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Zoe and the Polypantheon

Zoe's waited her whole life for this exact day: a field trip across the seas to the newly excavated Temple of the Polypantheon, where there's a shrine for seemingly every god in existence (and Zoe is a sucker for gods). But when Zoe accidentally-maybe-on-purpose gets locked in the temple overnight, strange things start happening. Things that shouldn't glow begin to glow, and ancient beings stir. Zoe must figure out how to appease the gods ... at least until the electricity comes back on.

POINT-AND-CLICK INSTRUCTIONS: Click on items in the world to pick them up or interact. Double click an item in your inventory to examine it. Some items can be combined; click on one inventory item and then the other inventory item to combine them. Select an item in your inventory, then click on an object in the world to interact with it.

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  1. LOvely fun game! Very creative. Stuck with prickly item, need another god to sacrifice a pot to, and possible numbers clues...

  2. Oho, there's more than one item up high...can't find the third ending now...

  3. I've tried here and other sites but it won't finish loading. Disabled the adblock, but nothing.
    Maight be my pc

  4. I haven't heard of any other loading issues, perhaps a local server issue.....

  5. I wish there were some kind of hints somewhere. I'm so stuck!

  6. No idea on how to move chest, and door code orginating from where?

  7. There's a lot of clues in the reading material! For the heavy chest, you need an item from one of the gods, but you need the door number first...which clue is on another item from another god...
    ˙˙˙sɥʇɹıq puɐ ɥʇlɐǝʍ ɟo sǝʇɐp ɹoɟ ʞool 'ısɐuɐ oʇ ǝɔıɟɹɔɐs 'ʇod uı ʇǝɥdɯɐd ʇnd

  8. Thank you EscaperPaper. I put the pamphlet in the pot, but I don't have the god yet I guess.

  9. thanks, but can not sacrifice pot. Pls leave hints, will check later.

  10. ˙ʇı ɥɔɐǝɹ ʇ,uɐɔ ı ʇnq uoƃɐɹp ǝɥʇ ɟo doʇ uo ǝlıʇ poƃ ǝɥʇ ǝǝs uɐɔ ı

  11. got a dagger by giving the wine to the lion god

  12. have a mask and monkey hair now from sacrifices

  13. Moving again:

    sǝoɥs ƃuıʎlɟ ʇoƃ puɐ pɐǝɥ sıɥ uo sƃuıʍ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ǝlıʇ poƃ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʞɔıdʞɔol ǝɥʇ ǝʌɐƃ ı

  14. cut my hand with the knife
    any help anyone?

  15. Val...the monkey hair will

    ɹǝʍɐɹp ǝɥʇ uo ʎǝʞ ʇɐɥʇ ǝsn uǝɥʇ 'ʇı ʞɔılɔ ǝlqnop noʎ uǝɥʍ ʎǝʞ ɐ oʇuı uɹnʇ

  16. Information messages get screwed up when you go to full screen and then back.

  17. Hermes with the flying sandals was also the god of petty thieves...

  18. 3 exit puzzle, taken from the floor, next to the chest of drawers, a man with a beard. He was given a red belt or hoop .. The door opened.

  19. Another way out is to give the type of bear to the kofety. And the way out is, like an octopus, to give the dagger with blood.

  20. Can't find the "god" piece to give the knife to. Anyone know how to get it? I've finished endings 1 & 3, so this is my last one.

  21. POP! look closely at bookcase.

  22. Super game!! No way in heck they did this in 48 hours tho LMAO


    Main Scene
    Collect candle, pot, wine(by the door), stick and Cheez Puffs. Something is stuck under the cabinet but it is too heavy. There is a mirror in the window and an object on the dragon's head.

    Collect the pamphlet, candle, matches and god wedges from drawer and hatstand. Read the pamphlet and diary carefully for clues about the gods. Read the note on the wall.

    Collect 3rd candle and place all three on the altar. Place the god wedges. Light the candles. Move the pointer to each god and put their sacrifice in the bowl.
    Sekhmet- wine
    Haruman- stick
    Nephthys- Cheez Puffs
    Collect knife, monkey hair, and tiara

    Double click the hair to get a key. Collect lockpicks

    Donate lockpicks to Hermes. Collect flying sandals

    Main Scene
    Use sandals to collect mirror and god wedge.

    Donate mirror to Amaterasu. take sun orb and combine with tiara. Combine pamphlet and pot to create pot of wisdowm. Donate to Anansi. Collect hint.

    Main Scene
    Read note on right side of door. combine dates from three clues to find keypad number -6024 and open door

    Staff room
    Collect god wedges from chair and book shelf(3rd shelf middle), candy and leftovers.

    Place god wedges and donate food to Cuchulainn. Collect mighty belt.

    Main Scene
    Use belt on cabinet to collect god wedge

    Place last wedge.

    Sacrifice to Baldur- any item

    Sacrifice to Gummy Bear- candy

    Sacrifice to Cthulu- combine knife and hand, donate bloody knife.

  23. don´t have the nerve to do so much reading - this is not why I come here fore. If I want to read I take a book.

  24. @EscaperPaper

    You're right! We made this game in 72 hours, not 48 hours. Additionally, the version uploaded here (I have no idea who uploaded it) is our final, post-jam version. If you want to know what our team was able to produce in 72 hours, feel free to check out the original submission here:

  25. Hi Carracka, I posted the game here. Normally, we don't allow url's to be added in game threads comments but this is a great game and you are a very talented developer so your post shall remain. I also welcome you to submit games and we will gladly host them. I thank you for this game and hope to be thanking you again soon.

  26. Forgive me: Carraka, I mistyped your name.


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