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Epresto Riddle of Doors

Epresto Riddle of Doors is another riddle game developed by Epresto. «When you think you have found the answer to a level, change the url by replacing the previous answer with the new answer. If the answer is right, you will get to the next level, otherwise you will get a page which says: <error 404> (that darn cat!!!). Most of the time, the clues you need will be in the picture or text in the level. Sometimes, there will be eggs or additional information to find in order to solve the level. And sometimes, Google will help. There are no hints in source or exif.» Good luck and have fun! [Created and submitted by Epresto]

Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - and start your hint with R# (Room Number) - thanks!


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  1. seeking desperately to finish the riddle but its getting difficult for me.I the word loopin and found an egg,I have to do the same for the word lovely?

  2. 25: i pick letters from document but anagram gives no real word :(

  3. mishu just count,hurry up to help me with 29!

  4. 27: isee that first letter change in all except SAUCE (tried to replace S with other letter but there is no word)

    what do i need for answer?

  5. 1 -12 6 16 -10
    now what? no anagram

  6. thanks
    on 28 and will came to 29 to help

  7. R24.
    MishuAnubis, can yóu please explain to me what you did here to the first cloth? Thank you in advance.

  8. 24 do like this: TSHIRT = HSTTRI
    and so on.. then 123..

    R28: i think is t** code but what to decode?

  9. I'm very busy with preparations for Sinterklaas and work and .... so not riddling right now, but I'd like to pass R24. :)

  10. Bloody hell - I just finished Room 15 :)

    I have never slogged so much over a riddle level before.

    Woohoo - onto Room 16!!!

  11. ok, got to 29 now
    lets see ...

  12. R28 who is knocking?letters to numbers!

  13. R24.
    Thank you. I don't understand why this is inside out, but I wrote the others like that as well.
    What do you mean with 123... ?

  14. 1-1 2-2 3-3 .... to pick letters, no anagram

    R29: hm... got L**** egg, nothing with lovely

  15. if you have any progress pls post it

  16. R24.
    Thank you MishuAnubis.

  17. nothing yet, i dont understand what level wants

  18. any help on R29 much appreciated

  19. R29 egg says that numbers are worth nothing and letters are worth a little bit more. translate that to two types of digits

  20. 29: binary?
    but i have no numbers

  21. CONGRATS to Martin!

    And pleased to see progress by all :)

  22. R29
    there's something to do first. Put a spell on the words

  23. R29 as a second word i use loopin or the flower?

  24. i see two four digits numbers is that right?

  25. finally got it

    R30: do i need previous levels? i didnt save all of them

  26. Sophia: each word to h** separately
    then b*****

  27. doing bi...y gives me two 4 digits numbers is that right

  28. from h** you have letters and digits
    apply b***** on those strings

  29. thanks i was trying to find numbers than letters,goodnight to all thanks for helping

  30. Congratulations to Ellie, Edgar and Martin for crossing the finishing line :)

  31. still struggling with 30
    do i need previous levels answers?

  32. Mishu: You need previous levels

  33. Congratulations Martin and congratulations Mishu!!

  34. Congratulations Martin and Mishu!! Well done!

  35. Congrats Martin ;) and Mishu!

  36. Thank You LinR and All! :D

  37. Congrats Bjorn! Well done! Love the hair! :P

  38. R29 - Good morning :) Got the egg. I'm not sure what to do with those two words before applying "b". Can I have a hint please?

  39. R29
    Morning Puzzled :)
    Apply h** (synonym of spell or curse) to the two words. That will give you something you have to transform to get b*****, then convert to letters.

  40. R30 look at your path should spell something out

  41. Yes Mtatt100, I found out, thanks so much :)

  42. CONGRATS Sofia and Puzzled!

  43. Thanks E Presto, thanks for your work. Also, congrats to all finishers. I truly hope I meet you all again soon :)

  44. Congratulations to Puzzled and Sofia!. Well done!!

  45. Congrats Puzzled & all who have finished =) I'm getting there, but still need a little help.

    R26: I gather there's more than one egg but I only have the Arabic numerals one. I tried but idk what to do with the question...

  46. R26
    The clue that was given me was, "I never learned Latin, so I'm not sure"
    Hope that helps :)

  47. @Lisa R26, I never learned Latin either, but I am sure this hint is good :)

  48. Thanks, Bjorn. I did see that hint yesterday; I wish it helped =P I'm to use that on the egg "Why not 5 1..."??

  49. R26
    Lisa, use the hint on the word that got you to that egg.

  50. Doh! Okay, now to digest this next bit... ty EP and all!

  51. @Lisa. The egg shows a number "5.1.." which is the translation of the roman/latin numbers you have in the level. Maybe you need a bit of latin on that thing you already have in the level?

  52. I did it!! R27 now =D I'm new to riddling & had never heard of Red Luth before this game, so it's been slow-going at times. Loving every minute tho! Thank you all for the help =)

  53. Yay Lisa! Way to go! I'm so happy you're enjoying it! :D

  54. Hi! Stuck on R12
    I know what to do, but not how to do it, trying with faces and horns, I can not tell what time it is

  55. R12
    The two crab claws above the heads have a small space. Imagine a line between the two claws.

  56. Oh, 27 was fun! Got there partway on my own, and some Spanish translation took me the rest of the way (tks Puzzled & Verito!) Had to go back and count.

  57. Lol Lisa :) Go, go, gooooo ("te falta muy poquito, ánimo").

  58. Congratulations Sofia and congratulations Puzzled!! Well done!!!

  59. R28.
    I have the name, to numbers, but how to apply them on the grid?
    Or do I use them on the room-text - I already tried that?

  60. R28
    Arrie, write the numbers in pairs, and apply to grid.

  61. R28.
    Thank you for replying.
    But my question is 'how to apply them on the grid'?

  62. Cause you get the same letters again, only the k becomes a c?

  63. R28
    Wiki explains how to apply numbers to grid..

  64. R28
    Convert letters to numbers... then use that combination to find new letters in the grid

  65. Arrie have a look at the wiki page about the code.

  66. R28.
    Both wiki and Red Luth show the use of the grid :).

  67. Arrie, I think you're going wrong where I did. Letters to numbers in the simplest way first (no code needed), then apply those to grid

  68. R28.
    Oh, Lisa, thank you. Let me try that.

  69. ... and Bjorn I now see.
    How many letters in total? Cause I get a Q in the result.

  70. R28
    6 letters ... and no Q's

  71. Got it, Arrie? I'm waiting for you in 29; lots to think about in the hints here =P

  72. yes Lisa I solved it. But it's bedtime for me.

  73. Well done! Goodnight then; I could use a break myself =)

  74. Congratulations Laurie W, welcome to the world of riddles!

  75. Congratulations Laurie W.

  76. This was great.
    It is important to ask the right questions. Thank you all for trying to answer mine ;-) That must have been hard heheh.
    And thank you all who asked in the right way. The answers you got, helped me :).

  77. That means you finished? Congrats Arrie and all other finishers, well done :)

  78. This was fun as well as challenging--a real brain workout! Thanks to all who offered hints, as I would have been lost without your help. A big thanks to Epresto for this wonderful game.

  79. R15
    I have 5 eggs but I do not know what to do with them

  80. R15
    Overlay all your eggs. You should get some letters, then ask granny for help.

  81. Ah, done at last! Thank you for the many days of fun, E Presto =D Thank you to everyone for the hints; couldn't have done it without you all!

  82. After a break, I came back and luckily got R16 and R17 quite quickly.
    R17 - I've been listening to that show for a few years, my mum introduced me to it, and my first answer was the whole 'game within the game' lol

  83. CONGRATS Lisa!!!

    Pleased to see you Mackem!

    R17 Love that show!

  84. R18 I have 5 eggs and I use every number of them in these levels, specifically in the url. but it seems that this is not correct, I can not understand how to use them... Any push please? Thanks

  85. R18
    Pichi, each egg you have has a number and a word. Use the number on the word. If the word is too short, go back to the start and keep going.

  86. R18.
    I need egg level numbers and have to apply them on the hotspot words. Somehow.
    Is that correct?
    The Newbie 12/1/18, 11:33 AM
    R18 ... yes :)

    Does this help Pichi?

  87. E Presto: that's exactly what I do, and anagram but it does not work

  88. you're counting through the hotspot words Pichi?
    so 7 through the word little = l?

  89. arrie: hotspot words are not the answers from the url?
    in them it is where I count, but maybe they are words of the texts?

  90. R18.
    No, not the answers in url, but yes, the ones that are highlighted in the text.

  91. now I slowly count to 10 and you will response with ...........

  92. Thanks you arrie and E Presto! I counted in the wrong place.
    On 19!

  93. Thank you LinR.
    Good to see you back at it, Mackem; good luck!

  94. R20
    Very lost here,(have 2 eggs) after reading again and again all the clues I still do not understand how to use the egg on the grid, what directions to follow, just start from top to bottom and to the right ...?
    No idea how to do this

  95. Pichu, one of the eggs tells you what you need to do. Yes, the direction on the grid is top to bottom, then move right & keep going; always top to bottom.

  96. *pichi, that is; so sorry!

  97. Lisa King "top to bottom, then move right" Once here, what do you want to say with keep going? start in the 2nd column from top to bottom? I still do not understand

  98. Congrats to sofia, puzzled, Laurie W and Lisa King, well done!

  99. Thank you to E presto for your help me on R20!

  100. Yes Pichi; keep going like that till you reach the end.

    Thanks Donas!

  101. R21 I have the names I try anagram but nothing... What is the next? I have read here: looking per column. No idea what columns

  102. R21
    Pichi, line up the names and read the letters in columns

  103. Congratulations Lisa King! Well done!

  104. Thanks, Verito, and thank you too, E Presto. I missed responding to you way back there =)

  105. Congrats to Lisa and Arrie :)

  106. R29 stuck with the egg, I have read the comments but I do not understand them, how to convert the 2 words to h *** and then to b*****

  107. ahh, this room is special Pichi!

  108. The two words in the room should be converted to h**.
    Letter by letter.

  109. You understand what h** stands for? I didn't, but someone mentioned to find a synonym for 'spell'.

  110. or 'curse' as mentioned in the room.

  111. Hello all, just dipping back in again and I'm on R20, I've completed the crossword grid and got the egg. I'm now trying to apply that to the grid octally. However I'm getting very mixed results.

    I've snaked down then up then down etc, gone down then started from the top of the next one etc, spiralled all around until I got to the middle, however, I still can't get a proper word.

    Any help will be very appreciated.

  112. R30
    I have everything before, but I do not know what to do with them .
    a clue?

  113. R30.
    Molly, all images relate to a room number. Write those numbers down and start walking from 1 to 30.

  114. R20.
    Mackem, it's not down en up etc. but only down, so after down first column continue going down second column.

  115. Thank you @arrie, I'll try that again.

    I've only found one egg though. Reading back, some people have found a second. Is this significant?

  116. I only have one as well, don't know about a second :).
    You understand how to convert the grid to the code?

  117. @arrie, I think so. Is it the octal string I spoke of earlier? Therefore column 1 plus the first of column 2, then the remainder of column 2 plus the first 2 of column 3 etc...

  118. okay :), I just wanted to be sure.

  119. Well I'm glad you're sure. I'm anything but lol

    I'll give it another go though, thanks for your time.

  120. LOL.
    You know, the octal thingy always starts with the same one, and I don't mean one.

  121. And now I'm not!

    Thanks @arrie, I knew I knew it, but I was probably entering the wrong bits into the translator.

    Onto 21 :)

  122. thanks arrie Nl

  123. Ah, great Molly!
    And Pichi!

  124. Sorry I haven't been in here to help lately.

    CONGRATS Pichi and Molly!

    Mackem, so happy you're still playing!

    I also want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone for all the kind and encouraging comments in the hof. It makes me feel this riddle has achieved it's purpose : something that can be enjoyed! And it makes me want to create more! So THANK YOU!

  125. Wow, I totally didn't realise there was a new riddle up. I can't even solve Room 1 :( The last question isn't in the movie!? I've tried c*****t, b*****o*d****, a***... nothing works :/ HELP!

  126. BlackBlackFireSong
    R1, you are on the right track. You need a word and anumber. Enter the naswer in the url without a space.

  127. R21

    I've seen the hints about columns so I've tried several ways to line up the body parts including the way suggested by the pic. However, I'm not getting any sense out of it :(

    Can any kind person give me another hint please?

    Just for info, I have 5 words - 4, 5, 7, 8 and 11 letters.

  128. @BlackFiresong

    Did you get out of Room 1 yet?

  129. R21.
    The number of letters per word are from top to bottom as the picture tells : 7 7 7 5 4.
    Write the found words under each other. Somewhere in there a word can be read.

  130. I think BlackFireSong did not continue.

  131. Thanks @arrie, I must have a different skeleton lol.

    I'll see if I can find the same one as you!

  132. Okay, I got the answer, thanks @arrie :)

  133. we are all different, Mackem! yw :)

  134. I took out 'Meta' and that did the trick.

  135. Hmmm, R22 has me a bit stumped. It seems that most people have breezed through it.

    What's my starting point?

  136. There doesn't seem to be any correlation between the strips.

    Should I fit them together shapewise? It doesn't seem likely...

  137. R22.
    No, don't combine them.
    You have to look for numbers, that can be found in mosT wo rds.

  138. Ahh. I was looking for words that smashed into each other. I'll go and look again for numbers instead.

  139. Okay, I have a phrase now.

    Working on it. I used to be in construction so I should get this soon.

  140. Got it lol

    Nothing to do with real construction.

  141. Sweet Jesus, Room 23 looks like it needs some concentration.

    I'll leave it alone for now and have another go tomorrow.

    Thanks @arrie and goodnight.

    PS: If anyone wants to give me a starter for R23 please feel free ;)

  142. I love Jesus as well Mackem ...
    The text below the pics explains how you can move around with the four parts of every picture.
    Goodnight :).

  143. @EPresto - I apologise for my tone yesterday. I was just very frustrated by my own inability to solve the very first level when everyone else seemed to be able to do it very easily. :/ I'm going to give it another shot today with fresh eyes and hopefully get a bit further.

  144. The word-number clue really helped!!! Thank you for that, EPresto. That was really non-obvious, though, so I'm not sure how everyone else just breezed through it. :/ To anyone else stuck on Room 1 - Google the first two questions to get the movie and the scene (if you aren't already familiar with it). Then look up the person asking those questions in the table of the cast on the Wikipedia page for the movie, and that should give you the answer.

  145. For heaven's sake. I went through ST's Hell of Flames and I'm struggling on this like I've never played riddles before. :/

    I have found 7 hidden things in the picture, but I've tried all the results from Granny and none of them work. Do I need more than 7?

  146. ^^ Sorry, that comment is referring to R2.

  147. Aha! I was missing a sneaky one near the bottom-left of the picture. Onto R3 now. My brain is being highly unsupportive today. Lol.

  148. Really sorry to have to ask a question on every level. But the only hint I can see about R3 is that counting is required and the rhyming is significant. I've tried counting and anagramming everything under the sun and nothing works. Could I please get a bigger shove? :/

  149. Aha - I needed to consider each couplet as one in my counting to get 5 letters. I had been trying to get 10 letters. One of my counting efforts gave me BAD CABBAGE, which I thought was rather funny. xD

  150. No problem, I was not offended Blackfiresong :)
    R3 try reading just the rhymes out loud. You should hear a word.

  151. Thanks, E Presto! I managed it :) Now struggling on R5. I think I get the gist of what I'm supposed to do, but I'm only getting gibberish.

  152. OMG. I had it all this time, but I just didn't take the egg literally enough. LOL!

  153. I've got into the swing of this now and am enjoying it. I think my brain just loses its solving abilities in between riddles. xD

    Could I get a hint on R14? I know the cipher in question, but I don't see how looking at the f**t helps, and I don't understand how to relate f**t to the text of the pic...

  154. R14
    Look at the f**t of the l*****s in the song. One word will give you one letter.

  155. @E Presto - does f**t mean l**t l****r? Because I tried that and got 6 letters, but they weren't useful :/

  156. R14
    BlackFiresong, no it means the bit right at the bottom, the lowest part. 6 letters is what you'll get though.

  157. @E Presto - Afraid I'm still lost :(

  158. @E Presto - I tried using m**** c*** on the notes - so a d** for the first one and a d*** for the fourth one and the l*** l****r for the other four letters. But taking those letters to Granny only gives me one option, which doesn't work. I'm concerned I may be overthinking this...

  159. Also tried using the d*****g m*n code and taking all the letters with f**t like the ones in the pic (apart from the one actually in the pic) to Granny, but that's too many consonants...

  160. R14
    You're right with m**** c***. Each word (from the "song" in the pic)will give you a letter. Imagine erasing the top part of the words, so that only the very bottom (maybe a pixel high) is left.

  161. @E Presto - thanks!!! Got it :D

  162. Back for a short while.

    R23 Am I looking for 5 or 10 characters?

    If it's 10 characters, is 5 or S the first one?

  163. Actually, it could be E or 3 too.

    So many possibilities. Intuity will have to play a large part here I think.

  164. Now I have a 2 lol

    And possibly a zero


  165. @Mackem, R23 it's five total and your second thought sounds good.

  166. R23
    You're looking for letters only. You can only rotate the quarters, not swap them with others.

  167. Morning all! I'm stuck on R17. I found the name of the show (I think), but I'm not familiar it at all. Haven't found any eggs or anything. Could I please get a hint?

  168. ... POP is real. I just found two eggs. I'd tried the name of the show in the URL, but I'd missed out the first word, lol. xD

  169. Got it! I had heard of that game, but didn't know it was from that show. It sounds like a fun show - I might have to check it out! Lol.

    Onto R18.

  170. Just got to R22 - now breaking for lunch. Thank you all for leaving invaluable hints!!!

  171. Way to go BlackFiresong!
    12/12/18 1:51pm Arrie left a good hint for R22.

  172. OK, I genuinely have NO understanding of what to do on R23. I've copied the image of the 5 squares into Paint and tried randomly rotating them, but it hasn't got me anywhere.

  173. I swear POP is a magical thing. The moment I ask the question, the answer comes to me. o.O

  174. New page!! Congrats, E Presto :)

  175. Aaaand I'm out into colour :) Thank you for a lovely riddle! I'm glad I came back to it and played it through. :)

  176. wow! That was quick! CONGRATS BlackFiresong!


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