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Inka German & Lenay Saw Game

Inka German & Lenay Saw Game is another point & click adventure type escape game developed by InkaGames. It's Halloween, and the evil Pigsaw will force Germán and Lenay to play his evil game. Help them escape safe and sound! Collect items, solve puzzles and make your way around a maze of opportunities to get into - and out of - trouble to escape Pigsaw. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. goodie first into saw game..

  2. Hmm ballon and rock.. havent got past scientist yet..

  3. move brick outside of castle

  4. thank you MY44! but still stuck with scientist

  5. go outside of castle look thru hole throw glue

  6. For scientist, remove block and squirt glue from outside the building.

    For monster near trees, first throw the rock at the last tree. Then, once you've got the raspberry from the Frankenstein building, throw that at the stone. This will cause an ant to come and move the stone back to an area where you can pick it up again. Then hide behind the second tree and then throw it at the leftmost tree.

    I'm now stuck trying to pass King Kong.

  7. @Leroy: You get the glue after throwing the stone at the last tree in the first scene with the girl.

  8. Used Mario to get German to the top of the mountain/cliff. Threw paint-filled balloon and that allows me to see the movements of Randall (weird purple dino thing). Hint says that I need to use the footprints I can see to put him out of combat, but I don't know how as all I have left in my inventory is a tin of white paint.

  9. OK, picked brick from Frankenstein room and used that to defeat Randall. Now have a bunch of other stuff. Made some headway towards defeating King Kong with a somniferous-filled balloon, but then a snake comes out of the river and coils itself around me. :( Also stuck on the German side with both Pennywise and the zombie.

  10. I think I need to find a way to substitute the lid the guy is holding over his head so that I can use the lid to enclose the zombie. I then need to lock the other side with the padlock, which means I need to defeat Pennywise first (and I have absolutely no idea how to do that).

  11. Breakthrough! Jumped across red space with pogo stick so that King Kong would defeat the snake for me, and then defeated King Kong with the somniferous balloon. Woo!

  12. Now been conned by Rumpelstiltskin and stuck with him and Maleficent unsolved. Also need to find lovers for bored Cupid to unite and a costume for Juan Jose.

    Where did everybody go??

  13. Stuck with Lenay and a lot of stuff. I am at Rumpelstilzken

  14. give mobile to armor Black Firesong

  15. Then you'll get his bow and arrow to shoot on someone... ;)

  16. POP - gave Cupid the smartphone and softened Maleficent's heart with his bow and arrow. Gave Jose the Goku costume and found out Rumpelstiltskin's surname, but then the witch gets me. Also placed nest near Rumpelstiltskin's carriage, but I need to do more.

  17. Used ladder to put gems on animal face on top of locked door. New area unlocked.

  18. Defeated Dracula by placing hawk on banister and then using the extended grabber to grab the bucket on top of the coffin from the top of the stairs.

  19. Painted egg and placed it on nest, but it's not enough to make the witch fall off her broom. I'm supposed to do something with the wooden container and place it in that scene, but I can't figure out what.

  20. Where is the witch? Dont see one

  21. Defeated witch by placing log in hole, tying fishing line between it and the carriage, and placing the wooden container near there (filled with water from the lake). Defeated Fifi with painted egg on nest. Rumpelstiltskin complete.

  22. Out! Defeated Pennywise using mirror followed by balloon with splinter. Then used lid (obtained by giving the werewolf chap an umbrella to use instead) with welding mask and tools and battery to lock zombie in on the left, and then padlock to lock him in on the right. Game complete!

  23. @DocJay - the witch turns up after you tell Rumpelstiltskin what you need to to nullify the contract. He gets angry and sends the witch after you.

  24. how do you defet pennywise?

  25. (RE)HI all ☺

    as you seem to be new to post:
    welcome then to our poster poets society! ☻
    (based on the movie title «Dead Poets Society» with Robin Williams RIP)
    looking forward to reading loads of comments of yours...

    AlphaOmega AΩ
    EG24 admin
    & managing director

    muchas gracias for all your creations, Inka ☺

  26. where can I find helium for balloon?

    1. Switch to German. Pick up the deflated balloon and small stone.
    2. Go left, talk to the guy.
    3. Switch to Lenay. Use the stone on the tree on the right. Pick up the glue.
    4. Switch to German. Go left. Click on the red brick on the right side of the castle. Click there and use glue on the rocket. Go back, open the door, and enter the castle. Pick up the raspberry and brick.
    5. Switch to Lenay. Use the raspberry on the stone, then pick it up. Click on the middle tree, then use the stone on the tree on the left. Pick up the board.
    6. Go right. Pick up the paint, bottle, and costume. Combine paint and bottle, and then bottle and balloon.
    7. Swtich to German. Go to the guy and give him the costume.
    8. Go right. Put the board on the stone and the guy next to it. Get on the board and talk to the guy.
    9. Go right. Throw the balloon on the wall. When Randall disappears, throw the brick where you can see his traces.
    10. Go right. Pick up the potion.
    11. Go right. Pick up the pogo stick.
    12. Go down. Pick up the balloon and combine it with the potion.
    13. Switch to Lenay. Use the pogo stick on the other side of the red zone. When King Kong starts yelling, throw the balloon into his mouth.
    14. Go right. Pick up the umbrella, nest, and mask.
    15. Go right twice.
    16. Go down. Pick up the ladder, welder, hawk, and fishing line. Talk to the guy.
    17. Go right. Pick up the seed, stone, and battery. Talk to the pig. Give it the phone. Pick up the bow and arrow.
    18. Go left three times. Pick up the chest. Tell the witch she's not very powerful and that giving life to trees is trite. When the crow turns into a prince, use the bow and arrow on the witch. Open the chest.
    19. Go to the guy and give him the costume. Use the magifying glass on the contract. Ask the guy about the surname.
    20. Go to the castle. Put the ladder in front of the door and climb it. Put the gems in the monster's eyes. Enter the castle.
    21. Pick up the log, mirror, and brush. Combine the paint and brush, then the brush and the stone. Put the hawk on the stairs. Go on top of the stairs, then use the grabber to take the wooden container. Go out.
    22. Go left. Fill the container with water from the lake. Go back.
    23. Go right twice. Put the log in the hole and tie the fishing line to it, then put the container next to it. Put the nest next to the carriage and the stone inside it. Click on the carriage and tell Rumpelstilskin his surname.
    24. Switch to German. Go left twice. Give the man the umbrella. Cut the chain with the shears. Pick up the lid.
    25. Go right. Put the seed on the X and use the formula on it. Pick up the balloon. When Pennywise appears, use the mirror, then use the splinter on the balloon.
    26. Go down. Put the battery on the left and use the welder on it. Get into the box and pick up the key. When the zombie appears, get out through the hole, click the welding mask, and use the lid on the hole. Then click on the door to the box and use the padlock on it once it's closed. Open the chest with the key and click on the pumpkin.


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