Epresto Riddle of Doors is another riddle game developed by Epresto. «When you think you have found the answer to a level, change the url by replacing the previous answer with the new answer. If the answer is right, you will get to the next level, otherwise you will get a page which says: <error 404> (that darn cat!!!). Most of the time, the clues you need will be in the picture or text in the level. Sometimes, there will be eggs or additional information to find in order to solve the level. And sometimes, Google will help. There are no hints in source or exif.» Good luck and have fun! [Created and submitted by Epresto]
Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - and start your hint with R# (Room Number) - thanks!
Note: Please do not post direct answers - hints only - and start your hint with R# (Room Number) - thanks!
New riddle by Em way to go
ReplyDeleteGood to see you mtatt100 Enjoy the game
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Elpresto
ReplyDeleteThanks Epresto! I'm in.
ReplyDeleteThanks Epresto, look forward to playing
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing to see all the "old regulars" come back to EG24 to support one of their "own".. Otherwise, they are MIA
ReplyDeleteany help at R3?
ReplyDeleteIt's a really bad poem, but at least it rhymes
thanks E Presto!
ReplyDeleteim still stuck in room 1
ReplyDeleteR1, google is your friend.
ReplyDeleteHi all, hope you enjoy the riddle
Hi Enjoy, these old regulars like riddles so they come back when a riddle is released. That's all there is to it. I hope we get some new regulars from these mind teaser games. If stuck, ask for help, if you can help, give hints for others.....like the good old days.....
ReplyDeleteDonas. Any issues, email me directly: loki.serves@gmail.com Thanks for looking after the thread.
i suck so bad at these. i dont even know why i try
ReplyDeleteJinx McGee, see if google can find those questions
ReplyDeleteJinx McGee, seek the Holy Grail !
ReplyDeletedon't understand how to input the answer. For example, if the answer is "snow" what do I type in for the answer
ReplyDeletemommyb, if your answer is snow, it would look like this
Ah a new riddle thanks for making Em :)
ReplyDeleteOh lovely. A new riddle. How exciting. Thank you E Presto.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to see some excited players! I hope you all enjoy it!
ReplyDeletelevel 1 made me laugh. LOL
ReplyDeleteSo far yes E Presto, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm in room 5, I think about what the man said ...
ReplyDeleteCould I get a hint please?
ReplyDeleteArrie, try listening to what he says
ReplyDeleteFor one thing, try saying it out loud
thank you.
ReplyDeleteRoom 3, read the poem but nothing comes up, can I get a hint please?
ReplyDeleteR3, counting will lead to an egg that should help
ReplyDeleteR5,is it about numbers and if so where do we choose from?
ReplyDeleteThe only important part is what the old man says
R4 - Are the clothes supposed to spell something? Those pants look like a "V", but everything else is pretty vague.
ReplyDeleteTry naming each piece
I like the puzzles and so forth, but it really wouldn't be to hard to make a wrong answer just redirect back to the same puzzle page instead of showing 404 and it would make gameplay much smoother
ReplyDeleteEscaperPaper, if I knew how to, I would have made a wrong answer keep you on the same page. Sorry if it spoils the riddle for you.
ReplyDeleter3 tried recounting (after egg) tried rearranging letters that got me to egg... what am I missing?
ReplyDeleteRobin I like the way that egg rhymes Listening should help too
Excellent, a new riddle. Thanks for this E Presto.
ReplyDeleteGot level 1 okay (funny), but not sure where to start on level 2. I've seen the hidden text, but can't find them. If that makes sense
Any help welcome.
Naming each piece...
ReplyDeleteJeans/Pants, Shorts, Shirt, Skirt, Dress (could also be skirt), T-Shirt.
Not many anagram matches for JSSSDT...
1054, you need to find out if your words are correct.
ReplyDeletewhere could you try that?
ReplyDeleteLook closely
Try the names
Mackem, perhaps you can take a closer look?
ReplyDeleteThanks E Presto, got it now.
ReplyDeleteR7 a little boost?
ReplyDeleteR7, Sofia, have you found her gift?
ReplyDeleteR6, tried counting letters, words. Tried to look at each line a unique riddle but nothing with that. Can I get a hint please
ReplyDeleteDid you see what she gave you?
Donas727, so I reread the egg and did what it said literally and it took me to R6?
ReplyDeleteR4 - The names are subjective. Jeans, dungarees, denims, slacks, and pants are all possible names for the first item. Throw in a colloquialism, and it opens a whole world of possibilities.
ReplyDeleteThis level is too vague, and appears it will be my stopping point.
ReplyDeleteNo counting needed, first line is a play on words.
ReplyDeleteyou can check you have the right names
Robin, just a little too literal for R3, lol. Look at each couplet and say them out loud
ReplyDeleteI too hit the wall at Room 6.
ReplyDeleteR6, Arrie, for "the" answer, maybe look at the 3rd line, what words might you call a boy child?
ReplyDeleteAh thanks Donas
ReplyDeleteGot the egg on l3, but can't move forward. Yes there's a rhyme, but I can't see the relevance or use it to solve the riddle
ReplyDeleteDonas, I scrolled through a list of boys' names, very nice. I'm not good at these puzzles .
ReplyDeleteBut had help : one word in the first line with a double meaning and oh, yes, knowing the answer .... I now see the boy child.
Phew, thank you.
R7 do I have to name the contain of the gift or count something?
ReplyDeleteMackem, look at each pair of rhymes and listen for a common part
ReplyDeleteR7 some counting is needed
ReplyDeleteThanks Donas, I'll try that, not sure at the moment though, I presume this refers to the original level, not the egg....
ReplyDeleteR7, there are two different things to count on the gift, try combining them.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I got it now. Thanks for the shove. Onto level 4
ReplyDeletei think i made a boo-boo. i typed what i thought was the answer to room 2 and it took me to room 24 O.o
ReplyDeletelol Jinx, me too.
ReplyDeleteso arrie, if you figure it out, give a hint to a sister =]
ReplyDeleteJinx, lol yes what you tried isn't answer to room 2
ReplyDeleteJinx look closely at the picture, you might find some things in it
oh lol i'm blind. i actually had to lean in lmao
ReplyDeletethere are many hints on room 2 here Jinx, and E Presto added an extra push
ReplyDeleteah lol.
ReplyDeleteLevel 4.
ReplyDeleteI've checked the items and found all of them except number 3. It's clearly a j.....t or a b....r, but neither are accepted!
Any tips?
ReplyDeleteTry a s...t
Oh, for gods sake, it's what you wear under what it looked like lol
ReplyDeleteLOL Mackem
ReplyDeleteGot it, onto level 5.
ReplyDeleteHey EP, I like this
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad to hear that Mackem
ReplyDeleteR7 still stuck, not sure what to count as per hinted above, I know she gave f*****s, but not sure what to count from there.
ReplyDeletedid you get the egg page Robin?
I'm with you robin, I don't know how to count with them through the text either.
ReplyDeleteArrie, for R7 you don't need the text that way
ReplyDeleteno I didn't even find an egg E-Presto, tried counting all sorts of things but not getting anything but 404
ReplyDeletethank you, I also tried using them on their own, lol. Same result.
ReplyDeleteBut Robin, you mentioned what the girl gave you!
ReplyDeleteDidn't you take a look at them ??
Robin, maybe try mouse over her gift
ReplyDeletearrie, sometimes it's valuable to count multiple things
ReplyDeleteI am completely blinded by the bright light of room 8. I tried a bucket of paint but can't see clearly. Is that the right way?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it would be easier to see if there was less light?
wow, ok just did, thanks arrie, but still not sure what to count.
ReplyDeleteoh, you could mouse over her gift! I hadn't noticed.
ReplyDeleteYou really have special tricks, E Presto.
ReplyDeletetwo thing to count on each, put them together
R8 thanks, I was 'blinded' but 'feeling' good now
ReplyDeleteR7 I am just not seeing it, tried counting separate parts of gift, tried mouseover but not finding anything more than I see without it..... can I get a bigger push please.
ReplyDeletemouseover was to help find egg page. It sounds like you know what to count, now think digits.
oh ... there's no hint to do that, is there? Or am I overlooking that?
ReplyDeleteOn level 5 are we counting, or is it simpler than that?
ReplyDeleteAnd why is Nein 8?
I'm stopping for now. Still not getting anything readable. Perhaps tomorrow will be better
ReplyDeleteThanks E Presto. I'm enjoying this one.
R7, some have two digits.
ReplyDeleteah, there are digits and numbers. It IS late, thank you Dutchie, I think I understand now.
ReplyDeleteI thought I had to count the lines in digital numbers. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteNein isn't 8, listen to what he says to find the numbers you need for counting
thank you Dutchie, that was the push I needed, onto R8
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid it's my bedtime now (work in the morning) but I'll be back here tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile go on asking for hints when you need them! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hint EP, but I'm bushed right now.
ReplyDeleteI'll have another go tomorrow after work.
R8 do I need red luth or something similar to decipher what I see? cause I am not finding the proper cipher if so.
ReplyDeleterobin, you will need additional help to see, that light is blinding! Red Luth can help you
ReplyDeletethank you donas onto 9
ReplyDeleteHave identified clothing items on R4 but no clue what to do with them? Also, have found no eggs; was I supposed to by now?
ReplyDeleteR4, Lisa King, try what you identified as an answer, that should help for eggs
ReplyDeleteLisa, if you identified the first item correctly then you have the first letter, so if the are all correct then you should get letters 1,2,3 etc
ReplyDeleteRoom 14 has me stumped. Maybe I am not looking for the correct thing. Should I be looking at the picture or the text.
ReplyDeleteThanks Donas. I tried the whole string of words, which goes nowhere. Struggling...
ReplyDeleteR14, Hi Lin, the picture is what you need, but it has text too
ReplyDeletelisa, did you get the ok on all of the words?
ReplyDeleteOh just saw your comment, Robin. Yes,I have six letters that do nothing. Why am I so dense??
ReplyDeleteR9, do I use the math on the text if so how? tried by word and letter and then per sentence and then counting letters combined with sample math on side... not getting anything legit
ReplyDeleteLisa so you have your First letter (1), your Second letter (2) should fall into place... 1-1 2-2 etc
ReplyDeleteI am stuck on Room 4 - I have identified all the articles of clothing, but now what?
ReplyDeleteR4 use letters 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, step it up
ReplyDeleteArgh, thanks Robin!
ReplyDeletelol enjoy, that was a hint not a demand...lol
ReplyDeletegot the egg on 5 after reading what the old man says out loud. Count again?
ReplyDeleteEnjoy ... . not sure if you need the count
ReplyDeleteugh.. don't know
ReplyDeleteWhat was your question?
ReplyDeletewhat do you do after the egg on 5? won=one etc
ReplyDeleteyou question was... count again? don't think you need the count.
ReplyDeleteyes, count for a letter each line
ReplyDeleteI did that and it have me an egg. "Tryagain" ugh.. I am too dumb for riddles
ReplyDeletesorry, I never found the egg, on R5, just the answer so was a little confused...each line has a "won=?" apply each to the line it is in
ReplyDeletethen don't "try" Enjoy
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, literally do what your egg says
ReplyDeletedon't "count' or "try" just.....
ReplyDeleteDonas can you give me a shove on 9, tried math everywhich way and not getting anything but jibberish,
ReplyDeleteRobin, for R9, if you get a total for your math, it should remind you of something, set that up like the equations and look for a way to use the other part
ReplyDeletedonas. if I add all the totals I get 30, if I just use each sum I get jibberish, what am I missing? already tried first word fifth letter etc... just getting nothing
ReplyDeleteR9 Just add the equations up you should get a familiar figure that you then use the numbers in the middle
ReplyDeleterobin, 5 sums, you should check your math
ReplyDeletedo I need an egg here I see the letters and the letter from the bigger picture but don't anagram
Mtatt for R15, several eggs to find, no anagram
ReplyDeleteI have already done the side.. know what that is.. its how to apply the middle without jibberish and only getting 5 sums? do I delete the copy?
ReplyDeleteRobin Try to write the sums using letters in the form as shown on the left then pick using the middle numbers
ReplyDeleteR9 robin, if you make a grid with your sums, sometimes it takes two bits of information to coordinate your answer
ReplyDeleteI'm off for now, good luck all
ReplyDeleteR9 I've been stuck on it for a while now, I hope to see something (help) tomorrow when I take it back. TIA and goodnight all.
ReplyDeleteVerito, for R9, how could you get the 5th one and why is that answer familiar. Apply the sums to that 5th answer.
ReplyDeleteEP, it's just fine and your games are lovely. Just a suggestion, I'll keep playing if you keep making
ReplyDeletemorning, a little help with lvl1 to get started? not sure where to find a hint
ReplyDeleteDazz Ley. Google is a good place to start.
ReplyDeletethanks LinR, but am afraid I exactly have no idea how to get help from it, tried everything for hours, tried kris's hint, no luck, i'm so bad at these. should i type something? can you give one small help as to what to type or anything?
ReplyDeleteRoom 10. Tried to google pic, film, maker, song, group, looking for a lyrics or something where someone got eaten. Not sure what i need.
ReplyDeleteDazz Ley, google the three questions, read some dialogue and find out where the old man is from. the answer is a word and a number.
ReplyDeletethank you confused!
ReplyDeleteR 10 find who the pic is supposed to be find the song put them together .Read all about it
ReplyDeleteR9 pls help,I have to write the words six six six eight twentysix in a grid or sth else?I dont get it
ReplyDeletethanks mtatt, i will try!
ReplyDeletesofia, make a grid of squares six,six,six,eight. what 26 things could you write inside the squares?
thanks confused!
ReplyDeleteHave the egg but fail to see how to move on also noted another missing line is that relevant ?
I cant solve R12. I thought it could have been the language with flags in different directions. What should I do with all their faces?
ReplyDeleteMade it to room 12 (thanks for the hints all) but now stuck, tried waving the flags and also tried feeling my way through but no luck so far. Can I get a hint please?
ReplyDeleteduchie, I solved it now.
ReplyDeleteWhat time is it?
Hammer Time ... no just joking hint is good lol
ReplyDeleteR13 is it about drawing lines?getting hard for me,five letters?
ReplyDeleteThanks confused On 13 now!
ReplyDeleteyes Sofia you have to draw
ReplyDeleteMaybe try to find why it was necessary to remove some parts
I dont know why, but in R2 i couldn't get the hint to show up on my work computer, but was able to bring it up on my home computer
ReplyDeleteR16 I cant make the connection between the 2 pieces google just gives me the song tried to think literally for "more "but he didn't work
ReplyDeleteR13 hard for me to do it,always lines pass through other lines!
ReplyDeleteJinx, the hint was removed, as it led to too much jumping forward!
sofia, maybe starting with the cat (can only mak one letter). The rhino would be an easy letter next. then you have less space for the last three.
ReplyDeleteyes,these are the two i found easily,having difficulties with the rest!
ReplyDeletesofia, lower crab goes right first.
ReplyDeleteSofia Try the armadillo next
ReplyDeletethanks mtatt100 and confused
ReplyDeleteSee the 6 letters on room 15 but can't find any eggs Can I get a hint please?
ReplyDeletecheck the url
The pic on R14 looks like a popular cipher and first seem to spell a possible clue? Could I get a hint please?
ReplyDeleteR14 is mor.e or less a familiar cipher. Text gives hint where to look in pic.
ReplyDeleteTried making an omelette with the eggs on 15 - it didn't taste nice at all, did I miss an ingredient?
ReplyDeletehmmm did you combine your ingredients?
Cee Bee, I think maybe you did.
ReplyDeleteThanks Epresto and LinR, I have a tasty omelette now
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hints on room 15 but now stuck in room 16. Found the egg but no idea how to use it. Tried what it suggests and replaced a word but still nothing.
ReplyDeleteR16, Dutchie, try finding instead of replacing
ReplyDeleteR14 i know the cipher,but how do i seperate d..s and d....s properly?
ReplyDeleteR14, Sofia remember what he says is important, each word gives one
ReplyDeleteThanks Donas, now the egg made sense with the number of words
ReplyDeleteR14 Sofia check the feet of the words in pic
ReplyDeleteThanks for clues on 14 Now on R15 and have found 6 letters and see the url. I've tried grandma... but am not getting anything legible? Any hints here, please.
ReplyDeleteR15, The Newbie, granny won't help until you find some eggs, try using each letter 1 at a time
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm back in the saddle.
ReplyDeleteGot R5 and now onto R6.
I've seen some of the hints but I'm still a bit puzzled. Gonna crack on though and solve it
ReplyDeleteConfused, thank you so much.
Staring at second egg of room 17 for quite some time now but nothing comes up. Is number of left and shape of right important?
ReplyDeleteR17, Dutchie, google should help
ReplyDeleteWarning: Next comments will be on the next page
ReplyDeleteDutchie, yes, shape of right is important and keep in mind where you started.
That was the push I needed, thanks
ReplyDeleteR15, Found an egg about waiting for ALL the light to go out? What am I missing?
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