but still don't get it. How to add numbers on the left and right and what it means there are 5 or 6 of them?

  15. Thank you dutchie and arrie. I was translating to english.

  16. Beta, 5 or six comes after you understand what the adding leads to. If you add the left ones, and then you add the right ones, it should tell you something. The ones in between are used in the 'normal, familiar' way.

  17. but I don't understand what the adding here means? there are only two numbers left and two right
    or should I add the lines? but add to what?

  18. Beta.
    If you see the meaning of the two totals on the left and right, you perhaps understand how to divide the letters they represent.

  19. Hotaru what has 26 items split into 5/21 or 6/20 think what they are then use the bars

  20. there are two numbers on the left. add them.
    two numbers on the right. add those.
    the two in black are converted the usual way.

  21. I think I've run out of thing to count on gamma. I have no idea how the pic helps me with anything. Is the fact that one of the colors is missing in the middle one important?

  22. I've done that many times and in many ways and come up with nothing every time.

  23. thanks you all, finally looks logical
    but I must admit I have never heard that there may be 5 of them, for me it was always 6

  24. on gamma there are three eggs? found two but I guess only one important, not sure how to find one more

  25. @verito click it? don't know what that means

  26. When you found the split second thingy, did you find only one or did you find one in the egg and one in the main level? I'm afraid you might be in the wrong place. Use them together.

  27. what I found was M*****C****, that's the only thing I found in the pic of the board game... that brought me to where I am stuck

  28. what egg? I don't think there was an egg on that level

  29. Then you're missing the other part. Look at the egg of that level.

  30. wow thank you verito, I never got the egg on my way through so wasn't aware it existed. spent 2 days trying to solve that other hopefully I can make some progress now.

  31. The level you've found which had the split second thing had an egg with a very very similar but not identical picture. What you did to find M*****C**** you should repeat to find the other part. Then use them together.

  32. ok, I read the hints for alpha, but for some reason when I try to google the four pics together it will only bring up the first pic, google doesn't give me a variety of all of them, I know what they are and tried putting them together in text to search and again only first pic and no letter? what am I missing?

  33. Not what but where they are, try with that.

  34. BTW very glad to see you're in alpha now. Well done.

  35. thanks Verito, couldn't have got there without your help.

  36. Ok, on alpha if I understand the hints I read, I need to find a letter, is it a letter/number combo? but I need only the letter? and do I add it to the second pictures full name or just the second name?

  37. Stuck on VIII egg 3. Is the letter upside down on the floor? Don't understand what the picture means.

  38. Still stuck on the one of the endings on easy 15. Got the cheering and cool endings but missing the third. I have read all of the hints but I am missing something.

  39. Morning.
    I'glad Verito was here to help you Robin, I still have no idea where you were stuck.

    The four are glued together. So google them together. That should lead to one letter.
    And the 2 letters from the second picture are important as well.
    And then your beta-brains should realize that it looks familiar.

  40. Med VIII.
    That's the art-level isn't it?
    It is about letters, yes, but look closely at the artworks and perhaps put some in a photoshop programm to brighten them up.

  41. @ Mythos RED LUTH site has many decoders that I FREQUENTLY use

  42. Afternoon all! Still stumped by Hard-G. Typing tutor gives me WAY too many letters. I understand that the egg indicates not to use the letters themselves, but I really don't know how to interpret that information...

  43. Alpha, so I tried many times posting the pic of four to google with no luck, tried typing out locations of all four together and now now the price of trains but that's it, and as far as the other pict. am I just looking for initials from name? cause I find nothing with just a letter.

  44. BFs did you pay attention to which hand typed which letters? are you a Lefty or Righty?

  45. finally found the letter from the first pic.... now to find the 2 from the second.

  46. cannot find 2 from second pic unless its the initials, tried that googling and came up with nothing that makes sense. I checked with imbd and none of those are 2 letters either so I am lost

  47. Hi riddlers. Stuck on egg of Hard-F. Tried to add the egg to the main page, to read it reversed, nothing. No idea now...

  48. @ Eric put the egg on top of the main page for 2 more letters

  49. I got stuck on med-XXIV. I've found 4 eggs but don't know how to put them all together?

  50. @robin: I have separated the letters by hand now and neither gets me anywhere :/ I get "bc yy cvyy bv b yy vc yb z" (left) and "qr n n n q j r" (right) (both ROT-d to hide them). However, Granny gives no results for either... and according to the egg I should be using numbers, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to apply those.

    @Eric: Imagine the egg as a "frame" of sorts and apply it to the main level. Then process what the green boxes show in the same way as before and add it to the first answer.

  51. @Bfs, don't separate, just imagine typing, which hand are you using left or right: write down the order... eg first word fun= lrr

  52. @tinned , visit granma with the eggs all together

  53. Thanks Robin & BF: that's what I was doing but not reading it correctly. Onto G now.

  54. Thank you robin. Onto XXIV now.

  55. @robin: Thank you! I've done that now and counted up the instances of each. But that gives me just two letters. I tried just that as the answer, but it doesn't work. I also tried various unabbreviated versions, which also don't work.

  56. @BFs if you have them all written out in order, next step before using a decoder is to know that L=0 and R=1, do that and know that it takes 8 numbers to become a letter.

  57. OK back from work and still stuck on MED XVIII. I know my snooker but keep getting nothing that makes any sense. I have tried all sorts of combos and different ways of converting

  58. Colmkilm: probably an error then. A good point is to notice the space (or not) between balls...

  59. Hard-H: I know what URL means, but no idea how to apply it !

  60. @eric if you know what U R L stands for then literally apply it to the pic,

  61. TY Eric911, but I have tried all of that and still getting nothing. Work is the curse of the riddling classes!

  62. Yay! Thank you, Robin :) Onto H now and at the same point as Eric.

  63. @Colmkin... when it comes to 2 balls don't add, just use as double digit

  64. @ eric and BFs, u will give you 3 separate letters

  65. @ Robin yes it is initials make the two into one with number

  66. TY robin and Eric. An earlier hint had sent me off in the wrong direction. Got it now

  67. Alpha I think I am DRIVING down the wrong road again, cant find anything that fits.

  68. @ Mtatt well dang, I have been racing down highways and visiting outer space and still haven't found anything, even stopped to visit wiki who swore at me (haha) but cant find anything to answer Alpha

  69. gotta run out will check back later to see if anyone can suggest where I visit next.

  70. level Alpha, google the sum you have now. Try to find another way to write down the two last initials.

  71. @Robin: the "N" part does not ring a bell to least this one...

  72. @eric you still talking about hard H, if so you will get 2 letters from l r and 3 letters from U, U needs to be read as 3 separate items.

  73. then go to granmas with what you find

  74. Alpha v unir z sebz sbhe cvpf naq ure vavgvnyf pp, vs v punatr gurz gb bargubhfnaqfvk be guvegl guerr, v fgvyy trg anqn.lots of colleges and companies but that's it

  75. Robin,
    Read those 2 initials as ?-squared.

  76. Omg Small tool, I have been around the universe and back and you make it so simple..haha… thank you

  77. Gamma.
    Sometimes you make it harder on yourself.
    I never used that RED LUTH tool, just overlooked it.
    So did it by hand, sigh. Thanks mtatt.

  78. Speaking of Gamma. I have one good egg, but I still can't find another one. The egg I have makes me think I need to do the same thing I did before to get the egg, but nothing is working.

  79. Gamma.
    Mythos, you did see the two words that stand out on that giganticly good egg? Try to find it and work with it.

  80. @arrie: Yes, I saw those two words, but those words are the same thing as I did already, but it doesn't work with the new numbers.

  81. Gamma.
    I understand .. but I hinted that you should work with what you would really find when googling those words, not the text on the level.

  82. well, lol, at least I tried to ..

  83. Gamma, I too am stuck, and can only find the egg from the initial numbers, cant find any other eggs, tried ftf, counting words, counting balls (which is hard cause some are blocked) do I count them or not? tried counting how many of each letter in the initial numbers... not finding anything, even searched for hidden colors but not go. am I overthinking or not thinking enough?

  84. Gamma, I have googled for hours now and I still can't find any use for the new numbers.

  85. Gamma, count all, you need those with certain "numbers" of occurrencies. Google/wiki the new hint in second egg to have something in which apply the new numbers.

  86. Gamma,found an egg finally, looked up the 2 special words, tried the new numbers in both possible decoders but am getting nothing, first set of numbers when changed to letters gave me something useless I guess, so used those numbers on occurances and got an egg.. with 2 special words, googled them to find I am familiar with both, but where do I go now?

  87. What you googled is some ranking. Apply the numbers.

  88. The two special words imply some sort of ranking. 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, etc.

  89. Onto Delta, thank you Verito for your ranking hint … got me through my missing step

  90. Gamma, I must be terrible at google. I still don't get it.

  91. Hard Level K
    Please can I get some help?
    Have read previous hints and comments but still nothing is working for me

  92. Gamma.
    Mythos, when I googled "what is l...f...?" Google showed it.
    BUT : with one vital mistake : it shows "u c", that must be "c u".
    That mistake kept me from solving far too long.

    Other than that you can use the order shown.
    I hope it shows up where you live as well.

  93. Hard-K.
    You should again be on the right side.
    The same method as in J, but this time:
    first up, first south, second up, second south, etc.

  94. @ arrie NL - thank you so much!!

  95. you're welcome Unknown.
    Sometimes you just need that last push after reading and trying all else, right?

  96. Stuck on hard level D. I think I know the word and what the 'eye' means but still don't know what to do. Is it about picking the specific letters?

  97. @TIN specific letters within specific words. the title should clear it up.

  98. @Tinned Veg - Hard-D was a nightmare. "Triple checking" and "reading down" are the keys. Look for words with "triples" and take those letters on your way down. Hope that helps!

    I'm on Hard-H. So am I meant to take L, R and 3 letters from U? Total 5 letters? Because I tried to take that to Granny, but nothing really stands out...

  99. Desperately need help with Hard-M. I have looked at all of the hints thus far but non have pushed me over yet. v gevrq gb hfr ovanel ba gur gvgyr ohg vg tnir zr tvoorevfu. Otherwise I cannot seem to get the right number of letters to use that form of decoding. How do I pick the right phrases out of the text? Thanks in advance.

  100. @BlackFire You are on the right track. L or R aren't necessarily letters you take to granny though. The clue that helped me was one gracious poster asking what U and R and L mean in an escape room. And then flip the way you look at them accordingly. You may also need to consult Red Luth. pip pip cheerio!

  101. Chael615
    Hard M: As I recall you are using the right method, but look at the title and use it on those two letters in the text.

    I'll be spinning my wheels waiting for someone to give me another hint on Hard P for second egg.

  102. @Chael - That's a great hint. Thank you! R seems to be the same in either direction. I tried L the other way and got a different letter. So took that with R and the 3 letters from U to Granny. But still no go. :(

  103. OK, never mind - I tried another thing and it worked! On Hard-I now, woo hoo!

  104. patty3ponies,
    The eyes are a code/cipher (that's one egg) and a hint to pick 8 letters from the text (that's the other egg).

  105. Confused by Hard-J. I have seen the hint going down the text. However, I don't know how to apply that... I hoped putting that in the URL would give me an egg with more hints, but no.

  106. Thank you Chael & BlackFireSong for the hint on level D.

    Stuck on hard level F now.
    I know how to read the grid and got 6 letters. Already asked granny but no results.

  107. delta don't know where to go after the egg telling me I am where I need to be?? tried translating but getting nothing. a little nudge please.

  108. Omg, I actually managed J on my own! I'm so proud, lol.

    @Tinned Veg - did you definitely get the right 6 letters? Because Granny should give you just one result, so there shouldn't be any ambiguity. You should then get an egg.

  109. @Robin: thanks...and now I feel stupid lol !

  110. @arrie Thank you. I had tried that method days ago, but also had the c/u problem. How frustrating to be stuck on a level for days simply because of a mistake. :(

    Oh well, On to Delta. :)

  111. @eric were you able to finish H?

  112. I got somewhere with K, but I can't take the method far enough. I get "gur nafjre v" and don't know how to continue.

  113. @BlackFireSong

    Are 'u' 'f' included in the answer?

  114. There is no mistake in Gamma. Maybe other sites give different things, but the first site riddlers should look is always Wiki and for sure there it's a U.


  115. @small-tool: I wasn't saying there was a mistake on the level. The mistake is on some websites and Google doesn't always bring the same results to the top for every person. The wiki page was clear at the bottom of the results in my search, so I didn't use that page. It was just frustrating because I had given up on the correct method simply because the right page didn't come up in my Google search. That's not your fault though.

  116. I switched to another granny and got the answer finally.
    Thank you BlackFiresong for helping me out.

  117. @Tinned Veg: This is the Granny I use.

    I'm still stuck on K - I managed to get what the answer ISN'T, but how do I get what it IS? Granny gave me a result, but it didn't work.

  118. @Robin: yes onto I now. Had a smart idea...but doesnt seem to be the right one lol !

  119. @Eric - the title provides all the clues for I. There should be no need for Granny either once you have the letters.

  120. Thanks BF. Then I definitly hadn't the right idea.

  121. Delta, I can't even find an egg. Not sure if I should trust the word in parenthesis or not.

  122. Delta, small-tool is it a google level? if so am I walking or using transportation? or am I on the wrong path completely?

  123. Mythos, does any of it look familiar?

  124. Robin,
    No Google level, just read it literally.

  125. Thanks robin. On to Epsilon now.

  126. Delta, I have tried hell, home, crossroads, at my computer, delta, and many more, nothing is working literally

  127. @robin: the egg tells you exactly what "you need"

  128. Delta, is it like the beginning and something I might have seen? its not melonpies or any recipe like that.

  129. @robin: You just need to add what it says you need on the egg page to your egg answer.

  130. @thank you Mythos, I went through trying to find those words one at a time and couldn't find them.... I was way off the given

  131. Zeta, What am I supposed to do with the egg? It's just a picture as far as I can tell. I haven't found anything hidden in it and doing the same thing I did to find the egg doesn't give anything for this picture.

  132. Still stuck on K :( I still only have what the answer isn't. Don't really know what else to try :/

  133. @BlackFiresong: For K you do the same thing you did on J, except you need to take one from the top and them one from the bottom. Then take the second top and second bottom, etc.

  134. Mythos, nothing to see, ask granny for help

    BFS, there are a lot of hints for that level in comments, keep going with what you did, the first step is to move 1 left, then back to the pattern

  135. Mythos and Donas - I did manage to do that on the right hand side. The problem is that I get "gur nafjre v" (ROT-d). Tried to continue on the left side and the full thing ends up as "gur nafjre vfa'g nhynler". I tried to Granny the last part and got one result, but that doesn't work as the answer. So I'm stumped.

  136. BFS, after that move left you should be on S, then up to O and continue the pattern

  137. @BFS: Just keep going when you cross in the middle.

  138. Thanks, Donas and Mythos! I got it now :) Onto L and going to stop for the night.

  139. Delta.
    I don't know what to add to be where I want to go.
    A hint please?

  140. Epsilon, seems that you all flew through the level, and I cant get past the egg, tried changing the orders and dismissing letters duplicated, googled the blue word, not getting any where, can I get a nudge please.

  141. @ arrie look at mythos comment @ 10:34

  142. Delta.
    Yes Robin, I always scroll through the comments before I ask. I don't know what to add.

  143. it literally tells you what "you need .. .."

  144. @arrie and then perhaps a nice visit with granma

  145. @robin: The text on the egg may give you some help on what to do on the original page.

  146. Theta, I have one egg that tells me i need to find a name, but that is a long list of names to sort through. Is there a way to narrow it down?

  147. Theta, all letters you need are on Theta main page.

  148. Thanks Dutchie. Got it now. :)

  149. Epsilon , feeling really stupid, cant get passed the egg, have gone through all the math in many different ways, tried applying to title adding and subtracting from everything, am I missing a step?

  150. Epsilon : you have the sort of community on the level itself and the name of and on the egg. Google is helpful.

  151. Epsilon, not sure what egg you are on, if it's the one with the annoying emoticon then you need to find another egg. Ftf and write out the numbers.

  152. Lambda, there's not much here to go on. Am I multiplying?

  153. Lambda. Dig in your memory.

  154. Thanks got it now. That was easier than I expected. The easy ones are always the hardest for me. lol

  155. Need a boost on Hard-O please. I have been both of the eggs and have found each of the eggs from the original eggs. l was giving things to add to my omelette. However, my omelette is apparently inedible. I added the things the eggs told me but I must be missing something.

  156. @Chael615: If you have the last eggs in both paths try mixing those eggs first before you add the two things it says to make your omelette.

  157. Nu, Stuck here now. I have the very easy to get egg that doesn't really help. I know what numbers the text gives. I tried using the cipher the scale points to, but I can't get a good word from it. What am I missing?

  158. stuck on zeta, have tried counting everthing, using whats missing from the flashing and title, don't know where else to go

  159. Zeta, still stuck, must be overthinking it because there aren't many comments on it at all. a push in the right direction would be appreciated please.

  160. @robin: Jeffrey was helpful for solving this one.

  161. Still stuck on Nu. I've tried combining ciphers and still nothing. I'm just guessing randomly at what i need to do now. Can someone point me in the right direction please?

  162. what or who is Jeffrey? I am not familiar with that term?

  163. It's an exif viewer tool.

  164. It was mentioned earlier in the comments so I thought you might recognize it.

  165. the only thing it shows in jeff is a ? I haven't even found an egg on this one, I am completely stumped.

  166. There is more than one pic on the level. You must have selected the one with the question mark. Do the others as well.

  167. thanks mythos, I never would have gotten that without you.

  168. time for sleep... staring at ETA with no idea where to start, tried a few things but got no where, will try in the morning.

  169. Theta.
    I focused on the black letters/morse, but how to anagram them to find a name?

  170. Stuck on hard level M. Do I need to apply the method on the words even for 'very'/'did'?

  171. Still on Hard-I: feel lost there. Doesn't the first one equals 10-6 ???

  172. med XXIII. I got an egg that says too easy. Not sure where to go from here

  173. @tinned, yes apply to all, keep it in order.

    @Eric its about writing out the second number. how many times did you lift your pencil?

  174. @colmkilm, did you only find the one egg?

  175. not sure which egg you found, but try ftf on what the title says, that will give you a hint for the next step

  176. and yes granma is waiting for your visit

  177. robin the egg says too easy, you only used the numbers for the order.

  178. Oh you are further than I thought, now use the numbers another way on what you used to get that egg.

  179. that's the next STEP in that level

  180. ETA if anyone is around could you give me a nudge, do I need to know the mans name? I see all the obvious things and have tried rewriting the letters accordingly tried going up down with them, many more things as well getting no where. tried Caesar as well with no luck

  181. Still no help on Nu. :(

    Can I please get a push in the right direction? I've used up all of my ideas on how to decode the letters.

  182. @robin: Sometimes the steps are bigger than the normal.

  183. @Robin: must be doing something wrong with the first part then cause that's exactly what I've done with the 2nd part.

  184. TY robin. Will have a think about your hint

  185. @Eric an example: 35-XI= 32 hope that helps. how many strokes?

  186. @colmkilm take the stairs not the elevator next time.

  187. Mythos use the key individually write them out in full

  188. Nu. Find the correct numbers for the weather descriptions, each is a keyword.

  189. @Robin: believe it or not, I mixed my notes, that's why I was still getting a bad result... Must be too tired for riddling today !

  190. @robin I have tried stepping up to the challenge but not getting it

  191. Level Q
    I've filled out the chart, but have no idea how to get the missing PIN no. Don't think I can go anywhere without it. Can see no numerical sequence. Need a crumb or several.

  192. Nu, I did like you said, but it still gives gibberish? Are there more steps?


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