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G4K Pregnant Woman Rescue

G4K Pregnant Woman Rescue is another point & click escape game developed by Games4King. In a very pretty village, there are a few houses where people are residing. There is a pregnant woman living there, too. That expectant mother is very beautiful to see. One day, the pregnant woman got unexpectedly stuck in a room in one of the houses. Your duty is to rescue the fruitful female. It will help you to find the hidden clues in the form of colours and numbers and to locate the items in the environment to save her. Find them all and solve all puzzles to free the pregnant woman. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Owl slider not difficult. Get the corners first.

    Why does EG24 pages now have sound? The snoring and the tinkling music really clashed with the in game sounds.

  2. Trig
    you for sure know that it's Halloween today
    so we prepared some special treats for this special holiday - mwahahahahah! ☻

    btw, you can always mute the tune in each of your tabs:
    click on the little speaker icon or right mouse click & option «mute tab» (or the like)

  3. Crowbar is used on crate, but it stays. Is there a second use for?

  4. red panel under radish babies

  5. Why is there a peeping Tom in this game? Did not notice him until I was looking for where to use the pitcher. At first I thought he was relieving his, then I realized he was a creepy peeper!!! :O
    By the way, where is the pitcher used???

    Jef, the crowbar was used on the side of a pedestal cabinet on left side of page. Same cabinet the little green house clue is w/the word Gun and the color clue for 4 chicks.

  6. Pitcher used on the barrel.

    Ugh, colors were terrible on the donut/lifesaver puzzle for us colorblind. I usually have trouble anyway, but I literally couldn't tell a difference on the 3 orangeish colors and on the 2 reds. Had to keep switching them around until I got the right combination.


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