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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. @molly the 2nd egg tells you what to do on the main level, from there you can get the 3rd egg

  2. for looking for bonus lvls, should I look into the eggs too?

  3. @Hotaru, nope. You don't need to look very far at all if you start all over.

  4. @Ellie thanks, it was a big big hint, I found that page but still couldn't get anything from the p*********

  5. Keeper,
    Download it to look at the p*********

  6. Lvl 23: am stuck with the first one, especially with the 1.1.4. So sad there is no egg there, I miss my omelette!

  7. I checked a lot them but I did not find anything in the p*********, so I guess I can't identify the right place

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @hotaru, you will hear when you have the right one.
    check info in p********* after it's downloaded and saved on your computer.

  10. thanks Elli, I know that, but I still don't know from where to download, guess i must do all of them or to start to think more clearly :D

  11. @Eric, lvl 23 I never figures out what it reffered to (1.1.4) just checked only a few possibilities with the colours

  12. @Hotaru: the problem is that there are so many possibilities!! Ok then, will check them all.

  13. @eric, the 1.1.4. is a help to find a shape. Find the song, and apply the numbers to the text.

  14. Hotaru, it's not a level or an egg.
    Ellie gave a great hint: you will hear when you have the right one.

  15. thanks, unmuting the window somehow helped ;P however I guess I checked everything there and did not find anything special in the p*********

  16. ok, everything except just one, finally got there!

  17. Congratulations to all finishers of End and Halfway HOF :)

    Lvl 40 – I have the egg but can’t find a good path to apply it. I’ve tried on many sentences/words and also picking “those” letters and anagramming but nada de nada. Help please?

  18. Need help on lvl 49. I have 1 rotten egg with a bold word, but I don't know what it means.

  19. thanks for the hint, in 48

  20. @pipi--lvl 49I didn't find any eggs on 49, but I found the answer. The level title is important. It is aking to level VII, way back in the first 50, but you might need to look at things a little differently from what you did there.

  21. @Puzzled, lvl 40 -- The egg suggests the path to use. Does it bring a certain number to mind? Find a path that relates to that number.

  22. @Laurie W lvl 40 – Thanks :) Yes, I know the number. My problem is that for as much as I try I am not finding the right path. Not sure anymore about the start point (center? corners?). Also, do I have to follow sentences/words or just go around picking up letters that relate to that number and then anagram? I’ve been trying several gibberish and sentences using the number but I am completely lost in this web. That monster will eat me any minute now. Poor me (sob sob) :)

  23. @puzzled, from center to the edge will do it - follow a path. This gives you only three different letters to choose from as starting point.

  24. Thanks, Laurie, but I can't understand the connection between the title of the level and lvl VII. Can you explain to me, pls?

  25. @Puzzled--there is a word composed only of letters relating to that number. No anagram needed. The starting point is near the right edge of the pic.

  26. @pipi--what did you do to find the answer to level VII? Do something very similar here, but at the other end.

  27. But that's how I got the rotten egg.

  28. pipi,
    Did you notice the url of the rotten egg?

  29. Yes, and I tried also answers, text... Nothing

  30. I have been staring at Bonus Level 1 for a long time now and I can make nothing out of it. I can't find a logical way to progress.

  31. @lin, a hard lvl since it's about some kind of expression. Find another way to say what's in the paper, that someone who's in the url would say (wordplay).

  32. @pipi, focus on the most recent ones, and you seem to be doing the right thing... but dont forget to look in the end.

  33. Thank you Ellie. I have it now. Not an expression I have ever heard anyone say in the same context as what is on the page.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Lvl 49 I am now even more confused.
    I focused on the most recent ones and I got a rotten egg. I don't know what hind means. I noticed the URL and tried to pick letters from other things with no result.

  36. @pipi, hind means kind of "rear/back". You got the egg from taking first things. Now, try last things instead (but remember the egg url).

  37. It didn't take very long to run out of ideas on Bonus Level 2. Any hint is appreciated :)

  38. @Ellie and Laurie W - lvl 40 - Thanks so much for your support, but I am still stuck. I don't get further than 3 letters in 3 different paths which of course are not working. When I try to find a 4th letter, none relates to the number. I am supposed to follow the link lines, right?

  39. I'd love to return the favour , Ellie, but all I have on Bonus Level 2 is a funny rotten egg.

  40. Bonus level 2
    The text on the pic is not 1 word, but 2 words. So use the hint according to that!

  41. @puzzled, previously you looked for letters with increasing amount of links. Now, you need to find a path with letters all having the same amount of links (how many should be clear after the egg). 9 letters, no anagram. It kind of follows the same pattern as the first egg-word.

  42. Thank you, Ellie, finally on 50

  43. Finish! Thanks to small-tool and for all who helped.
    It has been a beautiful adventure! I wait for the next

  44. @Ellie and Laurie lvl 40 :) Thank you !!! I finally found it. My mistake: everything, from the start point to the way to read. Actually, I deserve to be eaten by the monster. Yes.

    Nah, I better keep going, onto lvl 41. Thanks again :)

  45. yay @pipi!
    Lol @puzzled, noone deserves to be the dinner for that thing! You had it all wrong, and yet managed to make it all right instead. That deserves a: yay!

  46. Congrats Pichi and all other new finishers :)

  47. Some push to find the bonus levels? I've been looking at the 100 levels, but this is confusing where they can be

  48. finished!! thank you all for the help and congratulations to ST

  49. I can not find the bonus levels, one clue please?

  50. CONGRATULATIONS to all the recent finishers YAY!! :D

    Molly: did you check out everything on the final page, the last frame in the strip gives 2 clues. Look up for one, the other is a special colour. There are a number of earlier hints that should tell how to use those 2 pieces of information.
    Hope that helps

  51. Lvl 41 - Any hint on how to make my 3rd egg "more specific and simpler", please?

  52. Puzzled: Lvl 41: the things you found that lead you to the egg are all the same sort of 'egg word'

  53. Just getting here today. Thanks for the lvl 13 help, Ellie! Idk why I couldn't get it to work last night. Fingers-crossed 14 goes well; I see numbers... =P

  54. New finishers again in both HOF's :)

    Congrats Mishu and Pamster00

    The Halfway There Heroes

    Congrats Pichi, Molly Lena and Namnet :)

    The Hall of Fame

  55. LVL 19 - Hey everyone, been gone for a long time. I really need to caught up. So, level 19, I've followed the past hints, but don't really understand much, I've draw a line, but nothing really pops up. How do I pick letters?

  56. Finished! Yay!
    Thank you, small-tool for this great riddle. Thanks also to all of you who helped me on the way.

  57. @Namchokdef: don't draw A line but draw lineS instead. Once done, it should be obvious.

  58. Bonus Level 1 is the answer related to 2 words (6 letters in total) or a 5-letter animal (these are based on Google search and Ellie's previous hint)? Tried many combinations but it just wouldn't work

  59. Keeper,
    Bonus level 1 is a very tough one.
    It's an American expression.
    Yes it's two words 6 letters total.
    N. B...

  60. Thanks s-t! I kept trying n* m***........

  61. @Eric911 : Hmm........ it's not really becoming obvious to me. I can see one letter popping out from connections of eight, but then I don't know if i'm looking at the right one or not. The lines just looks like it just connecting the top and bottom pics.

  62. Namchokdef,
    There's something between the top and bottom pics.

  63. @Namchokdef if you have found all "eight differences", draw lines to connect them together in an order that they make sense

    Bonus Level 2 I can't stop laughing when I see the rotten egg! Tried many words with that length but of course nothing happened

  64. Bonus level 2 - can't even get the rotten egg... any hints?

  65. lvl 40,because of my poor English I cant decode all the great hints,so if someone could help me to start, at least to find the egg, I would be grateful.

  66. Staring at Bonus lvl 2 for hours. Ive got a (rotten) confirmation egg.

  67. Wow, congrats to all the finishers!! your riddles are so addictive s-t, i came back to see if i could make progress and see everyone is finishing up.

    Lvl 48 bit stuck do i lay the letters out so a= -13 and z= 13? i am not getting a great word picking that way, tried a=1 and a=-1 but still nothing usable

  68. @small-tool : Oh! There's the Q**st**n!... But that's all I got from the hint, elimination?
    @Keeper : I.... kinda don't really understand the draw lines clue at all, the lines I can see is lines alternating from top to bottom to connect all 8 diffs.
    This level, I'm totally blind here. No ideas spark into my head.

  69. Robin, your first interpretation is correct. Try using another anagram tool if you can't get a word in the one you're using

  70. @the artist each letter in the pic has different number of lines connected to it. You need to find a path that makes a word, and the level text is a hint on how many connecting lines each of the letter has.

  71. @Namchokdef if you have done it correctly, you should spot 16 "things" (8 in each pic). After connecting them together you will know what to do next

    @Robin do you remember level 16?

  72. @aaaasa: you have two words. One tells you where to go and the other tells you what to look for when you are there. Its not very far from where you found the first

  73. thank you aaaasa, onto 49

  74. Ohh! I see it now, the "lines" I've drawn earlier wasn't straight! That's why I can't see anything! I drew a quick connection using brush tool....
    I'm kinda angry at myself now....

  75. Thanks Namnet! onto lvl 3 now.
    For bonus lvl 2, s-t has a very useful hint above that there are 2 words in the pic, not 1

  76. Namnet, Smalltool gave a hint to me earlier on this page for Bonus Level 2. On what gave you the egg you must start at the beginning for both words.

    I'm stuck on Bonus Level 4 with a confirmation rotten egg. I have tried a lot of similar things and other terms for what is in the picture with no luck. Am I missing a clue?

  77. Thank you Linr and aaaasa! Looking at Bonus lvl 3 now

  78. Bonus lvl 3 - I think the numbers represent levels, am I on the right path? Tried using urls, answers, titles, but nothing seems to work here

  79. @ceebee lvl 41, thank you very much :) Onto 42 now.

  80. lvl 50- what ever I do, I get letters d o h e. huge hint would be appreciated

  81. @flowerbird below is a very helpful hint from aaaasa:


    aaaasa 4/27/19, 7:21 PM

    Cardinal, the letters on the pillar tells you what the bases are. They are the result of converting number 13 to the bases you need. For example, if the pillar has the letter J, you know the base is 13, because 13 in base 10 is 10 in base 13

  82. LVL 22 : How to get to the egg? I just got the obvious rotten egg. I've saw past hints about the common thing in 6 pics, but can't really find which common it is.
    PS. Wait, there's bonus levels after the second 50? I really need to catch up!

  83. @Namchokdef: this comment by pipi should help you find the letters for the egg.

    pipi 4/21/19, 8:45 AM
    robin, for lvl 22 - colours, location, lenght, letters.

  84. lvl 25 egg:

    There are no hints for this egg, so I know it's straightforward, but I suspect my brain has gotten stuck in the wrong rut again.

    I expected to use the same alphabet, but no matter what I choose, I can't get a word: the text from the level, the word that got me to the egg, consonants, vowels, letters that show up certain numbers of times...

    I'm stuck.

  85. CandiC, it's the same alphabet. Try converting the egg word into that alphabet, the converted word is a hint on how to pick letters from the egg pic.

  86. @aaaasa : I seems to only got the obvious letters, but other 3 I can't figure it out.

  87. @Namchokdef:
    color - some of them are not as colorful as the others
    location - do you know where these locations are?
    length - look at the name of the locations and count their letters
    letter - look at the last letter of those names

  88. @aaaasa : Got the last 3, although not quite sure of locations, as there's 2 common locations I've found. Still can't find the color, is it ****e? Will take a break for today, maybe tomorrow I can come up with something.

  89. Lvl 43 - I found 2 good eggs (c******** and b********). I can't find the third egg. Tried playing with their names, but I am getting nothing (apart from the ftf egg). Can I have a little hint, please?

  90. Puzzled, I am confused by the egg you have starting with the B. You seem to be missing the egg in the middle so I'm not sure you have the correct egg. The C... egg should lead to an egg when you add a letter to each.

  91. @LinR, thanks for answering :) Yes, the C* egg hinted me to add a letter, I did so and ftf the words (9 confirmation eggs) and got the b* egg (two words). Now I am not able to find a third egg.

  92. Okay. You need those letters you added for another egg.

  93. @LinR - Thank you :) I had tried that but apparently made some typo and abandoned that idea. Lesson of the day: check, recheck, re-recheck .... always :)

  94. @lin, i didn't find any rotten confirmation egg for bonus lvl 4, so im not sure what you're trying. To solve the level you would need some instructions.

  95. @aaaasa, some of the numbers could relate to lvls, but that would be the dead end/wrong path of the riddle. What would that look like?

  96. Can someone give another hint for how to get to the bonus levels? I've seen the hints about looking at the p*********, and I have found the page where the green text is, and I have downloaded, but then I get stuck. Am I supposed to look through what seems like a zillion pages of code to find--something? I don't know what is normal, so I don't know how to know what is not. Do I need some app or software I don't have?

  97. Bonus Level 4. I think I have found the instructions I need. I've also found the rotten confirmation egg, so pretty sure I'm in the right place. However I can't seem to find the correct instructions to follow to get to the answer. Can I get another hint please.

  98. Laurie, it looks like you may have downloaded the entire web page. Click on the green and it will open another page. Sometimes it doesn't download properly from the main page so it is best to download it from the page that opens up. Right click there to download what you need. When it is on your computer you can right click the icon and and the a box will pop up. Look at all the pages in that box to find what you need.

  99. @ceebee, if you are at the right place, you need to look for the right format.

  100. Thank you Ellie. Very embarrassed as I have had that information since yesterday and was over complicating it.

  101. Thanks, LinR. I found what I needed.

  102. Lvl 15: Been wallowing here a couple days trying to figure out how to low-tech this (no printer). Can someone tell me how many letters I'm looking for? One for each of those strips? Are they 2-D? I tried cutting paper & eyeballing it but couldn't make anything out of most of them.

  103. lvl 15
    Letters are 2-D
    Every strip is a letter.
    It is two words (4 letters - 3 letters), no anagram. Normal words but the combination is unusual.
    You could use a pencil and tracing paper on your monitor to get the strips, but you can just draw them too. No need to be very exact, the only important things are the folding lines. They need to be quite exact. Most of them are 45 degrees folding lines (meaning the folded corner will be 90 degrees!).
    The white parts are facing you when folded and the shaded parts are the back sides when folded (meaning: the backsides of the backsides facing you, so still part of the letter).
    Good luck :)

  104. Yay! I just finished lvl 50!!! Thanks all for your advise, I would never ever had been able to reach the end without your help :)

    @Lisa, lvl 15 - yes, one for each strip. I don't have a printer either so I put a paper on the screen and draw (including grey/white areas) & cut & folded the pieces. Mind the title of this level, you need to literally do some origami.

  105. New finishers again in both HOF's :)

    Congrats Rovena :)

    The Halfway There Heroes

    Congrats Robin, Flowerbird and Puzzled :)

    The Hall of Fame

    ps. Former finishers, you might wanna check the funny eggs congrats page again. Yet another player has made a great poem inspired by a level ( thanks Pamster :) )

  106. Bonus lvl 3 - I am asking for help again. How to interpret these numbers? I tried digital clock

  107. pipi,
    The first column (the first half, talking about the first half, also a well known background, right?) only certain numbers are used (there's a reason why I couldn't use other numbers).

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. lvl 44,a lot of possible words to find,is there any special trick to use?

  110. @the artist: there is a theme. Once you've found a word you will notice it. There is a confirmation egg for all the correct words.

  111. thanks namnet,a lot of work to do though!

  112. Bonus level 3 after reading s-t's hint I kind of imagine what's the trick behind, but no matter reading the numbers in what direction, still do not get the answer. Is there any more hint please?

  113. Keeper,
    What's the difference between the first half of the riddle and the second half of the riddle?

  114. lvl 20 Been stuck on egg "You need a tool to do so."
    Have tried every tool I can think of: lever, pry, X-ray, knife, saw, drill, . . . Need a hint, PLEASE. Thanks!

  115. @P3P did you try a tool beginning with c?

  116. Thank you, Keeper! Several days and never thought of that obvious tool. Moving to 21.

  117. @s-t thank you, finally through to bonus level 4

  118. On Bonus Level 6 I found an unpleasant rotten confirmation egg that was rather obvious. The correct method, however, seems to be hiding from me.

  119. Bonus Level 4 got a rotten egg and a rotten confirmation egg, it's time to sleep but feel free to drop me a hint =)

  120. Bonus lvl 4
    Both the rotten egg and the rotten/confirmation egg come from the place where the real answer is hiding in plain sight too.

    Bonus lvl 6
    The very bottom line in the mail is important!

  121. Wow, can't believe how blinded I am last night...
    Finally past lvl 22, I got into a far, far different directions.

  122. Lvl 25: I've been struggling for days now on this one and still at the same point, i.e. nowhere! Have read past comments and hints but still don't get how I can FEEL it (have an idea anyway) and especially how. Any help's welcome.

  123. Eric911

    fOr sure
    You can feel
    Useful words in the pic.

  124. I'm stumped on lvl 27. From the chats I understand I must go back and look for differences, but where? between which ones?

  125. Bonus lvl 4 I know the place I should search for the answer and I read the text hundred times, but I just can figure it out. I read the hints, but I still need a push, please.

  126. Hancock, you are on level 27. There are 26 levels before that.......

  127. Pipi one bold thing gives more information than you really need doesn't it.

  128. Eric911 Lvl 25 I think I know your issue. I believe you are looking at it backwards, like I did. Flip around your thinking. Don't feel for the words, find the words and then feel!

  129. Thank you, Linr. I got it.

  130. Holy Moly do I ever have so much catching up to do! Caught something flu like and finally feeling so much back to Lvl 2....and still stuck! :)

  131. Thank you S-T & Puzzled! Ah, two words--hence the gap. I was folding, but was not an exact attempt because I didn't trace. My laptop monitor is touch-screen and ticklish when touched =D Will give it a go though.
    Congrats to all the new Hall of Fame members!

  132. LVL 27 I cannot tell what is in the picture. I know from past hints that I have to go back through the previous level and look at the titles but I don't know what to compare them to? As in, how is the title of level 5 going to be different from itself?

  133. Chael615, the image on 27 are levels used in building projects. As for looking back if you look at my post a little earlier you should see a hint as to what you need to look at.

  134. bonus lvl 2... i read the hints about here being 2 words on the pic, tried mixing the text and visiting granny but not getting anywhere, cant even find the egg everyone is mentioning? what am i missing?

  135. LinR, I appreciate your help but I have no clue what your prior hint refers to. I was looking at the word "level" in each level and looking at the level number but getting nowhere. Could I get a little more guidance please?

  136. Chael615. When there are 26 things in a row it usually refers to the alphabet.

  137. Chael615, I'm stuck here too but LinR helped me make progress. Run through all the levels with your browser, reading the titles and you will see the pattern...there are 5 spots where the pattern is broken. I have picked letters from these broken spots but cant make a word

  138. Hancock,
    5 spots indeed, but you need 10 letters!
    Think about it.

  139. Thank you soooooo much LinR (and Hancock too!)! Finally got through that one. It is crazy how some levels that are hard for some come easy and others that are easy for everyone else are a real pain.

  140. I am still stumbling around on Bonus Level 6. I can see a couple of letters that may be missing and half a reference to maybe another page. I can't see how that can relate to the egg at all.

  141. I'm stuck on Bonus 6 too. I have a gross looking egg, which is probably the one that LinR is referring to - hmmmm. Given the earlier hint, I've tried a few things - some half-heartedly, but with hopes that they would lead to another egg at least, (hopefully a better looking one), but so far I haven't made any progress. Another push is the right direction would be appreciated.

  142. Well I've beat my head against a wall long enough, time to ask for more help. lvl 27 (still) I know I need 5 sets of 2 letters and I know how to choose them..but must be choosing one of those sets wrong. Is the title to lvl 21 "Eggshell"? Also, is the title to lvl 1 "Adorable"? I am not sure b/c the words are part of the picture on each of those lvls. If the answer is yes to both, I'm still stumped!

  143. **~SHARON~**
    You came back!! So glad you're better =)
    I hope I can help you a little, but I've been riding the struggle bus the whole way this half =P

  144. Hancock: Lvl 27: It seems you are using the right things, look again at lvl 21 - something might be hidden from your view. I don't understand 'Adorable' for level 1 - look again at where you started.

  145. NVM, finally saw the error of my ways on Bonus 6 :)

  146. Nevermind. Got it now. I had it all the time I just didn't add A to B. Kicking myself hard now.

  147. Any suggestion where to start bonus level 7? I believe the colour of the text is a hint but haven't found out how to use it

  148. Would love to help Keeper, but haven't found how yet either. :(

  149. Bonus lvl 4 - I've found the page it asks me to go, and has looked at it for hours but still not getting it... any help pls?

  150. @aaaasa you need to visit granny for the answer

  151. Still making zero progress on bonus level 7... even tried using a foreign language in that colour but not getting anything

  152. Keeper, I tried asking granny for the egg word, FTF on the sentences in red and FTF on the sentences in bold but couldn't get a word. Can you please give me a little more push here?

  153. bonus lvl 7
    Remember the level XLVI trick?

    This page might solve your problem as well.

  154. aaaasa, bonus lvl 4: look for some numbers

  155. See if you get any inspiration from LinR's hint (it was actually this hint which helped me out). If not, try to look up THIS page.


    LinR 4/30/19, 10:27 AM

    Pipi one bold thing gives more information than you really need doesn't it.

  156. On bonus lvl 5: does this creature represent the a******t?Is the different shade of the coloured parts important?

  157. @pipi once you find out what the creature represents, you will feel what the shades mean after a few trial and errors

    @s-t not sure if I get your hints, but there's no notice here! (noticed some missing letters compared with previous page but nowhere to apply them)

  158. Keeper,
    There is no notice, but there is a now.
    After that Google loves to help you to reply.

  159. Keeper, by "more information than I really need" do you mean the numbers? cos I don't see any extra information in the bold things :(
    And how many letters do I need to use? Tried converting the numbers, using the level titles, but still going nowhere

  160. @aaaasa "more information than I really need" may mean, for example, examples. If you get some numbers, you may try converting them in the most simple way.

  161. LVL 24 know about the letters in the text but no matter what I pick, granny refuses my letters. Used paint to enlarge and drew lines to the letters, nada

  162. lvl 24
    It's 12 letters and it's no anagram. It starts with TH

  163. Lvl 25: thanks s-t and Chael615, reached the egg at last! You were right Chael, I think I did the things backwards too!

  164. @s-t thank you, I think I found something that you mentioned though it didn't tell me how to reply. Let me think about that

  165. LVL 31. Am I looking for Pal*******s because I only see one in the text? I also tried looking for words with a** and o* and using the first letters from those words. I have the rotten egg but I cannot find the good egg. Can I get a push, please?

  166. LVL 25 Egg : Finally caught up! I don't know what to do in the egg though, the same method? Not seeing anything to use same method though.

  167. I need new big hint on bonus lvl 5, please.

  168. Keeper, thanks for your hint. but I'm still not getting anything. Tried converting the number in t**********, converting all or some of the numbers found on that page, converting all numbers in red, but nope :( Must have missed something really obvious here...

  169. @Chael615 not exactly p*********, no need to focus on all letters

    @Namchokdef the answer for the egg has 5 letters, do you see anything if you apply the b****** of those 5 letters to the egg?

    @pipi what do you see if you look DOWN?

  170. @aaaasa: Are you on Bonus lvl 4?

  171. @aaaasa did you try to "use some format" to convert? :)

  172. @Keeper thank you sooo much! I WAS missing something really obvious lol

  173. @Keeper : I see 14 letters, but granny won't help, am I doing something wrong?

  174. @Namchokdef if you read the letters column by column, you probably can see it

  175. Thank you, keeper for help on bonus 5. Finally I understood what it represent.

  176. Ohh! Thanks @Keeper!
    I've gone completely blinded on 2 levels, and those 2 requires you to be completely blinded. Wow.
    On to LVL 26!

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. I am with Keeper on Bonus Level 7. I have found something as well and I can not see how to use it. I have tried entering some of the words but that just feels random.

  179. Im also at the same place on Bonus lvl 7. Tried a few things that seams to fit.

  180. Bonus lvl 7 - if you found that thing, listen to it and you will know how to reply

  181. Thank you aaaasa. Got it now. Kicking myself as I have seen that trick before.

  182. For bonus level 7, not listening is also ok but what you see in the first Google search result is just not enough, need to check the second or third

    Any help on bonus level 8 please? I am so bad in s-t's maths!

  183. LVL 26 : Will try again tomorrow, but got the general concept of linking sentences to A*******, don't know how to link it though. Saw Ellie's hint about own letters, but don't quite understand it.

  184. Namchokdef, 1 = A, 2 = B.....

  185. @Keeper: For bonus lvl 8 google is very helpful. I'm stuck on the EGG of lvl 8

  186. bonus lvl 2, still not getting anywhere, have been staring at it for days, tried seperating words, combining words, looked through all levels to see if anything clicked... looked up the original pic. it must be something obvious i am overlooking, havent even found the egg that is needed to solve. anyone able to give me a push please? have read the hints of 1 word is 2 but its not clikcking for some reason

  187. Bonus lvl 2 - I can't find the rotten egg .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.

  188. @Keeper Ok. So I am trying to find the words that have a 121 kind of pattern in them but I am not coming up with anything. I try to collect all of the ones and then all of the twos and even using the first letters of the sentences those words appeared in. Am I on the right track?

  189. @LinR : Where to count? The sentence itself? The words in it? Or something else?

  190. @Namchokdef There are 26 sentences. For sake of brevity, let's just call the first one "A" and maybe the second one "B", etc.

  191. Bonus lvl 2 - remember there's a level with a bunch of tools? search carefully for clues there

  192. Namchokdef, A = a, B= b

    Robin and Puzzled, Bonus level 2 - There's a place to find your tools.


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