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Cryptic Dungeon Escape

Cryptic Dungeon Escape is another Chinese point & click room escape game developed by Flash512. In this game, you are trapped inside a cryptic dungeon, with no one who can help you - only yourself! Collect all the hidden clues and objects, and combine them to solve the puzzles and escape. Good luck and have fun!

Note: In future, we will also provide video walkthroughs for several games (editor's picks).

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  1. Thx for posting :)

    Use cloth on oil and combine it with torch. Then light it.

    There's a stick next to the zodiac symbols.
    Also, there's a cross next to the 2nd left pillar.
    Button to the right of the statue stand to the right.
    Star is on the left pyre.
    Use sword on the loose stone on the ground (second room).
    Click buttons in order (memo) .
    Use red button on the floor grate.
    Sneaky spot on the chains to hang the weight.

  2. Bedroom:

    Awl on the bed wall.
    Knob on the 2nd drawer.
    Use awl on ornament above the door for a gem.
    Use knob on TV for a clue.
    Insert gem on device beside door and use blackboard hint for a metal thingy.
    Use this weird metal object on the yellow CB for a hook (combine stick + hook).
    Use hook on the well (1st scene) for some fish bones to be used on the wall next to the glowing ornament (bedroom).
    Use key on the chest and grab a button for the knight statue. Use pacman hint there (from TV).

  3. Underground:

    There's a cutter between boxes and dog statue.
    Cut the skeleton chains and grab a blue key from its mouth. Use key on the bedroom drawer.
    Get a wing and use it on stone bird in the dungeon (use candlestick - from bedroom - clue to know the order to click the wings).



    Combine zodiac symbols + plate clue for the barrel puzzle (biggest -> smallest).

    Get a hand wheel from pyramid and use on the first room (left wall).

  4. Great game, can't leave any hints, as I had to follow the walk-through......

  5. Iwtbf
    as I never saw your nick before, I checked your profile & I saw that you are new to post on EG24

    welcome then to our poster poets society! ☻
    (based on the movie title «Dead Poets Society» with Robin Williams RIP)

    thx for using EG24 as your (fav) gaming platform - much appreciated! ☺

    AlphaOmega AΩ
    EG24 admin
    & managing director

    & thx for all your creations, F512 ☺

  6. & muito obrigado Nini for your hints ☺

  7. go replay the jans room game LOL think I wrote the walkthru for it years ago.. Its when games were very good..

  8. If you happen to read this AO - I'm not really a new poster, just a different name. I've conferred with you and others in games, and back when the chat room was in full swing. I was also there when it was unfortunately axed. And btw, thank you for the welcome....

  9. how to install the gem besides the device in bedroom ?

  10. It goes on top (above) the 9 circle grid.

  11. of course Iwtbf ☺
    I read it, as we are monitoring the comments re possible spammers & inappropriate behaviour, words or the like

    whoever you were in the past (as per your comment, you seem to be a long time player...?! you really made me curious about your past with another identity - speaking from experience ;-) ):
    welcome back then to our poster party! ☻
    your comments - & of course of all other players! - are much appreciated, as our noble aim is to bring back that family feeling for our big worldwide EG24 gaming community we once had... ♥

    btw, your nick reminds me of a Queen song ☻

  12. Click buttons in order (memo) . -not working

  13. I can't find the red button!

  14. Just found a star at the base of the left fire bowl...

  15. Thanks for the clues! Got stuck a couple of times, but it is a great game with great graphics!

  16. Thank you very much Nini.
    I like these, though in this one for me, there were spots in here that were a little overdone. Too sneaky.

  17. btw still playing. I don't understand where the clue to hit the wings is (so thank you for the spoiler). The head is moving when you click the wings, but I don't see a clue for it.

  18. The indication for wings would be candles on the table

  19. For wings finally the indication they are the chains of the first view: short long long short length

  20. hmm I can´t find that sneaky spot on the chain(s) to hang the weight :( Help would be appreciated :)

  21. pop - on the wall right of the door, rather high up :)

  22. I suggest playing this in Chrome. Using Firefox, I was unable to pick up either the cloth or the axe at the beginning of the game. On one occasion I did contrive to obtain the cloth, but the game then scrolled through my otherwise empty inventory, step by step, hiding said cloth, and I could not pick up the axe.

  23. I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that something is missing.

  24. Yeah something is missing, can't get the buttons in the correct order and all everyone is saying is (memo). What does memo mean and what is the order to click, Ive tried upside down, looking at it from different directions nothing is working.

  25. zummi, at the top of the page there is the walkthrough, may be it can help you ...


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