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Tool Torture Threesome

[UPDATE] Small-Tool - Tool Torture Threesome is another free online «Change the URL» puzzle/riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. In this masterpiece of game, you can choose your path according to your riddling skills to get your reward: easy (15 levels), medium (25 levels), hard (35 levels). Let the torture begin! Good luck and have fun! ☺ [Created and submitted by small-tool] 

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - thanks!

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  1. @patty3ponies: Try taking the differences between them.

  2. Finally got easily J and now on K where I got a wonderful "THE ANSWER IS" then gibberish. Giving up for today, will focus on this tomorrow after a good resting night !

  3. Thanks, got control egg. Will work with that.

  4. Hi :) A hint for level Theta please? I have the egg, counted and thought the black ones were the best option. But I'm stuck there.

  5. @Arrie: All of the letters you need are on the main page. Make all you can from what is given.

  6. Mythos, I don't know what to think of your hint.

  7. Break them up to form different letters.

  8. Nu, I've tried using all of them separately and wrote down the result of each one, but I still get gibberish. I've even done it six different ways. Nothing is working. What am i doing wrong?

  9. thank you mythos :). I can make 13 in total. Is that number correct?

  10. Did a lot of work but still stuck at level M.
    Is title included in the answer? Is it about left and right? Is it also 8 digits a letter?
    Cause all I can get is gibberish.

  11. @arrie: No, the egg says 10 letters. Not sure how you get 13 of them.

  12. I know the egg says that, I was hoping I would find 10 for the surname, but wrong method apparently.
    If I keep the order as it is, I only have 8.
    Will search on. thanks.

  13. Still stuck on Med VIII Egg III. Found the letter, but no solution yet.

  14. Nu, use each number on new gibberish.

  15. jpete their are six eggs but you only need five.
    What letters have you got?

  16. oh, some are used double ...
    thanks :)

  17. Finally got it. On to Xi now. Thanks for the help.

  18. @Tinned Vegitable: It sounds like you have the right method. No, you don't use the title. Yes, 8 digits per letter. It shouldn't give you gibberish. It's not an anagram either if I remember correctly.

  19. Still stuck at medXXIII egg.

  20. @Colmkilm: Not sure which egg you have since there are several, but if you are looking at Indiana Jones, then it's just basic riddling from there.

  21. I am at "too easy, you only used the numbers for the order"

  22. @Mythos
    Thanks for your answer. Are there 36 words in total needed to be converted? Cause it seems to me that the total number of letters cannot be exactly divided by 8.

  23. still not getting anything on ETA, been up and down 3 and 5 and 7 times, nothing legible and nothing granma understands. (tried all numbers in between as well) I cant seem to find the right technique.

  24. Question on Hard-S: How do I know which direction to move?

  25. ETA.
    Normally a text as below pic is rotated on Red Luth.
    But, what's up, that could be the hint for increasing that rotation.

  26. @robin, wish I could help but I am nowhere nearwhere you are. I am still at the penultimate step of XXIII. Have tried going back but can't even find the first step

  27. @chael thE dirEctioNS arE hidden in the text.

  28. @Colmkilm what did you use to find that egg? instead of taking the elevator down, take the steps from that same place

  29. Thanks Robin but I'm still confused. I think I have the start point wrong. I thought I followed what the instructions said but Im just getting gibberish.

  30. @robin I have Stepping up, counting. But still no gotried everything I can think of.

  31. @chael, it is tricky the way it was worded, a lot of people including my self started at the end because it was easier, but a quick hint of you don't want to start there..when he says start at the seventh first letter, think back to basics... what is the first letter? now count off seven of them.

  32. Colmkiln I have an M and an H. Not sure about the triangles, but looks like a W to me (was going to BF that one)

  33. I was rather confused myself with that hint. Wrong level. But Robin stepped in :).

  34. @Colmkilm in order to get the egg you did that said "you just used the numbers for the order" you must have used the letters straight down (ie elevator) try using them as steps going down in the same place.
    xx3 etc.

  35. @jpete I don't want to spoil it for you but when you get it you will want to scream. Not W. Iwill go back and remind myself

  36. @Tinned Vegitable: You don't need words, just the letters the title suggests. Those should be divisible by 8.

  37. @jpete ask granny to help with triangle and try her suggestions then look at some knees

  38. Pi, I have tried all lots of things with prime numbers and come up with nothing. Is there something else I should be trying?

  39. Eta gotta take a break so I can come back and start from scratch again I think, I have counted up and down so many times now I lost track and still have nothing. waiting for that pop moment.

  40. I have used up so much paper on this med XXIII egg that I am going to have to plant a tree

  41. ETA.
    Referring to my earlier hint.
    When on red luth, and having rotated, remember the words on the t-shirt. They are the hint to read NOT from left to right. One of the outcomes leads to an egg.

  42. I have got soooo stuck on med XXIII egg could someone please help me out. I have read all the hints and tried so many things.

  43. BTW @robin thanks for your hints but Iam just stuck

  44. Med XXIII.
    first egg : ftf of last names, right?
    then find the real names and do it again : ftf of last names.
    So far so good? two words?

  45. Trying to find the Gates of Hell :P
    I've found a page that says, "You're not ready for Hell yet, mate"... Do I need to find something else on that page or move on? Any hints?

  46. I got ftf of real names egg

  47. Med XXIII.
    The egg talks about numbers.
    Sheen has a 2, meaningg 2nd letter of real last name.
    etc. + gram.

  48. Maybe I got pic 3 wrong-I guessed the ftf for that one

  49. Hell path.
    If you want to you could look at the vids.
    If you want to you can read the lyrics.
    But if you want to step on the path, you have to scroll down even further.

  50. @Newbie... I was stuck there forever didn't know there was an egg on the level that got you there, you need to get the last part from there and you get to the gates

  51. Thanks Arrie :)
    I not sure if I'm there yet. I don't see any videos or songs. At least I don't think I do :D

  52. Then better listen to Robin again, lol, don't let me confuse you.

  53. TY arrie Ihad that one wrong

  54. Oh.. thank Robin. I'll go and look for that egg :)

  55. I'm on Kappa.
    Having the obvious egg, the one going up.
    Can't find a second one.

  56. Found that sneaky egg! Thanks Robin and Arrie

  57. Kappa, Line up is the way but how? Look carefully at title.

  58. @newbie, yw, now follow arries hints, unless you got stuck there I don't think anyone is aware it exists but the

  59. Thank you Dutchie :).
    I don't know how to apply the title, but I'll try some more.

  60. Yeah.. made it to ALPHA. (and I probably will be stuck there) :D

  61. @arrie again TY. Got the next egg and solved it. Now on

  62. YEAH Colmkilm !! Great :)

  63. Kappa, there is one letter in title that is odd.

  64. @arrie NL all day I thought 3 was brooke shields

  65. @Colmkilm Oh .. you get so stuck in your own mistake then don't you, pffftt, know the feeling. So hard to think of stepping back and checking again with google image or whatever.

  66. Dutchie, thank you, you encouraged me into trying some more with that. Not there yet, I have too many, but I'll check againn.

  67. @arrie I had tried tineye but to no avail. I am now going to call it a knight and dream about chess. Again thanks for your help.

  68. Kappa.
    I call it a day. I don't see how to use that letter to find a second egg. Perhaps another time.

  69. Ha! Finally! just a bunch of different grannies from the same word

  70. @arrie, ty for the nudge to find the egg took me all day but I finally found it .

  71. ETA still stuck on the egg, tried genre's, tried names of the egg, ftf, out of ideas what to do at this point. visited granma too many times

  72. Tau,

    I have no idea what to do with the letters on this one. If there are hints about what to do with them, then I can't see them. I've been trying things for hours, but it feels like I'm taking shots in the dark. Can I get a nudge?

  73. @Robin: Try googling your egg answer with the name of the band on the main page. Something should stick out to you.

  74. @Mythos: Find a way to read something starting on the right.

  75. medium xi,pls help stuck here for two weeks,found chr.....s,a.l,f....s,i.......e,n.w what am i doing wrong?

  76. Sofia you're missing a terrifying day.

  77. thanks lucia,i was trying all saints for the second

  78. Hung up on T. I have looked at the previous hints but I cannot make sense of it. I have read the last sentence but cannot figure out what to use it on.

  79. Nevermind. I think I've got it. Pop

  80. Thank you mythos, do I need to get passed the new egg do I need to interpret the meaning? do I need the new picture, everything I am coming up with I already used to try to get to the first egg :/

  81. Alright stuck on Hard-X. I have found the black egg but not the blue one. I tried rearranging letters in the top word (I haven't found anything the bottom one rearranges into) but my new key isn't working on the gibberish. I am only getting more gibberish. I have checked my math repeatedly. Can't think of what I am doing wrong. Can anybody give me a push, please?

  82. Hard-L: can't make any progress on it. Noticed weird things in the text but it does not help. Any push ?

  83. Chael615, try applying the bottom word to the top word, to get a new word, then do the math again

  84. Eric911, for Hard L, use a tool in the upper right of Red Luth to find what's missing

  85. @Donas727: if you mean "FA", I already noticed that some "things" are not in the text. But what can I do with that, that's a mystery for me.

  86. Hard L, or better look what's not miising and ask granny for help

  87. Oh man Dutchie, had all the clues from the very start, just that I could not imagine a so long word !! Onto M now

  88. Stuck on level M, desperately in need of help. Know what the expressions are, in the title, and have no idea how to apply them.

  89. Vanja, am also struggling with it. No luck so far.

  90. Level M. Use the expression in the title with the last part of title. (if not clear google expression and what sport you see in pic)

  91. Hi Dutchie. Have read previous comments so have now the list of words but returns nothing clear after "transformation".

  92. Level M. Try to delete all unnecessary letters and change the leftovers in the 2 digits you need to solve

  93. hi. On Kappa, I counted with the second letter through the individual words, kept counting through all words, tried rot on them.
    Tried to combine with first egg. tried autokeycipher.
    Can't make it work.
    Another hint please?

  94. @Donas. I tried that and came up with "nqzvere". When I do the math I end up with "oeacwsr". But using that on the gibberish does not lead me to en egg.

  95. arrIe lIne up accordIng a certaIn letter.

  96. Chael615, when applying the bottom word to the top word, you get a new word, not gibberish, then do the math again with the top word and the new bottom word

  97. @Donas. I was using Rot-13 to cover it up because I didnt want to post the word. But I came up with A*****r. And the new key it gave me after doing the math was b*****e.

  98. Hard V: I know I am supposed to relate the 3 pictures. But I see no connection other than 4 letter words even after googling all three. Missing something since everyone raced by this level. Help!

  99. Chael615m sorry, didn't realize the Rot13, first word is good, you only need the first 4 letters for the key, try adding again, letter to letter

  100. Now on med XXV and got egg. Hmm but what next?

  101. @P3P After clicking on google click on the images tab. There is a picture with three people. What connects them?

  102. P3P, try finding one thing that connects to the top pic, very famous, then see if you can connect that to the other 2 pics

  103. Thanks, guys! No wonder everyone sped through V.

  104. Med XXV, there is something added to the pic. Adding is what you should do too.

  105. @Donas. I have tried that but I am still getting nothing. When I add them together I come up with "oeacwsr" (Rotted for game protection). Is this correct?

  106. @dutchie I had done that but made a mistake. Now looking for second ending before going on to hard

  107. Chael, no, first add to 14

  108. @Donas Thank you. I was adding the unscrambled word to the wrong word. On the egg pages I am trying to ROT but I am not coming up with anything substantive. Am I on the right track?

  109. Kappa.
    Thanks Dutchie. Lining them up like that doesn't show the answer does it? Something else is needed? Again I tried the egg, and counting and converting. Nada.
    What am I overlooking?

  110. Kappa, you have to read from TRTOBL or maybe the other way around.

  111. now that's funny, I didn't understand those at all, until you wrote them like this, lol. thank you, second egg now.

  112. The word 'from' made all the difference. I took the letters individually.

  113. Phi,

    I found all what all of the text is from, but I can't get anything from it. What am I missing?

  114. Hard X has got me stumped. What do I need to do with the black and blue eggs? I have tried ROT various ways but nothing is coming out.

  115. @Chael615:

    Use the hints on those pages on the eggs themselves.

  116. @small-tool:

    Yes, I know where each of them are in the books, but still hasn't helped me. I tried several ways of writing what part of the book they are from. Picking letters hasn't helped either.

  117. @Mythos Thank you for your reply. I am trying to use the hints on **** and **** but I am not getting anywhere. I am not coming up with anything useful at all.

  118. @Chael615:

    One of the hints is simple what to do. The other you have to read a little differently. Read the left part of that one as two parts. Just say what you see on it. Then apply it to your eggs.

  119. getting hard for me.
    Lambda, I dug in my memory as the hint here says, got a nice 4 letter word from the title, but doesn't work.
    A second hint please?

  120. Don't try to pick letters, just answer the question. Where?
    And yes, technically they're not all there (because of flyleafs and other stuff), but metaphorical speaking they're all where?

  121. Lambda, you need an eight letter answer, maybe dig elsewhere too.

  122. of course .... how dumb. Thank you Dutchie.

  123. Going through a thesaurus of all the things i can call that part and none of them work. Maybe I just don't know that word. :(

  124. Thanks Mythos and Donas! Finally made it to Y!! My mistake (to those who come later) was applying the rules to the whole words as opposed to just the parts mentioned.

  125. Thanks I got it now. There are a lot of things to call that part. lol

  126. Sometimes a bit of trial and error is part of the game :P
    Lol, do remember that if trying to find the last egg :)

  127. Omega. I could use a HUGE hint for first egg.

  128. Chi,

    I have several eggs, but blindly trying to figure them out hasn't worked. I can't see anything else useful. Can I get a hint?

  129. Chi, You need nine eggs before you can blindly trying to figure out the answer.

  130. @dutchie:

    Yes, I saw the hidden hint, but I couldn't find the ninth, though I did find a rotten egg which I'm sure doesn't count. Nothing else jumps out at me so I have no idea for how to find the ninth egg.

  131. small-tool 7/29/18, 3:38 PM

    Sometimes a bit of trial and error is part of the game :P
    Lol, do remember that if trying to find the last egg :)

  132. @Mythos try something else for 9th.

  133. On Hard-AB I found the hint and used the cipher. I am coming up with ten letters that spell out "pngpucvttl (ROTted)" It certainly fits with the theme of the level but I cannot understand how to apply it.

  134. Something went wrong somehow.
    Last word correct, but way too many letters for the first word.

  135. Oops forgot to say thanks. I got it and the next one as well. On to Omega. I'm expecting a crazy-hard level now.

  136. Two eggs. The third one looks a lot harder. lol

  137. Omega,

    Yep, the third pyramid is definitely harder. I can't figure out what to do with the mirrored numbers.

  138. Mirrored changes the order.

  139. Still can't figure out those mirrored numbers. Does it change the order of the numbers or the directions?

  140. It does change the order of directions. Or in other words; If, then it's not counter clockwise anymore but clockwise.

  141. Iota, am I rearranging to make sense? I have been trying , or I am also trying to change first letters with the 3 others on some to make new words? a little help please.

  142. How about; not changing, but just taking away?

  143. My head hurts. Too much twisting and turning. No matter how I interpret the numbers I end up going off the edge of the pyramid or stopping too soon. Maybe the starting place isn't as easy as I thought.

  144. The starting place is, I DOUBLE bet YOU, the easy one you think it is.

  145. Thanks S-T that was much easier and quicker than I was making it. onto Kappa

  146. Lol, yes Robin,
    That's what I was telling my beta-testers all the time, like: NO, that's not an easy level at all, it can be there on the Hell path because by then they're already so wasted they miss out for sure :P

  147. This pyramid doesn't make sense to me at all.

  148. Hard-N: do I just use the bad site to translate or is just more complicated than it seems ? Cannot believe I cant pass this one in a minute !

  149. Hard N. If you have the right symbols, write them out and count and anagram.

  150. I don’t waste my free time that’s why I read the informative things when I got this blog I really enjoyed reading this.

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  152. You have done really a superb job with your web site. Marvelous stuff is here to read.

  153. Dutchie: didn't count at first, just trying to convert into our "nycunorg". Did it then but gives nothing after visiting old grandma, must have one or more wrong.

  154. Hard N, First symbol is iota has 4 letters = D.

  155. I guess about this the best blog I have read all this hour.

  156. Hard O - I understand that I have to combine two words from last two eggs and form a three word answer, but I am stuck. Qb V unir gb hfr gubfr gjb jbeqf naq nqq n guveq bar sebz pbzovangvba, be qb V unir gb hfr guerr qvssrerag arj jbeqf nsgre pbzovangvba? Please help.

  157. 15 days later the first two finishers of the whole riddle are there.

    Thanks for playing. Very, very well done. Congrats guys :)

    Hellraisers of Fame


    Cee Bee

  158. There are two different 'end' eggs on Hard O.
    Both tell you to add a word. The two end eggs combined/granny gives a word too. So it's a 3 word answer you need.
    But feel free to try the granny word as answer too to get a nice (kind of rotten) egg with a beautiful picture!

  159. Congrats Donas and Ceebee, great job :)

  160. Yes, congratulations to Donas and Ceebee and also to all the riddlers already in the HOF :)

  161. Thanks small-tool !!! On Hard O: I had not found THAT egg because I was combining the wrong words and yes, the picture is soooo cute :) Oh my, this riddle is difficult for me but I am having so much fun, it is kinda addictive. Onto P now :P

  162. @Dutchie: I didn't count this way ! Now should be ok. Will check later. Thanks for your help !

  163. I'm on Level M and haven't the foggiest idea what to do. The earlier hints aren't turning on any lights in my Monday brain!

  164. @BFS Remember what you did (I forgot which level) on the level with the keyboard? Do it on this text on what the title tells you.

  165. Hello, I am stuck on Hard-AC. May I please get a hint? I saw a previous hint regarding looking at the string of text from different angles. I have flipped, rotated and mirrored it but there are always letters I cannot make out. Am I on the right track? Do I need a specific program? Thanks again everyone.

  166. @Chael - Thanks. I remember the keyboard level, but that was L/R related, and the two letters in the title are both on the left of the keyboard...

  167. I've understood the significance of the title relative to the picture, but I don't understand how to apply it all still. The second word of "VD" has one letter too few for me to be able to decode it... and decoding the first gave me a punctuation mark rather than a letter.

  168. BlackFiresong,
    Forget about all the other words/letters, only use those 2, there are exactly enough of them.

    No specific program needed. Make your own letters with a bit of cutting and pasting.

    Another finisher :)

    Hellraisers of Fame


  169. Thanks, s-t! Onto N now. Greek!? Translated the title and now stumped. Going to consult earlier hints now.

  170. OK, no onto O. Got an egg and stuck!

  171. Hard-O: still can't get past the one egg. I don't know what else to try. The level is hammering in the "first things first" message to me, but I can't figure of any other way to apply it. :/ I only have the very obvious first egg which told me not to Granny... but according to older hints, there are several more!

  172. OK, I've now found all the eggs on O, but I have no idea how to combine them on either of the paths. I've tried simply writing out the 3 words in various orders, but that doesn't work, and granny doesn't give any results either.

  173. Hard O try something else on those rotten letters ;)

  174. Maybe something stands out in the egg's pictures

  175. NEVER MIND! I just realised I didn't have to Granny everything together. xD Onto P! Woooo.

  176. Thanks, mtatt! Sorry, my comment crossed yours :)

  177. On Q now and going to stop for the day! I'm pretty chuffed with my progress today :) Hopefully I'll be in the list of finishers by the end of this week, haha. :D

  178. Omega third pyramid,

    I think I'm going to need some spoon-feeding to finish this one. I've done all I can to understand what to do, but I just don't get it.

  179. Stuck on hard level O. V sbhaq orfg, sebt naq pnegry naq unir ab vqrn jung gb qb jvgu gubfr. Jung ryfr qb V arrq?

  180. @Vanja V:

    You need to find the other egg path. Go back and look at where you found the first egg path and see if you can find another word.

  181. Small-tool, congratulations on another exceptional riddle! It was a 15 day marathon, but well worth the time. The pyramids had my head spinning :) Already looking forward to the next one!

  182. Mythos, I'll try to help if you let me know what's stumping you

  183. @Donas:

    I just don't understand the mirrored numbers at all. If it's a negative mirrored number, does that mean it doesn't change anything because it reverses the direction twice? What's the difference between the numbers with the negative in front of the number and the numbers with a negative behind the number? Do I go back to the start after each one or do I keep my place and that becomes the new start for the next set? There's so many different possibilities that I can't find the right way.

  184. Am lost on Hard-O. Thought first that it was about the basic riddling rules but it lead me nowhere. Any idea as a start ?

  185. Still on O. Went back, tried everything I could think of. I'm probably not seeing something obvious, but definitely stuck

  186. @Eric911:

    Try the basic riddling again and then take it to a commonly used cipher.

  187. Oops, while trying something on O, I went directly to U lol !

  188. @Vanja:

    There are two eggs you can get from using the cipher you used to get the first egg path. Find another word there like you did before. You still use the same letters for the cipher.

  189. Mythos, keep going when you get a letter, it becomes the new start with it's own coords. It helps to know the letters must fit the pattern given and are all real words. For mirrored, think CW or CCW. I have to think a bit to answer your other questions, my notes are a bit messy

  190. 1800 comments time for a new page!

  191. Also, do you read the numbers from right to left instead of left to right when they are mirrored?

  192. on lvl O. V pna'g svaq 2 zber rttf. Zl oenva vf bireurngrq. V unir ORFG, SEBT naq PNEGRY. Naq gung vf vg. Cyf Uryc.

  193. @Vanja:

    You got your first egg by going to Caesar right? Do the exact same thing again, but don't choose 13 this time.

  194. You are ahead of me Vanja, could only find ORFG. Tried the basic everywhere without result so far.


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